Elizabeth Warren To Replace Holder

Obama would pick Warren because he would prefer to see her run on the Dem ticket in 2016 than Hillary. This way, he can keep her "front and center".
I don't know if a year in the job before having to quit before running for Pres is going to help warren and hurt hillary....it might actually help her/hillary to get a female, possible rival, out of the way, and Warren supporters appeased?
Did you think of this all by yourself?
Is it your contention that irrespective of qualifications you believe a woman, ANY woman MUST be elected president in 2016?
The purpose of this question is to see just how deep your identity politics run.
I think Warren would be an improvement over Holder. Of course, I think almost anyone would be an improvement over Holder....

I think BamBam will go with a transgender Muslim.
Well, what do you think about that....?

Do you think it's possible? Does she even have a law degree? Would Obama pick her?

Obama would only pick her to help rig the 2016 nomination for Hillary. Considering how the Clintons and Obamas can't stand each other, I doubt it.
Obama would pick Warren because he would prefer to see her run on the Dem ticket in 2016 than Hillary. This way, he can keep her "front and center".
I don't know if a year in the job before having to quit before running for Pres is going to help warren and hurt hillary....it might actually help her/hillary to get a female, possible rival, out of the way, and Warren supporters appeased?
Did you think of this all by yourself?
Is it your contention that irrespective of qualifications you believe a woman, ANY woman MUST be elected president in 2016?
The purpose of this question is to see just how deep your identity politics run.

uhhhhh and ummmmmmm, I said NO SUCH THING.....what is it with you conservatives continually putting words in other people's mouths? This is like the third time this evening that a conservative poster has done such!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
The timing just does not work well. Holder will not leave until there is a new nomination, and an appointment, which the Senate has to concur with...after extensive confirmation hearings. Isn't going to happen this year. Next year with a brand new (maybe GOP) Senate? With all the other shit going on?

Next year, after the election, Obama will nominate a controversial 'XYZ' for AG and it will drag on into the election cycle.

Holder is here for the duration, in my opinion.

Of course, I could be wrong.

Maybe he will be in jail or something.

Say, what ever happened to Sebelius after Obama threw her under the bus?

The timing just does not work well. Holder will not leave until there is a new nomination, and an appointment, which the Senate has to concur with...after extensive confirmation hearings. Isn't going to happen this year. Next year with a brand new (maybe GOP) Senate? With all the other shit going on?

Next year, after the election, Obama will nominate a controversial 'XYZ' for AG and it will drag on into the election cycle.

Holder is here for the duration, in my opinion.

Of course, I could be wrong.

Maybe he will be in jail or something.

Say, what ever happened to Sebelius after Obama threw her under the bus?

I don't think Obama would have accepted his resignation without a prospect for replacement....and harry reid runs the Senate so he could schedule hearings and a vote right away, no?
Pocahontas as AG?

Not hardly. The Democrat Party, were it not for their never-ending war on women, would go with a (self-proclaimed) redskin squaw in a heartbeat. But because of that war they could only go that route provided said squad had first been transgendered.
I don't think Obama had a choice in accepting Holder's resignation. Holder is not interested in jail.
It would be great to have a Native American Attorney General. Go Elizabeth!
If she were Native American. Unfortunately, for those who are truly Native American, she is a lying sham bitch who has used a false appellation to gain privilege she would otherwise not have had. Lying sack of Dem shit...but we expect nothing less.

Can you prove she is lying?

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