Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Who can make these things up? LYING Elizabeth Warren...NATIVE AMERICAN Elizabeth Warren...SOCIALIST Elizabeth Warren.

who can make this shit up LOL Trump calling Media pretending to be John Miller and or John Baron beats all you ever saw...
You live in some alternate universe...the first thing you should do is stop reading Politcususa...it's about as left loon nuts as any site out there

Well, you'd know something about living in the partisanshit bubble. Finally, something you're actually an authority on.

You're off topic...again. Work on that

You don't have a topic shoog. "Libs suck". That's it, we all got it.

That's the total sum of the vacuum between her ears.
Who can make these things up? LYING Elizabeth Warren...NATIVE AMERICAN Elizabeth Warren...SOCIALIST Elizabeth Warren.

who can make this shit up LOL Trump calling Media pretending to be John Miller and or John Baron beats all you ever saw...

It's something a total sociopath would do, and that's why I've been calling him one for the last year.
The same Elizabeth Warren that profited from the sale of 5 foreclosures in 2009? The same Warren that lied about being native American to get into college on the cheap? She is a fing loser and only left wingnuts don't see it.
The fake Indian, the one who lied and rode her cheekbones to the Senate said Trump is an insecure money grubber


"Lied" huh?

How does she know she's a Cherokee maiden? Well, she cites her grandfather's "high cheekbones," and says the Indian stuff is part of her family "lore." Which was evidently good enough for Harvard Lore School when they were looking to rack up a few affirmative-action credits.
Warren is such a moving political target because of her past. By all means Hillary add "Dances with Lies" to your run for the WH.

Her past? Anyone who has ancestry from the western states that goes back into the mid-to-late 19th century most likely has a great grandparent who was a Native American. I have documentation of my family when they moved to New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas starting in the 1850s.

I have photographs of my paternal great grandmother, who was a Mescalero Apache from central New Mexico. But many territories back then did not have county courthouses where marriage licenses could be filed for you 21st century idiots who don't care to learn about American history.

Warren is from Oklahoma, and that is where the Cherokee tribe originated and still exists. Maybe you oughta' go all out "birther" like Trump.

If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

She nailed it

Oh ya, nailed it.


Yes nailed it

Trump is a fucking birther.....do you need any further proof of his lack of judgement?

I really don't need educating from Fauxcohontis.

She's nuttier than a squirrel's turd.

Far from it
She is a strong advocate for the rights of working Americans

What has she said that remotely qualifies as nutty?

That's she's Cherokee and stole minority jobs and that's just for starters.
Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Source: Politicususa.com
Elizabeth Warren followed up her speech that dismantled Donald Trump with a series of tweets this afternoon that left the billionaire fumbling for childish insult and blown completely out of the water.

In a series of tweets, Sen. Elizabeth Warren unloaded on Donald Trump this afternoon:

If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) May 25, 2016


Democrats, like Warren, shrug off Trump’s playground taunts and keep coming and coming and coming after the billionaire. Donald Trump has never faced anything like what Democrats are going to be throwing at him.

Over the last 24 hours, Warren has shredded Trump in a major speech and on Twitter. The Republican nominee’s response has proven her correct. Trump is an empty-headed, selfish, buffoon who is unfit to be president.

Read more: Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Go Warren go!!! Attack loserterianism and go for the throat!!!!
He was checking the length of her penis...some of those injuns carry big sticks....yo.
How does she know she's a Cherokee maiden? Well, she cites her grandfather's "high cheekbones," and says the Indian stuff is part of her family "lore." Which was evidently good enough for Harvard Lore School when they were looking to rack up a few affirmative-action credits.
[QUOTE="Matthew, post: 14343032, member: 22889"]Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

To be fair, that's not that hard. Megyn Kelly did it just by asking a question. Apparently Rosie O'Donnell did it too. I'm not even sure who she is but apparently she lives in Rump's head. No doubt looking for that "very good brain" that's supposed to be trapped in there.

Megyn Kelly's question shot Trump up the ladder right from the get go. It was wonderful to watch that smugness wiped off her face when Trump counter attacked.

Thank you Megyn!

She is bleeding out her "whatever" is what counts as a clever counterattack?[/QUOTE]

Oh don't hand me that bullshit that he meant she was on her period. He talks like a New Yorker. Ever seen My Cousin Vinny ?When the southern cop takes the kids statement to mean he really shot the clerk?

And his counter attack wasn't just one comment. It was relentless and he got tons of free publicity for it and the number of individuals who detest the media started paying attention to a candidate who wasn't going to eat shit off a teleprompter reader.
If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

She nailed it

Oh ya, nailed it.


Yes nailed it

Trump is a fucking birther.....do you need any further proof of his lack of judgement?

I really don't need educating from Fauxcohontis.

She's nuttier than a squirrel's turd.

Far from it
She is a strong advocate for the rights of working Americans

What has she said that remotely qualifies as nutty?

That's she's Cherokee and stole minority jobs and that's just for starters.

She did not say she is full Cherokee. Nor did she steal jobs from minorities. The right wing echo chamber keeps you awfully busy.
My wife is Cherokee, and she laughs at the Leftards who weep and gnash their teeth over the Redskins name as well as Fauxoahantas.

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