Elizabeth Warren Claims Trump Insulted Her Race

Link to any of that happening, ever anywhere? Even a shred?

And what would you call spreading made-up shit stories that never happened?

Well, if she accepted preferential treatment as a member of the Harvard staff as an indigenous person, she prevented an actual indigenous person from the same treatment.

Let’s look at it this way. If I lied about being black, and received a black scholarship, I prevented an actual black person from getting the scholarship....so while lying to promote myself,I would have fucked over an actual minority.

You know exactly what I meant, don’t play stupid.

So you have no link. Because it doesn't exist. And you didn't bother to vet your meme. And now you're falling back on "well what if this happened"? It didn't.

Now you can answer question two and describe yourself.

The Harvard staff considered her a Native American.

She wasn't.

She lied.

You know it.

Stop your bullshit.
You lie so easily. Must come from years of practice.
I’ll let Snopes take it from here:

The Globe obtained a portion of Warren’s application to Rutgers, which asks if prospective students want to apply for admission under the school’s Program for Minority Group Students. Warren answered “no.”For her employment documents at the University of Texas, Warren indicated that she was “white.”

The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”

Now that you know the facts I’m sure you’ll keep lying about her because this is what all your deplorable brothers and sisters do. LIE THRU YOUR TEETH.
Slopes has been found to be an unethical website. Now its democrat owner is being accused of money laundering for prostitutes.

Snopes tells the truth...

You fail to tell the truth, you do this continuously...

Now we know you will lie and have morally thought it right if it is against Democrats or liberals... You feel justified in doing this.

You find the truth to be unethical if it is not degrading Democrat/Liberals or even moderates...

This makes you quite a sad person, you are in firm belief that Trump is a saviour... You give him your devotion without question. It is very sad...
Well, if she accepted preferential treatment as a member of the Harvard staff as an indigenous person, she prevented an actual indigenous person from the same treatment.

Let’s look at it this way. If I lied about being black, and received a black scholarship, I prevented an actual black person from getting the scholarship....so while lying to promote myself,I would have fucked over an actual minority.

You know exactly what I meant, don’t play stupid.

So you have no link. Because it doesn't exist. And you didn't bother to vet your meme. And now you're falling back on "well what if this happened"? It didn't.

Now you can answer question two and describe yourself.

The Harvard staff considered her a Native American.

She wasn't.

She lied.

You know it.

Stop your bullshit.
You lie so easily. Must come from years of practice.
I’ll let Snopes take it from here:

The Globe obtained a portion of Warren’s application to Rutgers, which asks if prospective students want to apply for admission under the school’s Program for Minority Group Students. Warren answered “no.”For her employment documents at the University of Texas, Warren indicated that she was “white.”

The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”

Now that you know the facts I’m sure you’ll keep lying about her because this is what all your deplorable brothers and sisters do. LIE THRU YOUR TEETH.
Slopes has been found to be an unethical website. Now its democrat owner is being accused of money laundering for prostitutes.

Snopes tells the truth...

You fail to tell the truth, you do this continuously...

Now we know you will lie and have morally thought it right if it is against Democrats or liberals... You feel justified in doing this.

You find the truth to be unethical if it is not degrading Democrat/Liberals or even moderates...

This makes you quite a sad person, you are in firm belief that Trump is a saviour... You give him your devotion without question. It is very sad...

Snopes is fake news. That has been proven.
So you have no link. Because it doesn't exist. And you didn't bother to vet your meme. And now you're falling back on "well what if this happened"? It didn't.

Now you can answer question two and describe yourself.

The Harvard staff considered her a Native American.

She wasn't.

She lied.

You know it.

Stop your bullshit.
You lie so easily. Must come from years of practice.
I’ll let Snopes take it from here:

The Globe obtained a portion of Warren’s application to Rutgers, which asks if prospective students want to apply for admission under the school’s Program for Minority Group Students. Warren answered “no.”For her employment documents at the University of Texas, Warren indicated that she was “white.”

The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”

Now that you know the facts I’m sure you’ll keep lying about her because this is what all your deplorable brothers and sisters do. LIE THRU YOUR TEETH.
Slopes has been found to be an unethical website. Now its democrat owner is being accused of money laundering for prostitutes.

Snopes tells the truth...

You fail to tell the truth, you do this continuously...

Now we know you will lie and have morally thought it right if it is against Democrats or liberals... You feel justified in doing this.

You find the truth to be unethical if it is not degrading Democrat/Liberals or even moderates...

This makes you quite a sad person, you are in firm belief that Trump is a saviour... You give him your devotion without question. It is very sad...

Snopes is fake news. That has been proven.
maybe. i certainly don't use it as an end all be all but it a research point.

ie - the whole warren saying she will disarm the gun owners - that clever meme chris is pimping. i asked him to show me that quote and he can't. won't even try.

and THIS is why memes are assnugget stupid. they rely in bulk on quotes that are simply NOT true.
Pocahontas speaks with forked tongue.

Great White Chief Trump rub her nose in it.............

That one may leave a mark.....

One can accept that Warren was being a little silly claiming native american heritage...

But the place to talk about that was not while honoring Native American Veterans. The Orange Shitgibbon once again diminished his office by being, petty.

Also, having the ceremony under a picture of Andrew Jackson (most famous for massacring the Cherokee) was a tackiness multiplier. But I'll give that a pass, because I don't think Trump is smart enough to understand the signifigence.

So he took what should have been a nice little ceremony and turned it into something tawdry...

Or in other words - "Monday".
That's all the narcissism talking. Trump can't understand how his words affect others. It's a characterological impossibility.
He should remember that Snowflakes are easily offended and he should stick to the teleprompter like Osama.

Also, people with forked tongues should learn to :anj_stfu:
and THIS is why memes are assnugget stupid. they rely in bulk on quotes that are simply NOT true.


Sorry, couldn't help myself.
She is a fucking joke. She literally prevented actual indigenous people from receiving the treatment she received. She is a lying POS

Link to any of that happening, ever anywhere? Even a shred?

To lie about your heritage to advance your professional career seems unethical to me.

And what would you call spreading made-up shit stories that never happened?

Well, if she accepted preferential treatment as a member of the Harvard staff as an indigenous person, she prevented an actual indigenous person from the same treatment.

Let’s look at it this way. If I lied about being black, and received a black scholarship, I prevented an actual black person from getting the scholarship....so while lying to promote myself,I would have fucked over an actual minority.

You know exactly what I meant, don’t play stupid.
That did not happen. Another lie by the lying 'Conservatives'. And I bet you know that, not that it would prevent you from repeating the lie.

Somehow these klowns seem to think if they repeat a fabrication over and over and over, the general public will come to believe it, and the fact that they can't prove it doesn't even sink in.

Can't imagine what kind of ass they pull that idea from.
Notice how when trump takes an honoring event to take a shot at someone that has nothing to do with the event.....all his obedience trumpanzees jump right in to take more shots? They are so obedient, so easy.

Goes hand-in-hand with the inability to think for oneself, which leads to a blind preference for "follow the leader".

Dangerous waters. For what should be obvious reasons.
aren't chipmunks a race? they do have high cheek bones.

And that ^ is exactly what I mean by 'consider the source'.

This thread and the topic in general seems to be some kind of contest to see who can post the most mindless insipid shit. I don't get the point of that.
from wiki:
The racial classification of Indian Americans has varied over the years and across institutions.[12] Originally, neither the courts nor the census bureau classified Indian Americans as a race because there were only negligible numbers of Indian immigrants in the United States. Various court judgements instead deemed Indians to be "White" or "not White" for the purposes of law. In 1970,

so yea, usually done for legal purposes.

And that actually touches on the Warren history as well as scores of other people, as it hearkens back to times of ignorance and bigotry, in that people of other (nonwhite) races, who could get away with doing so, would report themselves as "white" on census and similar forms, to (ironic pun intended) save their own skin. A century or two later message board wags waddle in and go "look, this ancestor was reported as 'white'". Yeah, no shit. The operative verb is reported as. There's a distinct reason it was reported that way. Countless tales of social objections to who one marries or where one lives based on race or ethnicity abound from those times.

I've already mentioned how I had to ferret out my own Irish heritage after it was buried in my grandparents' time by that same dynamic. It's a smaller scale but it's the same mentality shift.

The glaring error in reasoning here is that social attitudes fucking CHANGE over time, and sometimes radically. In Warren's ancestors' time you just didn't "admit" to being Indian if you could get away with it. Many light-skinned African-derived people did the same thing. To wallow around unaware that that world existed, and not that long ago, is to be blindly ignorant to one's own society's history.
She has high cheekbones.

I have big lips and i like watermelon. According to that pathetic communist liar, that shows that she indeed has Native American blood.

Am I black?
Pocahontas speaks with forked tongue.

Great White Chief Trump rub her nose in it.............

That one may leave a mark.....

One can accept that Warren was being a little silly claiming native american heritage...

But the place to talk about that was not while honoring Native American Veterans. The Orange Shitgibbon once again diminished his office by being, petty.

Also, having the ceremony under a picture of Andrew Jackson (most famous for massacring the Cherokee) was a tackiness multiplier. But I'll give that a pass, because I don't think Trump is smart enough to understand the signifigence.

So he took what should have been a nice little ceremony and turned it into something tawdry...

Or in other words - "Monday".
That's all the narcissism talking. Trump can't understand how his words affect others. It's a characterological impossibility.

That's one way to look at it. Actually I'm inclined to believe he does understand how his words affect others, and the fatal flaw is that he goes ahead and does it anyway, in fact expressly for that purpose, because it again brings attention back to Numero Uno. He's a simple gadfly.

The same thing he did with all those incestuous-suggesting photos with his daughter when she was 15, His objective seems not to be boinking his own daughter but rather projecting to the public the idea that he's boinking his own daughter. Only because he gets eyeballs as a paycheck.

And then "fire the sumbitches", and "they're rapists" and "there used to be consequences" and mocking a reporter's congenital disability --- all follow the same pattern. And when the latter got blowback he just turned on a dime and denied he ever did it, which is an entirely other, but related, psychological malady of self-delusion. Also born out of the same NPD.
from wiki:
The racial classification of Indian Americans has varied over the years and across institutions.[12] Originally, neither the courts nor the census bureau classified Indian Americans as a race because there were only negligible numbers of Indian immigrants in the United States. Various court judgements instead deemed Indians to be "White" or "not White" for the purposes of law. In 1970,

so yea, usually done for legal purposes.

And that actually touches on the Warren history as well as scores of other people, as it hearkens back to times of ignorance and bigotry, in that people of other (nonwhite) races, who could get away with doing so, would report themselves as "white" on census and similar forms, to (ironic pun intended) save their own skin. A century or two later message board wags waddle in and go "look, this ancestor was reported as 'white'". Yeah, no shit. The operative verb is reported as. There's a distinct reason it was reported that way. Countless tales of social objections to who one marries or where one lives based on race or ethnicity abound from those times.

I've already mentioned how I had to ferret out my own Irish heritage after it was buried in my grandparents' time by that same dynamic. It's a smaller scale but it's the same mentality shift.

The glaring error in reasoning here is that social attitudes fucking CHANGE over time, and sometimes radically. In Warren's ancestors' time you just didn't "admit" to being Indian if you could get away with it. Many light-skinned African-derived people did the same thing. To wallow around unaware that that world existed, and not that long ago, is to be blindly ignorant to one's own society's history.

So, what your'esaying is that Fauxacontas is really an indian, despite all the documentaiton saying she isn't. Then explain this, douchebag, why won't she submit her DNA for analysis? That would settle the matter once and for all.
She has high cheekbones.

I have big lips and i like watermelon. According to that pathetic communist liar, that shows that she indeed has Native American blood.

Am I black?


If you decide you are, there's no one on this board who can call you a "liar".
from wiki:
The racial classification of Indian Americans has varied over the years and across institutions.[12] Originally, neither the courts nor the census bureau classified Indian Americans as a race because there were only negligible numbers of Indian immigrants in the United States. Various court judgements instead deemed Indians to be "White" or "not White" for the purposes of law. In 1970,

so yea, usually done for legal purposes.

And that actually touches on the Warren history as well as scores of other people, as it hearkens back to times of ignorance and bigotry, in that people of other (nonwhite) races, who could get away with doing so, would report themselves as "white" on census and similar forms, to (ironic pun intended) save their own skin. A century or two later message board wags waddle in and go "look, this ancestor was reported as 'white'". Yeah, no shit. The operative verb is reported as. There's a distinct reason it was reported that way. Countless tales of social objections to who one marries or where one lives based on race or ethnicity abound from those times.

I've already mentioned how I had to ferret out my own Irish heritage after it was buried in my grandparents' time by that same dynamic. It's a smaller scale but it's the same mentality shift.

The glaring error in reasoning here is that social attitudes fucking CHANGE over time, and sometimes radically. In Warren's ancestors' time you just didn't "admit" to being Indian if you could get away with it. Many light-skinned African-derived people did the same thing. To wallow around unaware that that world existed, and not that long ago, is to be blindly ignorant to one's own society's history.

So, what your'esaying is that Fauxacontas is really an indian, despite all the documentaiton saying she isn't. Then explain this, douchebag, why won't she submit her DNA for analysis? That would settle the matter once and for all.

Who in the wide wide world of fuck are you to demand DNA tests of a total stranger just so you'll be force to troll some other topic on a message board?

Holy SHIT how arrogant is that? This is **YOUR** hangup, **YOU** get off your ass and deal with it.


I can tell you I'm Irish. Owl can tell you he's black. NEITHER of us owe you jack shit to back it up. I mean get the fuck OVER yourself.

Besides which it would in no way "settle the matter" and you damn well know it. Number one there IS NO "matter" and number two we've all been down this road before and alllllll you "liar"mongers have been called out to document the lie and none of you have ever done it because it does not exist, yet you go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on yammering this same stupid mindless insipid BULLSHIT complete with Googly Image memes trying to put legs on a myth that cannot stand because it's built on NOTHING.

Fuck you and everyone who operates like you.
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