Election depression

A lot of people feel the same way, PF. We know what we would get with Hillary and it's unacceptable. We can't do worse than her. She is probably the only person in this country who would actually be more detrimental to our nation than Obama. Trump may not be ideal but he's sure as hell better than Hillary Clinton.

Plus, if Clinton wins (please don't let it GOD) ..... we are all in for a Third World Atomic War.

For sure.

OK. Is there a point at which you will finally admit your claim is stupid? After a year that she doesn't cause an atomic war, will that be enough? 2 years? Her second term? Just how quick do you think she will do that. Is there an expiration date on your crazy claim, or is it open ended like all your other conspiracy theories?
A figurative atomic explosion is how Hillary reacts when faced with a valid question for which she may be held accountable.

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Trump, whatever his faults, supports Republican reform - for example he has strongly criticized Bush II's Iraq War.

Hillary, on the other hand, represents the most corrupt, venal, mercenary, depraved, conscienceless, unprincipled, loathsome, twisted, arrogant, autocratic, egotistic, mendacious, fraudulent, incompetent, bungling, vicious, heinous, debased, hateful, grim, worthless element within the Democratic Party. Every Democrat should be working overtime for her defeat. The Democrat Party can only truly reform when the Clinton dynasty is dead and buried.

So the choice is easy.
A lot of people feel the same way, PF. We know what we would get with Hillary and it's unacceptable. We can't do worse than her. She is probably the only person in this country who would actually be more detrimental to our nation than Obama. Trump may not be ideal but he's sure as hell better than Hillary Clinton.

Plus, if Clinton wins (please don't let it GOD) ..... we are all in for a Third World Atomic War.

For sure.

OK. Is there a point at which you will finally admit your claim is stupid? After a year that she doesn't cause an atomic war, will that be enough? 2 years? Her second term? Just how quick do you think she will do that. Is there an expiration date on your crazy claim, or is it open ended like all your other conspiracy theories?
A figurative atomic reaction is how Hillary reacts when faced with a valid question for which she may be held accountable.


With the horrible temper she has, she is not fit to be President!

Once, the witch, threw a Bible at the head of a Secret Service agent. Can you imagine? :wtf:

And that is nothing compared with all her criminal history.

She is one sick B.
A lot of people feel the same way, PF. We know what we would get with Hillary and it's unacceptable. We can't do worse than her. She is probably the only person in this country who would actually be more detrimental to our nation than Obama. Trump may not be ideal but he's sure as hell better than Hillary Clinton.

Plus, if Clinton wins (please don't let it GOD) ..... we are all in for a Third World Atomic War.

For sure.

OK. Is there a point at which you will finally admit your claim is stupid? After a year that she doesn't cause an atomic war, will that be enough? 2 years? Her second term? Just how quick do you think she will do that. Is there an expiration date on your crazy claim, or is it open ended like all your other conspiracy theories?
A figurative atomic reaction is how Hillary reacts when faced with a valid question for which she may be held accountable.


With the horrible temper she has, she is not fit to be President!

Once, the witch, threw a Bible at the head of a Secret Service agent. Can you imagine? :wtf:

And that is nothing compared with all her criminal history.

She is one sick B.
To be sure, she is one crazed lady with an agenda. Capricious, mercurial and toxic for the American people.
Many people think both Trump and Clinton are horrible. But consider: the established media has constantly, unfairly attacked Trump while often covering up for Hillary. So Hillary's reputation is deserved.

Remember Trump was a racist because he didn't disavow David Duke?

All nonsense.

Remember how Trump treated Alicia Machado so terribly?

More nonsense.
I'm voting for Trump because he's not the established Dimocrat candidate.

Trump seems to work very hard. He has been going and going like madman since announcing run for President. EVERY DAY. No sick days. All over the country.

SHE has to be carried to the ambulance er....scooby van. Five of her Staff is taking immunity from prosecution or the "fifth". You can't make this stuff up.
He won't pick any of them on that list that was given to him....do you really think he's a Patsy? He's just telling them he will, for their vote...
There is a silver lining if Clinton gets elected as well....she will be the downfall of America. You can't keep creating laws and regulations that puts MORE out of work and bring in MORE people to put on welfare and expect the system to stay solvent. Get armed,relocate to a nice white rural area and organize with your neighbors etc and just wait. We are. We are moving within the next week to a town we know well and we know people in it. Arming will come next. Fortunately we got a place with a nice basement in it so that helps....If this country can't be saved by Trump then let it be completely destroyed by Hillary and the ensuing race war completely and forever destroy any hope of a united states of america again.

How I feel when I think of a Hillary presidency....100% like that because I will have NOTHING to do with it nor will I abide by ANY laws she passes signs etc. She can go fuck herself with regards to my 2nd amendment rights and my free speech rights.
There is a silver lining if Clinton gets elected as well....she will be the downfall of America. You can't keep creating laws and regulations that puts MORE out of work and bring in MORE people to put on welfare and expect the system to stay solvent. Get armed,relocate to a nice white rural area and organize with your neighbors etc and just wait. We are. We are moving within the next week to a town we know well and we know people in it. Arming will come next. Fortunately we got a place with a nice basement in it so that helps....If this country can't be saved by Trump then let it be completely destroyed by Hillary and the ensuing race war completely and forever destroy any hope of a united states of america again.

Please name an Obama regulation that put people out of work and on welfare. In doing so, tell us how many people were displaced and demonstrate that it was said regulation that directly led to the displacement.


And...fuck your race war.
No matter who gets elected, we are headed for some dark times, not just because of our two candidates, but primarily because of our fiscal state and the threat of Islamic terror. Thanks 0bama for that.
Despite the dark times, at least with Trump, we can still preserve our rights and liberties for ourselves and generations to come. With Hillary, the darkness gets darker, and we potentially lose everything.

I'm voting for Trump, but preparing for Hillary. After all, most voters are idiots.

You can thank Baby Bush for the terrorists. And anybody who says they are voting for Trump has no right to call others idiots. None at all...
There is a silver lining if Clinton gets elected as well....she will be the downfall of America. You can't keep creating laws and regulations that puts MORE out of work and bring in MORE people to put on welfare and expect the system to stay solvent. Get armed,relocate to a nice white rural area and organize with your neighbors etc and just wait. We are. We are moving within the next week to a town we know well and we know people in it. Arming will come next. Fortunately we got a place with a nice basement in it so that helps....If this country can't be saved by Trump then let it be completely destroyed by Hillary and the ensuing race war completely and forever destroy any hope of a united states of america again.

You are the Confederate loser of the 21st century. Go hide in your basement. Nobody gives a shit about you or your political hackery.
With the horrible temper she has, she is not fit to be President!
Once, the witch, threw a Bible at the head of a Secret Service agent. Can you imagine? :wtf:
And that is nothing compared with all her criminal history.

She is one sick B.

She has proven over and over again that she has more experience than the Misogynist. And her temper has nothing on his.
A lot of people feel the same way, PF. We know what we would get with Hillary and it's unacceptable. We can't do worse than her. She is probably the only person in this country who would actually be more detrimental to our nation than Obama. Trump may not be ideal but he's sure as hell better than Hillary Clinton.

Plus, if Clinton wins (please don't let it GOD) ..... we are all in for a Third World Atomic War.

For sure.

OK. Is there a point at which you will finally admit your claim is stupid? After a year that she doesn't cause an atomic war, will that be enough? 2 years? Her second term? Just how quick do you think she will do that. Is there an expiration date on your crazy claim, or is it open ended like all your other conspiracy theories?
A figurative atomic explosion is how Hillary reacts when faced with a valid question for which she may be held accountable.


Somehow the possibility of Hillary getting angry about something doesn't sound quite as bad as the claim that she would cause an atomic war.
There is a silver lining if Clinton gets elected as well....she will be the downfall of America. You can't keep creating laws and regulations that puts MORE out of work and bring in MORE people to put on welfare and expect the system to stay solvent. Get armed,relocate to a nice white rural area and organize with your neighbors etc and just wait. We are. We are moving within the next week to a town we know well and we know people in it. Arming will come next. Fortunately we got a place with a nice basement in it so that helps....If this country can't be saved by Trump then let it be completely destroyed by Hillary and the ensuing race war completely and forever destroy any hope of a united states of america again.

You are the Confederate loser of the 21st century. Go hide in your basement. Nobody gives a shit about you or your political hackery.
Step foot in my yard bitch. Nuff said. I actually look forward to getting revenge on so many people...and just eliminating the traitors from my midst. For the worst I will just throw them to the coons and let them eat them....once mommy government isn't around to take care of the coons they will resort to their animalistic behavior and cannibalism won't be far behind!
There is a silver lining if Clinton gets elected as well....she will be the downfall of America. You can't keep creating laws and regulations that puts MORE out of work and bring in MORE people to put on welfare and expect the system to stay solvent. Get armed,relocate to a nice white rural area and organize with your neighbors etc and just wait. We are. We are moving within the next week to a town we know well and we know people in it. Arming will come next. Fortunately we got a place with a nice basement in it so that helps....If this country can't be saved by Trump then let it be completely destroyed by Hillary and the ensuing race war completely and forever destroy any hope of a united states of america again.

You are the Confederate loser of the 21st century. Go hide in your basement. Nobody gives a shit about you or your political hackery.
Step foot in my yard bitch. Nuff said. I actually look forward to getting revenge on so many people...and just eliminating the traitors from my midst. For the worst I will just throw them to the coons and let them eat them....once mommy government isn't around to take care of the coons they will resort to their animalistic behavior and cannibalism won't be far behind!

Yep, no sign of mental instability there.
Step foot in my yard bitch. Nuff said. I actually look forward to getting revenge on so many people...and just eliminating the traitors from my midst. For the worst I will just throw them to the coons and let them eat them....once mommy government isn't around to take care of the coons they will resort to their animalistic behavior and cannibalism won't be far behind!

I'm guessing it's night time Stateside and you've had a quart of moonshine...

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