Electirc cars pollute MORE than gas poweered cars!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Who knew??!!!!:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

Leave it to the Chinese.................."more fine particle pollution]"........"more harmful to overall health".......... than gas powered cars.

Study shows impact of electric cars is worse than petrol-powered vehicles | Mail Online

The internal combustion engine RULES!!!:rock::rock::rock:


Lets face it.......anybody who would spend $1.00 of taxpayer money to support yet another fruad green technology = a fucking k00k.
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The study was referring to the pollution from China's coal burning electric plants. How you determined that "the internal combustion engine rules" from that is puzzling.
Well argued! Accurate, concise, well written and verifiable! What a sterling defense! You must have captained your collegiate debate squad.

If, as a Liberal, I could post something like that, or even better, a bumper sticker, I'm convinced that each and every Conservative would snap out of it and realize that we have but one environment and we are fully capable of ruining it.

But, sadly, I do not possess the intellectual prowess to make such a slam dunk argument. I'm saddled with science, facts, truths and incontrovertible evidence. All useful tools in other contexts, but sadly lacking in efficacy when faced with a Rush Limbaughesque saying.
The study was referring to the pollution from China's coal burning electric plants. How you determined that "the internal combustion engine rules" from that is puzzling.

The chineses use very dirty coal to generate electricity. The coal used to generate the electricity and the transmission losses in distribution produce more pollution than would be the case if the power to move the car was provided by gasoline.

This is going to be a consistant problem. Where and how much pollution is generated by coal vs petroleum.

The only way electric cars really are green is if the electric plants are green. And none of them are. Hydro kills fish, solar generates huge amounts of really toxic waste in the manufacture of the cells etc.

China is working very hard on an alternative form of nuke energy that is very promising.

but for now, the coal is really dirty and the gas, not so much
Well argued! Accurate, concise, well written and verifiable! What a sterling defense! You must have captained your collegiate debate squad.

If, as a Liberal, I could post something like that, or even better, a bumper sticker, I'm convinced that each and every Conservative would snap out of it and realize that we have but one environment and we are fully capable of ruining it.

But, sadly, I do not possess the intellectual prowess to make such a slam dunk argument. I'm saddled with science, facts, truths and incontrovertible evidence. All useful tools in other contexts, but sadly lacking in efficacy when faced with a Rush Limbaughesque saying.

Thanks s0n............

Actually, Im well hated by the k00ks in this forum which means my threads/posts are highly effective. My intentions in here are all about displaying to the curious who take a gander into the environmental foum that the whole global warming thing is now percieved as a farce by the public, as proven through any poll.

And as I say frequently on here.........nobody cares about the science anymore as the instances of the environmentalists losing has reached levels of epic indeed!!! In fact, its gotten so bad that Obama didnt even mention Climate Change ONCE in his January SOTU speech!!!

Slam dunking!!!!:fu:
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The study was referring to the pollution from China's coal burning electric plants. How you determined that "the internal combustion engine rules" from that is puzzling.

The chineses use very dirty coal to generate electricity. The coal used to generate the electricity and the transmission losses in distribution produce more pollution than would be the case if the power to move the car was provided by gasoline.

This is going to be a consistant problem. Where and how much pollution is generated by coal vs petroleum.

The only way electric cars really are green is if the electric plants are green. And none of them are. Hydro kills fish, solar generates huge amounts of really toxic waste in the manufacture of the cells etc.

China is working very hard on an alternative form of nuke energy that is very promising.

but for now, the coal is really dirty and the gas, not so much
And China has been building coal plants the way I shop for groceries~ every week!

The coal plants that line the banks of the Ohio river burn high sulfur coal. But they are equipped with 'scrubbers' designed to rid the polluting sulfur from the air. They work well while they are turned on. And the scrubbers were highly resisted by the power generators. They are expensive and require costly maintenance. That cuts into the bottom line. A good enough reason for the power generators to resist the intallation of the scrubbers. Good enough if you don't happen to live within the shadow of the power plants as most of the CEOs don't.

God Bless those decision makers! They are truly the benevolent job creating over lords of Capitalism and worthy of our praise and our rewards.
Well argued! Accurate, concise, well written and verifiable! What a sterling defense! You must have captained your collegiate debate squad.

If, as a Liberal, I could post something like that, or even better, a bumper sticker, I'm convinced that each and every Conservative would snap out of it and realize that we have but one environment and we are fully capable of ruining it.

But, sadly, I do not possess the intellectual prowess to make such a slam dunk argument. I'm saddled with science, facts, truths and incontrovertible evidence. All useful tools in other contexts, but sadly lacking in efficacy when faced with a Rush Limbaughesque saying.

Thanks s0n............

Actually, Im well hated by the k00ks in this forum which means my threads/posts are highly effective. My intentions in here are all about displaying to the curious who take a gander into the environmental foum that the whole global warming thing is now percieved as a farce by the public, as proven through any poll.

And as I say frequently on here.........nobody cares about the science anymore as the instances of the environmentalists losing has reached levels of epic indeed!!! In fact, its gotten so bad that Obama didnt even mention Climate Change ONCE in his January SOTU speech!!!

Slam dunking!!!!:fu:

yeah perception, that's the important point! Forget facts, so long as the perceptions are lining up, who really cares?
The study was referring to the pollution from China's coal burning electric plants. How you determined that "the internal combustion engine rules" from that is puzzling.

The chineses use very dirty coal to generate electricity. The coal used to generate the electricity and the transmission losses in distribution produce more pollution than would be the case if the power to move the car was provided by gasoline.

This is going to be a consistant problem. Where and how much pollution is generated by coal vs petroleum.

The only way electric cars really are green is if the electric plants are green. And none of them are. Hydro kills fish, solar generates huge amounts of really toxic waste in the manufacture of the cells etc.

China is working very hard on an alternative form of nuke energy that is very promising.

but for now, the coal is really dirty and the gas, not so much
And China has been building coal plants the way I shop for groceries~ every week!

The coal plants that line the banks of the Ohio river burn high sulfur coal. But they are equipped with 'scrubbers' designed to rid the polluting sulfur from the air. They work well while they are turned on. And the scrubbers were highly resisted by the power generators. They are expensive and require costly maintenance. That cuts into the bottom line. A good enough reason for the power generators to resist the intallation of the scrubbers. Good enough if you don't happen to live within the shadow of the power plants as most of the CEOs don't.

God Bless those decision makers! They are truly the benevolent job creating over lords of Capitalism and worthy of our praise and our rewards.

They have a lot of coal and huge power demands and no electoral accountability. As you note, this leads to questionable decisions.

The deal is, the cost of the scrubbers is passed on to the rate payer. The CEO does not care on a bottom line basis. He is a monopolist. He gets what the local public utility regulator allows him to charge and the regulator is obliged to put the cost of the scrubber in you light bill. the cost to you is maybe .9 cents a kilowatt and you barely notice.

The average Chinese worker gets such a low wage .9 cents a kilowatt extra for light might be more that the social fabric can handle. I dont' know what the trade offs are that the Chinese have to consider. We have had elections and decided that clean air is more important than cheap electric. The chinese don't have that luxury.
Well argued! Accurate, concise, well written and verifiable! What a sterling defense! You must have captained your collegiate debate squad.

If, as a Liberal, I could post something like that, or even better, a bumper sticker, I'm convinced that each and every Conservative would snap out of it and realize that we have but one environment and we are fully capable of ruining it.

But, sadly, I do not possess the intellectual prowess to make such a slam dunk argument. I'm saddled with science, facts, truths and incontrovertible evidence. All useful tools in other contexts, but sadly lacking in efficacy when faced with a Rush Limbaughesque saying.

Thanks s0n............

Actually, Im well hated by the k00ks in this forum which means my threads/posts are highly effective. My intentions in here are all about displaying to the curious who take a gander into the environmental foum that the whole global warming thing is now percieved as a farce by the public, as proven through any poll.

And as I say frequently on here.........nobody cares about the science anymore as the instances of the environmentalists losing has reached levels of epic indeed!!! In fact, its gotten so bad that Obama didnt even mention Climate Change ONCE in his January SOTU speech!!!

Slam dunking!!!!:fu:

yeah perception, that's the important point! Forget facts, so long as the perceptions are lining up, who really cares?

Reailty is 99% perception s0n.........you hit that nail on the head.

And the fact is, there are no "facts" in the global warming debate............which is exactly why the perception exists, Nitz:D

From Pew research............"Concerns of the American Public"..........posted the link up too many times already to bother.

Facts can suck indeed!!!:2up:


And of that 28%.............how many come from that segment of the public that has something they have to get hysterical about all the time just to feel normal? Many of course, on the k00k left. They'll latch onto any "cause" as long as its a cause, for example, the lame asses who fall all over themselves supporting the OWS zombies. The hoplessly duped...........
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Thanks s0n............

Actually, Im well hated by the k00ks in this forum which means my threads/posts are highly effective. My intentions in here are all about displaying to the curious who take a gander into the environmental foum that the whole global warming thing is now percieved as a farce by the public, as proven through any poll.

And as I say frequently on here.........nobody cares about the science anymore as the instances of the environmentalists losing has reached levels of epic indeed!!! In fact, its gotten so bad that Obama didnt even mention Climate Change ONCE in his January SOTU speech!!!

Slam dunking!!!!:fu:

yeah perception, that's the important point! Forget facts, so long as the perceptions are lining up, who really cares?

Reailty is 99% perception s0n.........you hit that nail on the head.

And the fact is, there are no "facts" in the global warming debate............which is exactly why the perception exists, Nitz:D
How I envy the vacant mind.
Who knew??!!!!:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

Leave it to the Chinese.................."more fine particle pollution]"........"more harmful to overall health".......... than gas powered cars.

Study shows impact of electric cars is worse than petrol-powered vehicles | Mail Online

The internal combustion engine RULES!!!:rock::rock::rock:

Lets face it.......anybody who would spend $1.00 of taxpayer money to support yet another fruad green technology = a fucking k00k.

Okay I hate to piss in your oatmeal but you seem uninformed. First, let me make clear, I drive a great big gas guzzling luxury car that my Liberal wife gives me shet about. So I'm not some envirofacists.

That being said, I don't think you're familiar with China. Remember the Olympics? All the athletes walking around with masks on because of the air pollution? Yeah. No EPA. What they get away with over there is pretty awful. I have clients in Beijing and Shanghai. When an American goes to Beijing, they have to be "prepped" for what they're going to see and go through.

So while I'm not going to rush out and buy a Nissan Leaf any time soon (at least, not for me), this study is highly flawed and anyone telling you electric cars would cause more air pollution here in America, than a combustion engine, is selling gold on late night television.
Neither your MessiahRushie nor the mindless drones who swallow his GOP scripted BULLSHIT have any idea even what he says!! But both know it was BRILLIANT!!!!!!! :rofl::lmao:

February 10, 2012

RUSH: Jerry on Long Island in New York, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.
CALLER: Rush, mega, mega dittos from New York. Thank you for taking my call. It's a thrill to be speaking to you.
RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.
CALLER: A huge thrill. Thank you very much.
RUSH: You bet.
CALLER: I was telling Snerdley, your opening monologues are usually amazing but this morning's was brilliant, and I think it should be distributed to every high school student in this country. Because it was absolutely conservatism on parade this morning, and if our candidates could talk anywhere near what you said this morning, it would be a landslide in November, don't you think?
RUSH: You know, I've forgotten what I said. I thought I opened up talking about the Obama Health and Human Services, the abortion thing. What did I say that...? I'm not denying it was great. I just don't remember it.
CALLER: I was never really prompted to call anybody. When I heard it I just thought, "This was conservatism." Everything you said, Rush. Just... I don't know what you said
********************* try and stay on topic or it goes down the memory hole. There is nothing in this post related to global warming, pollution in china, electric cars vs petrol cars etc. ******

Neither your MessiahRushie nor the mindless drones who swallow his GOP scripted BULLSHIT have any idea even what he says!! But both know it was BRILLIANT!!!!!!! :rofl::lmao:

February 10, 2012

RUSH: Jerry on Long Island in New York, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.
CALLER: Rush, mega, mega dittos from New York. Thank you for taking my call. It's a thrill to be speaking to you.
RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.
CALLER: A huge thrill. Thank you very much.
RUSH: You bet.
CALLER: I was telling Snerdley, your opening monologues are usually amazing but this morning's was brilliant, and I think it should be distributed to every high school student in this country. Because it was absolutely conservatism on parade this morning, and if our candidates could talk anywhere near what you said this morning, it would be a landslide in November, don't you think?
RUSH: You know, I've forgotten what I said. I thought I opened up talking about the Obama Health and Human Services, the abortion thing. What did I say that...? I'm not denying it was great. I just don't remember it.
CALLER: I was never really prompted to call anybody. When I heard it I just thought, "This was conservatism." Everything you said, Rush. Just... I don't know what you said
Geez..........I find it amazing that the hyper-hysterical environmental nutters invariably have a mental meltdown whenever there is evidence their green agenda might be thwarted.

Anyway..........electric cars are gay..........nobody but nobody wants them and the only people buying them are the wealthy. And who cant laugh outl loud when you see one of those morons driving a SMARTCAR deathtrap?

********************* try and stay on topic or it goes down the memory hole. There is nothing in this post related to global warming, pollution in china, electric cars vs petrol cars etc. ******

Neither your MessiahRushie nor the mindless drones who swallow his GOP scripted BULLSHIT have any idea even what he says!! But both know it was BRILLIANT!!!!!!! :rofl::lmao:

February 10, 2012

RUSH: Jerry on Long Island in New York, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.
CALLER: Rush, mega, mega dittos from New York. Thank you for taking my call. It's a thrill to be speaking to you.
RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.
CALLER: A huge thrill. Thank you very much.
RUSH: You bet.
CALLER: I was telling Snerdley, your opening monologues are usually amazing but this morning's was brilliant, and I think it should be distributed to every high school student in this country. Because it was absolutely conservatism on parade this morning, and if our candidates could talk anywhere near what you said this morning, it would be a landslide in November, don't you think?
RUSH: You know, I've forgotten what I said. I thought I opened up talking about the Obama Health and Human Services, the abortion thing. What did I say that...? I'm not denying it was great. I just don't remember it.
CALLER: I was never really prompted to call anybody. When I heard it I just thought, "This was conservatism." Everything you said, Rush. Just... I don't know what you said
Who's name is in the balloon of the post I replied to????

You would have credibility if you had made the same comment to the post I replied to, but you didn't!!! That speaks volumes about your impartiality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

********************* try and stay on topic or it goes down the memory hole. There is nothing in this post related to global warming, pollution in china, electric cars vs petrol cars etc. ******

Neither your MessiahRushie nor the mindless drones who swallow his GOP scripted BULLSHIT have any idea even what he says!! But both know it was BRILLIANT!!!!!!! :rofl::lmao:

February 10, 2012

RUSH: Jerry on Long Island in New York, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.
CALLER: Rush, mega, mega dittos from New York. Thank you for taking my call. It's a thrill to be speaking to you.
RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.
CALLER: A huge thrill. Thank you very much.
RUSH: You bet.
CALLER: I was telling Snerdley, your opening monologues are usually amazing but this morning's was brilliant, and I think it should be distributed to every high school student in this country. Because it was absolutely conservatism on parade this morning, and if our candidates could talk anywhere near what you said this morning, it would be a landslide in November, don't you think?
RUSH: You know, I've forgotten what I said. I thought I opened up talking about the Obama Health and Human Services, the abortion thing. What did I say that...? I'm not denying it was great. I just don't remember it.
CALLER: I was never really prompted to call anybody. When I heard it I just thought, "This was conservatism." Everything you said, Rush. Just... I don't know what you said
Who's name is in the balloon of the post I replied to????

You would have credibility if you had made the same comment to the post I replied to, but you didn't!!! That speaks volumes about your impartiality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On this forum there are two types: true believers and non-true believers. Thats it.

ANd not for nothing............well over ten years ago, Rush Limbaugh predicted this global warming stuff would be a fad and sure enough, tens years later, he was exactly correct.


1) Green energy companies cant make it on their own.
2) Cap and Trade is dead.
3) In 2012, nobody cares about global warming except those on the far left.
4) The "consensus" is no longer deemed a consensus.
5) Nobody attends Climate Summits anymore.
6) The list of climate sceptics grows by the day.
7) Many of the predictions made by AGW doomsdayers have fallen flat on their face.
8) The "Hockey Stick" graph has been blown up
9) Projections for renewable energy as a % of meeting our energy needs are laughable well into the 2030's.
10) Al Gore is irrelevant in 2012.

Credibility of the environmental bomb throwers in 2012?

About as good as this guy.................


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