Elizabeth Warren Claims Trump Insulted Her Race

Pretty funny that this was becoming the popular choice for the 2020 Democratic Presidential Ticket. How's that workin out for em now? :lmao:

The Progs want Trump to stop making fun of Warren for lying about her heritage for career advancement.

He isn’t.

Here's another one who got challenged to back that claim up, couldn't do it :gay:
---- and goes on yammering anyway even after he's proven wrong.

Elizabeth Warren is a lying sack of shit. You know it.

Odd that she called out Trump for being a racist, but didn’t defend her lies about having indigenous heritage.

She claimed to be Native American. She is not. That is a lie.

It’s funny to watch her try to squirm out of it....she is such a cvnt.

Democrats have the right to be self-righteous even when they're being hypocrites.
The Progs want Trump to stop making fun of Warren for lying about her heritage for career advancement.

He isn’t.

Here's another one who got challenged to back that claim up, couldn't do it :gay:
---- and goes on yammering anyway even after he's proven wrong.

Elizabeth Warren is a lying sack of shit. You know it.

Odd that she called out Trump for being a racist, but didn’t defend her lies about having indigenous heritage.

She claimed to be Native American. She is not. That is a lie.

It’s funny to watch her try to squirm out of it....she is such a cvnt.

Democrats have the right to be self-righteous even when they're being hypocrites.

She's a typical white Liberal Elite Democrat jerk. She tried to exploit the Native American People for her own selfish political gain. She never expected to be called on her Bullshit. Personally, i think it's hilarious she was exposed for being such a disingenuous wanker. I would actually love to see the Democrats run her in 2020. It would be a whole lotta fun. :)
The Progs want Trump to stop making fun of Warren for lying about her heritage for career advancement.

He isn’t.

Here's another one who got challenged to back that claim up, couldn't do it :gay:
---- and goes on yammering anyway even after he's proven wrong.

Elizabeth Warren is a lying sack of shit. You know it.

Odd that she called out Trump for being a racist, but didn’t defend her lies about having indigenous heritage.

She claimed to be Native American. She is not. That is a lie.

It’s funny to watch her try to squirm out of it....she is such a cvnt.

Democrats have the right to be self-righteous even when they're being hypocrites.

She's a typical white Liberal Elite Democrat jerk. She tried to exploit the Native American People for her own selfish political gain. She never expected to be called on her Bullshit. Personally, i think it's hilarious she was exposed for being such a disingenuous wanker. I would actually love to see the Democrats run her in 2020. It would a whole lotta fun. :)

It’s funny how Progs and the media are making Trump out as the racist when it’s Warren who appropriated another culture for personal gain.
The Progs want Trump to stop making fun of Warren for lying about her heritage for career advancement.

He isn’t.

Here's another one who got challenged to back that claim up, couldn't do it :gay:
---- and goes on yammering anyway even after he's proven wrong.

Elizabeth Warren is a lying sack of shit. You know it.

Odd that she called out Trump for being a racist, but didn’t defend her lies about having indigenous heritage.

She claimed to be Native American. She is not. That is a lie.

It’s funny to watch her try to squirm out of it....she is such a cvnt.

Democrats have the right to be self-righteous even when they're being hypocrites.

She's a typical white Liberal Elite Democrat jerk. She tried to exploit the Native American People for her own selfish political gain. She never expected to be called on her Bullshit. Personally, i think it's hilarious she was exposed for being such a disingenuous wanker. I would actually love to see the Democrats run her in 2020. It would a whole lotta fun. :)

It’s funny how Progs and the media are making Trump out as the racist when it’s Warren who appropriated another culture for personal gain.

Predictable Democrat Fake News. I just laugh at em. I think more & more Americans are doing that too.
The Donald pwnd Pocahontas AGAIN. The democrats are not going to even try to float that ridiculous loser in a canoe against The Donald next election. As far as "native americans" in participating on behalf of the USA WWII, give me a break. Whites from from around the country were heroes. There were actually a few Jews and Blacks, not many obviously, who were intelligent enough to participate also.
Trump embarrassed himself, the country and the Navaho natives he was SUPPOSED TO BE HONORING.
This type of behavior isn’t even acceptable in Middle School none the less for a president.
For you to say he pwnd a United States Senator shows you’re just as sick as he is.
There’s something seriously wrong with this president that only a psychiatric workup can help.

Embarrassing for a sitting senator to have lied about being indigenous to get a $350,000 job at Harvard.

She is a lying sack of shit and a cvnt.
Well at least she doesn't attend meetings in her panties..... That would gross everyone out.
Has she provided any documentation or verification that she is part Native American? Not that she has to but if people did not believe me, I would produce something independently verify my claim.
The Donald pwnd Pocahontas AGAIN. The democrats are not going to even try to float that ridiculous loser in a canoe against The Donald next election. As far as "native americans" in participating on behalf of the USA WWII, give me a break. Whites from from around the country were heroes. There were actually a few Jews and Blacks, not many obviously, who were intelligent enough to participate also.
Trump embarrassed himself, the country and the Navaho natives he was SUPPOSED TO BE HONORING.
This type of behavior isn’t even acceptable in Middle School none the less for a president.
For you to say he pwnd a United States Senator shows you’re just as sick as he is.
There’s something seriously wrong with this president that only a psychiatric workup can help.

Embarrassing for a sitting senator to have lied about being indigenous to get a $350,000 job at Harvard.

She is a lying sack of shit and a cvnt.
Well at least she doesn't attend meetings in her panties..... That would gross everyone out.

Conyers gets a pass because he is an Icon.

Can you imagine if Trump lied and said he was part black and used that false designation as a minority to get a job at Wharton?

You think Progs would be crying like they were when Hillary lost the election?
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You claiming you won does not mean that you've won. All of Lizzy Cheekbones relatives were listed as "White" I'm not sure how you can keep saying you "won"?

Hey, I did exactly the same thing with you there that I did here with the rest of the me-too "liar"mongers -- I challenged you to back it up, and you failed to do it just as they did.

And yet here we are again doing the same thing expecting different results. Planet Bizarro.

As for the whole "listed" canard, already addressed here as it was already addressed there. Go see post 113. Here's a link to get you on your way. That dog didn't hunt before and it ain't a-gittin' up now.

The only Indian blood in her heritage comes from her very white great grandpappy shooting an Indian

And your proof of this is...................................?

Exactly. Same as before. Cue crickets, because "saying so makes it so".

She has admitted multiple times that she lied about being Native American....do you know what the meaning of the word proof is?

Watch the interview.

Was this supposed to be some kind of smokescreen hoping I wouldn't watch it?

I did watch it and it completely FAILS to make your case. And I quote, "I did not change who I am and I'm not going to change".

You just dug yourself even deeper. I didn't know that was possible.

Your contention is that Warren has never claimed to be of Native American ancestry?

Wow.....you don’t even believe her own words,


“First, what’s perhaps most notable about Warren’s book is that she even includes a section called “Native American,” in which she reportedly writes, “Everyone on our mother’s side — aunts, uncles, and grandparents — talked openly about their Native American ancestry. My brothers and I grew up on stories about our grandfather building one-room schoolhouses and about our grandparents’ courtship and their early lives together in Indian Territory.”


This is ironic because, until the Boston Herald first broke the news in April 2012 that Harvard Law School had repeatedly promoted Warren as a Native American faculty member, Warren never once mentioned these stories of her upbringing in a single press interview, speech, class lecture or testimony at any point, ever, in her decades-long career. What's more, Warren was not listed as a minority on her transcript from George Washington University where she began her undergraduate education, nor did she list herself as a minority when applying to Rutgers University Law School in 1973.

In fact, it was not until she was in her 30s and focused on climbing the highly competitive ladder of law school academia that Warren apparently rediscovered her Native American heritage. It’s important to note that entrance and advancement in the law school profession is governed by the Association of American Law Schools, which requires registrants interested in teaching at law schools to fill out a questionnaire detailing their education, experience, bar passage and, yes, ethnicity. This information is then disseminated to law schools around the country that, as Warren surely knew, are always on the lookout to add to the diversity of their faculty.

A copy of Warren's questionnaire currently resides in the Association of American Law Schools archives at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. However, only Warren herself has the authority to release the complete copy of her questionnaire and to date, she has refused to do so.
Posting memes about a possible future political candidate is NOT trolling. The OP contains a meme, and the whole entire thread topic is BASED upon a particular meme.
including the one where you posted she said she'd come take our guns from us but there is no proof she ever said that? still waiting for you to provide a link to the actual quote.

Actually, I think that quote is from Joseph Stalin. But close enough eh? :banana:

Joseph Stalin Quote

If the opposition disarms, all is well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.
Joseph Stalin
Is she Native American or not??
Let's not go down the liberal grievance industry of "I'm offended" once again
Posting memes about a possible future political candidate is NOT trolling. The OP contains a meme, and the whole entire thread topic is BASED upon a particular meme.
including the one where you posted she said she'd come take our guns from us but there is no proof she ever said that? still waiting for you to provide a link to the actual quote.

Actually, I think that quote is from Joseph Stalin. But close enough eh? :banana:

Joseph Stalin Quote

If the opposition disarms, all is well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.
Joseph Stalin
well that answered that question. the meme was a total fabrication which i said at the time. prove the quote only when i ask for that, poof.

not a warren fan AT ALL - but i do like for my reasons to not like someone to be real.
If it's o.k. to call her Pocahontas, then it's o.k. to call Drumpf Adolf because of his German heritage?

I mean I wouldn't do it personally, but it's o.k., right?

I mean I really wouldn't, he doesn't even deserve that much. But it's perfectly acceptable, right?
If it's o.k. to call her Pocahontas, then it's o.k. to call Drumpf Adolf because of his German heritage?

I mean I wouldn't do it personally, but it's o.k., right?

I mean I really wouldn't, he doesn't even deserve that much. But it's perfectly acceptable, right?
personally i don't think THEY DO IT ALSO is *EVER* a go to for anyone over 12.
She is a fucking joke. She literally prevented actual indigenous people from receiving the treatment she received. She is a lying POS

Link to any of that happening, ever anywhere? Even a shred?

To lie about your heritage to advance your professional career seems unethical to me.

And what would you call spreading made-up shit stories that never happened?
Did she not claim to be part Indian?

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