Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

Sure they are.....just like they are kicking around the idea of seceding. :heehee:

Your fellow fascists in Colorado just made it 1,000 times easier to remove Biden from the ballot in Texas.

No longer any need for a conviction, trial, or even a charge to declare a candidate guilty of a crime and boot him. Just a "feeling" amongst the court, which I'm sure they have already.

You must be proud.
I suspect you are correct. The only question really is if they rule on the 14th not applying to the POTUS or if not being found guilty in a criminal court means it does not apply

Oh fucking please, not this shit again.

I did not say I wanted a "shooting war" over this, but that it would be warranted and pretty much inevitable if anyone actually succeeded in keeping Trump off the ballot.
This country is not great.
We already have massacred the natives and started illegal wars continually, starting with the Mexican wars, the Spanish American War, the Moro Rebellion, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, the Ukraine, etc.
We do not even have affordable healthcare, tuition, housing, etc.
Lets face it, this country really is awful, and the only reason to not start over is that we have so many jerks that the next attempt might be even worse.
Your fellow fascists in Colorado just made it 1,000 times easier to remove Biden from the ballot in Texas.

No longer any need for a conviction, trial, or even a charge to declare a candidate guilty of a crime and boot him. Just a "feeling" amongst the court, which I'm sure they have already.

You must be proud.
And the left thinks that the right is trying to destroy the constitution. :smoke:
It's jurisprudence. The judges say Trump's actions qualified as an insurrection.

Of course we are scared to losing to Trump, he's the guy who tried to take away our ability to vote him out of office in 2020. Conservatives should be scared about it too, but they aren't because they place party before the country.

Jurisprudence is the principle behind law, which in a republic means the defense of individual rights.
This defends the rights of no one, so is dictatorial instead.
We'll see, won't we? :heehee:
I guarantee you People closer to Hitler like will start running at some point. And they would be legal as it is a Democracy. I always look at what will or can be. We are wasting time with dinosaurs like Christie and Haley and yet they are pushed on Republican voters in the House and Senate and in the many local and state races. There will be no caring of David Duke types or others as Progs already have theirs. Progs need to be held to blame when the worst happens.
This country is not great.
We already have massacred the natives and started illegal wars continually, starting with the Mexican wars, the Spanish American War, the Moro Rebellion, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, the Ukraine, etc.
We do not even have affordable healthcare, tuition, housing, etc.
Lets face it, this country really is awful, and the only reason to not start over is that we have so many jerks that the next attempt might be even worse.

Is there a reason you have not moved out? I think we have a lot of issues, but not as bad as you think it is and I am still planning to move out of the country when the wife and I retire.
Answer these questions...

Is insurrection a crime?
Does a person accused of a crime have the right to defend oneself when accused of a crime?
Please provide a link showing where DJT was charged with insurrection.
Please provide a link to a conviction for DJT for insurrection after a jury trial where he presented his defense.
Insurrection is non existent
Every time a liberal uses that word, it means “I surrender” !
Answer these questions...

Is insurrection a crime?
Does a person accused of a crime have the right to defend oneself when accused of a crime?
Please provide a link showing where DJT was charged with insurrection.
Please provide a link to a conviction for DJT for insurrection after a jury trial where he presented his defense.
Jefferson Davis was never convicted of insurrection either. By your reasoning he could have become POTUS in 1869 right?

Even Mitch knows what Benedict Donald did on Jan 6th 2021.

There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day.

The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president.
And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth."

Be that as it may, this shows all the more reason for Jack Smith's Jan 6th case to be adjudicated ASAP.
They won't have to, his name will be there.


People have been slowly leaving him for a while now.

trump ship rats jumping.jpg

I've always said it will happen over time and people like you will be shocked surprised, as will be the extremists on all sides . People who have little to no faith in the system.

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