Elections have Consequences

Welfare is not restricted by gender.

I am not sure what you are considering 'welfare' but I suspect you mean some form of direct cash payment to parents.

Now a pregnant woman is eligible for benefits- but then again so would her husband if he lived with her

Be pregnant or have a child under age 19 who lives with them. A child who is 18 must be a full-time high school student. A pregnant woman (and her husband, if he lives with her) may qualify for help, even if they don't have any other children.

If you know of any welfare benefits that specifically exclude a father with primary custody of children- please let me know.

No one has suggested that welfare is restricted by gender, nor that a custodial father can't get welfare, you're deflecting.

I merely point out that a father cannot get welfare to cover his financial obligation to a child (aka child support,) a mother can however can.

Actually either a mother or a father can- both parents are financially obligated to support their child- both parents- not just the father, not just the mother.

The custodial parent- or parents- may receive government benefits- but that has nothing to do with their gender.

If the father is raising the child- the mother is obligated to pay child support. If the father qualifies for 'welfare' then he gets welfare.

Gender doesn't change any of that.

Do you not read? I said, no one is suggesting that welfare is gender specific. Nor did I say that a custodial father would be denied welfare. Again, you're deflecting because you don't want to actually discuss the point I made. Fine. Then don't discuss my point, no problem. But stop trying to discuss arguments that I never made.
Quoting you:
I merely point out that a father cannot get welfare to cover his financial obligation to a child (aka child support,) a mother can however can.

If you don't want me to point out that your statement is false- then make sure it isn't false before you post.

Nothing I said is "false." A father, cannot receive welfare to pay his child support obligation. A mother, however, can receive welfare to pay for her child's needs.

And again- it has nothing to do with gender- or who is the father or who is the mother.

Actually either a mother or a father can- both parents are financially obligated to support their child- both parents- not just the father, not just the mother.

The custodial parent- or parents- may receive government benefits- but that has nothing to do with their gender.

If the father is raising the child- the mother is obligated to pay child support. If the father qualifies for 'welfare' then he gets welfare.

Gender doesn't change any of that.
But a woman can't what?

Women can certainly choose whether or not to have sex and can chose to use contraception- to prevent pregnancy.

But if a woman has a child- she is financially obligated to the child just as the father is.

Actually she's not, because of welfare...

I'm not saying they should be gotten rid of, I'm just saying that a father cannot get welfare to pay his child support - vs a woman can go get welfare x2 - ie tax payers - to pay for the financial responsibility of her child.

Welfare is not restricted by gender.

I am not sure what you are considering 'welfare' but I suspect you mean some form of direct cash payment to parents.

Now a pregnant woman is eligible for benefits- but then again so would her husband if he lived with her

Be pregnant or have a child under age 19 who lives with them. A child who is 18 must be a full-time high school student. A pregnant woman (and her husband, if he lives with her) may qualify for help, even if they don't have any other children.

If you know of any welfare benefits that specifically exclude a father with primary custody of children- please let me know.

However, my point remains; that a mother, and specifically a mother who choices to have a child the father does not want, is able to foist her financial responsibility off on someone else (the taxpayer) vs the father, who did not want the child and would chose abortion or adoption, has no such luxury and is forced to pay child support "against his will." Again, I do not argue that child support and welfare shouldn't exist, I merely debate your expression that a mother is actually held financially responsible for her personal and independent decision to have said child, regardless of the fathers wishes.

Since my sister has been a single mother for quite sometime due to her personal and independent decision to have a child- and has never received any welfare or public support. My sister was very much held financially responsible for her personal and independent decision to have her child.

Of course my sister also was the one who went through 9 months of pregnancy, with a birth that permanently changed her health, and risked great injury and possible death- while the father of course suffered no physical pain, no harm to his health and never risked great injury or possible death.

When the man risks as much as the woman does- then he can have as much say in a pregnancy.

Okay. Doesn't really address my point that unlike a father, a mother /can/ foist their financial responsibility upon others.

And again- both the mother and father are both exactly as obligated to support their child- and are both exactly as eligible for welfare- i.e. what you call 'foisting their financial responsibilities on others'

What you don't like is that the woman controls the decision regarding her body regarding the pregnancy itself.

And that the man cannot either evade his responsibilities by demanding she get an abortion- or just refusing to pay child support if she has a child.
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So you think since a man can't get pregnant- women don't have any right to choose whether or not to be pregnant?

You sure men can't get pregnant ?
If a man can get pregnant, then he has the same rights over his own body that a woman has.
It takes two to make a pregnancy happen.
So? Does this mean you finally learned a quarter is not a year?
Does this mean you were wrong obama never had a GDP over 3.0%
Elections do have Consequences.

One of the primary reasons I voted against Trump and for Clinton was because of the Supreme Court.

I have heard so many people who are otherwise pro-choice and pro-union vote for Trump just because they wanted to 'drain the swamp' and just take a hammer to the establishment.

Well this is what we get. And I am not bitching about Trump's selection- if anything I am impressed that he is such a solid jurist- unlike some of Trump's lower court picks. This pick was the outcome of the last Presidential election. And he is going to be confirmed to the Court unless by some bizarre circumstance he announces he will vote against Roe v. Wade before the confirmation vote.

Elections do have Consequences.

I just hope that those how believe in woman's right to chose remember that come the next election.
What about those who believe in a man's right to choose?
When men can get pregnant, then they'll have that right to choose. Until then, their right to choose ends with which form of birth control they choose to use.
When a woman can get pregnant without a man, then she can decide whether to kill her daughter.

Try stopping her. Do you ever say anything that isn’t stupid?

Yet another tool who doesn't understand equal protection under the law.

Since you approve of laws based on gender, do you also approve of laws based on race?
I think there's some merit in that argument yea. If you're fucking someone and get pregnant you should be able to have an adult conversation with the father and make a decision about the future of that "family" and abortion is part of that discussion if it's on the table.

It could be argued that the mother could indeed have the child despite a fathers desire not to, but there should be some idk relief that father RE 18+ years of child support that they maybe can't afford. Why does she have all the say in /forcing/ him to become a father?

It could be argued that the mother could indeed abort the child despite the fathers desire to keep it, and there should be some relief for either or both, RE the father who wants the child and the mother who wants an abortion or would have it. Again, why does she have all the say?

I do not know the answer's here, but I do think that the current system of the woman doing whatever she wants just because she happens to be biologically designed to carry a baby is a bit shitty. They both fucked, they both got pregnant, yet she can literally ruin a mans life via child support and she can kill his kid while he has zero say in which/what happens; that's unfair and unjust IMO.

The idea behind child support was to make fathers responsible for their kids. Abortion lets women do the exact opposite. It's sexist on it's face, I get why on the one hand (her body and such) but I also see it's unfairness to fathers (be them wanting the kid or not) It's not... "equal representation under the law" or something, idk how to best word it.

I don't see what is 'sexist' about a woman- who takes on all of the risk of pregnancy and child birth- being the one to decide whether to be pregnant or not.

Men don't want to have the risk of 'their lives being ruined' to support their own children- can certainly choose not to have sex or to use condoms.
But a woman can't. You sure you're arguing FOR women?

But a woman can't what?

Women can certainly choose whether or not to have sex and can chose to use contraception- to prevent pregnancy.

But if a woman has a child- she is financially obligated to the child just as the father is.
Another one who doesn't understand equal protection under the law.

Where don't I understand equal protection under the law?

Women can certainly choose whether or not to have sex and can chose to use contraception- to prevent pregnancy- just like men.

But if a woman has a child- she is financially obligated to the child just as the father is.

And whoever is pregnant- man or woman- controls his or her own body- and is responsible for making the choices for his or her own body. Husbands no longer 'own' their wives and get to decide what their woman will do.
The law is unequally applied. Tell us what rights the man has to decide whether his own child lives or dies.

Laws based on gender = laws based on race.
Elections do have Consequences.

One of the primary reasons I voted against Trump and for Clinton was because of the Supreme Court.

I have heard so many people who are otherwise pro-choice and pro-union vote for Trump just because they wanted to 'drain the swamp' and just take a hammer to the establishment.

Well this is what we get. And I am not bitching about Trump's selection- if anything I am impressed that he is such a solid jurist- unlike some of Trump's lower court picks. This pick was the outcome of the last Presidential election. And he is going to be confirmed to the Court unless by some bizarre circumstance he announces he will vote against Roe v. Wade before the confirmation vote.

Elections do have Consequences.

I just hope that those how believe in woman's right to chose remember that come the next election.
What about those who believe in a man's right to choose?
When men can get pregnant, then they'll have that right to choose. Until then, their right to choose ends with which form of birth control they choose to use.
When a woman can get pregnant without a man, then she can decide whether to kill her daughter.

Try stopping her. Do you ever say anything that isn’t stupid?

Yet another tool who doesn't understand equal protection under the law.

Since you approve of laws based on gender, do you also approve of laws based on race?
Who said I approve of laws based on gender?

Men have equal rights over their own bodies.
What about those who believe in a man's right to choose?
When men can get pregnant, then they'll have that right to choose. Until then, their right to choose ends with which form of birth control they choose to use.
When a woman can get pregnant without a man, then she can decide whether to kill her daughter.

Try stopping her. Do you ever say anything that isn’t stupid?

Yet another tool who doesn't understand equal protection under the law.

Since you approve of laws based on gender, do you also approve of laws based on race?
Who said I approve of laws based on gender?

Men have equal rights over their own bodies.
But not their children's bodies. Those are reserved for women only.
When men can get pregnant, then they'll have that right to choose. Until then, their right to choose ends with which form of birth control they choose to use.
When a woman can get pregnant without a man, then she can decide whether to kill her daughter.

Try stopping her. Do you ever say anything that isn’t stupid?

Yet another tool who doesn't understand equal protection under the law.

Since you approve of laws based on gender, do you also approve of laws based on race?
Who said I approve of laws based on gender?

Men have equal rights over their own bodies.
But not their children's bodies. Those are reserved for women only.
You're getting increasingly delirious. What does that have to do with laws based on gender?
When a woman can get pregnant without a man, then she can decide whether to kill her daughter.

Try stopping her. Do you ever say anything that isn’t stupid?

Yet another tool who doesn't understand equal protection under the law.

Since you approve of laws based on gender, do you also approve of laws based on race?
Who said I approve of laws based on gender?

Men have equal rights over their own bodies.
But not their children's bodies. Those are reserved for women only.
You're getting increasingly delirious. What does that have to do with laws based on gender?
Abortion "rights" laws are gender based. What are you, meshugana?

Try stopping her. Do you ever say anything that isn’t stupid?

Yet another tool who doesn't understand equal protection under the law.

Since you approve of laws based on gender, do you also approve of laws based on race?
Who said I approve of laws based on gender?

Men have equal rights over their own bodies.
But not their children's bodies. Those are reserved for women only.
You're getting increasingly delirious. What does that have to do with laws based on gender?
Abortion "rights" laws are gender based. What are you, meshugana?
Huh? What is "meshugana?"
You sure men can't get pregnant ?
If a man can get pregnant, then he has the same rights over his own body that a woman has.
He's always had those same "rights"...by definition.
Oh?? How do you figure that? The woman has rights because it's her body. What equal rights does a man have over her body?

He has the same freedom from interference that she has.
Of course he does. He has rights over his own body just as she has rights over her own body.

Yet another tool who doesn't understand equal protection under the law.

Since you approve of laws based on gender, do you also approve of laws based on race?
Who said I approve of laws based on gender?

Men have equal rights over their own bodies.
But not their children's bodies. Those are reserved for women only.
You're getting increasingly delirious. What does that have to do with laws based on gender?
Abortion "rights" laws are gender based. What are you, meshugana?
Huh? What is "meshugana?"
Abortion laws are gender based.

Are you a big proponent of race based laws as well, Hymie?
You sure men can't get pregnant ?
If a man can get pregnant, then he has the same rights over his own body that a woman has.
He's always had those same "rights"...by definition.
Oh?? How do you figure that? The woman has rights because it's her body. What equal rights does a man have over her body?

He has the same freedom from interference that she has.
Of course he does. He has rights over his own body just as she has rights over her own body.

Isn't that what I said ?
Elections do have Consequences.

One of the primary reasons I voted against Trump and for Clinton was because of the Supreme Court.

I have heard so many people who are otherwise pro-choice and pro-union vote for Trump just because they wanted to 'drain the swamp' and just take a hammer to the establishment.

Well this is what we get. And I am not bitching about Trump's selection- if anything I am impressed that he is such a solid jurist- unlike some of Trump's lower court picks. This pick was the outcome of the last Presidential election. And he is going to be confirmed to the Court unless by some bizarre circumstance he announces he will vote against Roe v. Wade before the confirmation vote.

Elections do have Consequences.

I just hope that those how believe in woman's right to chose remember that come the next election.
What about those who believe in a man's right to choose?
When men can get pregnant, then they'll have that right to choose. Until then, their right to choose ends with which form of birth control they choose to use.
When a woman can get pregnant without a man, then she can decide whether to kill her daughter.

Try stopping her. Do you ever say anything that isn’t stupid?

Yet another tool who doesn't understand equal protection under the law.

Since you approve of laws based on gender, do you also approve of laws based on race?
No worries, I dismiss you for being an idiot. I post how I didn't approve on laws based on gender; and here you are claiming I do. <smh>
What about those who believe in a man's right to choose?
When men can get pregnant, then they'll have that right to choose. Until then, their right to choose ends with which form of birth control they choose to use.
When a woman can get pregnant without a man, then she can decide whether to kill her daughter.

Try stopping her. Do you ever say anything that isn’t stupid?

Yet another tool who doesn't understand equal protection under the law.

Since you approve of laws based on gender, do you also approve of laws based on race?
No worries, I dismiss you for being an idiot. I post how I didn't approve on laws based on gender; and here you are claiming I do. <smh>
Then we agree abortion laws are unconstitutional. :)
Who said I approve of laws based on gender?

Men have equal rights over their own bodies.
But not their children's bodies. Those are reserved for women only.
You're getting increasingly delirious. What does that have to do with laws based on gender?
Abortion "rights" laws are gender based. What are you, meshugana?
Huh? What is "meshugana?"
Abortion laws are gender based.

Are you a big proponent of race based laws as well, Hymie?
Huh? Who's Hymie?
When men can get pregnant, then they'll have that right to choose. Until then, their right to choose ends with which form of birth control they choose to use.
When a woman can get pregnant without a man, then she can decide whether to kill her daughter.

Try stopping her. Do you ever say anything that isn’t stupid?

Yet another tool who doesn't understand equal protection under the law.

Since you approve of laws based on gender, do you also approve of laws based on race?
No worries, I dismiss you for being an idiot. I post how I didn't approve on laws based on gender; and here you are claiming I do. <smh>
Then we agree abortion laws are unconstitutional. :)
Nah, you're just agreeing with your own delusions. Sadly, you're not bright enough to comprehend what I said.
When a woman can get pregnant without a man, then she can decide whether to kill her daughter.

Try stopping her. Do you ever say anything that isn’t stupid?

Yet another tool who doesn't understand equal protection under the law.

Since you approve of laws based on gender, do you also approve of laws based on race?
No worries, I dismiss you for being an idiot. I post how I didn't approve on laws based on gender; and here you are claiming I do. <smh>
Then we agree abortion laws are unconstitutional. :)
Nah, you're just agreeing with your own delusions. Sadly, you're not bright enough to comprehend what I said.
You never did like taking a beatdown. And then it's always so easy for me. :)

If you support abortion laws, then you support gender based laws. One law for one gender, another for another gender.

Do you also support one law for white people and another for blacks?

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