Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

Criminal? What was she ever convicted of - after umpteen NaziCon investigations?
So what - as it has been proven to you, the Director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress that Hillary Clinton Perjured herself and committed crimes.

You can try to continue to ignore that 'll you want but it remains a fact, you pathetic snowflake.

Please provide "credible" proof that "the Director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress that Hillary Clinton Perjured herself and committed crimes."
I did, snowflake. I'm not playing your 'stupid'. Game. Keep denying facts and reality. People gave and do see that is the CHOICE you have made.
The parts of the world where they keep killing each other. When it comes to rights I support dignity for people. Dems have achieved that.

The party that is making it legal to kill newborn babies...?
The parts of the world where they keep killing each other. When it comes to rights I support dignity for people. Dems have achieved that.

The party that is making it legal to kill newborn babies...?
That is the insanity. They don't know when to stop for anything. Abortion is just one of many issues that has gone off the rails. And it is a behavior problem also as our culture accepts it.
The other way to fix the electoral college system is to tie the number of electoral votes each state gets to it's actual population.
What about dividing up the number of votes according the a percentage of the popular vote instead of winner takes all. For example. California has 55 electoral votes. If candidate A wins 30% of the vote they get 16 votes and candidate B with 70% gets 39 votes. Some states do this. Doesn’t that seem more fair and representative of the people?
Sure but that would have to go along with adjusting the number of electoral votes to actually be representative of the population of that state. For example California is too low currently.
Fuck Hillary...I don't care about her.

I'm talking about future elections. I realize strategies will change to account for the way votes are counted.. And that's fine.

But the electoral college is an out dated system that needs to go.

So how would low populated rural areas become as densely populated as the blue states, for that to become equal?
The rural areas grow the crops and raise the live stock that feed those densely populated states.
Get rid of the EC and the rural area would have no say in our Presidential Elections.
You're concerned about "areas". I'm concerned about people and ensuring every person is counted and weighted the same.

Areas are represented by the house and Senate.

People do have a voice with a Republic, Democracy not as much. The Electoral College helps for all to have a voice, even minorities. All voices from all over the nation get a voice, it matters not the flavor of the day, it equalizes the might of the majority to protect the rights of the minority.

Not an equal voice. It's disproportionate.
Look you keep claiming every vote counts and should be weighed the same but then keep claiming the Senate is fine. The Founders made the Senate to equalize the State voices in the Senate. Either you want to get rid of the Senate too or you are blowing smoke about equal voice. By the way the Electoral college GIVES equal voice to the States.

I want equal voice for the people when it comes to picking the president. Equal voice for the states comes from the Senate.
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...

How so ? We can eliminate winner take all state electoral college vote stealing .

Sure, like California?

Yes ! Right now the red areas of Cali never have a say in the prez election .

Red areas of California are few and inbetween.

There are more "red" voters in Cali than people in Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota combined.
I foresee a lot of suits in federal courts in those states that have enacted laws to override the EC. They will reach SCOTUS before the 2020 general election and will be ruled unconstitutional.
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...

One person. One vote.

I foresee a lot of suits in federal courts in those states that have enacted laws to override the EC. They will reach SCOTUS before the 2020 general election and will be ruled unconstitutional.

which states have enacted laws to override the EC?
I know for a fact that if the GOP were to win the popular vote by several million votes only to lose the electoral college by about 100K votes in three states, they’d never consider the value in moving away from the electoral college system.

Republicans are always consistent. Always.
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...

How so ? We can eliminate winner take all state electoral college vote stealing .

Sure, like California?

Yes ! Right now the red areas of Cali never have a say in the prez election .

Red areas of California are few and inbetween.

There are more "red" voters in Cali than people in Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota combined.
And they are powerless in state and national issues.
How so ? We can eliminate winner take all state electoral college vote stealing .

Sure, like California?

Yes ! Right now the red areas of Cali never have a say in the prez election .

Red areas of California are few and inbetween.

There are more "red" voters in Cali than people in Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota combined.
And they are powerless in state and national issues.

Which is the weakness of the current winner take all EC system.

Which ever system we use, there will be those that do not matter and will not have their vote count.
Sure, like California?

Yes ! Right now the red areas of Cali never have a say in the prez election .

Red areas of California are few and inbetween.

There are more "red" voters in Cali than people in Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota combined.
And they are powerless in state and national issues.

Which is the weakness of the current winner take all EC system.

Which ever system we use, there will be those that do not matter and will not have their vote count.
I do not blame you for being pizzed at the election results. Its like sports in winning and losing. But even sports has its ways. In a 7 game World Series you can have the losing team scoring more runs total then the winning team. The EC is a circuit breaker to deter potential dictatorial politics. The Federal Senators elected by state legislatures was the same until removed in 1913. States rights is dicey. Progressives want to lower the voting age to 16, get rid of the EC and expand Supreme Court Judges. What the hell do you think this portends?
I do not blame you for being pizzed at the election results. Its like sports in winning and losing. But even sports has its ways. In a 7 game World Series you can have the losing team scoring more runs total then the winning team. The EC is a circuit breaker to deter potential dictatorial politics. The Federal Senators elected by state legislatures was the same until removed in 1913. States rights is dicey. Progressives want to lower the voting age to 16, get rid of the EC and expand Supreme Court Judges. What the hell do you think this portends?

I have not been pissed about election results since 1996 when Ross did not win. Since then picking between what the two parties had to offer was like choosing between gonorrhea and syphilis, there was never a winning choice so why get upset.

There are flaws in any system, even the EC. I am not saying we should get rid of it as I have not seen a better idea yet, but that does not mean it is not without its flaws.

I did the math a while back and I estimated there were something like 55 million votes cast for the "loser" in a state where the loser really had no chance to win the state, thus those votes were essentially no more impact on the outcome of the election than my vote for Johnson. That is a lot of votes that simply did not matter in the least. That is a flaw in the current system.
I foresee a lot of suits in federal courts in those states that have enacted laws to override the EC. They will reach SCOTUS before the 2020 general election and will be ruled unconstitutional.

which states have enacted laws to override the EC?

Status of National Popular Vote Bill in Each State @ Status of National Popular Vote Bill in Each State



Arkansas - Passed House in 2007 and 2009

Arizona - Passed House in 2016

California - Enacted into law

Colorado - Enacted into law

Connecticut - Enacted into law

District of Columbia - Enacted into law

Delaware - Passed by both houses in 2019; awaiting Governor's signature


Georgia - Unanimously approved by House committee in 2016

Hawaii - Enacted into law



Illinois - Enacted into law





Massachusetts - Enacted into law

Maryland - Enacted into law

Maine - Passed Maine Senate in 2008

Michigan - Passed House in 2008


Missouri - Unanimously approved by House committee in 2016



North Carolina - Passed Senate in 2007

North Dakota


New Hampshire

New Jersey - Enacted into law

New Mexico - Passed by both houses in 2019; awaiting Governor's signature

Nevada - Passed Assembly in 2009

New York - Enacted into law


Oklahoma - Passed Senate in 2015

Oregon - Passed House in 2009, 2013, and 2015


Rhode Island - Enacted into law

South Carolina

South Dakota





Vermont - Enacted into law

Washington - Enacted into law


West Virginia


Does that answer your question?
Sure, like California?

Yes ! Right now the red areas of Cali never have a say in the prez election .

Red areas of California are few and inbetween.

There are more "red" voters in Cali than people in Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota combined.
And they are powerless in state and national issues.

Which is the weakness of the current winner take all EC system.

Which ever system we use, there will be those that do not matter and will not have their vote count.
Why if it were a straight vote would there be "those that will not have their vote count?"
I foresee a lot of suits in federal courts in those states that have enacted laws to override the EC. They will reach SCOTUS before the 2020 general election and will be ruled unconstitutional.

which states have enacted laws to override the EC?

Status of National Popular Vote Bill in Each State @ Status of National Popular Vote Bill in Each State



Arkansas - Passed House in 2007 and 2009

Arizona - Passed House in 2016

California - Enacted into law

Colorado - Enacted into law

Connecticut - Enacted into law

District of Columbia - Enacted into law

Delaware - Passed by both houses in 2019; awaiting Governor's signature


Georgia - Unanimously approved by House committee in 2016

Hawaii - Enacted into law



Illinois - Enacted into law





Massachusetts - Enacted into law

Maryland - Enacted into law

Maine - Passed Maine Senate in 2008

Michigan - Passed House in 2008


Missouri - Unanimously approved by House committee in 2016



North Carolina - Passed Senate in 2007

North Dakota


New Hampshire

New Jersey - Enacted into law

New Mexico - Passed by both houses in 2019; awaiting Governor's signature

Nevada - Passed Assembly in 2009

New York - Enacted into law


Oklahoma - Passed Senate in 2015

Oregon - Passed House in 2009, 2013, and 2015


Rhode Island - Enacted into law

South Carolina

South Dakota





Vermont - Enacted into law

Washington - Enacted into law


West Virginia


Does that answer your question?

How does that override the EC? Does not the constitution give the states the right to choose how their EC votes are determined?
Yes ! Right now the red areas of Cali never have a say in the prez election .

Red areas of California are few and inbetween.

There are more "red" voters in Cali than people in Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota combined.
And they are powerless in state and national issues.

Which is the weakness of the current winner take all EC system.

Which ever system we use, there will be those that do not matter and will not have their vote count.
Why if it were a straight vote would there be "those that will not have their vote count?"

Clearly in a straight up popular vote high population centers would have more power than they do now. That is not a good thing either as the wants and needs of high population centers differ from those of rural voters.
Love? I get you. I dont. I live in MA where my vote is useless. But I think only idiots would elect devout Muslim extremists to Congress. So if we open up the POTUS votes let’s open up all the votes?
The president oversees the country. Which is why each vote should be equal when selecting that person.

AOC represents her district which is why only people who live there should be able to decide who gets to represent them in the house.

This really isn't that complex.

Except AOC also sways many other voters in the country with her rhetoric and presence and especially on social media. Don’t play coy as you know this to be true. She also sits on numerous committees as do many of her fellow HORs

So since we re changing the rules let’s keep going. As AOC and her brood have started to overtake the party. Really not that difficult to see where I am coming from.

Actually you are really just rambling. But let me know when you have a coherent point you want to make that's relevant.

Bullshit. These reps have voting power as you saw in the Kav case. They don’t just represent their states and districts. Let me know when you want to be civil again. You have one more chance.

Let me know when you want to have a real discussion. Your "point" is borderline retarded. I don't know how else to put it. If you want a stronger voice representing you... Elect someone else. But you have no right to say who a different area has elected to represent them.

Except that’s no longer the case. Because of committees and such the “I represent my district” is a thing of the past.

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