Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

Then how can 4 justices say he committed insurrection?

The same way a civil court order OJ to pay millions for the murder of Ron Goldman.

How the fuck can't you understand this? It's not rocket science. It the reason at least 8 men were denied a seat in public office in the 1800's even though they too were never legally charged, no less convicted of, insurrection rebellion, sedition or treason.

Is ANY of this penetrating your empty skull?
Nope. You proved you're either full of shit or you're demented. You might as well believe in the Tooth Fairy since you have as much proof of that as you do widespread fraud, yet still believe in it.
No amount of your GASLIGHT THEATRE will ever prove that it wasn't stolen.
Check your F - CURVE
One only has to be found to have engaged in such for it to be so.
Just like the 14th clearly states.
“ Being found” in legal jargon means having been adjudicated as such in a legal proceeding such as a civil trial.
In America to be punished for a criminal offense it is required for you to be found guilty of that criminal offense.

Show is the civil code for insurrection, Simp.

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