ELIZABETH WARREN: ‘gender-nonconforming’ Americans the ‘backbone of our democracy’


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This old lady has gone bat-shit crazy. Any day now she'll be yelling at kids to get off her lawn.


Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy

November 12, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Much of the 2020 Democrat presidential race has been a contest to see who can most thoroughly demonstrate fidelity to identity politics, with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s latest effort being to declare that “trans,” “nonconforming,” and “non-binary” women of color are the “backbone” of American democracy.

Last week, the left-wing group Black Womxn For (which bills itself as “focused on creating intentional meeting spaces for Black Trans Women, Cis women and gender-nonconforming community leaders and activists to talk with each other about the Democratic primary and our impact on 2020 elections”) endorsed Warren for her party’s nomination.

“There is one leader who has shown, through action, deed, and word, that a future of economic prosperity, racial justice, gender justice, and social and political equity is possible,” BWF explained. “She is a partner with a deep understanding of how racism and gender discrimination don't just compound income inequality but are actually central to maintaining the status quo.”

Warren declares ‘gender-nonconforming’ Americans the ‘backbone of our democracy’
I guess in the fucktard world of democraptic presidential campaigning where pandering to leeches, whackjobs, and geeks is de jur, it might really seem to be the norm.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 New International Version (NIV)
3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.2 People will be lovers of themselves, boastful, proud, abusive, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited,lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power.


Is it ironic how the biggest unbelievers keep proving the bible true?
This old lady has gone bat-shit crazy. Any day now she'll be yelling at kids to get off her lawn.


Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy

November 12, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Much of the 2020 Democrat presidential race has been a contest to see who can most thoroughly demonstrate fidelity to identity politics, with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s latest effort being to declare that “trans,” “nonconforming,” and “non-binary” women of color are the “backbone” of American democracy.

Last week, the left-wing group Black Womxn For (which bills itself as “focused on creating intentional meeting spaces for Black Trans Women, Cis women and gender-nonconforming community leaders and activists to talk with each other about the Democratic primary and our impact on 2020 elections”) endorsed Warren for her party’s nomination.

“There is one leader who has shown, through action, deed, and word, that a future of economic prosperity, racial justice, gender justice, and social and political equity is possible,” BWF explained. “She is a partner with a deep understanding of how racism and gender discrimination don't just compound income inequality but are actually central to maintaining the status quo.”

Warren declares ‘gender-nonconforming’ Americans the ‘backbone of our democracy’

All progressives want is the continued balkanization of the country. It allows them to create constant boogeymen, while having their own core groups bickering amongst each other to see who is higher on the pity pole.
This old lady has gone bat-shit crazy. Any day now she'll be yelling at kids to get off her lawn.


Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy

November 12, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Much of the 2020 Democrat presidential race has been a contest to see who can most thoroughly demonstrate fidelity to identity politics, with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s latest effort being to declare that “trans,” “nonconforming,” and “non-binary” women of color are the “backbone” of American democracy.

Last week, the left-wing group Black Womxn For (which bills itself as “focused on creating intentional meeting spaces for Black Trans Women, Cis women and gender-nonconforming community leaders and activists to talk with each other about the Democratic primary and our impact on 2020 elections”) endorsed Warren for her party’s nomination.

“There is one leader who has shown, through action, deed, and word, that a future of economic prosperity, racial justice, gender justice, and social and political equity is possible,” BWF explained. “She is a partner with a deep understanding of how racism and gender discrimination don't just compound income inequality but are actually central to maintaining the status quo.”

Warren declares ‘gender-nonconforming’ Americans the ‘backbone of our democracy’

Democrats won't be happy until they can go to your average park and everybody is a weirdo. She's trying to kiss ass, but not realizing many blacks don't subscribe to the trans garbage they support. It's why you never see any in the black community.

There was one here many years ago before this all became an issue. He lived in the projects and was always on the main streets. He lasted about a month before they found him dead with three bullets in him.

But that's how Democrats are. Anything to make victims out of people.
Vote Whores gonna vote-whore.
Become a professional politician, check your shame at the door.
But only if you run as a Democrat.
Not really... Republicans are damned-near as bad, as Vote Whores, as Democrats are; just a different audience.
Not true.
Democrats know they can lie and get away with it.
Our biased media won't let Republicans get away with lying.
This old lady has gone bat-shit crazy. Any day now she'll be yelling at kids to get off her lawn.


Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy

November 12, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Much of the 2020 Democrat presidential race has been a contest to see who can most thoroughly demonstrate fidelity to identity politics, with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s latest effort being to declare that “trans,” “nonconforming,” and “non-binary” women of color are the “backbone” of American democracy.

Last week, the left-wing group Black Womxn For (which bills itself as “focused on creating intentional meeting spaces for Black Trans Women, Cis women and gender-nonconforming community leaders and activists to talk with each other about the Democratic primary and our impact on 2020 elections”) endorsed Warren for her party’s nomination.

“There is one leader who has shown, through action, deed, and word, that a future of economic prosperity, racial justice, gender justice, and social and political equity is possible,” BWF explained. “She is a partner with a deep understanding of how racism and gender discrimination don't just compound income inequality but are actually central to maintaining the status quo.”

Warren declares ‘gender-nonconforming’ Americans the ‘backbone of our democracy’
A loopy kunt... that is Pocahontas. Lol
Vote Whores gonna vote-whore.
Become a professional politician, check your shame at the door.
But only if you run as a Democrat.
Not really... Republicans are damned-near as bad, as Vote Whores, as Democrats are; just a different audience.
For each tribe, the "other" side is always "worse".

This is how they get led around so easily.
This bitch is getting just as crazy as Pelosi. They should both be put away for their own good.
Please someone take her to The Circus and start an elephant stampede or let the lions out of their cages while she is there. She is just ridiculous.
This bitch is getting just as crazy as Pelosi. They should both be put away for their own good.

Hell, I say let them talk. It's the best way for us to get more of them to join our side. They feel their base is getting more radical, so they are getting more radical too. It may get them the nomination on their side, but what they say today will kill them in the general election.

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