Elizabeth Warren Claims Trump Insulted Her Race

Rexx, IMO Al "Fish Lips" Franken is kind of reminiscent of Minilla! Hopefully Franken will resign before the end of the year along with the "icon" that racist POS Conyers.

deeeeeflect. LOL
what is Elizabeth Warren's race?
Her mother told her she had some Indian heritage. She believed her mother.

Happens all the time. That's why AncestryDNA and 23 And Me are so successful.

Apparently, that was enough to get Lizzy Cheekbones into Harvard as an Indian


We did this before Frank. You lost. It was a shutout.

Want me to link that thread?

You claiming you won does not mean that you've won. All of Lizzy Cheekbones relatives were listed as "White" I'm not sure how you can keep saying you "won"?

Hey, I did exactly the same thing with you there that I did here with the rest of the me-too "liar"mongers -- I challenged you to back it up, and you failed to do it just as they did.

And yet here we are again doing the same thing expecting different results. Planet Bizarro.

As for the whole "listed" canard, already addressed here as it was already addressed there. Go see post 113. Here's a link to get you on your way. That dog didn't hunt before and it ain't a-gittin' up now.

The only Indian blood in her heritage comes from her very white great grandpappy shooting an Indian
The Progs want Trump to stop making fun of Warren for lying about her heritage for career advancement.

He isn’t.

Here's another one who got challenged to back that claim up, couldn't do it :gay:
---- and goes on yammering anyway even after he's proven wrong.

Elizabeth Warren is a lying sack of shit. You know it.

Odd that she called out Trump for being a racist, but didn’t defend her lies about having indigenous heritage.

She claimed to be Native American. She is not. That is a lie.

It’s funny to watch her try to squirm out of it....she is such a cvnt.

********ERA OF MINORITIES********

I am a member of an oppressed MINORITY too. I AM LEFT
HANDED------US furniture and cars and EVERYTHING is designed for the DOMINANT, CRUEL, OPPRESSIVE
righties (I am also short)
Last edited:
Her mother told her she had some Indian heritage. She believed her mother.

Happens all the time. That's why AncestryDNA and 23 And Me are so successful.

Apparently, that was enough to get Lizzy Cheekbones into Harvard as an Indian


We did this before Frank. You lost. It was a shutout.

Want me to link that thread?

You claiming you won does not mean that you've won. All of Lizzy Cheekbones relatives were listed as "White" I'm not sure how you can keep saying you "won"?

Hey, I did exactly the same thing with you there that I did here with the rest of the me-too "liar"mongers -- I challenged you to back it up, and you failed to do it just as they did.

And yet here we are again doing the same thing expecting different results. Planet Bizarro.

As for the whole "listed" canard, already addressed here as it was already addressed there. Go see post 113. Here's a link to get you on your way. That dog didn't hunt before and it ain't a-gittin' up now.

The only Indian blood in her heritage comes from her very white great grandpappy shooting an Indian
You are now trying to divert from your claim being shown to be totally bogus.

It isn't working.

You made a false claim which was proven to be false.

And yet you keep stating the lie as fact.

How embarassing for you. :lol:
Her mother told her she had some Indian heritage. She believed her mother.

Happens all the time. That's why AncestryDNA and 23 And Me are so successful.

Apparently, that was enough to get Lizzy Cheekbones into Harvard as an Indian


We did this before Frank. You lost. It was a shutout.

Want me to link that thread?

You claiming you won does not mean that you've won. All of Lizzy Cheekbones relatives were listed as "White" I'm not sure how you can keep saying you "won"?

Hey, I did exactly the same thing with you there that I did here with the rest of the me-too "liar"mongers -- I challenged you to back it up, and you failed to do it just as they did.

And yet here we are again doing the same thing expecting different results. Planet Bizarro.

As for the whole "listed" canard, already addressed here as it was already addressed there. Go see post 113. Here's a link to get you on your way. That dog didn't hunt before and it ain't a-gittin' up now.

The only Indian blood in her heritage comes from her very white great grandpappy shooting an Indian

Tiny tiny excerpt caught my eye:

I've got Syn so I can "hear" colors

I think you've brought this up before, it's fascinating. Can you also 'see' sounds? I can, and my niece sees sounds IN color. :)

Syn is pretty fascinating, nearly every case is unique. I have a total replacement of emotions so I feel 100% in color. My other crossed wires are more like echos. I see colors with sound; I see a color and there's an audible sound with it. I hear with sensation; I hear a sound and there is a feeling of being touched (it's pitched to different locations - my husband is trained to be rather noisy in bed, JS ;D )
The Donald pwnd Pocahontas AGAIN. The democrats are not going to even try to float that ridiculous loser in a canoe against The Donald next election. As far as "native americans" in participating on behalf of the USA WWII, give me a break. Whites from from around the country were heroes. There were actually a few Jews and Blacks, not many obviously, who were intelligent enough to participate also.
Trump embarrassed himself, the country and the Navaho natives he was SUPPOSED TO BE HONORING.
This type of behavior isn’t even acceptable in Middle School none the less for a president.
For you to say he pwnd a United States Senator shows you’re just as sick as he is.
There’s something seriously wrong with this president that only a psychiatric workup can help.
Maybe Trump should simply call Elizabeth Warren a racist who lied about her heritage to get career advancement.
All stupid fucking Progs know how to do is play the race card.

They’re idiots.

They don’t even know how to use their own bullshit.

Maybe they should be critical of Warren for lying, not Trump for calling her on it.

If the bitch ever tries to run for President, she is going to have a tough time getting past the fact that she shit on indigenous people for her own personal gain.

She is the racist.

And here he is again. Already caught with his pants down having nothing to back up his mythology, and yet here he is still trying to sell it.

Just tell me this "Liar"mongers ---

On what date is it going to finally sink in that this fake Scott Brown "she lied" story is not selling outside your own Echobubble?

Just give me a date so I can mark my calendar. I wouldn't want to miss the big event.
Apparently, that was enough to get Lizzy Cheekbones into Harvard as an Indian


We did this before Frank. You lost. It was a shutout.

Want me to link that thread?

You claiming you won does not mean that you've won. All of Lizzy Cheekbones relatives were listed as "White" I'm not sure how you can keep saying you "won"?

Hey, I did exactly the same thing with you there that I did here with the rest of the me-too "liar"mongers -- I challenged you to back it up, and you failed to do it just as they did.

And yet here we are again doing the same thing expecting different results. Planet Bizarro.

As for the whole "listed" canard, already addressed here as it was already addressed there. Go see post 113. Here's a link to get you on your way. That dog didn't hunt before and it ain't a-gittin' up now.

The only Indian blood in her heritage comes from her very white great grandpappy shooting an Indian
You are diverting from your claim being totally bogus now.

It isn't working.

You made a false claim which was proven to be false.

And yet you keep stating the lie as fact.

How embarassing for you. :lol:

Ridiculous. The facts are:
  • All her ancestors are listed as white
  • Both Penn and Harvard listed her as a minority.
  • Her cheekbones do not make her an Indian
Maybe Obama's publisher filled the Penn and Harvard applications for Lizzy Cheekbones
The Donald pwnd Pocahontas AGAIN. The democrats are not going to even try to float that ridiculous loser in a canoe against The Donald next election. As far as "native americans" in participating on behalf of the USA WWII, give me a break. Whites from from around the country were heroes. There were actually a few Jews and Blacks, not many obviously, who were intelligent enough to participate also.
Trump embarrassed himself, the country and the Navaho natives he was SUPPOSED TO BE HONORING.
This type of behavior isn’t even acceptable in Middle School none the less for a president.
For you to say he pwnd a United States Senator shows you’re just as sick as he is.
There’s something seriously wrong with this president that only a psychiatric workup can help.

Embarrassing for a sitting senator to have lied about being indigenous to get a $350,000 job at Harvard.

She is a lying sack of shit and a cvnt.
Rexx, IMO Al "Fish Lips" Franken is kind of reminiscent of Minilla! Hopefully Franken will resign before the end of the year along with the "icon" that racist POS Conyers.


You live in both Minnesota AND Michigan-13 then?

Wow, talk about voter fraud...
The Donald pwnd Pocahontas AGAIN. The democrats are not going to even try to float that ridiculous loser in a canoe against The Donald next election. As far as "native americans" in participating on behalf of the USA WWII, give me a break. Whites from from around the country were heroes. There were actually a few Jews and Blacks, not many obviously, who were intelligent enough to participate also.
Trump embarrassed himself, the country and the Navaho natives he was SUPPOSED TO BE HONORING.
This type of behavior isn’t even acceptable in Middle School none the less for a president.
For you to say he pwnd a United States Senator shows you’re just as sick as he is.
There’s something seriously wrong with this president that only a psychiatric workup can help.

Embarrassing for a sitting senator to have lied about being indigenous to get a $350,000 job at Harvard.

She is a lying sack of shit and a cvnt.
How ironic that you lie about how Warren got into Harvard and then call her a liar.

Boy, that sure is some audacious bullshit!
Also, having the ceremony under a picture of Andrew Jackson (most famous for massacring the Cherokee) was a tackiness multiplier. But I'll give that a pass, because I don't think Trump is smart enough to understand the signifigence.
Do you mean that DoTard Trump has been lying about how he is the smartest person ever???

We did this before Frank. You lost. It was a shutout.

Want me to link that thread?

You claiming you won does not mean that you've won. All of Lizzy Cheekbones relatives were listed as "White" I'm not sure how you can keep saying you "won"?

Hey, I did exactly the same thing with you there that I did here with the rest of the me-too "liar"mongers -- I challenged you to back it up, and you failed to do it just as they did.

And yet here we are again doing the same thing expecting different results. Planet Bizarro.

As for the whole "listed" canard, already addressed here as it was already addressed there. Go see post 113. Here's a link to get you on your way. That dog didn't hunt before and it ain't a-gittin' up now.

The only Indian blood in her heritage comes from her very white great grandpappy shooting an Indian
You are diverting from your claim being totally bogus now.

It isn't working.

You made a false claim which was proven to be false.

And yet you keep stating the lie as fact.

How embarassing for you. :lol:

Ridiculous. The facts are:
  • All her ancestors are listed as white

Post 113 Frank.

Post 113 Frank.

Post 113 Frank.

Post 113 Frank.

Post 113 Frank.

Hello?? Hello? This thing on?

You see?

You show the tards that Warren did not get into Harvard because she claimed to be an Indian, and they still repeat the lie anyway.

ZERO integrity.

Willfully stupid.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

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