Elizabeth Warren Fights Back Against the "Magical Accounting" of Trickle-Down Economics

Sure Bubba, they spend it. Funny how you can't admit adding up deficits DOESN'T get you the debt, lol

If the deficit is $500 billion this year, that won't add $500 billion to the debt?
Please explain further. I'll be making some popcorn in anticipation.


Social Security taxes now bring in more than the cost of current benefits, and the "Social Security surplus" makes the total deficit or surplus figures look better than they would if Social Security wasn’t counted.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

You can't refute Dubya's tax cuts that were SUPPOSED to create jobs, created a single one

Can you try that again, in English?

Adding deficits DOESN'T amount to US debt, lol

Adding deficits DOESN'T amount to US debt

Yes it does.

Gawd you're a moron.

"Clinton’s large budget surpluses also owe much to the Social Security tax on payrolls. Social Security taxes now bring in more than the cost of current benefits, and the "Social Security surplus" makes the total deficit or surplus figures look better than they would if Social Security wasn’t counted."

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton




Deficit of $1 , BUT if $10 of the money coming in was PAYROLL taxes to pay for SS let's say, you grew your debt by $11 dollars. Have a 5th grader explain it to you Bubba




Deficit of $1 , BUT if $10 of the money coming in was PAYROLL taxes to pay for SS let's say, you grew your debt by $11 dollars. Have a 5th grader explain it to you Bubba

In your simplistic example, $90 came in thru income, business, import taxes and fees, etc.
$10 came in thru payroll taxes.
Spending was $101.
Your debt increased by $1, because your spending was more than your income.
Get an unrelated 5th grader to explain it to you. Doofus.

And the $10 that went into the budget BUT actually bought US treasury bonds (debt)? lol

And the $10 that went into the budget BUT actually bought US treasury bonds (debt)? lol

Still hilarious that you somehow think the government doesn't spend the money they raise by selling Treasury bonds.

Do you think the proceeds of bonds are simply put in a mattress? What do you think should be the purpose of Treasury Bonds, municipal bonds and private sector bonds?
Government insurance is a Progressive idea, not a Conservative one.

Please suck on the blame, Progs
Did I say that Bubba? No the POSIT was supply side under Dubya, where tax rates on the rich lowest sustained in modern times, DIDN'T create the jobs promised. Just like there is ZERO proof Reagan's did anything but increase debt. Weird you can't grasp that!

where tax rates on the rich lowest sustained in modern times,

You never did explain how much Bush cut their taxes, percentage-wise......

You never did provide ONE job Dubya';s tax cuts for the rich provided, besides Dubya's, of course!

You never did provide ONE job Dubya';s tax cuts for the rich provided

Bush only cut taxes for the rich? According to what definition of rich? Link?




I see the claim, most top end tax cuts.
So how much, percentage wise?



Your posit? lol
Sure the money IS spent, that was Reagan's idea when he went along with Greenspan's plan

That's how SS always worked, long before Reagan. There is no lockbox, Al Gore. LOL!

Yep, THAT'S why Ronnie needed to increase tax revenues from it, to hide the costs of tax cuts for the rich, though he only cut the top rate from 70% to 50% his first 6 years, by 1983, the US was starving for revenues.


Tell me again about the 60%. Moron.

Yes, when Ronnie increased SS taxes in 1983, when he doubled SS taxes on the self employed, the overall total increase in SS tax revenues was 60%,

Yes, when Ronnie increased SS taxes in 1983, when he doubled SS taxes on the self employed, the overall total increase in SS tax revenues was 60%

So you're done with your previous lie?

Since Reagan increased SS taxes 60%

That's a relief! One step at a time.
I guess you can prove your new lie, I mean claim?

Care to disprove ANYTHING I've posited Bubba? lol

You already admitted your claim that Reagan increased SS taxes 60% was a lie.
Now you want me to prove that 1984 SS tax revenue was not 60% higher than 1983 SS tax revenue?
Government insurance is a Progressive idea, not a Conservative one.

Please suck on the blame, Progs

Yes, SS keeps 50% of seniors out of poverty, without it our seniors would be living like many do in Latin American nations

Yep, THAT'S why Ronnie needed to increase tax revenues from it, to hide the costs of tax cuts for the rich, though he only cut the top rate from 70% to 50% his first 6 years, by 1983, the US was starving for revenues.


Tell me again about the 60%. Moron.

Yes, when Ronnie increased SS taxes in 1983, when he doubled SS taxes on the self employed, the overall total increase in SS tax revenues was 60%,

Yes, when Ronnie increased SS taxes in 1983, when he doubled SS taxes on the self employed, the overall total increase in SS tax revenues was 60%

So you're done with your previous lie?

Since Reagan increased SS taxes 60%

That's a relief! One step at a time.
I guess you can prove your new lie, I mean claim?

Care to disprove ANYTHING I've posited Bubba? lol

You already admitted your claim that Reagan increased SS taxes 60% was a lie.
Now you want me to prove that 1984 SS tax revenue was not 60% higher than 1983 SS tax revenue?

Never did that Bubba, IF you posit it, PROVE it

How many jobs did Dubya's tax cuts for the rich create?

How about Reagan's?

Man you're very dumb. Government employees pay taxes on money they earn. So do private sector employees. Some private sector employees are paid by the government, and they too are taxed on their income.

Then we have the Romney's, they put the money they earn by laying off workers, selling of a business assets and putting their profit in off shore accounts.

No matter how you spin it government employees drain more from the economy than they contribute.

It doesn't matter if they pay taxes on their income, it doesn't matter that they spend it.

ALL the money first comes from the private sector

Anyone who hates government would believe that. We don't need no stinking government. They are a drain on our economy. We are better off without any government at all
Those who understand the function of government in society appreciate what it does and the role government employees play. Teachers, policemen, doctors, accountants, lawyers, scientists, engineers........all play a role in running our government

For one I never said any of that. So you can cut that shit out right now.

You can't accept the fact that government employees do not ADD to the bottom line they take from it. Government is a necessary evil and therefore should be kept as small as possible so as to relieve the burden of the people. It should not be expanded at every turn as you think.

There is no multiplier for government spending.

That thinking is voodoo economics if I ever saw it. If it were true then why not take 100% of everyone's money and have the magic government spending multiplier make it worth 3 times as much?
Again that is where you are wrong .......government is a necessary function and is essential to the operation of our society. Those employees who allow our government to function are not a drain on our society but an essential part of it.
As I said government is a necessary evil. It is necessary but it should be tightly controlled and only big enough to perform its enumerated functions at a bare minimum of cost so as not to burden the people.

And I said government employees do not add to the bottom line they reduce it.

No, I mean explain why intra-Gov't debt worries you.

Never said it did. What I said is conservatives/GOP used payroll taxes as a way to hide the TRUE costs of Reagan's tax cuts for the rich, NOW they claim SS is broke? lol


Sure, no need to worry about the intra Gov't debt it creates right? lol

Try again?

NOW they claim SS is broke?

It's not broke. It is actuarially unsound.
You can't refute Dubya's tax cuts that were SUPPOSED to create jobs, created a single one

Can you try that again, in English?

Weird, EVERY other response you post shows the history of what I said, THIS ONE, nothing? Like It was NOT what I actually said, lol

Man you're very dumb. Government employees pay taxes on money they earn. So do private sector employees. Some private sector employees are paid by the government, and they too are taxed on their income.

Then we have the Romney's, they put the money they earn by laying off workers, selling of a business assets and putting their profit in off shore accounts.

That is the business of the Romney's, not mine. Stop being so greedy. If you are going to bother yourself with class envy then look at John Kerry. That is a rich bastard. I don't see you bitching about the filthy Kennedys or that asshole George Soros, who has more overseas accounts than Carter has Liver Pills.

Every cent paid to every government employee is either taken from a person who earned it or taken from our children if borrowed money.

The money would have been used in the productive economy or used by however the person that earned wanted it to be used.

You don't create jackshit by taking money out of one pocket and putting it in another. That simple fact of economics seems to escape the mind of all Moon Bats.

"John Kerry,Kennedys, George Soros"

Those guys supporting going back to higher tax rates? How horrible of them.

They must want 'class warfare' right? They must be envious too? lol

Warren Buffett’s:

Actually, there’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won. We’re the ones that have gotten our tax rates reduced dramatically. If you look at the 400 highest taxpayers in the United States in 1992, the first year for figures, they averaged about $40 million of [income] per person. In the most recent year, they were $227 million per person — five for one. During that period, their taxes went down from 29 percent to 21 percent of income. So, if there’s class warfare, the rich class has won.

There rsquo s been class warfare for the last 20 years and my class has won rsquo - The Plum Line - The Washington Post



The top 1% now pay 40% of all federal income tax while the bottom 55% pay nothing.
How stupid is it to take so much from the very people who grow our economy and so llittle from those who do not? Its 100% backwards and stupid and liberal.
All revenue reduces the amount the government has to borrow, idiot.

Sure, no need to worry about the intra Gov't debt it creates right? lol

Explain why intra-Gov't debt worries you.

You mean how debt increases when payroll taxes hide the REAL cost of Gov't and conservatives push the costs down the road to be paid for by their kids/grandkids???

Thanks for agreeing, debt ISN'T deficits added up and HW Bush increased debt by about 60% (over $1.5+ trillion) in his 4 years!

I know, $1.5 trillion in new debt, in 4 years, is awful!!!

$7.4 trillion in new debt, so far, doesn't seem to bother you as much.

Good you agree, despite your earlier posit that HW Bush grew the debt by less than $1 trillion was a LIE

Yes, Weird how that debt piled up on Obama right? Went on a UNFUNDED tax cutting, UNFUNDED war invading, UNFUNDED Medicare expansion WHILE he ignored regulator warnings AND cheered on the Banksters. Oh wait, no

despite your earlier posit that HW Bush grew the debt by less than $1 trillion was a LIE

Well, it was based on budget numbers from the White House website, but I'm willing to use Debt-to-the-Penny numbers going forward.

Man you're very dumb. Government employees pay taxes on money they earn. So do private sector employees. Some private sector employees are paid by the government, and they too are taxed on their income.

Then we have the Romney's, they put the money they earn by laying off workers, selling of a business assets and putting their profit in off shore accounts.

That is the business of the Romney's, not mine. Stop being so greedy. If you are going to bother yourself with class envy then look at John Kerry. That is a rich bastard. I don't see you bitching about the filthy Kennedys or that asshole George Soros, who has more overseas accounts than Carter has Liver Pills.

Every cent paid to every government employee is either taken from a person who earned it or taken from our children if borrowed money.

The money would have been used in the productive economy or used by however the person that earned wanted it to be used.

You don't create jackshit by taking money out of one pocket and putting it in another. That simple fact of economics seems to escape the mind of all Moon Bats.

"John Kerry,Kennedys, George Soros"

Those guys supporting going back to higher tax rates? How horrible of them.

They must want 'class warfare' right? They must be envious too? lol

Warren Buffett’s:

Actually, there’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won. We’re the ones that have gotten our tax rates reduced dramatically. If you look at the 400 highest taxpayers in the United States in 1992, the first year for figures, they averaged about $40 million of [income] per person. In the most recent year, they were $227 million per person — five for one. During that period, their taxes went down from 29 percent to 21 percent of income. So, if there’s class warfare, the rich class has won.

There rsquo s been class warfare for the last 20 years and my class has won rsquo - The Plum Line - The Washington Post



The top 1% now pay 40% of all federal income tax while the bottom 55% pay nothing.
How stupid is it to take so much from the very people who grow our economy and so llittle from those who do not? Its 100% backwards and stupid and liberal.

You mean as they went from 6%-9% of ALL US income 1945-1980 to 23% by 2007?

Federal income taxes? Oh that share of the piu near post WW 2 lows as share of incomes

Bottom half of US who file income taxes yet make LESS THAN $15,000 PER FAMILY? Please, how much SHOULD they pay? IF they had the same piece of the pie they had in 1980, they'd have almost $5,000 PER family more. Could they do it then??? lol

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory

The conclusion?

Lowering the tax rates on the wealthy and top earners in America do not appear to have any impact on the nation’s economic growth.

This paragraph from the report says it all—

“The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie. However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution.”

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study - Forbes
She keeps making points against "Trickle Down", gotta love Elizabeth Warren.

Elizabeth Warren Fights Back Against the Magical Accounting of Trickle-Down Economics Mother Jones

Elizabeth Warren says "America's middle class is in deep trouble." Although general economic indicators are on the rise, the Massachusetts senator argued in a speech Wednesday morning, pay has stagnated for all but the richest Americans—and trickle-down voodoo economics and loose Wall Street regulation are to blame. And although Warren has given every indication that she's happy to remain in the Senate and pass on liberals' hopes that she'll run for president in 2016, her speech—at an AFL-CIO conference on wages—had the tone of a presidential campaign barnstormer.

Warren kicked off her address by noting that the current economic recovery, while real, hasn't helped most Americans. The stock market's up, but half the country doesn't own any stocks. Inflation is low, but that doesn't matter for millennials burdened by overwhelming student debt. Corporate profits have risen, but that hardly matters to people who work at Walmart and are paid so little that they still need food stamps, Warren said.
I would love to see her as president, but unfortunately she wouldn't have a snowball's chance in Hell if she ran. That's America for you. Most Americans aren't smart enough to know what's good for them.

True, but they are smart enough to not to vote for an outright commie like Fauxcahontas.
Um is that supposed to be Hillary? She's a centrist whether you like it or not. That's why she will likely win. You don't like her because she isn't a crazy, moronic, corrupt teabagger like Ted Cruz.

Liberal Dictionary:
Centrist - liberal
Mainstream - liberal
pragmatist - liberal
moderate - liberal
Lol let's not kid ourselves here. You define all those terms as conservatives.
Sure Bubba, they spend it. Funny how you can't admit adding up deficits DOESN'T get you the debt, lol

If the deficit is $500 billion this year, that won't add $500 billion to the debt?
Please explain further. I'll be making some popcorn in anticipation.


Social Security taxes now bring in more than the cost of current benefits, and the "Social Security surplus" makes the total deficit or surplus figures look better than they would if Social Security wasn’t counted.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton


the total deficit or surplus figures look better than they would if Social Security wasn’t counted.
Exactly! Never claimed otherwise.


Since the annual deficit numbers that are published already took the SS surplus into account, new deficits really do add to the debt.
Sure, no need to worry about the intra Gov't debt it creates right? lol

Explain why intra-Gov't debt worries you.

You mean how debt increases when payroll taxes hide the REAL cost of Gov't and conservatives push the costs down the road to be paid for by their kids/grandkids???

Thanks for agreeing, debt ISN'T deficits added up and HW Bush increased debt by about 60% (over $1.5+ trillion) in his 4 years!

I know, $1.5 trillion in new debt, in 4 years, is awful!!!

$7.4 trillion in new debt, so far, doesn't seem to bother you as much.

Good you agree, despite your earlier posit that HW Bush grew the debt by less than $1 trillion was a LIE

Yes, Weird how that debt piled up on Obama right? Went on a UNFUNDED tax cutting, UNFUNDED war invading, UNFUNDED Medicare expansion WHILE he ignored regulator warnings AND cheered on the Banksters. Oh wait, no

despite your earlier posit that HW Bush grew the debt by less than $1 trillion was a LIE

Well, it was based on budget numbers from the White House website, but I'm willing to use Debt-to-the-Penny numbers going forward.

So NO, you will not be honest and recognize (the) BUDGET deficits have nothing to do with actual debt. Shocking

You know the W/H website you used? .lol

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