Elizabeth Warren Claims Trump Insulted Her Race

So, what your'esaying is that Fauxacontas is really an indian, despite all the documentaiton saying she isn't. Then explain this, douchebag, why won't she submit her DNA for analysis? That would settle the matter once and for all.

Who in the wide wide world of fuck are you to demand DNA tests of a total stranger just so you'll be force to troll some other topic on a message board?

Holy SHIT how arrogant is that? This is **YOUR** hangup, **YOU** get off your ass and deal with it.


I can tell you I'm Irish. Owl can tell you he's black. NEITHER of us owe you jack shit to back it up. I mean get the fuck OVER yourself.

You aren't running for political office. A woman who wants to be a U.S. Senator and who has been trading on claims that's she has an Indian heritage has an obligation to backup her claims. Otherwise she's just another lying douchebag Demoocrat.

Aaaaaaand right back to the fabrications.

If (in this case) Warren had been "trading on her Indian heritage" you could document it. But you can't. All you can do is whine incessantly about fantasies that don't even exist in the hope that some schlub third party will read your insipid bullshit and swallow it. Again, fuck you and everybody who operates that way.
It has already been thoroughly documented by others. I'm not going to do any homework that you assigne just to watch me jump through hoops.

Of course you're not, because you're a whiny little dishonest pissant who sits there and deny deny deny and claims "it's been documented" when no such thing happens, and then runs away because you're a fucking wimp who can't handle reality. Nothing's changed about that.
Confirmed - Elizabeth Warren knowingly self-identified as Native American on law association forms

Warren found listed as a minority professor at second law schoolExclusive: Harvard EEOC

Report Listed Warren as Native American in 1999 - Breitbart

UPenn also called Elizabeth Warren a minority in diversity report
Who in the wide wide world of fuck are you to demand DNA tests of a total stranger just so you'll be force to troll some other topic on a message board?

Holy SHIT how arrogant is that? This is **YOUR** hangup, **YOU** get off your ass and deal with it.


I can tell you I'm Irish. Owl can tell you he's black. NEITHER of us owe you jack shit to back it up. I mean get the fuck OVER yourself.

You aren't running for political office. A woman who wants to be a U.S. Senator and who has been trading on claims that's she has an Indian heritage has an obligation to backup her claims. Otherwise she's just another lying douchebag Demoocrat.

Aaaaaaand right back to the fabrications.

If (in this case) Warren had been "trading on her Indian heritage" you could document it. But you can't. All you can do is whine incessantly about fantasies that don't even exist in the hope that some schlub third party will read your insipid bullshit and swallow it. Again, fuck you and everybody who operates that way.
It has already been thoroughly documented by others. I'm not going to do any homework that you assigne just to watch me jump through hoops.

Of course you're not, because you're a whiny little dishonest pissant who sits there and deny deny deny and claims "it's been documented" when no such thing happens, and then runs away because you're a fucking wimp who can't handle reality. Nothing's changed about that.
Confirmed - Elizabeth Warren knowingly self-identified as Native American on law association forms

Warren found listed as a minority professor at second law schoolExclusive: Harvard EEOC

Report Listed Warren as Native American in 1999 - Breitbart

UPenn also called Elizabeth Warren a minority in diversity report

Elizabeth Warren herself could sit down face to face with POGO and tell him that she lied about her Native American heritage for professional gain, and he would claim that its not true.
Hey, I did exactly the same thing with you there that I did here with the rest of the me-too "liar"mongers -- I challenged you to back it up, and you failed to do it just as they did.

And yet here we are again doing the same thing expecting different results. Planet Bizarro.

As for the whole "listed" canard, already addressed here as it was already addressed there. Go see post 113. Here's a link to get you on your way. That dog didn't hunt before and it ain't a-gittin' up now.

The only Indian blood in her heritage comes from her very white great grandpappy shooting an Indian
You are diverting from your claim being totally bogus now.

It isn't working.

You made a false claim which was proven to be false.

And yet you keep stating the lie as fact.

How embarassing for you. :lol:

Ridiculous. The facts are:
  • All her ancestors are listed as white
  • Both Penn and Harvard listed her as a minority.
  • Her cheekbones do not make her an Indian
Maybe Obama's publisher filled the Penn and Harvard applications for Lizzy Cheekbones

As long as you are politically aligned....I guess it’s ok to lie to advance your career.

Trump saying “Pocahontas” is deemed worse than Warren lying about being Native American

Fucking Progs.
Again, Warren did not get into Harvard by claiming to be an Indian.

So why are you repeating that lie over and over?

Because you are willfully stupid and have zero integrity.

"If I say it enough times, it becomes true!"

The fuck she didn't.

"Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren is Native American."

Survey: Diversity Lacking At HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

Pocahontas speaks with forked tongue.

Great White Chief Trump rub her nose in it.............

That one may leave a mark.....

One can accept that Warren was being a little silly claiming native american heritage...

But the place to talk about that was not while honoring Native American Veterans. The Orange Shitgibbon once again diminished his office by being, petty.

Also, having the ceremony under a picture of Andrew Jackson (most famous for massacring the Cherokee) was a tackiness multiplier. But I'll give that a pass, because I don't think Trump is smart enough to understand the signifigence.

So he took what should have been a nice little ceremony and turned it into something tawdry...

Or in other words - "Monday".
That's all the narcissism talking. Trump can't understand how his words affect others. It's a characterological impossibility.

That's one way to look at it. Actually I'm inclined to believe he does understand how his words affect others, and the fatal flaw is that he goes ahead and does it anyway, in fact expressly for that purpose, because it again brings attention back to Numero Uno. He's a simple gadfly.

The same thing he did with all those incestuous-suggesting photos with his daughter when she was 15, His objective seems not to be boinking his own daughter but rather projecting to the public the idea that he's boinking his own daughter. Only because he gets eyeballs as a paycheck.

And then "fire the sumbitches", and "they're rapists" and "there used to be consequences" and mocking a reporter's congenital disability --- all follow the same pattern. And when the latter got blowback he just turned on a dime and denied he ever did it, which is an entirely other, but related, psychological malady of self-delusion. Also born out of the same NPD.

Thank you for your input

Chief MUCH Butt Hurt....
Liz Warren told MSNBC that Trump insulted her Indian heritage.


Elizabeth Warren: 'Deeply Unfortunate' Trump Cannot Honor Heroes Without Throwing Out a 'Racial Slur' - Breitbart

How come your title says "race" and then your OP says "Indian heritage"?

Do you not know the difference?

We know a lying squaw we call pocahontas...
Wait only bode can call people *squaw*.
Can a Native American use the N-word?

Who is the bigger victim? They should be able to insult the lesser victim with slurs. That's how it works right? The bigger the victim, the more they can get away with....as repayment.
Navajo Code Talker Breaks Silence – DESTROYS #FakeIndian Elizabeth Warren With Epic One-Liner
by Cristina Laila 215 Comments
As previously reported, fake Indian Elizabeth Warren got super triggered after President Trump slammed her Monday calling her Pocahontas while honoring Native American code talkers.


President Trump to Native American code talkers: “You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas.”

Liberals came unhinged!

Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren and the liberal liars in the media accused President Trump of being offensive by throwing out a ‘racial slur’ during the ceremony.

One of the Navajo code talkers, Thomas Begay broke his silence and destroyed Warren with an epic one-liner.

“The Marines made us yell ‘Geronimo’ when we jumped out of planes and that didn’t offend me either.”


Navajo Code Talker Breaks Silence – DESTROYS #FakeIndian Elizabeth Warren With Epic One-Liner
You aren't running for political office. A woman who wants to be a U.S. Senator and who has been trading on claims that's she has an Indian heritage has an obligation to backup her claims. Otherwise she's just another lying douchebag Demoocrat.

Aaaaaaand right back to the fabrications.

If (in this case) Warren had been "trading on her Indian heritage" you could document it. But you can't. All you can do is whine incessantly about fantasies that don't even exist in the hope that some schlub third party will read your insipid bullshit and swallow it. Again, fuck you and everybody who operates that way.
It has already been thoroughly documented by others. I'm not going to do any homework that you assigne just to watch me jump through hoops.

Of course you're not, because you're a whiny little dishonest pissant who sits there and deny deny deny and claims "it's been documented" when no such thing happens, and then runs away because you're a fucking wimp who can't handle reality. Nothing's changed about that.
Confirmed - Elizabeth Warren knowingly self-identified as Native American on law association forms

Warren found listed as a minority professor at second law schoolExclusive: Harvard EEOC

Report Listed Warren as Native American in 1999 - Breitbart

UPenn also called Elizabeth Warren a minority in diversity report

Elizabeth Warren herself could sit down face to face with POGO and tell him that she lied about her Native American heritage for professional gain, and he would claim that its not true.

Nope. I've never posted anything I can't back up.

But I'm happy to call out those who do.
Aaaaaaand right back to the fabrications.

If (in this case) Warren had been "trading on her Indian heritage" you could document it. But you can't. All you can do is whine incessantly about fantasies that don't even exist in the hope that some schlub third party will read your insipid bullshit and swallow it. Again, fuck you and everybody who operates that way.
It has already been thoroughly documented by others. I'm not going to do any homework that you assigne just to watch me jump through hoops.

Of course you're not, because you're a whiny little dishonest pissant who sits there and deny deny deny and claims "it's been documented" when no such thing happens, and then runs away because you're a fucking wimp who can't handle reality. Nothing's changed about that.
Confirmed - Elizabeth Warren knowingly self-identified as Native American on law association forms

Warren found listed as a minority professor at second law schoolExclusive: Harvard EEOC

Report Listed Warren as Native American in 1999 - Breitbart

UPenn also called Elizabeth Warren a minority in diversity report

Elizabeth Warren herself could sit down face to face with POGO and tell him that she lied about her Native American heritage for professional gain, and he would claim that its not true.

Nope. I've never posted anything I can't back up.

But I'm happy to call out those who do.
oh hell dude - you call them out when you just THINK they do and won't listen to anything but what drives your tunnel vision.
It has already been thoroughly documented by others. I'm not going to do any homework that you assigne just to watch me jump through hoops.

Of course you're not, because you're a whiny little dishonest pissant who sits there and deny deny deny and claims "it's been documented" when no such thing happens, and then runs away because you're a fucking wimp who can't handle reality. Nothing's changed about that.
Confirmed - Elizabeth Warren knowingly self-identified as Native American on law association forms

Warren found listed as a minority professor at second law schoolExclusive: Harvard EEOC

Report Listed Warren as Native American in 1999 - Breitbart

UPenn also called Elizabeth Warren a minority in diversity report

Elizabeth Warren herself could sit down face to face with POGO and tell him that she lied about her Native American heritage for professional gain, and he would claim that its not true.

Nope. I've never posted anything I can't back up.

But I'm happy to call out those who do.
oh hell dude - you call them out when you just THINK they do and won't listen to anything but what drives your tunnel vision.


See? There I go again. :cool-45:
Of course you're not, because you're a whiny little dishonest pissant who sits there and deny deny deny and claims "it's been documented" when no such thing happens, and then runs away because you're a fucking wimp who can't handle reality. Nothing's changed about that.
Confirmed - Elizabeth Warren knowingly self-identified as Native American on law association forms

Warren found listed as a minority professor at second law schoolExclusive: Harvard EEOC

Report Listed Warren as Native American in 1999 - Breitbart

UPenn also called Elizabeth Warren a minority in diversity report

Elizabeth Warren herself could sit down face to face with POGO and tell him that she lied about her Native American heritage for professional gain, and he would claim that its not true.

Nope. I've never posted anything I can't back up.

But I'm happy to call out those who do.
oh hell dude - you call them out when you just THINK they do and won't listen to anything but what drives your tunnel vision.


See? There I go again. :cool-45:

The Cherokee nation called her out.

What the fuck are you talking about, you need links to proof.

You simply want to stay ignorant. If you keep saying there is no evidence that she lied.....you are the liar...unless you are saying these Cherokees are the liars.

What happens is the MSM decides not to widely report on topics they don't like...and then ignorant fucks claim it never happened because it wasn't on the front page of the NEW YORK TIMES.

The shit is pathetic.

Cherokees to Protest Warren at State Convention

Cherokees angered by Elizabeth Warren’s claims of Native American heritage said today they’ll stand in silent protest against the embattled Senate candidate during Saturday’s Democratic Convention in Springfield.

“I believe we need a presence there. Warren hasn’t recanted her claims or apologized to the Cherokee people,” said David Cornsilk, a 53-year-old citizen of Cherokee Nation who co-created a group called “Cherokees Demand Truth from Elizabeth Warren.”
Of course you're not, because you're a whiny little dishonest pissant who sits there and deny deny deny and claims "it's been documented" when no such thing happens, and then runs away because you're a fucking wimp who can't handle reality. Nothing's changed about that.
Confirmed - Elizabeth Warren knowingly self-identified as Native American on law association forms

Warren found listed as a minority professor at second law schoolExclusive: Harvard EEOC

Report Listed Warren as Native American in 1999 - Breitbart

UPenn also called Elizabeth Warren a minority in diversity report

Elizabeth Warren herself could sit down face to face with POGO and tell him that she lied about her Native American heritage for professional gain, and he would claim that its not true.

Nope. I've never posted anything I can't back up.

But I'm happy to call out those who do.
oh hell dude - you call them out when you just THINK they do and won't listen to anything but what drives your tunnel vision.


See? There I go again. :cool-45:
look up our conversation history. the last one we had you pounded the shit out of me because you didn't like a word i used and chose to make a huge issue out of that word despite my explaining the context behind if several times. in the end that word had nothing to do with the overall conversation but you chose to use that word against me to prove i was wrong about whatever it was we were talking about.

when you have labeled people, you don't change and you're quick to label.

Nope. I've never posted anything I can't back up.

But I'm happy to call out those who do.
oh hell dude - you call them out when you just THINK they do and won't listen to anything but what drives your tunnel vision.


See? There I go again. :cool-45:
look up our conversation history. the last one we had you pounded the shit out of me because you didn't like a word i used and chose to make a huge issue out of that word despite my explaining the context behind if several times. in the end that word had nothing to do with the overall conversation but you chose to use that word against me to prove i was wrong about whatever it was we were talking about.

when you have labeled people, you don't change and you're quick to label.

No idea what you're talking about.

I don't keep "conversation histories", whatever that means.

Nope. I've never posted anything I can't back up.

But I'm happy to call out those who do.
oh hell dude - you call them out when you just THINK they do and won't listen to anything but what drives your tunnel vision.


See? There I go again. :cool-45:

The Cherokee nation called her out.

What the fuck are you talking about, you need links to proof.

You simply want to stay ignorant. If you keep saying there is no evidence that she lied.....you are the liar...unless you are saying these Cherokees are the liars.

What happens is the MSM decides not to widely report on topics they don't like...and then ignorant fucks claim it never happened because it wasn't on the front page of the NEW YORK TIMES.

The shit is pathetic.

Cherokees to Protest Warren at State Convention

Cherokees angered by Elizabeth Warren’s claims of Native American heritage said today they’ll stand in silent protest against the embattled Senate candidate during Saturday’s Democratic Convention in Springfield.

“I believe we need a presence there. Warren hasn’t recanted her claims or apologized to the Cherokee people,” said David Cornsilk, a 53-year-old citizen of Cherokee Nation who co-created a group called “Cherokees Demand Truth from Elizabeth Warren.”

Unfortunately Sprinkles ---- Elizabeth Warren never claimed to be, or applied to be, part of Cherokee Nation.

Prove me wrong.
Elizabeth Warren herself could sit down face to face with POGO and tell him that she lied about her Native American heritage for professional gain, and he would claim that its not true.

Nope. I've never posted anything I can't back up.

But I'm happy to call out those who do.
oh hell dude - you call them out when you just THINK they do and won't listen to anything but what drives your tunnel vision.


See? There I go again. :cool-45:

The Cherokee nation called her out.

What the fuck are you talking about, you need links to proof.

You simply want to stay ignorant. If you keep saying there is no evidence that she lied.....you are the liar...unless you are saying these Cherokees are the liars.

What happens is the MSM decides not to widely report on topics they don't like...and then ignorant fucks claim it never happened because it wasn't on the front page of the NEW YORK TIMES.

The shit is pathetic.

Cherokees to Protest Warren at State Convention

Cherokees angered by Elizabeth Warren’s claims of Native American heritage said today they’ll stand in silent protest against the embattled Senate candidate during Saturday’s Democratic Convention in Springfield.

“I believe we need a presence there. Warren hasn’t recanted her claims or apologized to the Cherokee people,” said David Cornsilk, a 53-year-old citizen of Cherokee Nation who co-created a group called “Cherokees Demand Truth from Elizabeth Warren.”

Unfortunately Sprinkles ---- Elizabeth Warren never claimed to be, or applied to be, part of Cherokee Nation.

Prove me wrong.

No problem:

Elizabeth Warren claimed to be part Cherokee - Bing video
Elizabeth Warren herself could sit down face to face with POGO and tell him that she lied about her Native American heritage for professional gain, and he would claim that its not true.

Nope. I've never posted anything I can't back up.

But I'm happy to call out those who do.
oh hell dude - you call them out when you just THINK they do and won't listen to anything but what drives your tunnel vision.


See? There I go again. :cool-45:
look up our conversation history. the last one we had you pounded the shit out of me because you didn't like a word i used and chose to make a huge issue out of that word despite my explaining the context behind if several times. in the end that word had nothing to do with the overall conversation but you chose to use that word against me to prove i was wrong about whatever it was we were talking about.

when you have labeled people, you don't change and you're quick to label.

No idea what you're talking about.

I don't keep "conversation histories", whatever that means.
obviously i don't keep the history either or i could give you a link to it in the forums.

but you do judge quickly and base your arguments around how you feel about the person, not what they are saying. you can blither all you want around that but i've seen you do it to me and many others.

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