Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

Sort of like Obama did in 2008?

No, in 2008 he dug a hole the country can't get out of.
And rubes like you gave him the shovel.


We'll post funny pitchers and call them names. It worked b'fore!

I did? I voted for Obama? Wow, I must have been drinking heavily. I don't remember that.
The idiocy of people like you got Obama elected. You thought making up funny names for him and calling him a Kenyan and posting funny pictures would do the trick.

The GOP has been so overrun with retards like you that old school Republicans like me have decided to stay home until assholes like you are kicked to the curb and taken to the dump.

LOL, so you're not a Republican but you say you are, and I'm not a Republican but you say I am too. What about Obama, is he a Republican? Is everyone a Republican?
Do you vote Libertarian? Didn't think so.
Maybe Republicans could help us out just a little and give us better candidates. The ones we're getting now just blow. McCain? W? Dole? Seriously?
Your idea of a "better candidate" is far different than it is for the rest of the country.

Yes, people have drank your snake oil that government will solve our problems for us. They even recognize it isn't happening, and still vote for the candidate that promises the most of it.
You clearly are completely unfamiliar with my political beliefs.

"Oh, he hurt my butt! He must be a Democrat liberal!"

You're in thread after thread carrying their water and defending them. I criticize liberals, I don't defend Republicans. They suck.
I am in thread after thread defending the TRUTH and FACTS and LOGIC. If that makes you feel like you or the GOP are under attack by me, that should tell you something, and it ain't that I am a Democrat.

So that you believe fact and logic supports Democrats should show me that you're not a Democrat? Hmm...
She is a one issue candidate....
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Banks Suk.....

OK 2 issues.
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
-Wall St Sucks
-The Middle Class is gettng screwed
-The system is stacked against you (the same system that has given me a 7M dolllar house and a cushy job at Harvard).

Yeah, she has nothing. No one except brain dead losers want to hear that shit

She helps the middle class by screwing their employers and taxing and regulating the owners to death so they lose their jobs and get to live on government checks for doing nothing. But only because darn it, she cares so much about people.
Yep...Employers continue their mass exodus from these high tax, big union expensive public worker states.
Oh really? California raised taxes on the rich and they overwhelmingly stayed. Might have something to do with living in a place that's so attractive. Of course they could save some money if they lived in a shit hole but why?
Is like this guy to be involved in national politics. He's gi

I've been paying attention. I'm not seeing her signaling a run. What has she done that signals that to you?

I think she's great. But I also think she's decisive. I hope I'm wrong...but I don't think she will run.
Your last link said Warren doesn't have the stamina to campaign nationally. Bullshit. She campaigned for several Senate candidates, which is what someone who is collecting markers for a run for the Presidency does.

Yeah...perhaps. The article made many claims. In total...I think it's pretty convincing.
No, in 2008 he dug a hole the country can't get out of.
And rubes like you gave him the shovel.


We'll post funny pitchers and call them names. It worked b'fore!

I did? I voted for Obama? Wow, I must have been drinking heavily. I don't remember that.
The idiocy of people like you got Obama elected. You thought making up funny names for him and calling him a Kenyan and posting funny pictures would do the trick.

The GOP has been so overrun with retards like you that old school Republicans like me have decided to stay home until assholes like you are kicked to the curb and taken to the dump.

LOL, so you're not a Republican but you say you are, and I'm not a Republican but you say I am too. What about Obama, is he a Republican? Is everyone a Republican?
Do you vote Libertarian? Didn't think so.

I am a small government libertarian, you are referring to the party, which i am not a member of. I'm not a member of any party. Since I life the Republican Party in 1990, I have voted for:

Libertarian Party - 3 (Browne, Browne, Badnarik)
Republican Party - 1 (Romney)
Green Party - 1 (Nader)
Independent - 1 (Perot)
Is this the face of a U.S. president or an irate old shrew who found her morning newspaper in the bushes? :eek-52:

Didn't she claim, like Ward Churchill, that she's an injun? :alcoholic:

Has she always been a lunatic....I guess so...here she is at a "sock hop" back in the 50's...


And finally...how crazy is she? Compared to who? :uhoh3:

Why are you so concerned with how a woman looks?

Do you think that will affect her duties?
She is a one issue candidate....
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Banks Suk.....

OK 2 issues.
Actually, she has three main issues, which you are too foolish to see is a brilliant strategy. It's the same strategy Reagan used. Focus on three big things and let the small stuff work itself out.
-Wall St Sucks
-The Middle Class is gettng screwed
-The system is stacked against you (the same system that has given me a 7M dolllar house and a cushy job at Harvard).

Yeah, she has nothing. No one except brain dead losers want to hear that shit

She helps the middle class by screwing their employers and taxing and regulating the owners to death so they lose their jobs and get to live on government checks for doing nothing. But only because darn it, she cares so much about people.
Yep...Employers continue their mass exodus from these high tax, big union expensive public worker states.
Oh really? California raised taxes on the rich and they overwhelmingly stayed. Might have something to do with living in a place that's so attractive. Of course they could save some money if they lived in a shit hole but why?

You don't know about the Nevada exodus? Seriously?
As usual, the rubes have no substantive material with which to attack their opponent. Due to their intellectual bandwidth being limited to that of a bumper sticker, they can only regurgitate pictures and funny names for their target.

That tactic worked so well to defeat Barack HUSSEIN Soeteoreoreo Obamao, the Kenyan Muslim soshulist.

Oh, wait...

They're literally scared to death of her. Love it!
#145- Sexist much? lol

OP- No, she says she's not interested. Just another e3xample of corporate media wanting controversy, a horse race, RATINGS, without of course ever doing JOURNALISM and explaining the truth on the issues.

Injun? Racist much? It's a family tradition that she has some. Ancestry experts say it can't be proven OR disproven. But carry on with the hater dupe bs.
Obama defeated a Republican. Two, in fact.

Warren defeated a Republican.

Perhaps now would be a REALLY GOOD TIME to rethink the whole schoolyard mentality name calling tactic.

Oh, wait. I said rethink. False premise.

Perhaps now would be a REALLY GOOD TIME to start thinking about another way to go.

Actually Warren should be a shoe in as far as the Hard Right are concerned. America voted in a Nazi Socialist commie muslim kenyan fascist Anti-American killer. By sheer incompetence he managed to guide the US out of recession, invade no one (this is a new plus for a president), cut the deficit by 2/3s, oversee a drop in the price of oil by $50 and created 10m jobs, sheer incompetence....

Imagine what the socialist Warren could do... There will be more bloody job and a healthier economy...

This would be a disgrace,
She couldn't even make it through normal Senate confirmation she was that bad.

The Senate did not get a chance to vote for her. Her nomination was blocked by the GOP. They were butt hurt over the creation of the CFPB.

And because they blocked her appointment, she ran for the Senate.

How'd that work out? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

If the Senate can't vote for her, how could anyone else?

Did you actually just ask how could anyone else vote for her?

Um, Rabbi? She couldn't get 40 ass wipes to vote for her, but she did get THE PEOPLE to vote for her.

When will you fools finally figure that out?
You mean the people of Massachuessetes? Yeah, some accomplishment. They voted for John Kerry, Mike Dukakis, amd Ted Kennedy--all failures on the national stage.
Warren couldnt get confirmed and didnt last long at her post.

I understand they voted for Mitt Romney too.

They run losers and they lose.

Next general will be exactly the same. Big money will run a bunch of reactionary losers who can't stand up to scrutiny. The RWs will all be in love with each one in turn, each will fall by the wayside and then we'll elect Hillary.

All's well that ends well.

Actually Warren should be a shoe in as far as the Hard Right are concerned. America voted in a Nazi Socialist commie muslim kenyan fascist Anti-American killer. By sheer incompetence he managed to guide the US out of recession, invade no one (this is a new plus for a president), cut the deficit by 2/3s, oversee a drop in the price of oil by $50 and created 10m jobs, sheer incompetence....

Imagine what the socialist Warren could do... There will be more bloody job and a healthier economy...

This would be a disgrace,
Oh, I get it. You're pretending to be an insane liberal (is that redundant?). We don't need to make stuff up, there's plenty to make fun of.
You losers can't beat 'em. So what's that say about you?

Plug 4 November into your way-back machine...guh
November 4...2008. Way back enough for ya? Obama beat the Republican.


November 6, 2012. Obama and Warren beat their Republican opponents.

Yeah... that's plenty far enough. Since then, once the nation got to know the consequences of putting Democrats in office, the Democrats have realized a net loss of over 1000 seats of across the board government.

Since obama came to office, the Democrats no longer have a single majority in any state, at any level through the South.
LBJ predicted it would happen in the South when he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, remember?
As usual, the rubes have no substantive material with which to attack their opponent. Due to their intellectual bandwidth being limited to that of a bumper sticker, they can only regurgitate pictures and funny names for their target.

That tactic worked so well to defeat Barack HUSSEIN Soeteoreoreo Obamao, the Kenyan Muslim soshulist.

Oh, wait...

They're literally scared to death of her. Love it!
Nobody is scared of this 'faux squaw'. She has no executive record at governing or making policy.

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