Elizabeth Warren Fights Back Against the "Magical Accounting" of Trickle-Down Economics

And the $10 that went into the budget BUT actually bought US treasury bonds (debt)? lol

That money was spent also. That $10 in treasury bonds is worthless to the taxpayers. They are the ones who have to pay them off.

What a moron.

Who do you think owns Treasury Bonds?

The taxpayers own them, which is why they are worthless. The taxpayers are the ones on the hook to pay them off.

Weird, you mean we use excess payroll taxes to hide the real cost of Gov't SO that the 'job creators' can keep their lowest sustained tax burden in 80+ years then???? To have FUTURE tax payers pay off current debt that conservatives/GOP created???


"United for a Fair Economy?" Is that a propaganda organ for the Communist Party?

BTW, doing business with the government doesn't come under the classification of "corporate welfare." If it did, then virtually every corporation in American accepts corporate welfare. Of course, that's exactly the kind of smear turds like you are trying to put over on the public.


Corporate Welfare in the Federal Budget

Corporate welfare in the federal budget costs taxpayers almost $100 billion a year.
Policymakers claim that business subsidies are needed to fix alleged market failures or to help American companies better compete in the global economy. However, corporate welfare often subsidizes failing and mismanaged businesses and induces firms to spend more time on lobbying rather than on making better products. Instead of correcting market failures, federal subsidies misallocate resources and introduce government failures into the marketplace.


Corporate Welfare in the Federal Budget Cato Institute

Koch Brothers Takes $88 Million in Corporate Welfare

Entitled “Subsidizing the Corporate One Percent,” the report from the taxpayer watchdog group Good Jobs First shows that the world’s largest companies aren’t models of self-sufficiency and unbridled capitalism. To the contrary, they’re propped up by billions of dollars in welfare payments from state and local governments.

Such subsidies might be a bit more defensible if they were being doled out in a way that promoted upstart entrepreneurialism. But as the study also shows, a full “three-quarters of all the economic development dollars awarded and disclosed by state and local governments have gone to just 965 large corporations”—not to the small businesses and startups that politicians so often pretend to care about.

In dollar figures, that’s a whopping $110 billion going to big companies. Fortune 500 firms alone receive more than 16,000 subsidies at a total cost of $63 billion.
U.S. workers' share of national income is at an ALL-TIME low:

what else would you expect when liberal unions and taxes drove 30 million workers's jobs off shore?

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Got it, you'll stick with your usual low info bullshit

conservatives 'free trade' and allowing the de-industrialization of AmeriKa to further the wallets of the 'job creators' at RECORD low effective rates on both Corp AND personal incomes had NOTHING to do with it. lol
Corporate welfare in the federal budget costs taxpayers almost $100 billion a year.

1) conservatives are against corporate welfare
2) 100 billion is trivial compared to 6 trillion in personal welfare each year
3) corporate welfare does not matter anyway since it is passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices

See why we are 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance.
conservatives 'free trade'

100% stupid!! If you don't have free trade you have to make your own cars and trains and planes and clothes so so you end up soviet poor.

A liberal lacks the IQ to understand free trade since liberalism is for the 100% ignorant
the top 1% pay 40% of all the personal federal income tax and 50% of state budgets in many states including NY and CA. This of course is just another soviet mess wherein we waste our seed corn or investment capital. A liberal will lack the IQ to understand.

the illiterate liberal does not how to use google!!!
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If the deficit is $500 billion this year, that won't add $500 billion to the debt?
Please explain further. I'll be making some popcorn in anticipation.


Social Security taxes now bring in more than the cost of current benefits, and the "Social Security surplus" makes the total deficit or surplus figures look better than they would if Social Security wasn’t counted.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton


the total deficit or surplus figures look better than they would if Social Security wasn’t counted.
Exactly! Never claimed otherwise.


Since the annual deficit numbers that are published already took the SS surplus into account, new deficits really do add to the debt.

Still playing games shocking. YOUR posit was just add up the deficits and you get debt. FALSE. STOP BEING A POS LIAR

YOUR posit was just add up the deficits and you get debt.

It's true, if you add Bush's deficits, you'll see how much he added to the debt.

Weird, YOU went from under $1 trillion to my figure of OVER $1.5 TRILLION now you want to go backwards? There is no hope for you Bubba

I'll use Debt-to-the-Penny numbers, going forward.
It is funny that you're questioning numbers from the White House.
You already admitted your claim that Reagan increased SS taxes 60% was a lie.
Now you want me to prove that 1984 SS tax revenue was not 60% higher than 1983 SS tax revenue?

Never did that Bubba, IF you posit it, PROVE it

How many jobs did Dubya's tax cuts for the rich create?

How about Reagan's?


Never did that Bubba

You never claimed Reagan increased SS taxes by 60%? LOL!
Take your meds, you're making less than you do normally.

Got it, you'll continue your lie

I will continue to point out your lies. Got it?

Sure, THAT'S what you do

While you're at it, care to point the jobs created BECAUSE of supply side economics either under Ronnie OR Dubya? Pretty please?

You bet. Right after you show Reagan raised SS taxes 60%.
Corporate welfare in the federal budget costs taxpayers almost $100 billion a year.

1) conservatives are against corporate welfare
2) 100 billion is trivial compared to 6 trillion in personal welfare each year
3) corporate welfare does not matter anyway since it is passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices

See why we are 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance.

Never did that Bubba, IF you posit it, PROVE it

How many jobs did Dubya's tax cuts for the rich create?

How about Reagan's?


Never did that Bubba

You never claimed Reagan increased SS taxes by 60%? LOL!
Take your meds, you're making less than you do normally.

Got it, you'll continue your lie

I will continue to point out your lies. Got it?

Sure, THAT'S what you do

While you're at it, care to point the jobs created BECAUSE of supply side economics either under Ronnie OR Dubya? Pretty please?

You bet. Right after you show Reagan raised SS taxes 60%.

Got it, you don't believe Dubya/Ronnie's supply side voodoo worked either lol
Corporate welfare in the federal budget costs taxpayers almost $100 billion a year.

1) conservatives are against corporate welfare
2) 100 billion is trivial compared to 6 trillion in personal welfare each year
3) corporate welfare does not matter anyway since it is passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices

See why we are 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance.


translation: as a typical liberal I was defeated!
Got it, you don't believe Dubya/Ronnie's supply side voodoo worked either lol

dear the supply of new inventions is how we got from the stone age to here. The more new inventions Republicans suppply the faster the world's standard of living increases. The more lib soviets interfere with this supply the slower the worlds standard of living increases.

Do you think its coincidental that massive regulation failed in USSR Red China East Germany and Cuba?
Got it, you don't believe Dubya/Ronnie's supply side voodoo worked either lol

dear the supply of new inventions is how we got from the stone age to here. The more new inventions Republicans suppply the faster the world's standard of living increases. The more lib soviets interfere with this supply the slower the worlds standard of living increases.

Do you think its coincidental that massive regulation failed in USSR Red China East Germany and Cuba?

Got it, you don't believe Dubya/Ronnie's supply side voodoo worked either lol

dear the supply of new inventions is how we got from the stone age to here. The more new inventions Republicans suppply the faster the world's standard of living increases. The more lib soviets interfere with this supply the slower the worlds standard of living increases.

Do you think its coincidental that massive regulation failed in USSR Red China East Germany and Cuba?


dear a customer can buy only after Republicans have supplied goods and sevices customers can afford.

It didn't do any good to be a customers for electricity in the stone age did it?

NOw do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Man you're very dumb. Government employees pay taxes on money they earn. So do private sector employees. Some private sector employees are paid by the government, and they too are taxed on their income.

Then we have the Romney's, they put the money they earn by laying off workers, selling of a business assets and putting their profit in off shore accounts.

That is the business of the Romney's, not mine. Stop being so greedy. If you are going to bother yourself with class envy then look at John Kerry. That is a rich bastard. I don't see you bitching about the filthy Kennedys or that asshole George Soros, who has more overseas accounts than Carter has Liver Pills.

Every cent paid to every government employee is either taken from a person who earned it or taken from our children if borrowed money.

The money would have been used in the productive economy or used by however the person that earned wanted it to be used.

You don't create jackshit by taking money out of one pocket and putting it in another. That simple fact of economics seems to escape the mind of all Moon Bats.

"John Kerry,Kennedys, George Soros"

Those guys supporting going back to higher tax rates? How horrible of them.

They must want 'class warfare' right? They must be envious too? lol

Warren Buffett’s:

Actually, there’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won. We’re the ones that have gotten our tax rates reduced dramatically. If you look at the 400 highest taxpayers in the United States in 1992, the first year for figures, they averaged about $40 million of [income] per person. In the most recent year, they were $227 million per person — five for one. During that period, their taxes went down from 29 percent to 21 percent of income. So, if there’s class warfare, the rich class has won.

There rsquo s been class warfare for the last 20 years and my class has won rsquo - The Plum Line - The Washington Post



The top 1% now pay 40% of all federal income tax while the bottom 55% pay nothing.
How stupid is it to take so much from the very people who grow our economy and so llittle from those who do not? Its 100% backwards and stupid and liberal.

How do they grow our economy? Be specific now, don't continue to parrot RW propaganda.
Got it, you don't believe Dubya/Ronnie's supply side voodoo worked either lol

dear the supply of new inventions is how we got from the stone age to here. The more new inventions Republicans suppply the faster the world's standard of living increases. The more lib soviets interfere with this supply the slower the worlds standard of living increases.

Do you think its coincidental that massive regulation failed in USSR Red China East Germany and Cuba?


dear a customer can buy only after Republicans have supplied goods and sevices customers can afford.

It didn't do any good to be a customers for electricity in the stone age did it?

NOw do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Electricity? Oh you mean the LIBERAL policy of electrifying America the conservatives fought? lol

Man you're very dumb. Government employees pay taxes on money they earn. So do private sector employees. Some private sector employees are paid by the government, and they too are taxed on their income.

Then we have the Romney's, they put the money they earn by laying off workers, selling of a business assets and putting their profit in off shore accounts.

That is the business of the Romney's, not mine. Stop being so greedy. If you are going to bother yourself with class envy then look at John Kerry. That is a rich bastard. I don't see you bitching about the filthy Kennedys or that asshole George Soros, who has more overseas accounts than Carter has Liver Pills.

Every cent paid to every government employee is either taken from a person who earned it or taken from our children if borrowed money.

The money would have been used in the productive economy or used by however the person that earned wanted it to be used.

You don't create jackshit by taking money out of one pocket and putting it in another. That simple fact of economics seems to escape the mind of all Moon Bats.

"John Kerry,Kennedys, George Soros"

Those guys supporting going back to higher tax rates? How horrible of them.

They must want 'class warfare' right? They must be envious too? lol

Warren Buffett’s:

Actually, there’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won. We’re the ones that have gotten our tax rates reduced dramatically. If you look at the 400 highest taxpayers in the United States in 1992, the first year for figures, they averaged about $40 million of [income] per person. In the most recent year, they were $227 million per person — five for one. During that period, their taxes went down from 29 percent to 21 percent of income. So, if there’s class warfare, the rich class has won.

There rsquo s been class warfare for the last 20 years and my class has won rsquo - The Plum Line - The Washington Post



The top 1% now pay 40% of all federal income tax while the bottom 55% pay nothing.
How stupid is it to take so much from the very people who grow our economy and so llittle from those who do not? Its 100% backwards and stupid and liberal.

How do they grow our economy? Be specific now, don't continue to parrot RW propaganda.

an economy grows when Republicans invent of supply new inventions. Democrats oppose this process.
Got it, you don't believe Dubya/Ronnie's supply side voodoo worked either lol

dear the supply of new inventions is how we got from the stone age to here. The more new inventions Republicans suppply the faster the world's standard of living increases. The more lib soviets interfere with this supply the slower the worlds standard of living increases.

Do you think its coincidental that massive regulation failed in USSR Red China East Germany and Cuba?


dear a customer can buy only after Republicans have supplied goods and sevices customers can afford.

It didn't do any good to be a customers for electricity in the stone age did it?

NOw do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Electricity? Oh you mean the LIBERAL policy of electrifying America the conservatives fought? lol

dear it didn't do any good to be a customers for iphones in the stone age did it? A customer can only be a customers when Republicans have suppliled goods and services they can afford. Now even you can see the nature of economic development and how soviets stand against it.
Got it, you don't believe Dubya/Ronnie's supply side voodoo worked either lol

dear the supply of new inventions is how we got from the stone age to here. The more new inventions Republicans suppply the faster the world's standard of living increases. The more lib soviets interfere with this supply the slower the worlds standard of living increases.

Do you think its coincidental that massive regulation failed in USSR Red China East Germany and Cuba?


dear a customer can buy only after Republicans have supplied goods and sevices customers can afford.

It didn't do any good to be a customers for electricity in the stone age did it?

NOw do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Electricity? Oh you mean the LIBERAL policy of electrifying America the conservatives fought? lol

dear it didn't do any good to be a customers for iphones in the stone age did it? A customer can only be a customers when Republicans have suppliled goods and services they can afford. Now even you can see the nature of economic development and how soviets stand against it.

dear the supply of new inventions is how we got from the stone age to here. The more new inventions Republicans suppply the faster the world's standard of living increases. The more lib soviets interfere with this supply the slower the worlds standard of living increases.

Do you think its coincidental that massive regulation failed in USSR Red China East Germany and Cuba?


dear a customer can buy only after Republicans have supplied goods and sevices customers can afford.

It didn't do any good to be a customers for electricity in the stone age did it?

NOw do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Electricity? Oh you mean the LIBERAL policy of electrifying America the conservatives fought? lol

dear it didn't do any good to be a customers for iphones in the stone age did it? A customer can only be a customers when Republicans have suppliled goods and services they can afford. Now even you can see the nature of economic development and how soviets stand against it.


stupid dumbto3 liberal losing debate turns to cartoons big letters and underlining!!

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