Elizabeth Warren:”We March In Pink Pussy Hats!”


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Is there an adult member of the Democratic Party?

Trump says a lot of stupid stuff, but he is minor league in comparison to what Democrats say.

Yeah, most folks are just laughing at Warren these days. But there is a serious side to this. Did she lie about being Native American to get some breaks on getting into school? I'd like to see her school records. If it is proven she received special breaks for claiming to be Native American, it says so much more about her.

She wouldn't just be worthy of being ridiculed. She would have to be considered a very bad person. So her lying about Native American heritage, could be a more serious issue than most think. I'd like to see those school records.
Is there an adult member of the Democratic Party?

Easy answer: NO. If they were actually adult, then they would be too embarrassed to be a Democrat. But I see that the role of grabbing the "disenfranchised" female vote has been taken from Hillary and shifted to Warren. Boy, I really do hope they run her for president. They need her to lie to the young male-bashing women telling them they make less than a man in the same circumstances when we all know that isn't true. Same pay for same job. If a woman makes less, it is only because she isn't there as long taking time out for family and other things. You can't have your cake and eat it too! If you can't make enough money on your own, there is always getting a husband and letting him earn the paycheck! But then, they are too busy resenting men to ever consider that. They want to enter the workforce and compete, yet they are unwilling to admit they are ENTERING the workforce and COMPETING, poorly, showing themselves to be big problems who want the scales tipped in their favor, because they can't get it up on their own.
Trump says a lot of stupid stuff, but he is minor league in comparison to what Democrats say.

Yeah, most folks are just laughing at Warren these days. But there is a serious side to this. Did she lie about being Native American to get some breaks on getting into school? I'd like to see her school records. If it is proven she received special breaks for claiming to be Native American, it says so much more about her.

She wouldn't just be worthy of being ridiculed. She would have to be considered a very bad person. So her lying about Native American heritage, could be a more serious issue than most think. I'd like to see those school records.

She's also not too bright if she didn't get her records sealed, like Obama did.
Senator Warren is so shrill and cocksure of everything that I assume she turns off a lot of people who immediately turn to another channel whenever she appears.

Democrat or Republican, a politician should show at least a modicum of humility.

I cannot think of a Democrat who acts like an adult, but I am sure that there are some. They, however, do not get the media coverage that the militants do.

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