Election fraud is a right wing myth




And you tools want millions of mail in ballots floating around?
It's the only way democrats can stay competitive
That is a lie.

You wish.

And you tools want millions of mail in ballots floating around?
So, all the Florida retirees who overwhelmingly vote republican and are afraid to go to the polls don’t get to vote?

That becomes an easy pickup for Biden.
All the Florida retirees are New York Democrats.


In Nevada, True the Vote filed a preliminary injunction to challenge the Secretary of State’s imposition of universal mail in balloting, where ballots are mailed wholesale to every registered voter without the legally required request, and Clark County’s decision to illegally mail ballots also to inactive voters and to hire illegal ballot harvesters.

In Virginia, True the Vote filed a preliminary injunction to stop the Virginia State Board of Elections from designating everyone in Virginia as “disabled” as a means to illegally allow all voters to request an absentee ballot, even though current law passed by the Virginia State Assembly prevents them from doing so. This action will result in disenfranchisement of voters, since Virginia election officials are not equipped with the resources needed to handle a mass influx of mail ballots, and they do not have procedures in place to guarantee that all eligible voters will receive a ballot.

To date, True the Vote has taken legal action in New Mexico, Nevada, and Virginia, with plans to engage in more states as necessary, where groups are taking steps to usurp the rule of law and remove critical safeguards that guarantee free and fair elections.



And you tools want millions of mail in ballots floating around?
Yes. Vote fraud is rare, and almost invariably carried out by republicans.
And yet real examples are never posted, but Democrat corruption is. Why is that?

And you tools want millions of mail in ballots floating around?
So, all the Florida retirees who overwhelmingly vote republican and are afraid to go to the polls don’t get to vote?

That becomes an easy pickup for Biden.
All the Florida retirees are New York Democrats.


Not all New York retirees are Democrat and many have not gone to Florida (it's too hot).

On March 24, 2020, supposedly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Republican Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske bent to demands by Democrats and state administrators and announced a plan essentially to abolish in-person voting and conduct, instead, the June 9, 2020 primary election by universal mail-in balloting. According to the plan, all active registered voters in Nevada automatically will be mailed a primary-election ballot for mail-in voting. Voters are not required to take any action or steps, such as submitting an application, in order to receive a ballot, as required in traditional absentee balloting.

On April 16th, in a separate state court lawsuit, Nevada Democrats sued to force Secretary Cegavske to mail ballots to every name in the voter registry, not just active registrations. Additionally, they seek to weaken current state rules that invalidate ballots because of mismatched signatures and prohibit vote harvesting.

Now that Secretary Cegavske’s administrative fiat faces a legal challenge from True the Vote, the Democrats must support the Secretary’s anti-Constitutional actions in the federal court case so that they can then sue the Secretary in state court to further expand an agenda that will destroy the rights of Nevada voters and establish a legal precedent ripe for national application in November’s elections.
I like getting the local story on these sort of things. I learn things like Hawkins is paid $101,500 per year in Southfield as the city's clerk.

This line gave me a kick: "Sherikia takes pride in using unconventional methods to engage the community in voting," the website says.


Current and former workers from the ITIN processing center tell Eyewitness News they have "raised red flags" to their supervisors about documentation that appears to be fraudulent. They say those complaints often go unheard. Raising concerns and asking questions about individual ITIN applications is actually discouraged, according to the IRS workers, because that takes time and slows down the approval process.

"You're there to give them this [ITIN] number. You're not there to judge," said a former ITIN processing trainer.

"What do you mean 'you're not there to judge?' If you don't judge the validity of these documents, who is?" asked 13 Investigates.

"No one. This is how they're getting these [ITIN] numbers," the trainer replied.

That helps explain what some Indiana tax preparers see on a regular basis: illegal immigrants who get big tax refunds by sending the IRS paperwork that doesn't match.

Here's an example:

Victor filed a 1040 tax return, along with a W2 wage statement from his employer to show how much he got paid in 2011. But the 1040 and W2 submitted to the IRS have different names and identification numbers. Victor's 1040 lists "Victor" as the taxpayer and shows an ITIN number. The attached W2 is for someone named Jose, and it shows a Social Security number.

It's not a mistake.

"That's what happens," explained the tax preparer whistleblower who provided the documents to WTHR after crossing out last names, addresses, the last six digits of each identification number and all other identifying information. "A lot of these undocumented workers usually get a hold of somebody's Social Security number to get a job, then they use that number with an ITIN to file tax returns."

"As a tax preparer, when you see the Social Security numbers and names don't match up, why would you still send them in together?" asked Segall.

"Because the IRS tells us that is how we're supposed to do that," explained the tax preparer. "Regardless of what that W2 says, as far as the Social Security number, the IRS guidance on this says you file the tax return using their ITIN number, attach the W2 to the return and from there, they handle it. And how they handle it is they pay out thousands and thousands of dollars on those."

He's right.

And you tools want millions of mail in ballots floating around?
Yes. Vote fraud is rare, and almost invariably carried out by republicans.
And yet real examples are never posted, but Democrat corruption is. Why is that?
Lol, did you forget the last North Carolina election already?
THREE OF A KIND: The Post’s Candice Giove bought a driver’s license, Social Security card and green card, all for $260.

It’s a passport to trouble — and it can be bought for just $260 on the streets of Jackson Heights, Queens.

In just one hour, The Post was able to buy a phony green card, Social Security card and New York state driver’s license from a stranger on a corner — all of which could serve as a gateway to obtain legitimate IDs.

The cards are frighteningly real — convincing enough to fool creditors, potential employers and security at buildings and even the airport.

Experts said the biggest fear is that these IDs are being bought by people who slipped past border crossings.

“You get that legitimate ID, and this one goes away,” said John Cutter, retired NYPD deputy chief of the Intelligence Division, as he tossed the fake Social Security card in the air.

This has been going on for decades......to get by on the I9 forms to work here.........Illegals have Social Security numbers and fake ids.......work here.............pay taxes.........get the big tax credits..........and THEY ARE ILLEGAL.

Yet the left almost always says......it's illegal they can't vote........lol


I guess none of you idiots bothered to read these links. The first link deal with 20 votes, the second looked like it was 3 votes or so that were in question and the heritage foundation, if there figures are true, found 1,300 voter fraud instances SINCE THE 1970s out of 100s of millions cast If not billions of votes cast over the past approximately 45 years. Trumpers stop making fools of yourself with this voter fraud lie.
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I guess none you you idiots bothered to read your links. The first link deal with 20 votes, the second looked like it was 3 votes or so that were in question and the heritage foundation, if there figures are true, found 1,300 voter fraud votes out of 100s of millions cast. Trumpers stop making fools of yourself with this voter fraud lie.
BS...........without the illegal votes you wouldn't have a pot to piss in.


I guess none you you idiots bothered to read your links. The first link deal with 20 votes, the second looked like it was 3 votes or so that were in question and the heritage foundation, if there figures are true, found 1,300 voter fraud votes out of 100s of millions cast. Trumpers stop making fools of yourself with this voter fraud lie.
BS...........without the illegal votes you wouldn't have a pot to piss in.
Lol..all you Trumpers have is this voter fraud lie because you know Trump will lose in November and are preparing to use this big lie as your excuse.
There were 491 instances of voter fraud out of over 2,000,000,000 votes cast.

So a voting population of 200 million cast 2 billion votes and you don't think there's voter fraud?
P.S. How do we know how many instances of voter fraud without strict voter ID laws?
If you read the link it was actually Billions of votes cast throughout the US between 2000 and 2012. Of the billions of votes cast throughout the US during that 12 year period only 491 instances of voter fraud were found.
The last word of your post exemplifies the second half of the problem.
If you fail to catch the murderer of your friend or family member does that mean it didn't happen?
All the unsolved crimes across the nation didn't actually happen since no culprit was found?

Are you really this stupid or just playing semantics?
There were 491 instances of voter fraud out of over 2,000,000,000 votes cast.

So a voting population of 200 million cast 2 billion votes and you don't think there's voter fraud?
P.S. How do we know how many instances of voter fraud without strict voter ID laws?
If you read the link it was actually Billions of votes cast throughout the US between 2000 and 2012. Of the billions of votes cast throughout the US during that 12 year period only 491 instances of voter fraud were found.
The last word of your post exemplifies the second half of the problem.
If you fail to catch the murderer of your friend or family member does that mean it didn't happen?
All the unsolved crimes across the nation didn't actually happen since no culprit was found?

Are you really this stupid or just playing semantics?
Stupid more than likely.
There were 491 instances of voter fraud out of over 2,000,000,000 votes cast.

So a voting population of 200 million cast 2 billion votes and you don't think there's voter fraud?
P.S. How do we know how many instances of voter fraud without strict voter ID laws?
If you read the link it was actually Billions of votes cast throughout the US between 2000 and 2012. Of the billions of votes cast throughout the US during that 12 year period only 491 instances of voter fraud were found.
The last word of your post exemplifies the second half of the problem.
If you fail to catch the murderer of your friend or family member does that mean it didn't happen?
All the unsolved crimes across the nation didn't actually happen since no culprit was found?

Are you really this stupid or just playing semantics?
You possibly can not be so dim witted as to think that 491 cases of voter fraud out of billions of votes cast shows a electoral system that is rife with fraud? These people who committed the fraud were caught and prosecuted. What it shows is a system that works.

She was caught. She will be prosecuted. 200 votes would not swing an election for animal control. Voter fraud is nothing but a scam and is being perpetuated by Pubs to discredit the upcoming elections.

Elderly in Florida vote by mail in ballots when they can’t make it to the polls. Trump votes by a mail in ballot. The military votes by mail in ballot. Mail in ballots have never been called into question until Trump made an issue of them and his minions fell in line like the lemmings they are.

There were 491 instances of voter fraud out of over 2,000,000,000 votes cast.

Voter fraud as a major problem is lie. The OP title is right. Election fraud is a right wing myth.

The 2000 presidential election was decided by just 537 votes. Tell us more about how voter fraud, even if statistically low, couldn't swing an election.


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