Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

If the GOP finds a candidate who isn't going to represent only the corporations and wealthy they might have a shot at winning. Talk about a disdain for the middle and lower class. This next election is going to be about class and they had better do more than throw the middle class a bone. That would be a traumatic big step for them... reaching out to the middle class and letting the rich out in the cold.
Every candidate the GOP has fielded has not represented the corporations and the wealthy.
Only Democrats represent the corporations and the wealthy. Over the last 6 years which economic segment is the only one to experience gains? Yes, the top 5%
If the GOP finds a candidate who isn't going to represent only the corporations and wealthy they might have a shot at winning. Talk about a disdain for the middle and lower class. This next election is going to be about class and they had better do more than throw the middle class a bone. That would be a traumatic big step for them... reaching out to the middle class and letting the rich out in the cold.
Every candidate the GOP has fielded has not represented the corporations and the wealthy.
Only Democrats represent the corporations and the wealthy. Over the last 6 years which economic segment is the only one to experience gains? Yes, the top 5%
Back it up, jack.
Is this the face of a U.S. president or an irate old shrew who found her morning newspaper in the bushes? :eek-52:

Didn't she claim, like Ward Churchill, that she's an injun? :alcoholic:

Has she always been a lunatic....I guess so...here she is at a "sock hop" back in the 50's...


And finally...how crazy is she? Compared to who? :uhoh3:

If you are truly is a socialist scumbag with a big S then Comrade Warren is the right choice.

She appears to be aggressive enough to turn our Fabian Socialism into full blown marxism-Lenism.

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Some here have praised Warren, but their opinions of her seemed based on what she has said. Since we know she has lied about things in the past, it's foolish to believe anything she says.

She is a phony and she refuses to be open about her lies in college regarding her heritage.
She is a one issue candidate....
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Banks Suk.....

OK 2 issues.
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
-Wall St Sucks
-The Middle Class is gettng screwed
-The system is stacked against you (the same system that has given me a 7M dolllar house and a cushy job at Harvard).

Yeah, she has nothing. No one except brain dead losers want to hear that shit

She helps the middle class by screwing their employers and taxing and regulating the owners to death so they lose their jobs and get to live on government checks for doing nothing. But only because darn it, she cares so much about people.
Yep...Employers continue their mass exodus from these high tax, big union expensive public worker states.
Oh really? California raised taxes on the rich and they overwhelmingly stayed. Might have something to do with living in a place that's so attractive. Of course they could save some money if they lived in a shit hole but why?
STAYED! Where did you get that idea? I live here and I've watched everyone who could afford to get out - get out. They've been replaced by rich foreigners buying vacation homes. Malibu is almost all Russian. The boutiques on Rodeo Drive are selling prayer rugs to Iranians. All people who pay no taxes in California beyond sales and property tax. All those millions in income every year. Not a cent in taxes.

I'm gonna go with duh injun stuff cuz I dunno nuttin else

It's OK for Liz Warren to lie about her heritage and benefit from it because -- she has good intentions, amiright?

Let's not focus on the fact that she's a pathological liar, a nut and a Marxists because with today's Dems Party, that's a given. Let's focus on the "Real issues"


Link to what, about her lying about being an Indian?

Please, by all means. Maybe before the end of the year.

"Elizabeth Warren Information

Elizabeth Warren is a candidate for the U.S. Senate from the state of Massachusetts. She claims she is of Cherokee descent. She has come under fire for possibly using that claim to give her career a boost at a time when Harvard Law was under pressure to hire more minority professors. We have done extensive research on her ancestry and on the stories she has told trying to back up her claim. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest she actually had a Cherokee or American Indian ancestor. Despite repeated requests for her to release her personnel records from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School, she refuses to do so."

Read more: Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren Information

Nothing there. Just a lot of theories that invariably either start with the word if or end in a question mark.
Fox Noise. Color me surprised.

Thanks for playin'. Anybody else?
Some here have praised Warren, but their opinions of her seemed based on what she has said. Since we know she has lied about things in the past, it's foolish to believe anything she says.

She is a phony and she refuses to be open about her lies in college regarding her heritage.

I'll just toss this out for, what -- the third time now....

..... Link?
If the GOP finds a candidate who isn't going to represent only the corporations and wealthy they might have a shot at winning. Talk about a disdain for the middle and lower class. This next election is going to be about class and they had better do more than throw the middle class a bone. That would be a traumatic big step for them... reaching out to the middle class and letting the rich out in the cold.

You mean they need to find a candidate who will loot the wealthy?

Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily
A great candidate for WHAT?

Warren can connect with the average voter on the economy, tax rates, financial reform explaining complex financial issues and explaining how they affect average Americans

Republicans will counter with Indian chants and war dances

Do you imagine the average voter wants his taxes increased?
Whenever you hear an ultra conservative speak, you know they aren't interested in protecting social security, Medicare, or any other program that help working class people. But big business purely will do wonders with huge tax breaks.

First there is no such thing as an ultra-conservative. One either recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles of nature which define conservatism, or one does not.

Second, no one who does so would ever defend scams like Medicare and Social Security. You see scamp, working people help themselves and their neighbors.

Medicare cost more lives than it saves, because to date, it has yet to save a single one. And there is no security in Social Security.
Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily
A great candidate for WHAT?

Warren can connect with the average voter on the economy, tax rates, financial reform explaining complex financial issues and explaining how they affect average Americans

Republicans will counter with Indian chants and war dances

Warren can connect with anyone who lacks sufficient intellect to not recognize truth, to not respect trust and who have no sense of morality, thus no means to understand justice... OKA: Children and fools.

All the while Republicans who connect with those of the intellect that thinks Indain dances and war whoops makes good political discussion
Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily
A great candidate for WHAT?

Warren can connect with the average voter on the economy, tax rates, financial reform explaining complex financial issues and explaining how they affect average Americans

Republicans will counter with Indian chants and war dances

Warren can connect with anyone who lacks sufficient intellect to not recognize truth, to not respect trust and who have no sense of morality, thus no means to understand justice... OKA: Children and fools.

All the while Republicans who connect with those of the intellect that thinks Indain dances and war whoops makes good political discussion
Nobody has mentioned "Indain" dances and war whoops but you.

Are we in for two years of your inane blathering on the subject?
Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily
A great candidate for WHAT?

Warren can connect with the average voter on the economy, tax rates, financial reform explaining complex financial issues and explaining how they affect average Americans

Republicans will counter with Indian chants and war dances

Do you imagine the average voter wants his taxes increased?

The average voter is not affected by these increases
Reversing the trend of slashing upper tax rates, increasing capital gains taxes, slashing tax deductions

What the average voter does understand is that they do not enjoy the standard of living their parents enjoyed and Warren can detail how Republican policies have contributed to that
Dems have devolved from Jack Kennedy to Obama and Liz Warren, yet they call that "Progress"
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
-Wall St Sucks
-The Middle Class is gettng screwed
-The system is stacked against you (the same system that has given me a 7M dolllar house and a cushy job at Harvard).

Yeah, she has nothing. No one except brain dead losers want to hear that shit

She helps the middle class by screwing their employers and taxing and regulating the owners to death so they lose their jobs and get to live on government checks for doing nothing. But only because darn it, she cares so much about people.
Yep...Employers continue their mass exodus from these high tax, big union expensive public worker states.
Oh really? California raised taxes on the rich and they overwhelmingly stayed. Might have something to do with living in a place that's so attractive. Of course they could save some money if they lived in a shit hole but why?
STAYED! Where did you get that idea? I live here and I've watched everyone who could afford to get out - get out. They've been replaced by rich foreigners buying vacation homes. Malibu is almost all Russian. The boutiques on Rodeo Drive are selling prayer rugs to Iranians. All people who pay no taxes in California beyond sales and property tax. All those millions in income every year. Not a cent in taxes.

One of the big reasons we should go to the fair tax.

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