Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

It's only people who never built or ran anything that can tell an entrepreneur, "You didn't build that!"
Wow, you built roads, schools, police and fire departments and a military force? Impressive. What's the name of your country?
I assume Frank paid property taxes as well as sales taxes. He probably paid income tax, unlike you, so yes, he built all those things.
Well, thanks for proving the point that taxes are needed to fund society.

Nope, his post didn't prove that.
Oh, that's right. In your anarchist utopia, people would probably put those contributions into a hat.
It's only people who never built or ran anything that can tell an entrepreneur, "You didn't build that!"
Wow, you built roads, schools, police and fire departments and a military force? Impressive. What's the name of your country?
I assume Frank paid property taxes as well as sales taxes. He probably paid income tax, unlike you, so yes, he built all those things.
Well, thanks for proving the point that taxes are needed to fund society.

Nope, his post didn't prove that.
You're correct, although it is true that taxes are needed to fund government, not society. But government shouldn't be doing about 80% of the shit they are doing and charging us for it.
We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth

Yet another one Conservatives can campaign against
Translation: We believe in the liberal version of science and will use that as an excuse to levy more taxes on productive people and support wasteful projects.
See, the problem, Nutjobber, is you need to know how to interpret what liberals say. I speak Liberal, you don't.

Yes Rabbi....The earth is, in fact, round
Yes, Nutsucker, you are in fact stupid.
These fucks thing the non tax paying dependent class built the infrastructure while drawing welfare.

It's worse than that. They are trying to convince us that we benefit from paying out hard cold cash to welfare sucking parasites.

But Pelosi says it generates a $1.50 for every dollar payed out!!!!!
It's only people who never built or ran anything that can tell an entrepreneur, "You didn't build that!"
Wow, you built roads, schools, police and fire departments and a military force? Impressive. What's the name of your country?
I assume Frank paid property taxes as well as sales taxes. He probably paid income tax, unlike you, so yes, he built all those things.
Well, thanks for proving the point that taxes are needed to fund society.

Nope, his post didn't prove that.
Oh, that's right. In your anarchist utopia, people would probably put those contributions into a hat.

Hmmm, not. Profit making corporations would provide those services.
Wow, you built roads, schools, police and fire departments and a military force? Impressive. What's the name of your country?
I assume Frank paid property taxes as well as sales taxes. He probably paid income tax, unlike you, so yes, he built all those things.
Well, thanks for proving the point that taxes are needed to fund society.

Nope, his post didn't prove that.
Oh, that's right. In your anarchist utopia, people would probably put those contributions into a hat.

Hmmm, not. Profit making corporations would provide those services.
Kind of like the prison/industrial complex? Yeah, that's worked well.
I assume Frank paid property taxes as well as sales taxes. He probably paid income tax, unlike you, so yes, he built all those things.
Well, thanks for proving the point that taxes are needed to fund society.

Nope, his post didn't prove that.
Oh, that's right. In your anarchist utopia, people would probably put those contributions into a hat.

Hmmm, not. Profit making corporations would provide those services.
Kind of like the prison/industrial complex? Yeah, that's worked well.
Why do you think it hasnt? Oh, yeah.
Well, thanks for proving the point that taxes are needed to fund society.

Nope, his post didn't prove that.
Oh, that's right. In your anarchist utopia, people would probably put those contributions into a hat.

Hmmm, not. Profit making corporations would provide those services.
Kind of like the prison/industrial complex? Yeah, that's worked well.
Why do you think it hasnt? Oh, yeah.
The Prison Industry in the United States Big Business or a New Form of Slavery Global Research
Nope, his post didn't prove that.
Oh, that's right. In your anarchist utopia, people would probably put those contributions into a hat.

Hmmm, not. Profit making corporations would provide those services.
Kind of like the prison/industrial complex? Yeah, that's worked well.
Why do you think it hasnt? Oh, yeah.
The Prison Industry in the United States Big Business or a New Form of Slavery Global Research

Statism on full display.. you want big gubmint, you need a police state to enforce it. You can't have it both ways.
It's only people who never built or ran anything that can tell an entrepreneur, "You didn't build that!"
Wow, you built roads, schools, police and fire departments and a military force? Impressive. What's the name of your country?

The USA, you dumb fuck

Name a country without roads and bridges, you dumb fuck
They were built before you ever entered the workforce you twit. You're welcome.
When EVERYBODY is taxed, I'll support her.
You don't believe businesses should pay taxes?
It's only people who never built or ran anything that can tell an entrepreneur, "You didn't build that!"
Wow, you built roads, schools, police and fire departments and a military force? Impressive. What's the name of your country?

The USA, you dumb fuck

Name a country without roads and bridges, you dumb fuck
They were built before you ever entered the workforce you twit. You're welcome.
And paid for often with bonds that we are still paying interet on, you dumbskull
Translation: We believe in the liberal version of science and will use that as an excuse to levy more taxes on productive people and support wasteful projects.
See, the problem, Nutjobber, is you need to know how to interpret what liberals say. I speak Liberal, you don't.

Yes Rabbi....The earth is, in fact, round
Yes, Nutsucker, you are in fact stupid.
These fucks thing the non tax paying dependent class built the infrastructure while drawing welfare.

It's worse than that. They are trying to convince us that we benefit from paying out hard cold cash to welfare sucking parasites.

But Pelosi says it generates a $1.50 for every dollar payed out!!!!!
Nancy Pelosi learned her politics under JFK.

Yes Rabbi....The earth is, in fact, round
Yes, Nutsucker, you are in fact stupid.
These fucks thing the non tax paying dependent class built the infrastructure while drawing welfare.

It's worse than that. They are trying to convince us that we benefit from paying out hard cold cash to welfare sucking parasites.

But Pelosi says it generates a $1.50 for every dollar payed out!!!!!
Nancy Pelosi learned her politics under JFK.

I wonder if she was on his staff.....
Well looking at her sheet she doesn't sound to bad. In fact I could support her if she turns out to be half as good as what she says she stands for.

Priorities Elizabeth Warren for Senate

Of course being a politician she lies like a rug so guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  • Education. Good public schools, good public universities, and good technical training can give us a workforce better than any in the world. Well-trained workers are cost effective, and they can give us a powerful competitive advantage in world markets. Investments in our people pay the highest dividends.
  • Construction. We need to upgrade our aging roads, bridges, mass transit, and water and sewage lines—the basic pieces it takes to manufacture goods and to get them to market. My brother-in-law Steve operates a Gradall out of Plymouth. He tells me that he digs up water and sewage pipes in some parts of the state that were laid in the late 1800s and now are crumbling. We could be upgrading right now—creating good jobs and investing in our future.
  • Renewable energy. If we invest now in 21st century energy, we can lower the costs of production for all of our future work. Right now, renewable energy competes with old energies that get lots of special breaks in Washington. Massachusetts can lead the world in using green technology to cut production costs and make our products competitive around the world. Again, we could do this right here, right now—and create jobs here in Massachusetts.
  • Research. Massachusetts is a world leader on the research that produces new products and new industries—and creates the demand for new technical jobs. Increasing our support for this kind of research helps Massachusetts and helps the country.
  • A level playing field. Our self-employed and small businesses, and the community banks that fund them, are drowning in complicated regulations. Long, complex rules create loopholes that the big companies can take advantage of, but they leave little guys out in the cold. We need rules that are written with small businesses in mind. We need straightforward rules that any small business can deal with, like the short and streamlined mortgage form the consumer agency is putting into law.
  • Workers’ rights. We need to make it easier for workers who want to organize to have the chance to do so. If people want to work together for better wages, for better health care, and for better working conditions, they should have the right to do so.
  • Fair trade. If we are going to sell our products to the rest of the world, we need to strengthen trade laws and ensure their enforcement. We need to make sure that those we compete with also respect workers’ rights and environmental rules
She zeroed in on the most important issues, right there.
Well looking at her sheet she doesn't sound to bad. In fact I could support her if she turns out to be half as good as what she says she stands for.

Priorities Elizabeth Warren for Senate

Of course being a politician she lies like a rug so guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  • Education. Good public schools, good public universities, and good technical training can give us a workforce better than any in the world. Well-trained workers are cost effective, and they can give us a powerful competitive advantage in world markets. Investments in our people pay the highest dividends.
  • Construction. We need to upgrade our aging roads, bridges, mass transit, and water and sewage lines—the basic pieces it takes to manufacture goods and to get them to market. My brother-in-law Steve operates a Gradall out of Plymouth. He tells me that he digs up water and sewage pipes in some parts of the state that were laid in the late 1800s and now are crumbling. We could be upgrading right now—creating good jobs and investing in our future.
  • Renewable energy. If we invest now in 21st century energy, we can lower the costs of production for all of our future work. Right now, renewable energy competes with old energies that get lots of special breaks in Washington. Massachusetts can lead the world in using green technology to cut production costs and make our products competitive around the world. Again, we could do this right here, right now—and create jobs here in Massachusetts.
  • Research. Massachusetts is a world leader on the research that produces new products and new industries—and creates the demand for new technical jobs. Increasing our support for this kind of research helps Massachusetts and helps the country.
  • A level playing field. Our self-employed and small businesses, and the community banks that fund them, are drowning in complicated regulations. Long, complex rules create loopholes that the big companies can take advantage of, but they leave little guys out in the cold. We need rules that are written with small businesses in mind. We need straightforward rules that any small business can deal with, like the short and streamlined mortgage form the consumer agency is putting into law.
  • Workers’ rights. We need to make it easier for workers who want to organize to have the chance to do so. If people want to work together for better wages, for better health care, and for better working conditions, they should have the right to do so.
  • Fair trade. If we are going to sell our products to the rest of the world, we need to strengthen trade laws and ensure their enforcement. We need to make sure that those we compete with also respect workers’ rights and environmental rules
She zeroed in on the most important issues, right there.
Yeah, gimme gimme gimme.
It's all the Left has anymore.

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