Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

What kind of man wants to lead by a 65 year old menopausal hag with crazy eyes?

I've never figured that out either....


Never read Ayn Rand....don't see how she belongs in this thread.....I could easily insert Pelousy, Feinstein, and Maxine Waters if it's an ugly contest you want.
Warren is a far left wing extremist.
Last month, the country told the democrats they have had enough of far left wing politics.
You people( liberals) allowed the extreme left to take over the democrat party.
Your Pelsois, Your Reid's, etc.....

Maybe Republicans could help us out just a little and give us better candidates. The ones we're getting now just blow. McCain? W? Dole? Seriously?
Your idea of a "better candidate" is far different than it is for the rest of the country.

Yes, people have drank your snake oil that government will solve our problems for us. They even recognize it isn't happening, and still vote for the candidate that promises the most of it.
You clearly are completely unfamiliar with my political beliefs.

"Oh, he hurt my butt! He must be a Democrat liberal!"

You're in thread after thread carrying their water and defending them. I criticize liberals, I don't defend Republicans. They suck.
I am in thread after thread defending the TRUTH and FACTS and LOGIC. If that makes you feel like you or the GOP are under attack by me, that should tell you something, and it ain't that I am a Democrat.
What kind of man wants to lead by a 65 year old menopausal hag with crazy eyes?

Uh huh.....meet them in here in this thread....mother issues thick as July evening mosquitoes on Lake Superior.....I swear, how could there have been so many chemical castrations without the NY Times finding out about it? :lol:

Jesus, your Fruit of the Looms must be packing peas.
Is this the face of a U.S. president or an irate old shrew who found her morning newspaper in the bushes? :eek-52:

Didn't she claim, like Ward Churchill, that she's an injun? :alcoholic:

Has she always been a lunatic....I guess so...here she is at a "sock hop" back in the 50's...


And finally...how crazy is she? Compared to who? :uhoh3:


Don't try to talk them out of it! Fauxahontas would be the dream Democrat candidate . . . . for the Republican Party, that is.
What kind of man wants to lead by a 65 year old menopausal hag with crazy eyes?

I've never figured that out either....


Never read Ayn Rand....don't see how she belongs in this thread.....I could easily insert Pelousy, Feinstein, and Maxine Waters if it's an ugly contest you want.
Libertarians worship Ayn Rand. A menopausal hag with crazy eyes.

Bhahahahaaa.....Beat me to it. Let's not forget the other one.

As usual, the rubes have no substantive material with which to attack their opponent. Due to their intellectual bandwidth being limited to that of a bumper sticker, they can only regurgitate pictures and funny names for their target.

That tactic worked so well to defeat Barack HUSSEIN Soeteoreoreo Obamao, the Kenyan Muslim soshulist.

Oh, wait...

Massachussetts is the only state in the Union where Fauxahontas wouldn't be a laughing stock.
As usual, the rubes have no substantive material with which to attack their opponent. Due to their intellectual bandwidth being limited to that of a bumper sticker, they can only regurgitate pictures and funny names for their target.

That tactic worked so well to defeat Barack HUSSEIN Soeteoreoreo Obamao, the Kenyan Muslim soshulist.

Oh, wait...

(smile) You kids go ahead and run her, she is an idiot.
Warren has yet to suggest that she is going to run. I don't think she will...because she has been clear thus far in saying that she isn't going to run.

If she changes her mind......it would make for an interesting primary should Hillary Clinton also run.
No one has said they are going to run. Not just Warren.

But I have been pointing out for some time that Warren has been making all the moves a person who wants to be President makes.

How many times have you heard people say they aren't going to run, until they do?

The fact people are talking about her running is indicative she has been making all the moves of a candidate.

Elizabeth Warren isn t running for president and that s a good thing

I've been paying attention. I'm not seeing her signaling a run. What has she done that signals that to you?

I think she's great. But I also think she's decisive. I hope I'm wrong...but I don't think she will run.
Warren has yet to suggest that she is going to run. I don't think she will...because she has been clear thus far in saying that she isn't going to run.

If she changes her mind......it would make for an interesting primary should Hillary Clinton also run.
No one has said they are going to run. Not just Warren.

But I have been pointing out for some time that Warren has been making all the moves a person who wants to be President makes.

How many times have you heard people say they aren't going to run, until they do?

The fact people are talking about her running is indicative she has been making all the moves of a candidate.

Elizabeth Warren isn t running for president and that s a good thing
As I keep saying, Warren is Plan B. Hillary is number one. Warren will be in the bullpen in case Hillary falls on her face or goes dead broke again.

I've been paying attention. I'm not seeing her signaling a run. What has she done that signals that to you?

I think she's great. But I also think she's decisive. I hope I'm wrong...but I don't think she will run.
Your last link said Warren doesn't have the stamina to campaign nationally. Bullshit. She campaigned for several Senate candidates, which is what someone who is collecting markers for a run for the Presidency does.

She also tours the mashed potato circuit, constantly hammering away on her three big issues. Just like someone pondering a run.

She's working very hard at getting her name out there for household recognition.

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