Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

This. ^^^

Taking someone off a ballot is a loss of rights, it requires a criminal conviction.

Constitution 101
Yup. For a bunch of libs screaming how Trump will take away our constitutional rights, look at what THEY are doing! So afraid that the majority of citizens in their state will vote for Trump that they knock no, off the ballot.
If any judges on SCOTUS side with Colorado, should they be removed from the bench?
Affirmative Action Jackson has as much a chance of being removed from the bench for failing to restore Trump’s constitutional rights stolen from him as does Affirmative Action Gay being removed from Harvard for refusing to condemn calls for genocide of Jews by her students and violating her university’s OWN code on plagiarism.
He wasn’t and that’s irrelevant. You are going to remain perpetually confused until you get this.
Trump should sue every last one of you fuckers for slander.

More than that, you're engaged in a conspiracy to deny a man's rights which is criminal and carries severe penalties.

There was not an insurrection "just because you say so". Or even just because some fucktard judges say so. It is NOT YOUR CALL, and it's entirely fucking ludicrous to believe such a thing can be adjudicated in civil court.

If it can, then let's hold the Democrats financially responsible for the 2 billion dollars in property damage they caused when they supported and promoted AND FUNDED racial riots.
Affirmative Action Jackson has as much a chance of being removed from the bench for failing to restore Trump’s constitutional rights stolen from him as does Affirmative Action Gay being removed from Harvard for refusing to condemn calls for genocide of Jews by her students and violating her university’s OWN code on plagiarism.

Ketanji was in my graduating HS class. She was class President. I barely knew her. She is a manufactured woke creation. She doesn’t know what a woman is? I bet she did in 1988. She got DUMBER after going to Harvard.
Trump should sue every last one of you fuckers for slander.

More than that, you're engaged in a conspiracy to deny a man's rights which is criminal and carries severe penalties.

There was not an insurrection "just because you say so". Or even just because some fucktard judges say so. It is NOT YOUR CALL, and it's entirely fucking ludicrous to believe such a thing can be adjudicated in civil court.

If it can, then let's hold the Democrats financially responsible for the 2 billion dollars in property damage they caused when they supported and promoted AND FUNDED racial riots.

We have a literal agent of Ukraine, China, Russia, and Romania in the WH. Talk about an insurrection.

Hundreds of thousands of people are now dead because JOE BIDEN IS AN AGENT OF UKRAINE.
You people are traitors to my country you are my biggest enemy and you are hated by every patriot in this country for your treason. That includes me , what would I gain by beating some putz who's opinion is worthless. to me. The logic just isn't there.
Well you aren’t doing yourself any favors when you dodge a substantive debate to go off on meaningless emotional rants like you just did. That just makes you sound like the idiot. If you had an ounce of intelligence you’d engage and make me look stupid by beating me with facts and better arguments. That doesn’t seem to be what you’re interested in though. Why’s that?
4 pompous assess influencing million of Coloradans and tens of million of Americans over charges, inferences and feelings.
The latest Lib Lunacy is “you can vote but not for who you want to” Pure commie totalitarianism.

Hisses the idiot who claims precedence is not relevant to this case.

It’s not. There is no charge against Trump for insurrection™ no matter how loudly you screech out that conspiracy theory.
He was being accused of a federal crime. Congress decides on insurrection, not a handful of Democrats in Colorado.
The constitution doesn’t say who decides. Historically, state courts have usually been dealt with this.
The insurrection™ conspiracy is your perpetual obsession.

Do you still insist that Trump is facing that charge?
Depends on what you mean by charge.

It’s not a criminal charge. Is it a charge if the accusation is leveled in civil court? I don’t know. I don’t get too hung up on meaningless semantics.
You guys didn’t want a jury when you wanted to take away our ability to vote, so I don’t know what youre complaining about here.

What do you want? Lay out your plan. 2024 election. What is legally fair, according to you. Who should be allowed to run?
It’s not. There is no charge against Trump for insurrection™ no matter how loudly you screech out that conspiracy theory.


Your ignorance isn't my problem. Those people I showed, like Trump, were never criminally charged with insurrection.
It’s not. There is no charge against Trump for insurrection™ no matter how loudly you screech out that conspiracy theory.
I agree with everything you say, but “insurrection” is not a trademarked word - if one can even trademark a word.

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