Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

Bill Clinton, if snowflakes had had their way - no electoral college in '92, would have LOST!
Instead, he lost the 'popular vote' BS but won the Presidency with the Electoral College....NO TANTRUM.

Hillary ran the worst campaign in US history in 2016, did not even visit the states she list - which cost her the election....she did what Bill did not do - win the popular vote - and failed to do what he DID do - win the Presidency.

Hillary supporters openly wept, and for the last 2 years they have continued to throw a tantrum...and you laughably tell ME to 'grow up'...


Once AGAIN moron, there is no "Hillary" in this question. And also AGAIN, just because you were too fucked up to notice or chose to ignore it, the EC question has been gurgling for over TWO HUNDRED YEARS. Including the year of 1992.
HHillary, again, ran the worst campaign in US history. The 2 states she refused to visit and lost made up the difference in her loss.

The Electoral College was / is not the problem.

This crooked criminal bitch couldn't even win a rigged election.


Criminal? What was she ever convicted of - after umpteen NaziCon investigations?

Sometimes you just need to use common sense and logic. OJ was found innocent too.

He was found guilty in civil court.

Take HRC to civil court and she ll be found guilty there as well.
I do not blame you for being pizzed at the election results. Its like sports in winning and losing. But even sports has its ways. In a 7 game World Series you can have the losing team scoring more runs total then the winning team. The EC is a circuit breaker to deter potential dictatorial politics. The Federal Senators elected by state legislatures was the same until removed in 1913. States rights is dicey. Progressives want to lower the voting age to 16, get rid of the EC and expand Supreme Court Judges. What the hell do you think this portends?

I have not been pissed about election results since 1996 when Ross did not win. Since then picking between what the two parties had to offer was like choosing between gonorrhea and syphilis, there was never a winning choice so why get upset.

There are flaws in any system, even the EC. I am not saying we should get rid of it as I have not seen a better idea yet, but that does not mean it is not without its flaws.

I did the math a while back and I estimated there were something like 55 million votes cast for the "loser" in a state where the loser really had no chance to win the state, thus those votes were essentially no more impact on the outcome of the election than my vote for Johnson. That is a lot of votes that simply did not matter in the least. That is a flaw in the current system.
I liked Perot. In 1992 he had a chance as the percentages were close for all 3 candidates. Then he mysteriously dropped out. The he returned and his one third of the vote dropped in half. That gave Clinton the election. So he was either threatened or was a shill. Even Dole probably would have won in 1996 without him.
Red areas of California are few and inbetween.

There are more "red" voters in Cali than people in Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota combined.
And they are powerless in state and national issues.

Which is the weakness of the current winner take all EC system.

Which ever system we use, there will be those that do not matter and will not have their vote count.
Why if it were a straight vote would there be "those that will not have their vote count?"

Clearly in a straight up popular vote high population centers would have more power than they do now. That is not a good thing either as the wants and needs of high population centers differ from those of rural voters.
In the case of a President, how much difference does that make? The House and Senate are where we address the specific wants and needs of constituents.
I foresee a lot of suits in federal courts in those states that have enacted laws to override the EC. They will reach SCOTUS before the 2020 general election and will be ruled unconstitutional.

which states have enacted laws to override the EC?

Status of National Popular Vote Bill in Each State @ Status of National Popular Vote Bill in Each State



Arkansas - Passed House in 2007 and 2009

Arizona - Passed House in 2016

California - Enacted into law

Colorado - Enacted into law

Connecticut - Enacted into law

District of Columbia - Enacted into law

Delaware - Passed by both houses in 2019; awaiting Governor's signature


Georgia - Unanimously approved by House committee in 2016

Hawaii - Enacted into law



Illinois - Enacted into law





Massachusetts - Enacted into law

Maryland - Enacted into law

Maine - Passed Maine Senate in 2008

Michigan - Passed House in 2008


Missouri - Unanimously approved by House committee in 2016



North Carolina - Passed Senate in 2007

North Dakota


New Hampshire

New Jersey - Enacted into law

New Mexico - Passed by both houses in 2019; awaiting Governor's signature

Nevada - Passed Assembly in 2009

New York - Enacted into law


Oklahoma - Passed Senate in 2015

Oregon - Passed House in 2009, 2013, and 2015


Rhode Island - Enacted into law

South Carolina

South Dakota





Vermont - Enacted into law

Washington - Enacted into law


West Virginia


Does that answer your question?

Holy Blue States Bat Man
I think the Colorado law is an excellent example.

It says that no matter how the people of Colorado votes, EC votes will go to the winner of the national votes.
In other words, totally ignore what the voters of Colorado voted for.
Has to be totally unconstitutional.
There are more "red" voters in Cali than people in Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota combined.
And they are powerless in state and national issues.

Which is the weakness of the current winner take all EC system.

Which ever system we use, there will be those that do not matter and will not have their vote count.
Why if it were a straight vote would there be "those that will not have their vote count?"

Clearly in a straight up popular vote high population centers would have more power than they do now. That is not a good thing either as the wants and needs of high population centers differ from those of rural voters.
In the case of a President, how much difference does that make? The House and Senate are where we address the specific wants and needs of constituents.

So, you do not see much difference between Trump and Hillary?
I think the Colorado law is an excellent example.

It says that no matter how the people of Colorado votes, EC votes will go to the winner of the national votes.
In other words, totally ignore what the voters of Colorado voted for.
Has to be totally unconstitutional.

I doubt it is unconstitutional at all. Prior to 1820 the people in many states had no say and the state legislatures selected its electors
The president oversees the country. Which is why each vote should be equal when selecting that person.

AOC represents her district which is why only people who live there should be able to decide who gets to represent them in the house.

This really isn't that complex.

Except AOC also sways many other voters in the country with her rhetoric and presence and especially on social media. Don’t play coy as you know this to be true. She also sits on numerous committees as do many of her fellow HORs

So since we re changing the rules let’s keep going. As AOC and her brood have started to overtake the party. Really not that difficult to see where I am coming from.

Actually you are really just rambling. But let me know when you have a coherent point you want to make that's relevant.

Bullshit. These reps have voting power as you saw in the Kav case. They don’t just represent their states and districts. Let me know when you want to be civil again. You have one more chance.

Let me know when you want to have a real discussion. Your "point" is borderline retarded. I don't know how else to put it. If you want a stronger voice representing you... Elect someone else. But you have no right to say who a different area has elected to represent them.

Except that’s no longer the case. Because of committees and such the “I represent my district” is a thing of the past.

So go ahead and advocate that committees are done away with if they bother you so much.
Time to end the racist Electoral College. It was created by racists for racist reasons.

No it wasn’t. That’s a myth drummed up by far left extremists like you in order to try and get people on board with a radical change in the way we do our presidential elections because every time the Democrats lose an election they think it’s because the rules need to change, not because their ideas were rejected
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.
Yeah the country needs to be ruled by CA, NY, and IL, because they are doing so great with one party rule.

What transparent rubes!
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Time to end the racist Electoral College. It was created by racists for racist reasons.

Thank you for continuing to demonstrate the fact that you can't fix stupid, especially when 'stupid' does not want to change'...and proving you certainly can recite a fake news liberal talking point.

The Electoral College has everything to do with EQUAL REPRESENTATION of everyone, to equally represent the concerns of those Americans living in 'fly-over states' as well as densely populated population centers like New York and California.

If the Electoral College is abandoned there will be no need to visit, campaign in, listen to, pay any attention to those smaller states. They will be able to do what Hillary ignorantly did in 2016 - completely ignore and avoid campaigning in some states.

The United States Senate EXITS as it does basically because of the same exact reason as the electoral college - EQUAL REPRESENTATION.

Why do you think EVERY state has 2 Representatives in the US Senate instead of states like California having more, as is how it is in the House, or did you simply not give it any thought?
-- The Founding Fathers wanted a branch of government in which every state had equal 'footing' / representation.

This drive from the Leftist Extremists is another knee-jerk reaction / tantrum-throwing session after losing an election in which their corrupt criminal candidate was supposed to win in a landslide....

When Democrats do not get their way / lose their answer is not to try harder next time and play within the Rules. Their response it to cheat more / change the rules.

Hillary could not win a rigged election in a well-known process established / defined in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers.
-- DEMOCRAT SOLUTION: Change the Rules / Constitution, Abolish the Electoral College

Trump, not Hillary became President.
DEMOCRAT SOLUTION: The Obama administration Agency Directors (DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI), Hillary. Leftists attempted / are attempting a 'soft coup d'etat'.

Democrats did not hold the WH, and Trump got to appoint a USSC Justice...and perhaps more
-- DEMOCRAT SOLUTION: Change the Rules - expand the court and fill the vacancies to reach a liberal extremist majority THAT way.

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Except AOC also sways many other voters in the country with her rhetoric and presence and especially on social media. Don’t play coy as you know this to be true. She also sits on numerous committees as do many of her fellow HORs

So since we re changing the rules let’s keep going. As AOC and her brood have started to overtake the party. Really not that difficult to see where I am coming from.

Actually you are really just rambling. But let me know when you have a coherent point you want to make that's relevant.

Bullshit. These reps have voting power as you saw in the Kav case. They don’t just represent their states and districts. Let me know when you want to be civil again. You have one more chance.

Let me know when you want to have a real discussion. Your "point" is borderline retarded. I don't know how else to put it. If you want a stronger voice representing you... Elect someone else. But you have no right to say who a different area has elected to represent them.

Except that’s no longer the case. Because of committees and such the “I represent my district” is a thing of the past.

So go ahead and advocate that committees are done away with if they bother you so much.

No. I am with you. Lets have a nation wide vote for all in Congress and POTUS.
And they are powerless in state and national issues.

Which is the weakness of the current winner take all EC system.

Which ever system we use, there will be those that do not matter and will not have their vote count.
Why if it were a straight vote would there be "those that will not have their vote count?"

Clearly in a straight up popular vote high population centers would have more power than they do now. That is not a good thing either as the wants and needs of high population centers differ from those of rural voters.
In the case of a President, how much difference does that make? The House and Senate are where we address the specific wants and needs of constituents.

So, you do not see much difference between Trump and Hillary?
Hillary wouldn't have started a trade war and screwed up the soybean market?
I think the Colorado law is an excellent example.

It says that no matter how the people of Colorado votes, EC votes will go to the winner of the national votes.
In other words, totally ignore what the voters of Colorado voted for.
Has to be totally unconstitutional.

I doubt it is unconstitutional at all. Prior to 1820 the people in many states had no say and the state legislatures selected its electors
The state legislatures also selected its senators. That got changed.
Time to end the racist Electoral College. It was created by racists for racist reasons.

Thank you for continuing to demonstrate the fact that you can't fix stupid, especially when 'stupid' does not want to change'...and proving you certainly can recite a fake news liberal talking point.

The Electoral College has everything to do with EQUAL REPRESENTATION of everyone, to equally represent the concerns of those Americans living in 'fly-over states' as well as densely populated population centers like New York and California.

If the Electoral College is abandoned there will be no need to visit, campaign in, listen to, pay any attention to those smaller states. They will be able to do what Hillary ignorantly did in 2016 - completely ignore and avoid campaigning in some states.

The United States Senate EXITS as it does basically because of the same exact reason as the electoral college - EQUAL REPRESENTATION.

Why do you think EVERY state has 2 Representatives in the US Senate instead of states like California having more, as is how it is in the House, or did you simply not give it any thought?
-- The Founding Fathers wanted a branch of government in which every state had equal 'footing' / representation.

This drive from the Leftist Extremists is another knee-jerk reaction / tantrum-throwing session after losing an election in which their corrupt criminal candidate was supposed to win in a landslide....

When Democrats do not get their way / lose their answer is not to try harder next time and play within the Rules. Their response it to cheat more / change the rules.

Hillary could not win a rigged election in a well-known process established / defined in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers.
-- DEMOCRAT SOLUTION: Change the Rules / Constitution, Abolish the Electoral College

Trump, not Hillary became President.
DEMOCRAT SOLUTION: The Obama administration Agency Directors (DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI), Hillary. Leftists attempted / are attempting a 'soft coup d'etat'.

Democrats did not hold the WH, and Trump got to appoint a USSC Justice...and perhaps more
-- DEMOCRAT SOLUTION: Change the Rules - expand the court and fill the vacancies to reach a liberal extremist majority THAT way.

listen to your messiah

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