Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

She couldn't even make it through normal Senate confirmation she was that bad.

The Senate did not get a chance to vote for her. Her nomination was blocked by the GOP. They were butt hurt over the creation of the CFPB.

And because they blocked her appointment, she ran for the Senate.

How'd that work out? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

If the Senate can't vote for her, how could anyone else?

Did you actually just ask how could anyone else vote for her?

Um, Rabbi? She couldn't get 40 ass wipes to vote for her, but she did get THE PEOPLE to vote for her.

When will you fools finally figure that out?
You mean the people of Massachuessetes? Yeah, some accomplishment. They voted for John Kerry, Mike Dukakis, amd Ted Kennedy--all failures on the national stage.
Warren couldnt get confirmed and didnt last long at her post.

I understand they voted for Mitt Romney too.
She is a one issue candidate....
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Banks Suk.....

OK 2 issues.
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
Is this the face of a U.S. president or an irate old shrew who found her morning newspaper in the bushes? :eek-52:

Didn't she claim, like Ward Churchill, that she's an injun? :alcoholic:

Has she always been a lunatic....I guess so...here she is at a "sock hop" back in the 50's...


And finally...how crazy is she? Compared to who? :uhoh3:
Yeah.....Read a story on FoxNews.com that she is a rising star in the democrat party.
The dems have nothing. And it appears the confidence in Hillary Clinton is low.
Another interesting tidbit is that the Obama's are out to wreck her chances.
True, there is no love lost between the Clinton's and Obama's.....
This could get real interesting.
Get some popcorn and sit back.....Watch the fur fly...LOL
She couldn't even make it through normal Senate confirmation she was that bad.

The Senate did not get a chance to vote for her. Her nomination was blocked by the GOP. They were butt hurt over the creation of the CFPB.

And because they blocked her appointment, she ran for the Senate.

How'd that work out? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

If the Senate can't vote for her, how could anyone else?

Did you actually just ask how could anyone else vote for her?

Um, Rabbi? She couldn't get 40 ass wipes to vote for her, but she did get THE PEOPLE to vote for her.

When will you fools finally figure that out?
You mean the people of Massachuessetes? Yeah, some accomplishment. They voted for John Kerry, Mike Dukakis, amd Ted Kennedy--all failures on the national stage.
Warren couldnt get confirmed and didnt last long at her post.

I understand they voted for Mitt Romney too.
BING! :laugh:
PLEASE!!!!!! Warren please run...I want you to run. :dig:It's so fun to watch the Dems dig themselves into a hole they cannot get out of. :funnyface:

Sort of like Obama did in 2008?

No, in 2008 he dug a hole the country can't get out of.
And rubes like you gave him the shovel.


We'll post funny pitchers and call them names. It worked b'fore!

I did? I voted for Obama? Wow, I must have been drinking heavily. I don't remember that.
The idiocy of people like you got Obama elected. You thought making up funny names for him and calling him a Kenyan and posting funny pictures would do the trick.

The GOP has been so overrun with retards like you that old school Republicans like me have decided to stay home until assholes like you are kicked to the curb and taken to the dump.

LOL, so you're not a Republican but you say you are, and I'm not a Republican but you say I am too. What about Obama, is he a Republican? Is everyone a Republican?
Is this the face of a U.S. president or an irate old shrew who found her morning newspaper in the bushes? :eek-52:

Didn't she claim, like Ward Churchill, that she's an injun? :alcoholic:

Has she always been a lunatic....I guess so...here she is at a "sock hop" back in the 50's...


And finally...how crazy is she? Compared to who? :uhoh3:
Yeah.....Read a story on FoxNews.com that she is a rising star in the democrat party.
The dems have nothing. And it appears the confidence in Hillary Clinton is low.
Another interesting tidbit is that the Obama's are out to wreck her chances.
True, there is no love lost between the Clinton's and Obama's.....
This could get real interesting.
Get some popcorn and sit back.....Watch the fur fly...LOL

thereisnosuchthingasthe"democrat party".
She is a one issue candidate....
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Banks Suk.....

OK 2 issues.
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
-Wall St Sucks
-The Middle Class is gettng screwed
-The system is stacked against you (the same system that has given me a 7M dolllar house and a cushy job at Harvard).

Yeah, she has nothing. No one except brain dead losers want to hear that shit
Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily
Warren is a far left wing extremist.
Last month, the country told the democrats they have had enough of far left wing politics.
You people( liberals) allowed the extreme left to take over the democrat party.
Your Pelsois, Your Reid's, etc.....
She is a one issue candidate....
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Banks Suk.....

OK 2 issues.
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
Which issues are those?
She is a one issue candidate....
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Banks Suk.....

OK 2 issues.
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
-Wall St Sucks
-The Middle Class is gettng screwed
-The system is stacked against you (the same system that has given me a 7M dolllar house and a cushy job at Harvard).

Yeah, she has nothing. No one except brain dead losers want to hear that shit

She helps the middle class by screwing their employers and taxing and regulating the owners to death so they lose their jobs and get to live on government checks for doing nothing. But only because darn it, she cares so much about people.
She is a one issue candidate....
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Banks Suk.....

OK 2 issues.
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
-Wall St Sucks
-The Middle Class is gettng screwed
-The system is stacked against you (the same system that has given me a 7M dolllar house and a cushy job at Harvard).

Yeah, she has nothing. No one except brain dead losers want to hear that shit

She helps the middle class by screwing their employers and taxing and regulating the owners to death so they lose their jobs and get to live on government checks for doing nothing. But only because darn it, she cares so much about people.
Exactly. That's why people are sick of class warfare. You can't reward the working class by punshing their employers.,
She is a one issue candidate....
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Banks Suk.....

OK 2 issues.
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
-Wall St Sucks
-The Middle Class is gettng screwed
-The system is stacked against you (the same system that has given me a 7M dolllar house and a cushy job at Harvard).

Yeah, she has nothing. No one except brain dead losers want to hear that shit

She helps the middle class by screwing their employers and taxing and regulating the owners to death so they lose their jobs and get to live on government checks for doing nothing. But only because darn it, she cares so much about people.
Yep...Employers continue their mass exodus from these high tax, big union expensive public worker states.
Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily
Warren is a far left wing extremist.
Last month, the country told the democrats they have had enough of far left wing politics.
You people( liberals) allowed the extreme left to take over the democrat party.
Your Pelsois, Your Reid's, etc.....

Maybe Republicans could help us out just a little and give us better candidates. The ones we're getting now just blow. McCain? W? Dole? Seriously?
She can take the heat, she just can't handle the press. She's always hated dealing with them and they have, in turn, returned the disfavor. I refer you to her cookie baking comment in 1992.

You have to go back more than 20 years to find evidence Hillary Clinton can't handle the press? :laugh2:

You know, she won a Senate race some time after that. She was also doing well in the primaries in the 2008 race until she ran out of money. I made an obscure reference to that as a kind of joke in a joke when I made the "dead broke" comment earlier and Warren being Plan B.
If Warren ran and if it looked like she could get the nomination, she'd wind up the victim of some kind of accident, courtesy Wall St..
Is this the face of a U.S. president or an irate old shrew who found her morning newspaper in the bushes? :eek-52:

Didn't she claim, like Ward Churchill, that she's an injun? :alcoholic:

Has she always been a lunatic....I guess so...here she is at a "sock hop" back in the 50's...


And finally...how crazy is she? Compared to who? :uhoh3:
Yeah.....Read a story on FoxNews.com that she is a rising star in the democrat party.
The dems have nothing. And it appears the confidence in Hillary Clinton is low.
Another interesting tidbit is that the Obama's are out to wreck her chances.
True, there is no love lost between the Clinton's and Obama's.....
This could get real interesting.
Get some popcorn and sit back.....Watch the fur fly...LOL

thereisnosuchthingasthe"democrat party".
HUH?.....So the new name for the democrat party is...?
How ironic is the topic title? "Seriously?" Her opponents can't launch a serious argument against her.


Apparently it is a given the Dem nominee will be a woman.

I honestly can't see Dems getting excited over Hillary, but, I could see Warren catching on.

There are serious arguments to make against both, and for each.
Warren is too far left to be accepted by America as a whole. She will serve as a foil, though, to make Hillary run more to the left during the primaries.

Hillary is still number one. Warren is Plan B in case Hillary falls on her face or goes dead broke again.
Warren is going to push Hillary off the left side of the cliff.

She already has her blathering about "leaving the White House broke" and how "corporations don't create jobs".

Hillary is no Bill, she is not all that damned smart, and can't take heat, especially friendly fire from the Left.
You must not have heard Hillary speak very often. She is an extremely adept politician.

The "dead broke" and "corporations don't create jobs" were micro-parsed out of a mountain of public speaking engagements. There are hack pundits out there who spend all day sifting the bejeesus out of everything that comes out of their opponents' mouths just so they can exaggerate and blow a turn of phrase way out of proportion for their rube subscribers and parrots.

I guarantee you those who giggle and guffaw over "squaw" Warren and "what difference does it make" are about as clueless about Warren and Clinton as it gets. They don't know shit about them or their capabilities. That same shortcoming is what led to Obama's success.

Obama has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by people even more incompetent and stupid than he is, and I have not yet seen that trend reversed. This topic is proof positive it hasn't.

Shhhh ... They didn't learn it the last two general elections. Let's just let them go on pretending Barack Obama is not the twice elected, very successful leader of the free world.

Let them yammer on about the importance of curtailing individual rights, raising taxes on the middle class and the current crop of Clown Car occupants.

Fasten your seat belts ... Its gonna be a bumpy ride.

She is a one issue candidate....
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Banks Suk.....

OK 2 issues.
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
-Wall St Sucks
-The Middle Class is gettng screwed
-The system is stacked against you (the same system that has given me a 7M dolllar house and a cushy job at Harvard).

Yeah, she has nothing. No one except brain dead losers want to hear that shit

She helps the middle class by screwing their employers and taxing and regulating the owners to death so they lose their jobs and get to live on government checks for doing nothing. But only because darn it, she cares so much about people.
Yep...Employers continue their mass exodus from these high tax, big union expensive public worker states.

No one is more worker friendly than my home State of Michigan. It's a workers paradise, with no jobs...
Liz Warren will make a great candidate and if the best Republicans can do is post squaw pictures she should win easily
Warren is a far left wing extremist.
Last month, the country told the democrats they have had enough of far left wing politics.
You people( liberals) allowed the extreme left to take over the democrat party.
Your Pelsois, Your Reid's, etc.....

Last month the country had a mid-term election. The party in the WH almost always loses ground in mid-terms. That's been true as long as these two party have existed. But do let us know when you have another brainstorm like this.

And btw even now, five posts later, there is still no such thing as a "democrat party".

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