Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

Well looking at her sheet she doesn't sound to bad. In fact I could support her if she turns out to be half as good as what she says she stands for.

Priorities Elizabeth Warren for Senate

Of course being a politician she lies like a rug so guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  • Education. Good public schools, good public universities, and good technical training can give us a workforce better than any in the world. Well-trained workers are cost effective, and they can give us a powerful competitive advantage in world markets. Investments in our people pay the highest dividends.
  • Construction. We need to upgrade our aging roads, bridges, mass transit, and water and sewage lines—the basic pieces it takes to manufacture goods and to get them to market. My brother-in-law Steve operates a Gradall out of Plymouth. He tells me that he digs up water and sewage pipes in some parts of the state that were laid in the late 1800s and now are crumbling. We could be upgrading right now—creating good jobs and investing in our future.
  • Renewable energy. If we invest now in 21st century energy, we can lower the costs of production for all of our future work. Right now, renewable energy competes with old energies that get lots of special breaks in Washington. Massachusetts can lead the world in using green technology to cut production costs and make our products competitive around the world. Again, we could do this right here, right now—and create jobs here in Massachusetts.
  • Research. Massachusetts is a world leader on the research that produces new products and new industries—and creates the demand for new technical jobs. Increasing our support for this kind of research helps Massachusetts and helps the country.
  • A level playing field. Our self-employed and small businesses, and the community banks that fund them, are drowning in complicated regulations. Long, complex rules create loopholes that the big companies can take advantage of, but they leave little guys out in the cold. We need rules that are written with small businesses in mind. We need straightforward rules that any small business can deal with, like the short and streamlined mortgage form the consumer agency is putting into law.
  • Workers’ rights. We need to make it easier for workers who want to organize to have the chance to do so. If people want to work together for better wages, for better health care, and for better working conditions, they should have the right to do so.
  • Fair trade. If we are going to sell our products to the rest of the world, we need to strengthen trade laws and ensure their enforcement. We need to make sure that those we compete with also respect workers’ rights and environmental rules
If we get a "fair" tax, you can bet your ass it will be on top of all the "unfair" taxes.

What we need is a head tax, with every person paying in, and every parent paying their kids' shares.

Everyone must have "skin in the game".

The fair tax is the name of a particular proposal. Bone up on it and get back to me.

Fair tax is just anouther name for slashing taxes on the rich while you raise taxes on the poor

You made that up

Show me any "Fair tax" proposal that doesn't cut taxes on the rich and raise taxes on the poor

When you understand that taxes are already baked into the products we buy, then you will understand the answer to that question.

You have failed at your first attempt

Now......Show me any "Fair tax" proposal that doesn't cut taxes on the rich and raise taxes on the poor
Allowing workers to earn more and recover some of their lost benefits is not an entitlement philosphy. Standing up for the rights of labor over the rights of capitalist investors is not an entitlement

The middle class does not do better when the economy does better....the richest 5% do better
Bullshit piled on top of more bullshit. There are no laws that prevent employees from doing better, assuming the company can afford the obieCare. The top percenters are doing better but few would call this a good economy. You don't know what you're talking about.

I've been in business for almost three decades and have seen economies go up and down. When it's up, there is much more activity, people charge more and workers make more. When it's really good you have to compete for workers, they won't stay if they can do better elsewhere.

You believe in proven failed policies, too many have listened to ill informed idiots that can only see the world from an entitlement perspective. You are entitled to do better elsewhere, and you have options in hot markets but you are not entitled to take money that isn't yours.
  • Workers’ rights. We need to make it easier for workers who want to organize to have the chance to do so. If people want to work together for better wages, for better health care, and for better working conditions, they should have the right to do so.
  • ...AND companies that don't want to be run by unions should have that right too. Employees can form their own business if they want to run the business. And sometimes, like with the Tennessee VW plant they don't want the Marxists to call the shots. I don't understand the fascination the left has with taking risks with other people's money.
The fair tax is the name of a particular proposal. Bone up on it and get back to me.

Fair tax is just anouther name for slashing taxes on the rich while you raise taxes on the poor

You made that up

Show me any "Fair tax" proposal that doesn't cut taxes on the rich and raise taxes on the poor

When you understand that taxes are already baked into the products we buy, then you will understand the answer to that question.

You have failed at your first attempt

Now......Show me any "Fair tax" proposal that doesn't cut taxes on the rich and raise taxes on the poor

Objection your honor, asked and answered. Explain what that all current taxes, other than the death tax, are baked into the price of products we buy now means and if the answer isn't already clear, then I will explain it. But unless you understand the fundamentals of how taxes work, I cannot explain that to you.
Fair tax is just anouther name for slashing taxes on the rich while you raise taxes on the poor

You made that up

Show me any "Fair tax" proposal that doesn't cut taxes on the rich and raise taxes on the poor

When you understand that taxes are already baked into the products we buy, then you will understand the answer to that question.

You have failed at your first attempt

Now......Show me any "Fair tax" proposal that doesn't cut taxes on the rich and raise taxes on the poor

Objection your honor, asked and answered. Explain what that all current taxes, other than the death tax, are baked into the price of products we buy now means and if the answer isn't already clear, then I will explain it. But unless you understand the fundamentals of how taxes work, I cannot explain that to you.

Strike 2!

Now......Show me any "Fair tax" proposal that doesn't cut taxes on the rich and raise taxes on the poor
And rubes like you gave him the shovel.


We'll post funny pitchers and call them names. It worked b'fore!

I did? I voted for Obama? Wow, I must have been drinking heavily. I don't remember that.
The idiocy of people like you got Obama elected. You thought making up funny names for him and calling him a Kenyan and posting funny pictures would do the trick.

The GOP has been so overrun with retards like you that old school Republicans like me have decided to stay home until assholes like you are kicked to the curb and taken to the dump.

LOL, so you're not a Republican but you say you are, and I'm not a Republican but you say I am too. What about Obama, is he a Republican? Is everyone a Republican?
Do you vote Libertarian? Didn't think so.

I am a small government libertarian, you are referring to the party, which i am not a member of. I'm not a member of any party. Since I life the Republican Party in 1990, I have voted for:

Libertarian Party - 3 (Browne, Browne, Badnarik)
Republican Party - 1 (Romney)
Green Party - 1 (Nader)
Independent - 1 (Perot)
Cool, I'm proud of you. Well except for that Romney vote. Did you have to plug your nose?
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
-Wall St Sucks
-The Middle Class is gettng screwed
-The system is stacked against you (the same system that has given me a 7M dolllar house and a cushy job at Harvard).

Yeah, she has nothing. No one except brain dead losers want to hear that shit

She helps the middle class by screwing their employers and taxing and regulating the owners to death so they lose their jobs and get to live on government checks for doing nothing. But only because darn it, she cares so much about people.
Yep...Employers continue their mass exodus from these high tax, big union expensive public worker states.
Oh really? California raised taxes on the rich and they overwhelmingly stayed. Might have something to do with living in a place that's so attractive. Of course they could save some money if they lived in a shit hole but why?

You don't know about the Nevada exodus? Seriously?
I know homes in Nevada are cheap so it attracted a bunch of people who couldn't afford homes otherwise. These aren't the rich. And then when the economy crashed, they couldn't afford those homes either.
Oh really? California raised taxes on the rich and they overwhelmingly stayed. Might have something to do with living in a place that's so attractive. Of course they could save some money if they lived in a shit hole but why?
STAYED! Where did you get that idea? I live here and I've watched everyone who could afford to get out - get out. They've been replaced by rich foreigners buying vacation homes. Malibu is almost all Russian. The boutiques on Rodeo Drive are selling prayer rugs to Iranians. All people who pay no taxes in California beyond sales and property tax. All those millions in income every year. Not a cent in taxes.

One of the big reasons we should go to the fair tax.
If we get a "fair" tax, you can bet your ass it will be on top of all the "unfair" taxes.

What we need is a head tax, with every person paying in, and every parent paying their kids' shares.

Everyone must have "skin in the game".

The fair tax is the name of a particular proposal. Bone up on it and get back to me.

Fair tax is just anouther name for slashing taxes on the rich while you raise taxes on the poor

That's what commies say about any tax that isn't designed to loot the wealthy and the middle class.
One of the big reasons we should go to the fair tax.
If we get a "fair" tax, you can bet your ass it will be on top of all the "unfair" taxes.

What we need is a head tax, with every person paying in, and every parent paying their kids' shares.

Everyone must have "skin in the game".

The fair tax is the name of a particular proposal. Bone up on it and get back to me.

Fair tax is just anouther name for slashing taxes on the rich while you raise taxes on the poor

The Socialist Parasites will not be satisfied with the "fair" tax. They want complete and total confiscation.


Where has anyone other than idiotic Libertarians brought up the idea of "complete and total confiscation"

Why is any attempt to get the one percent to kick in more labled as "complete and total confiscation"?

Many on this board have proposed going back to a 95% marginal rate, which is close to being the same thing.
One of the big reasons we should go to the fair tax.
If we get a "fair" tax, you can bet your ass it will be on top of all the "unfair" taxes.

What we need is a head tax, with every person paying in, and every parent paying their kids' shares.

Everyone must have "skin in the game".

The fair tax is the name of a particular proposal. Bone up on it and get back to me.

Fair tax is just anouther name for slashing taxes on the rich while you raise taxes on the poor

You made that up

Show me any "Fair tax" proposal that doesn't cut taxes on the rich and raise taxes on the poor

There's only one FAIR tax proposal, and under it the poor pay zero taxes.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
-Wall St Sucks
-The Middle Class is gettng screwed
-The system is stacked against you (the same system that has given me a 7M dolllar house and a cushy job at Harvard).

Yeah, she has nothing. No one except brain dead losers want to hear that shit

She helps the middle class by screwing their employers and taxing and regulating the owners to death so they lose their jobs and get to live on government checks for doing nothing. But only because darn it, she cares so much about people.
Yep...Employers continue their mass exodus from these high tax, big union expensive public worker states.
Oh really? California raised taxes on the rich and they overwhelmingly stayed. Might have something to do with living in a place that's so attractive. Of course they could save some money if they lived in a shit hole but why?
STAYED! Where did you get that idea? I live here and I've watched everyone who could afford to get out - get out. They've been replaced by rich foreigners buying vacation homes. Malibu is almost all Russian. The boutiques on Rodeo Drive are selling prayer rugs to Iranians. All people who pay no taxes in California beyond sales and property tax. All those millions in income every year. Not a cent in taxes.
How do they get out of paying property taxes if they BOUGHT the homes?
Why do Republicans fear Liz Warren?

Because she brings the political discussion to the one area Republicans want Americans to forget....Their exclusive support of policies to help the rich which they pay for by slashing programs for the poor

The 47% taunt brought down the Romney campaign. A Warren campaign will bring the discussion front and center
What is the impact of Deregulating the financial sector?
Why is our tax code unfair to working Americans?
What can be done to help the middle class?

Republicans have devised a clever response to Liz Warren that is based on photoshopped Indian pictures and war chants
How does opposing a politician translate into fear in your mind? Your tired monochromatic drumbeat is that if poor people can't get more rich people's money (who pay a disproportionate amount of taxes as it is) that it's the equivalent to greed and corruption.

The entitlement philosophy you embrace isn't good for the economy, or people for that matter. More people on the dole doesn't raise productivity and productivity is what lifts economies, not wealth confiscation.

The middle class does better when the economy does better. That's the ONLY way it will happen. America isn't drinking the KoolAid like they did because they've seen the results. Peddling your bullshit over and over and over isn't going to work, only left wing hacks buy it today. Since they have no positive track record all they have is ridicule for their political enemies. It isn't hard to figure out.

Allowing workers to earn more and recover some of their lost benefits is not an entitlement philosphy. Standing up for the rights of labor over the rights of capitalist investors is not an entitlement

The middle class does not do better when the economy does better....the richest 5% do better

That's true under Obama. That's the only time it has been true.
-Wall St Sucks
-The Middle Class is gettng screwed
-The system is stacked against you (the same system that has given me a 7M dolllar house and a cushy job at Harvard).

Yeah, she has nothing. No one except brain dead losers want to hear that shit

She helps the middle class by screwing their employers and taxing and regulating the owners to death so they lose their jobs and get to live on government checks for doing nothing. But only because darn it, she cares so much about people.
Yep...Employers continue their mass exodus from these high tax, big union expensive public worker states.
Oh really? California raised taxes on the rich and they overwhelmingly stayed. Might have something to do with living in a place that's so attractive. Of course they could save some money if they lived in a shit hole but why?
STAYED! Where did you get that idea? I live here and I've watched everyone who could afford to get out - get out. They've been replaced by rich foreigners buying vacation homes. Malibu is almost all Russian. The boutiques on Rodeo Drive are selling prayer rugs to Iranians. All people who pay no taxes in California beyond sales and property tax. All those millions in income every year. Not a cent in taxes.
How do they get out of paying property taxes if they BOUGHT the homes?

The FAIR tax only replaces the income tax. It doesn't replace all other taxes.
One of the big reasons we should go to the fair tax.
If we get a "fair" tax, you can bet your ass it will be on top of all the "unfair" taxes.

What we need is a head tax, with every person paying in, and every parent paying their kids' shares.

Everyone must have "skin in the game".

The fair tax is the name of a particular proposal. Bone up on it and get back to me.

Fair tax is just anouther name for slashing taxes on the rich while you raise taxes on the poor

The Socialist Parasites will not be satisfied with the "fair" tax. They want complete and total confiscation.


Where has anyone other than idiotic Libertarians brought up the idea of "complete and total confiscation"

Why is any attempt to get the one percent to kick in more labled as "complete and total confiscation"?
Because in the right wing mind, it's either 'complete and total' or 'nonexistent'.
She helps the middle class by screwing their employers and taxing and regulating the owners to death so they lose their jobs and get to live on government checks for doing nothing. But only because darn it, she cares so much about people.
Yep...Employers continue their mass exodus from these high tax, big union expensive public worker states.
Oh really? California raised taxes on the rich and they overwhelmingly stayed. Might have something to do with living in a place that's so attractive. Of course they could save some money if they lived in a shit hole but why?
STAYED! Where did you get that idea? I live here and I've watched everyone who could afford to get out - get out. They've been replaced by rich foreigners buying vacation homes. Malibu is almost all Russian. The boutiques on Rodeo Drive are selling prayer rugs to Iranians. All people who pay no taxes in California beyond sales and property tax. All those millions in income every year. Not a cent in taxes.
How do they get out of paying property taxes if they BOUGHT the homes?

The FAIR tax only replaces the income tax. It doesn't replace all other taxes.
Gotcha. I missed that it was income tax.
Why do Republicans fear Liz Warren?

Because she brings the political discussion to the one area Republicans want Americans to forget....Their exclusive support of policies to help the rich which they pay for by slashing programs for the poor

The 47% taunt brought down the Romney campaign. A Warren campaign will bring the discussion front and center
What is the impact of Deregulating the financial sector?
Why is our tax code unfair to working Americans?
What can be done to help the middle class?

Republicans have devised a clever response to Liz Warren that is based on photoshopped Indian pictures and war chants
How does opposing a politician translate into fear in your mind? Your tired monochromatic drumbeat is that if poor people can't get more rich people's money (who pay a disproportionate amount of taxes as it is) that it's the equivalent to greed and corruption.

The entitlement philosophy you embrace isn't good for the economy, or people for that matter. More people on the dole doesn't raise productivity and productivity is what lifts economies, not wealth confiscation.

The middle class does better when the economy does better. That's the ONLY way it will happen. America isn't drinking the KoolAid like they did because they've seen the results. Peddling your bullshit over and over and over isn't going to work, only left wing hacks buy it today. Since they have no positive track record all they have is ridicule for their political enemies. It isn't hard to figure out.

Allowing workers to earn more and recover some of their lost benefits is not an entitlement philosphy. Standing up for the rights of labor over the rights of capitalist investors is not an entitlement

The middle class does not do better when the economy does better....the richest 5% do better

That's true under Obama. That's the only time it has been true.
Been true for 30 years
Well looking at her sheet she doesn't sound to bad. In fact I could support her if she turns out to be half as good as what she says she stands for.

Priorities Elizabeth Warren for Senate

Of course being a politician she lies like a rug so guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  • Education. Good public schools, good public universities, and good technical training can give us a workforce better than any in the world. Well-trained workers are cost effective, and they can give us a powerful competitive advantage in world markets. Investments in our people pay the highest dividends.
  • Construction. We need to upgrade our aging roads, bridges, mass transit, and water and sewage lines—the basic pieces it takes to manufacture goods and to get them to market. My brother-in-law Steve operates a Gradall out of Plymouth. He tells me that he digs up water and sewage pipes in some parts of the state that were laid in the late 1800s and now are crumbling. We could be upgrading right now—creating good jobs and investing in our future.
  • Renewable energy. If we invest now in 21st century energy, we can lower the costs of production for all of our future work. Right now, renewable energy competes with old energies that get lots of special breaks in Washington. Massachusetts can lead the world in using green technology to cut production costs and make our products competitive around the world. Again, we could do this right here, right now—and create jobs here in Massachusetts.
  • Research. Massachusetts is a world leader on the research that produces new products and new industries—and creates the demand for new technical jobs. Increasing our support for this kind of research helps Massachusetts and helps the country.
  • A level playing field. Our self-employed and small businesses, and the community banks that fund them, are drowning in complicated regulations. Long, complex rules create loopholes that the big companies can take advantage of, but they leave little guys out in the cold. We need rules that are written with small businesses in mind. We need straightforward rules that any small business can deal with, like the short and streamlined mortgage form the consumer agency is putting into law.
  • Workers’ rights. We need to make it easier for workers who want to organize to have the chance to do so. If people want to work together for better wages, for better health care, and for better working conditions, they should have the right to do so.
  • Fair trade. If we are going to sell our products to the rest of the world, we need to strengthen trade laws and ensure their enforcement. We need to make sure that those we compete with also respect workers’ rights and environmental rules

"Fair Trade"? Let me remind the readers that it was SCUM WILLY who snookered us into NAFTA and the WTO for political capital with Newt. That piece of shit sold out the American worker yet is still a hero to yellow dog Dims too goddamn dumb to see the Rats for what they are.....lying elitists. :tinfoil:
  • Education. Good public schools, good public universities, and good technical training can give us a workforce better than any in the world. Well-trained workers are cost effective, and they can give us a powerful competitive advantage in world markets. Investments in our people pay the highest dividends.
  • Construction. We need to upgrade our aging roads, bridges, mass transit, and water and sewage lines—the basic pieces it takes to manufacture goods and to get them to market. My brother-in-law Steve operates a Gradall out of Plymouth. He tells me that he digs up water and sewage pipes in some parts of the state that were laid in the late 1800s and now are crumbling. We could be upgrading right now—creating good jobs and investing in our future.
  • Renewable energy. If we invest now in 21st century energy, we can lower the costs of production for all of our future work. Right now, renewable energy competes with old energies that get lots of special breaks in Washington. Massachusetts can lead the world in using green technology to cut production costs and make our products competitive around the world. Again, we could do this right here, right now—and create jobs here in Massachusetts.
  • Research. Massachusetts is a world leader on the research that produces new products and new industries—and creates the demand for new technical jobs. Increasing our support for this kind of research helps Massachusetts and helps the country.
  • A level playing field. Our self-employed and small businesses, and the community banks that fund them, are drowning in complicated regulations. Long, complex rules create loopholes that the big companies can take advantage of, but they leave little guys out in the cold. We need rules that are written with small businesses in mind. We need straightforward rules that any small business can deal with, like the short and streamlined mortgage form the consumer agency is putting into law.
  • Workers’ rights. We need to make it easier for workers who want to organize to have the chance to do so. If people want to work together for better wages, for better health care, and for better working conditions, they should have the right to do so.
  • Fair trade. If we are going to sell our products to the rest of the world, we need to strengthen trade laws and ensure their enforcement. We need to make sure that those we compete with also respect workers’ rights and environmental rules

Blah blah blah...same shit different day....these policy papers are always the same ol snake oil...sounds good but democrats can't run a lemonade stand....the money somehow disappears and nothing changes to which the Rats cry if only there'd been more money it would have worked. Warren is a tired ol Stalinst same as Pelousy, Feinstein, and Lois Lerner.....commissars with the house on the hill.
Yep...Employers continue their mass exodus from these high tax, big union expensive public worker states.
Oh really? California raised taxes on the rich and they overwhelmingly stayed. Might have something to do with living in a place that's so attractive. Of course they could save some money if they lived in a shit hole but why?
STAYED! Where did you get that idea? I live here and I've watched everyone who could afford to get out - get out. They've been replaced by rich foreigners buying vacation homes. Malibu is almost all Russian. The boutiques on Rodeo Drive are selling prayer rugs to Iranians. All people who pay no taxes in California beyond sales and property tax. All those millions in income every year. Not a cent in taxes.

One of the big reasons we should go to the fair tax.
If we get a "fair" tax, you can bet your ass it will be on top of all the "unfair" taxes.

What we need is a head tax, with every person paying in, and every parent paying their kids' shares.

Everyone must have "skin in the game".

The fair tax is the name of a particular proposal. Bone up on it and get back to me.
  • Education. Good public schools, good public universities, and good technical training can give us a workforce better than any in the world. Well-trained workers are cost effective, and they can give us a powerful competitive advantage in world markets. Investments in our people pay the highest dividends.
  • Construction. We need to upgrade our aging roads, bridges, mass transit, and water and sewage lines—the basic pieces it takes to manufacture goods and to get them to market. My brother-in-law Steve operates a Gradall out of Plymouth. He tells me that he digs up water and sewage pipes in some parts of the state that were laid in the late 1800s and now are crumbling. We could be upgrading right now—creating good jobs and investing in our future.
  • Renewable energy. If we invest now in 21st century energy, we can lower the costs of production for all of our future work. Right now, renewable energy competes with old energies that get lots of special breaks in Washington. Massachusetts can lead the world in using green technology to cut production costs and make our products competitive around the world. Again, we could do this right here, right now—and create jobs here in Massachusetts.
  • Research. Massachusetts is a world leader on the research that produces new products and new industries—and creates the demand for new technical jobs. Increasing our support for this kind of research helps Massachusetts and helps the country.
  • A level playing field. Our self-employed and small businesses, and the community banks that fund them, are drowning in complicated regulations. Long, complex rules create loopholes that the big companies can take advantage of, but they leave little guys out in the cold. We need rules that are written with small businesses in mind. We need straightforward rules that any small business can deal with, like the short and streamlined mortgage form the consumer agency is putting into law.
  • Workers’ rights. We need to make it easier for workers who want to organize to have the chance to do so. If people want to work together for better wages, for better health care, and for better working conditions, they should have the right to do so.
  • Fair trade. If we are going to sell our products to the rest of the world, we need to strengthen trade laws and ensure their enforcement. We need to make sure that those we compete with also respect workers’ rights and environmental rules

Blah blah blah...same shit different day....these policy papers are always the same ol snake oil...sounds good but democrats can't run a lemonade stand....the money somehow disappears and nothing changes to which the Rats cry if only there'd been more money it would have worked. Warren is a tired ol Stalinst same as Pelousy, Feinstein, and Lois Lerner.....commissars with the house on the hill.

He starts in with all the blather about "good public education" and what it can give us in return for the investment.

We have seen what it can give us, HS grads that can be cart-boys at Walmart, IF they can show up on time and pass a piss test.

I admit, I quit reading and scanned after that, and only detected more bullshit.

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