Elizabeth Warren:”We March In Pink Pussy Hats!”

Cherokee Woman Blasts Elizabeth Warren: 'We've Asked Her to Stop' Claiming Our Ancestry


"Carr: Elizabeth Warren, take my DNA challenge!
Prove you’re an Indian!

There is only one way to settle once and for all the question of whether the fake Indian is or is not a real Indian.

She needs to take a DNA test.

I dare you, Sen. Warren. It only costs about $200. If you insist, I’ll pay for it. In fact, I’ll take one myself. It’s easy. Just swab the inside of your mouth. Check my photo on the left, I’ll show you how to do it."
Carr: Elizabeth Warren, take my DNA challenge!
The Cherokee tribe has a documented process for proof. I know, my wife did it. She simply needs to show ancestors going back to a list of names from a hundred years ago and convince the tribe it is real.

Not rocket science, just a little work. Work she could have had a staffer do two years ago and put the entire thing to rest.

Warren used a short-cut method: she made a pot of Pow Wow Chow....

"Howie Carr: Elizabeth Warren Plagiarized 'Cherokee' Crabmeat Recipe from French Chef"
....Pow Wow Chow, to which Warren submitted two recipes featuring shellfish.

"When she isn't stealing a Cherokee identity, Warren is also stealing recipes," Tucker Carlson said.

Carr said Warren claimed that the recipes had been passed down for generations in her Cherokee family."
Howie Carr: Elizabeth Warren Plagiarized 'Cherokee' Crabmeat Recipe from French Chef
Pocahontas is going after the Lunatic Cohort of the Democratic Party.

Pretty shrewd actually. Its the 3rd largest, behind Blacks and Hispanics. Might land her on the ticket as V. P.
They've been emotionally hurt...aka..."triggered" by these women.

maybe they have little.....


like their orange jesus
Maybe? :20:

good point. :thup:

Trump says a lot of stupid stuff, but he is minor league in comparison to what Democrats say.
Liberals are hoping if they say cool words like "pussy"...millennials will hop aboard the crazy train with them. :)

Yeah, most folks are just laughing at Warren these days. But there is a serious side to this. Did she lie about being Native American to get some breaks on getting into school? I'd like to see her school records. If it is proven she received special breaks for claiming to be Native American, it says so much more about her.

She wouldn't just be worthy of being ridiculed. She would have to be considered a very bad person. So her lying about Native American heritage, could be a more serious issue than most think. I'd like to see those school records.

She's also not too bright if she didn't get her records sealed, like Obama did.

Haven't looked into the records yet. But she may have gotten into school or maybe even received financial aid based on her claims of being Native American. So i know we enjoy laughing at her, but it may be a more serious issue. It's lookin like she's another Hillary Clinton. A very corrupt person.
She got two university jobs because she lied.

Trump says a lot of stupid stuff, but he is minor league in comparison to what Democrats say.

Yeah, most folks are just laughing at Warren these days. But there is a serious side to this. Did she lie about being Native American to get some breaks on getting into school? I'd like to see her school records. If it is proven she received special breaks for claiming to be Native American, it says so much more about her.

She wouldn't just be worthy of being ridiculed. She would have to be considered a very bad person. So her lying about Native American heritage, could be a more serious issue than most think. I'd like to see those school records.
She recieved $300,000 to teach one class. She was awarded the job based on her fake Indian status. And then the dumb bitch had the nerve to lecture others about privilege. Libs love trash. She is pure scum, so they adore her.

Jilly, and the "training bra" women of the left are soooooo triggered, they want to talk about hands-)

you loons keep saying that.

and yet you're the one's in meltdown anytime anyone says something about the orange sociopath.

the level of insane hate for women is particularly amusing. but then again i guess it would be for people who thought grabbing women by the genitals was ok.

as always, however, i am appreciating that you once again prove you don't care about the country. hate everyone who doesn't agree with you.... particularly women and people of color.... and you and yours only voted for the orange sociopath because you thought he was the best person to troll the people you hate.

any other GOP candidate wouldn't have been that lowlife for you.
Get back in the damn kitchen where you belong and make my sandwich.
maybe they have little.....


like their orange jesus
Maybe? :20:

good point. :thup:

Trump says a lot of stupid stuff, but he is minor league in comparison to what Democrats say.
Liberals are hoping if they say cool words like "pussy"...millennials will hop aboard the crazy train with them. :)

She's also not too bright if she didn't get her records sealed, like Obama did.

Haven't looked into the records yet. But she may have gotten into school or maybe even received financial aid based on her claims of being Native American. So i know we enjoy laughing at her, but it may be a more serious issue. It's lookin like she's another Hillary Clinton. A very corrupt person.
She got two university jobs because she lied.

Trump says a lot of stupid stuff, but he is minor league in comparison to what Democrats say.

Yeah, most folks are just laughing at Warren these days. But there is a serious side to this. Did she lie about being Native American to get some breaks on getting into school? I'd like to see her school records. If it is proven she received special breaks for claiming to be Native American, it says so much more about her.

She wouldn't just be worthy of being ridiculed. She would have to be considered a very bad person. So her lying about Native American heritage, could be a more serious issue than most think. I'd like to see those school records.
She recieved $300,000 to teach one class. She was awarded the job based on her fake Indian status. And then the dumb bitch had the nerve to lecture others about privilege. Libs love trash. She is pure scum, so they adore her.

Jilly, and the "training bra" women of the left are soooooo triggered, they want to talk about hands-)

you loons keep saying that.

and yet you're the one's in meltdown anytime anyone says something about the orange sociopath.

the level of insane hate for women is particularly amusing. but then again i guess it would be for people who thought grabbing women by the genitals was ok.

as always, however, i am appreciating that you once again prove you don't care about the country. hate everyone who doesn't agree with you.... particularly women and people of color.... and you and yours only voted for the orange sociopath because you thought he was the best person to troll the people you hate.

any other GOP candidate wouldn't have been that lowlife for you.
Get back in the damn kitchen where you belong and make my sandwich.
Nope.....and now what are you gonna do about it?
maybe they have little.....


like their orange jesus
Maybe? :20:

good point. :thup:

Trump says a lot of stupid stuff, but he is minor league in comparison to what Democrats say.
Liberals are hoping if they say cool words like "pussy"...millennials will hop aboard the crazy train with them. :)

She's also not too bright if she didn't get her records sealed, like Obama did.

Haven't looked into the records yet. But she may have gotten into school or maybe even received financial aid based on her claims of being Native American. So i know we enjoy laughing at her, but it may be a more serious issue. It's lookin like she's another Hillary Clinton. A very corrupt person.
She got two university jobs because she lied.

Trump says a lot of stupid stuff, but he is minor league in comparison to what Democrats say.

Yeah, most folks are just laughing at Warren these days. But there is a serious side to this. Did she lie about being Native American to get some breaks on getting into school? I'd like to see her school records. If it is proven she received special breaks for claiming to be Native American, it says so much more about her.

She wouldn't just be worthy of being ridiculed. She would have to be considered a very bad person. So her lying about Native American heritage, could be a more serious issue than most think. I'd like to see those school records.
She recieved $300,000 to teach one class. She was awarded the job based on her fake Indian status. And then the dumb bitch had the nerve to lecture others about privilege. Libs love trash. She is pure scum, so they adore her.

Jilly, and the "training bra" women of the left are soooooo triggered, they want to talk about hands-)

you loons keep saying that.

and yet you're the one's in meltdown anytime anyone says something about the orange sociopath.

the level of insane hate for women is particularly amusing. but then again i guess it would be for people who thought grabbing women by the genitals was ok.

as always, however, i am appreciating that you once again prove you don't care about the country. hate everyone who doesn't agree with you.... particularly women and people of color.... and you and yours only voted for the orange sociopath because you thought he was the best person to troll the people you hate.

any other GOP candidate wouldn't have been that lowlife for you.
Get back in the damn kitchen where you belong and make my sandwich.

I make more money than you.

So you go make my salad. and don't forget to pour me a glass of wine while you're at it.

Trump says a lot of stupid stuff, but he is minor league in comparison to what Democrats say.
Liberals are hoping if they say cool words like "pussy"...millennials will hop aboard the crazy train with them. :)

Haven't looked into the records yet. But she may have gotten into school or maybe even received financial aid based on her claims of being Native American. So i know we enjoy laughing at her, but it may be a more serious issue. It's lookin like she's another Hillary Clinton. A very corrupt person.
She got two university jobs because she lied.

Yeah, most folks are just laughing at Warren these days. But there is a serious side to this. Did she lie about being Native American to get some breaks on getting into school? I'd like to see her school records. If it is proven she received special breaks for claiming to be Native American, it says so much more about her.

She wouldn't just be worthy of being ridiculed. She would have to be considered a very bad person. So her lying about Native American heritage, could be a more serious issue than most think. I'd like to see those school records.
She recieved $300,000 to teach one class. She was awarded the job based on her fake Indian status. And then the dumb bitch had the nerve to lecture others about privilege. Libs love trash. She is pure scum, so they adore her.

Jilly, and the "training bra" women of the left are soooooo triggered, they want to talk about hands-)

you loons keep saying that.

and yet you're the one's in meltdown anytime anyone says something about the orange sociopath.

the level of insane hate for women is particularly amusing. but then again i guess it would be for people who thought grabbing women by the genitals was ok.

as always, however, i am appreciating that you once again prove you don't care about the country. hate everyone who doesn't agree with you.... particularly women and people of color.... and you and yours only voted for the orange sociopath because you thought he was the best person to troll the people you hate.

any other GOP candidate wouldn't have been that lowlife for you.
Get back in the damn kitchen where you belong and make my sandwich.
Nope.....and now what are you gonna do about it?

pathetic little children, aren't they? desperate to have the 1950's back...... sad, angry losers.
Pocahontas is going after the Lunatic Cohort of the Democratic Party.

Pretty shrewd actually. Its the 3rd largest, behind Blacks and Hispanics. Might land her on the ticket as V. P.

...and we thought Commie Bernie pretty well had that demographics sewed up.
It just shows the level of amoral, stupid, retard filth that the female gender now produces. These trashy, below-Springer-guest whores are nothing but walking piles of shit equipped with a pair of tits. It's a beautiful demonstration of how fucked-up, dysfunctional and degenerate the female gender has become over the years. Any woman with an ounce of integrity is ASHAMED of these pussy-hat wearers, who are announcing to the world, "I'm a walking c-u-n-t!" Utter slime of their gender, they belong in whorehouses picking scabs off the senior hookers as the menials of their gender these sows are.
Pocahontas is going after the Lunatic Cohort of the Democratic Party.

Pretty shrewd actually. Its the 3rd largest, behind Blacks and Hispanics. Might land her on the ticket as V. P.

...and we thought Commie Bernie pretty well had that demographics sewed up.

Bernie has the very young--the Socialists--who haven't learned shit, as yet.

But, Pocahontas has the women who are so ugly they couldn't get fucked in a Chinese Prison with two bags of rice in their pockets.
Trump says a lot of stupid stuff, but he is minor league in comparison to what Democrats say.

Yeah, most folks are just laughing at Warren these days. But there is a serious side to this. Did she lie about being Native American to get some breaks on getting into school? I'd like to see her school records. If it is proven she received special breaks for claiming to be Native American, it says so much more about her.

She wouldn't just be worthy of being ridiculed. She would have to be considered a very bad person. So her lying about Native American heritage, could be a more serious issue than most think. I'd like to see those school records.
She recieved $300,000 to teach one class. She was awarded the job based on her fake Indian status. And then the dumb bitch had the nerve to lecture others about privilege. Libs love trash. She is pure scum, so they adore her.

Yeah, she's another Hillary Clinton. I don't see most Americans supporting her.

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