Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

How ironic is the topic title? "Seriously?" Her opponents can't launch a serious argument against her.


Apparently it is a given the Dem nominee will be a woman.

I honestly can't see Dems getting excited over Hillary, but, I could see Warren catching on.

There are serious arguments to make against both, and for each.
Warren is too far left to be accepted by America as a whole. She will serve as a foil, though, to make Hillary run more to the left during the primaries.

Hillary is still number one. Warren is Plan B in case Hillary falls on her face or goes dead broke again.
Warren is going to push Hillary off the left side of the cliff.

She already has her blathering about "leaving the White House broke" and how "corporations don't create jobs".

Hillary is no Bill, she is not all that damned smart, and can't take heat, especially friendly fire from the Left.
You must not have heard Hillary speak very often. She is an extremely adept politician.

The "dead broke" and "corporations don't create jobs" were micro-parsed out of a mountain of public speaking engagements. There are hack pundits out there who spend all day sifting the bejeesus out of everything that comes out of their opponents' mouths just so they can exaggerate and blow a turn of phrase way out of proportion for their rube subscribers and parrots.

I guarantee you those who giggle and guffaw over "squaw" Warren and "what difference does it make" are about as clueless about Warren and Clinton as it gets. They don't know shit about them or their capabilities. That same shortcoming is what led to Obama's success.

Obama has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by people even more incompetent and stupid than he is, and I have not yet seen that trend reversed. This topic is proof positive it hasn't.

"micro parsed"? :lol: Ask Vince Foster's widow how micro parsed that psychotic pig is.

Hell, the Clinton's kill their FRIENDS.

She will "empathize" with our enemies.
PLEASE!!!!!! Warren please run...I want you to run. :dig:It's so fun to watch the Dems dig themselves into a hole they cannot get out of. :funnyface:

Sort of like Obama did in 2008?

No, in 2008 he dug a hole the country can't get out of.
And rubes like you gave him the shovel.


We'll post funny pitchers and call them names. It worked b'fore!
How ironic is the topic title? "Seriously?" Her opponents can't launch a serious argument against her.


Apparently it is a given the Dem nominee will be a woman.

I honestly can't see Dems getting excited over Hillary, but, I could see Warren catching on.

There are serious arguments to make against both, and for each.
Warren is too far left to be accepted by America as a whole. She will serve as a foil, though, to make Hillary run more to the left during the primaries.

Hillary is still number one. Warren is Plan B in case Hillary falls on her face or goes dead broke again.
Warren is going to push Hillary off the left side of the cliff.

She already has her blathering about "leaving the White House broke" and how "corporations don't create jobs".

Hillary is no Bill, she is not all that damned smart, and can't take heat, especially friendly fire from the Left.
You must not have heard Hillary speak very often. She is an extremely adept politician.

The "dead broke" and "corporations don't create jobs" were micro-parsed out of a mountain of public speaking engagements. There are hack pundits out there who spend all day sifting the bejeesus out of everything that comes out of their opponents' mouths just so they can exaggerate and blow a turn of phrase way out of proportion for their rube subscribers and parrots.

I guarantee you those who giggle and guffaw over "squaw" Warren and "what difference does it make" are about as clueless about Warren and Clinton as it gets. They don't know shit about them or their capabilities. That same shortcoming is what led to Obama's success.

Obama has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by people even more incompetent and stupid than he is, and I have not yet seen that trend reversed. This topic is proof positive it hasn't.

Hillary must be squirreled away at some campaign-trail-prep-rally somewhere. Revising and rewriting. Her book and book signing thing fell totally flat, as it should have.

She disclosed nothing, revealed nothing, declared nothing in that book. She made the huge mistake of buying into her own story. And she's the one who brilliantly created the narrative that you'd BETTER have a good story.

Eilzabeth Warren needs to run!
As usual, the rubes have no substantive material with which to attack their opponent. Due to their intellectual bandwidth being limited to that of a bumper sticker, they can only regurgitate pictures and funny names for their target.

That tactic worked so well to defeat Barack HUSSEIN Soeteoreoreo Obamao, the Kenyan Muslim soshulist.

Oh, wait...

That's true, but you couldn't beat W either.
PLEASE!!!!!! Warren please run...I want you to run. :dig:It's so fun to watch the Dems dig themselves into a hole they cannot get out of. :funnyface:

Sort of like Obama did in 2008?

No, in 2008 he dug a hole the country can't get out of.
And rubes like you gave him the shovel.

It's ironic how this has twisted. Elizabeth Warren is railing against the mortgage banks who created the 2007 crisis in the first place, and idiots like these don't get that.
Warren is toast. People are tired of class warfare and failed Democrat policies. Dems learned nothing from their recent ass kicking and are prepared to double down on stupid. And Warren is stupid/ Stupid, incompetent, radical, with no relevant experiece. She couldn't even make it through normal Senate confirmation she was that bad. If the Senate can't vote for her, how could anyone else?
As usual, the rubes have no substantive material with which to attack their opponent. Due to their intellectual bandwidth being limited to that of a bumper sticker, they can only regurgitate pictures and funny names for their target.

That tactic worked so well to defeat Barack HUSSEIN Soeteoreoreo Obamao, the Kenyan Muslim soshulist.

Oh, wait...

That's true, but you couldn't beat W either.
I wasn't trying to beat W. I voted for him. Twice.

That was the last time I voted.
She is a one issue candidate....
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Banks Suk.....

OK 2 issues.
PLEASE!!!!!! Warren please run...I want you to run. :dig:It's so fun to watch the Dems dig themselves into a hole they cannot get out of. :funnyface:

Sort of like Obama did in 2008?

No, in 2008 he dug a hole the country can't get out of.
And rubes like you gave him the shovel.

It's ironic how this has twisted. Elizabeth Warren is railing against the mortgage banks who created the 2007 crisis in the first place, and idiots like these don't get that.

Just for the record that was 2008. September specifically.
How ironic is the topic title? "Seriously?" Her opponents can't launch a serious argument against her.


Apparently it is a given the Dem nominee will be a woman.

I honestly can't see Dems getting excited over Hillary, but, I could see Warren catching on.

There are serious arguments to make against both, and for each.
Warren is too far left to be accepted by America as a whole. She will serve as a foil, though, to make Hillary run more to the left during the primaries.

Hillary is still number one. Warren is Plan B in case Hillary falls on her face or goes dead broke again.
Warren is going to push Hillary off the left side of the cliff.

She already has her blathering about "leaving the White House broke" and how "corporations don't create jobs".

Hillary is no Bill, she is not all that damned smart, and can't take heat, especially friendly fire from the Left.

She can take the heat, she just can't handle the press. She's always hated dealing with them and they have, in turn, returned the disfavor. I refer you to her cookie baking comment in 1992.
PLEASE!!!!!! Warren please run...I want you to run. :dig:It's so fun to watch the Dems dig themselves into a hole they cannot get out of. :funnyface:

Sort of like Obama did in 2008?

No, in 2008 he dug a hole the country can't get out of.
And rubes like you gave him the shovel.


We'll post funny pitchers and call them names. It worked b'fore!

I did? I voted for Obama? Wow, I must have been drinking heavily. I don't remember that.
She couldn't even make it through normal Senate confirmation she was that bad.

The Senate did not get a chance to vote for her. Her nomination was blocked by the GOP. They were butt hurt over the creation of the CFPB.

And because they blocked her appointment, she ran for the Senate.

How'd that work out? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

If the Senate can't vote for her, how could anyone else?

Did you actually just ask how could anyone else vote for her?

Um, Rabbi? She couldn't get 44 ass wipes to vote for her, but she did get THE PEOPLE to vote for her. 53 to 46 percent.

When will you fools finally figure that out?
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What is it that you think I should ask Lisa Foster?
I don't recall asking you to ask anybody anything.....what were you, 15 years old when Vince "committed suicide"? But since you ask....how about why a 6'5" man's car seat was as far forward as it would go at the murder site? How come his feet were pointed uphill....do you sit on a hill like that? How come 2 different caliber rounds were found in him? How come his briefcase was searched twice before his "suicide note" was found....a note found to be a forgery? Let me know what she tells you.
She couldn't even make it through normal Senate confirmation she was that bad.

The Senate did not get a chance to vote for her. Her nomination was blocked by the GOP. They were butt hurt over the creation of the CFPB.

And because they blocked her appointment, she ran for the Senate.

How'd that work out? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

If the Senate can't vote for her, how could anyone else?

Um, Rabbi? She couldn't get a bunch of ass wipes to vote for her, but she did get THE PEOPLE to vote for her.

When will you fools finally figure that out?

Tell me how you're a Republican again, that always cracks me up.
She couldn't even make it through normal Senate confirmation she was that bad.

The Senate did not get a chance to vote for her. Her nomination was blocked by the GOP. They were butt hurt over the creation of the CFPB.

And because they blocked her appointment, she ran for the Senate.

How'd that work out? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

If the Senate can't vote for her, how could anyone else?

Did you actually just ask how could anyone else vote for her?

Um, Rabbi? She couldn't get 40 ass wipes to vote for her, but she did get THE PEOPLE to vote for her.

When will you fools finally figure that out?
You mean the people of Massachuessetes? Yeah, some accomplishment. They voted for John Kerry, Mike Dukakis, amd Ted Kennedy--all failures on the national stage.
Warren couldnt get confirmed and didnt last long at her post.
PLEASE!!!!!! Warren please run...I want you to run. :dig:It's so fun to watch the Dems dig themselves into a hole they cannot get out of. :funnyface:

Sort of like Obama did in 2008?

No, in 2008 he dug a hole the country can't get out of.
And rubes like you gave him the shovel.

It's ironic how this has twisted. Elizabeth Warren is railing against the mortgage banks who created the 2007 crisis in the first place, and idiots like these don't get that.

Just for the record that was 2008. September specifically.

You are referring to the failure of Bear Stearns and collapse of AIG, which brought the crisis to a head. I am referring to the initial meltdown.

The Subprime Lending Crisis: Causes and Effects of the Mortgage Meltdown

How AIG fell apart
How AIG fell apart | Reuters
How AIG fell apart Reuters

In September 2008 McCain stood up and publicly stated that the economy was fundamentally sound. People knew better. And he lost the race.

She is a one issue candidate....
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Wall street suks...
Banks Suk.....

OK 2 issues.

Which should turn out weird since Barry is so far up Wall Street's ass they have to pipe light to him.....yet he despises Hilldebeast so he's thrown in with the Warren camp...politics makes strange bedladies. :badgrin:
PLEASE!!!!!! Warren please run...I want you to run. :dig:It's so fun to watch the Dems dig themselves into a hole they cannot get out of. :funnyface:

Sort of like Obama did in 2008?

No, in 2008 he dug a hole the country can't get out of.
And rubes like you gave him the shovel.


We'll post funny pitchers and call them names. It worked b'fore!

I did? I voted for Obama? Wow, I must have been drinking heavily. I don't remember that.
The idiocy of people like you got Obama elected. You thought making up funny names for him and calling him a Kenyan and posting funny pictures would do the trick.

The GOP has been so overrun with retards like you that old school Republicans like me have decided to stay home until assholes like you are kicked to the curb and taken to the dump.

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