Elizabeth Warren Claims Trump Insulted Her Race

This is what happens every time Trump goes off teleprompter. He embarrasses America.
No he doesn't, just only the sensitive liberal snowflakes. The name Pocahontas is not a racial slur. It's the name of a long dead squaw......fact.
from wiki:
The racial classification of Indian Americans has varied over the years and across institutions.[12] Originally, neither the courts nor the census bureau classified Indian Americans as a race because there were only negligible numbers of Indian immigrants in the United States. Various court judgements instead deemed Indians to be "White" or "not White" for the purposes of law. In 1970,

so yea, usually done for legal purposes.

And that actually touches on the Warren history as well as scores of other people, as it hearkens back to times of ignorance and bigotry, in that people of other (nonwhite) races, who could get away with doing so, would report themselves as "white" on census and similar forms, to (ironic pun intended) save their own skin. A century or two later message board wags waddle in and go "look, this ancestor was reported as 'white'". Yeah, no shit. The operative verb is reported as. There's a distinct reason it was reported that way. Countless tales of social objections to who one marries or where one lives based on race or ethnicity abound from those times.

I've already mentioned how I had to ferret out my own Irish heritage after it was buried in my grandparents' time by that same dynamic. It's a smaller scale but it's the same mentality shift.

The glaring error in reasoning here is that social attitudes fucking CHANGE over time, and sometimes radically. In Warren's ancestors' time you just didn't "admit" to being Indian if you could get away with it. Many light-skinned African-derived people did the same thing. To wallow around unaware that that world existed, and not that long ago, is to be blindly ignorant to one's own society's history.

So, what your'esaying is that Fauxacontas is really an indian, despite all the documentaiton saying she isn't. Then explain this, douchebag, why won't she submit her DNA for analysis? That would settle the matter once and for all.

Who in the wide wide world of fuck are you to demand DNA tests of a total stranger just so you'll be force to troll some other topic on a message board?

Holy SHIT how arrogant is that? This is **YOUR** hangup, **YOU** get off your ass and deal with it.


I can tell you I'm Irish. Owl can tell you he's black. NEITHER of us owe you jack shit to back it up. I mean get the fuck OVER yourself.

You aren't running for political office. A woman who wants to be a U.S. Senator and who has been trading on claims that's she has an Indian heritage has an obligation to backup her claims. Otherwise she's just another lying douchebag Demoocrat.

Aaaaaaand right back to the fabrications.

If (in this case) Warren had been "trading on her Indian heritage" you could document it. But you can't. All you can do is whine incessantly about fantasies that don't even exist in the hope that some schlub third party will read your insipid bullshit and swallow it. Again, fuck you and everybody who operates that way.
It has already been thoroughly documented by others. I'm not going to do any homework that you assigne just to watch me jump through hoops.
Navajo Nation: President’s comment at ceremony ‘culturally insensitive’

After the event, the Navajo Nation released a statement calling the president’s words “culturally insensitive”.

“In this day and age, all tribal nations still battle insensitive references to our people. The prejudice that Native American people face is an unfortunate historical legacy,” said a statement by Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye. “As Native Americans, we are proud people who have taken care of this land long before there was the United States of America and we will continue to fight for this Nation.”

Begaye added: “It was our code talkers that ensured the freedom of the United States, and that’s what is important to remember here.”

There's a certain irony contrast in that while Rump was conflating "Pocahontas" (Algonquin), "Warren" (Cherokee) and "Navajo" (Navajo") just as ignorantly as it would be to conflate "Belgian", "Rumanian" and "Portuguese" on the basis that they're all the same race and "they all look alike to me", on the other hand the Navajo Code Talkers were used because of their distinctly unique language that the Japanese could not figure out.

So we have this Orange troll supposedly there to honor their national service that their very diversity allowed them to perform, and then standing right in front of them trashing those very distinctions that made them valuable. In effect tossing them away like a used Kleenex.

But then he does have a background in Indian trolling....

How 'bout that. Donald Rump think he's an anthropologist. SMH
Liz Warren told MSNBC that Trump insulted her Indian heritage.

Nope. That's a lie.

Why do you come on here every day and show everyone you have zero integrity?

“It is deeply unfortunate that the president of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur. “
Liz Warren told MSNBC that Trump insulted her Indian heritage.

Nope. That's a lie.

Why do you come on here every day and show everyone you have zero integrity?

“It is deeply unfortunate that the president of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur. “
Show me where she said Trump insulted HER Indian heritage.

Go ahead.
Next thing you know, Trump will be calling Rachel Dolezai "Sambo".
And that actually touches on the Warren history as well as scores of other people, as it hearkens back to times of ignorance and bigotry, in that people of other (nonwhite) races, who could get away with doing so, would report themselves as "white" on census and similar forms, to (ironic pun intended) save their own skin. A century or two later message board wags waddle in and go "look, this ancestor was reported as 'white'". Yeah, no shit. The operative verb is reported as. There's a distinct reason it was reported that way. Countless tales of social objections to who one marries or where one lives based on race or ethnicity abound from those times.

I've already mentioned how I had to ferret out my own Irish heritage after it was buried in my grandparents' time by that same dynamic. It's a smaller scale but it's the same mentality shift.

The glaring error in reasoning here is that social attitudes fucking CHANGE over time, and sometimes radically. In Warren's ancestors' time you just didn't "admit" to being Indian if you could get away with it. Many light-skinned African-derived people did the same thing. To wallow around unaware that that world existed, and not that long ago, is to be blindly ignorant to one's own society's history.

So, what your'esaying is that Fauxacontas is really an indian, despite all the documentaiton saying she isn't. Then explain this, douchebag, why won't she submit her DNA for analysis? That would settle the matter once and for all.

Who in the wide wide world of fuck are you to demand DNA tests of a total stranger just so you'll be force to troll some other topic on a message board?

Holy SHIT how arrogant is that? This is **YOUR** hangup, **YOU** get off your ass and deal with it.


I can tell you I'm Irish. Owl can tell you he's black. NEITHER of us owe you jack shit to back it up. I mean get the fuck OVER yourself.

You aren't running for political office. A woman who wants to be a U.S. Senator and who has been trading on claims that's she has an Indian heritage has an obligation to backup her claims. Otherwise she's just another lying douchebag Demoocrat.

Aaaaaaand right back to the fabrications.

If (in this case) Warren had been "trading on her Indian heritage" you could document it. But you can't. All you can do is whine incessantly about fantasies that don't even exist in the hope that some schlub third party will read your insipid bullshit and swallow it. Again, fuck you and everybody who operates that way.
It has already been thoroughly documented by others. I'm not going to do any homework that you assigne just to watch me jump through hoops.

Of course you're not, because you're a whiny little dishonest pissant who sits there and deny deny deny and claims "it's been documented" when no such thing happens, and then runs away because you're a fucking wimp who can't handle reality. Nothing's changed about that.
And that actually touches on the Warren history as well as scores of other people, as it hearkens back to times of ignorance and bigotry, in that people of other (nonwhite) races, who could get away with doing so, would report themselves as "white" on census and similar forms, to (ironic pun intended) save their own skin. A century or two later message board wags waddle in and go "look, this ancestor was reported as 'white'". Yeah, no shit. The operative verb is reported as. There's a distinct reason it was reported that way. Countless tales of social objections to who one marries or where one lives based on race or ethnicity abound from those times.

I've already mentioned how I had to ferret out my own Irish heritage after it was buried in my grandparents' time by that same dynamic. It's a smaller scale but it's the same mentality shift.

The glaring error in reasoning here is that social attitudes fucking CHANGE over time, and sometimes radically. In Warren's ancestors' time you just didn't "admit" to being Indian if you could get away with it. Many light-skinned African-derived people did the same thing. To wallow around unaware that that world existed, and not that long ago, is to be blindly ignorant to one's own society's history.

So, what your'esaying is that Fauxacontas is really an indian, despite all the documentaiton saying she isn't. Then explain this, douchebag, why won't she submit her DNA for analysis? That would settle the matter once and for all.

Who in the wide wide world of fuck are you to demand DNA tests of a total stranger just so you'll be force to troll some other topic on a message board?

Holy SHIT how arrogant is that? This is **YOUR** hangup, **YOU** get off your ass and deal with it.


I can tell you I'm Irish. Owl can tell you he's black. NEITHER of us owe you jack shit to back it up. I mean get the fuck OVER yourself.

You aren't running for political office. A woman who wants to be a U.S. Senator and who has been trading on claims that's she has an Indian heritage has an obligation to backup her claims. Otherwise she's just another lying douchebag Demoocrat.

Aaaaaaand right back to the fabrications.

If (in this case) Warren had been "trading on her Indian heritage" you could document it. But you can't. All you can do is whine incessantly about fantasies that don't even exist in the hope that some schlub third party will read your insipid bullshit and swallow it. Again, fuck you and everybody who operates that way.
It has already been thoroughly documented by others.
No, it hasn't.
Elizabeth Warren, being a filthy ass Communist holding a seat in the US Senate, is an insult to the Untied States of America.
what is Elizabeth Warren's race?
Her mother told her she had some Indian heritage. She believed her mother.

Happens all the time. That's why AncestryDNA and 23 And Me are so successful.

1595?-1617. Powhatan princess who befriended the English colonists at Jamestown and is said to have saved Capt. John Smith from execution by her people. She married the colonist John Rolfe (1614) and later traveled to England, where she died. Pocahontas." - Definition from YourDictionary (How is this Racist?)

The name "Pocahontas" is in no way "racist". Lumping various people of various backgrounds into clones of each other on the sole basis that they're of the same race and therefore "they all look alike to me" is a slur based on denigration of that race by ignoring its characteristics.

You should know that. You do it here every day. So did that monkey avatar you carried during the O'bama years.
Trump was stupid to open this can of worms, but having said that, Warren has less native blood than I do, and I don't go around making indigenous claims nor do I mark anything special on any application.

And nor does she, and nor did she.

Go ahead -- try to prove me wrong.

This thing is like a clothes washer cycle that doesn't have a "finish" position. Over and over and over and over and over, and it never sinks into the dense crania that the inability to document a claim, actually means something.

Hard to believe.
Anyone else surprised that the Party that had the following people in the Senate: a KKK Grand Kleagle as Majority leader, a guy who left his pregnant girlfriend to drown in a car, a guy who was a drug mule for the Las Vegas Mafia, a guy who lied about being a Vietnam veteran, would circle the wagons around a nut who claims she has "Cherokee cheekbones" and could therefore lie her way into Harvard and beyond?

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