Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
she's a dumb bitch
she's NOT NA--final
She never said she was, just that she had the ancestry. D u h dupe...
Na, not really... She has changed her story five or six times
Here, see if you can manage some actual facts...
Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

Funny, the actual Cherokee Nation doesn't seem to agree:

Cherokee Nation Calls Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test 'Inappropriate and Wrong'

Meantime, genetic studies show that when you go back 8 generations, you only share about 0.001% of your DNA with another. That means she is 1/1000th of 1% or only 1 part in 100,000 full blooded Indian. At those levels, if her DNA test is even indeed accurate, any of us could probably make a similar claim.
I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!
That matches what she had claimed. Sad for you.
At best, she is 1/1024 Native American. Every American probably has that much Indian blood in them. She is no more native American than any other American.
Maybe she is a descendant from the lost colony of Roanoke. Yeah, that would explain the high cheekbones, in conjunction with with the blonde hair, the pinkish hue skin, and the blue eyes.

I mean, those high cheekbones.

That is not offensive at all. Not like big lips or nappy hair. High cheekbones though.
"Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren isn't backing down from her claim of Native American ancestry, despite the apparent lack of primary documents proving that she's 1/32nd Cherokee."

Minority Rules: Who Gets To Claim Status As A Person Of Color?

Lizzy just gave us proof she had no business checking the box.

Thank you!
checking what box on her application for the Harvard job? Did she check a box on her application for the Harvard job or NOT?

I'll answer that for you, Warren DID NOT check any box on her application for the Harvard professor position she applied for....to indicate she should get native American preference.

PLEASE STOP with your bull crap Frankie....
Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking

if only the rethuglican MOB cared even 1/64th as much about all the FRAUD in teflon don's orbit, huh?

chief warren did nothing fraudulent yet the MOB has been in hysterics over this for years...

team teflon should APOLOGIZE for all the INSULTS to Native American citizens and unwarranted ATTACKS AND BULLYING of VERY FINE PEOPLE.

Insulting Warren is not an insult to native Americans.

Trying to pass yourself off as Native American to get special benefits is.

"Trying to pass yourself off as Native American to get special benefits"

this is a parroted lie.. God frowns upon bearing false witness. :eusa_clap:

Why would anyone check the box that is marked "minority" unless they expected some sort of benefit ?
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

South Park knows how to punch white elitist liberals in their faces, don't they?

OMG that was a perfect summary of white leftists.
"Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren isn't backing down from her claim of Native American ancestry, despite the apparent lack of primary documents proving that she's 1/32nd Cherokee."

Minority Rules: Who Gets To Claim Status As A Person Of Color?

Lizzy just gave us proof she had no business checking the box.

Thank you!
checking what box on her application for the Harvard job? Did she check a box on her application for the Harvard job or NOT?

I'll answer that for you, Warren DID NOT check any box on her application for the Harvard professor position she applied for....to indicate she should get native American preference.

PLEASE STOP with your bull crap Frankie....
Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking
how about you put I MUST PROVE THIS TRUE aside and just look at the facts around it. how is she native american, how about you prove this thinking also? i'll go first.

White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier
On average, the scientists found, people who identified as African-American had genes that were only 73.2 percent African. European genes accounted for 24 percent of their DNA, while .8 percent came from Native Americans.

Latinos, on the other hand, had genes that were on average 65.1 percent European, 18 percent Native American, and 6.2 percent African. The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.
looks like you can find "native american" in all of us to a very small degree. blacks can be .8%, latinos .18% and warren was a whopping .097%, less than blacks or latinos in generic studies.

so it really proves nothing at all except about what people thought they'd find and now people are going NEENER NEENER TOLD YOU SHE HAD INDIAN HERITAGE w/o even looking to see what the #'s hold and how to interpret them. she has in fact 1/2 the average amount in the standard european.

in short, this does not prove she has indian heritage but is a mutt like the rest of us.
Tell me something Iceberg....


Made anything at all out of Elizabeth Warren believing she had a Native American Grandmother as her family had told her?

WHY have republicans taken what she has said about her own heritage and made a mountain out of a molehill about it?

Why have you harassed her for years on it now?

Why does Trump make fun of her?

Why do you all deride and make fun of her for it?





What is the INFANTILE argument about?

Why did you go after her in the first place?
What part of LIAR, and FRAUD don't you understand? We'd be saying the same thing if a Man claimed what she did. Has nothing to do with your overly used buzzword "Misogyny".
Dimms just admit it, she lied to get preferential treatment. It’s not the end of the world.
Lying fuck. She received no preferential treatment.

None. zero. zip preference

Ethnicity not a factor in Elizabeth Warren’s rise in law - The Boston Globe
The globe? Lol

How about fox news?

Are you going to say fox is lying?

Harvard never considered Elizabeth Warren as Native American in hiring process, report says

Of course Harvard is going to say they didn’t give her preferential treatment,
By the way.....if anybody is familiar with this family history s9tuff, they have seen these family tree's.

Mine was done about 20 years back....Cherokee Indian back in the 1700's. They documented it as "Indian squaw". I'm as much Indian as the President is black!:113:
"Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren isn't backing down from her claim of Native American ancestry, despite the apparent lack of primary documents proving that she's 1/32nd Cherokee."

Minority Rules: Who Gets To Claim Status As A Person Of Color?

Lizzy just gave us proof she had no business checking the box.

Thank you!
checking what box on her application for the Harvard job? Did she check a box on her application for the Harvard job or NOT?

I'll answer that for you, Warren DID NOT check any box on her application for the Harvard professor position she applied for....to indicate she should get native American preference.

PLEASE STOP with your bull crap Frankie....
Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking
how about you put I MUST PROVE THIS TRUE aside and just look at the facts around it. how is she native american, how about you prove this thinking also? i'll go first.

White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier
On average, the scientists found, people who identified as African-American had genes that were only 73.2 percent African. European genes accounted for 24 percent of their DNA, while .8 percent came from Native Americans.

Latinos, on the other hand, had genes that were on average 65.1 percent European, 18 percent Native American, and 6.2 percent African. The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.
looks like you can find "native american" in all of us to a very small degree. blacks can be .8%, latinos .18% and warren was a whopping .097%, less than blacks or latinos in generic studies.

so it really proves nothing at all except about what people thought they'd find and now people are going NEENER NEENER TOLD YOU SHE HAD INDIAN HERITAGE w/o even looking to see what the #'s hold and how to interpret them. she has in fact 1/2 the average amount in the standard european.

in short, this does not prove she has indian heritage but is a mutt like the rest of us.
Tell me something Iceberg....


Made anything at all out of Elizabeth Warren believing she had a Native American Grandmother as her family had told her?

WHY have republicans taken what she has said about her own heritage and made a mountain out of a molehill about it?

Why have you harassed her for years on it now?

Why does Trump make fun of her?

Why do you all deride and make fun of her for it?





What is the INFANTILE argument about?

Why did you go after her in the first place?

lol..... you are just miserable and pissed that somebody you support displays the political IQ of a small soap dish! Dukakis riding around in that tank decades ago..... never thought I'd see a more bone-head move by a politician. Along comes Elizabeth Warren:2up:
Yeah, the Dukakis photo op in the tank turned out to be a huge mistake. He looked like a little, impotent, gay man with a helmet that was too big for his head. Ugh! Thankfully that "man" didn't become President.
"Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren isn't backing down from her claim of Native American ancestry, despite the apparent lack of primary documents proving that she's 1/32nd Cherokee."

Minority Rules: Who Gets To Claim Status As A Person Of Color?

Lizzy just gave us proof she had no business checking the box.

Thank you!
checking what box on her application for the Harvard job? Did she check a box on her application for the Harvard job or NOT?

I'll answer that for you, Warren DID NOT check any box on her application for the Harvard professor position she applied for....to indicate she should get native American preference.

PLEASE STOP with your bull crap Frankie....
Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking
how about you put I MUST PROVE THIS TRUE aside and just look at the facts around it. how is she native american, how about you prove this thinking also? i'll go first.

White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier
On average, the scientists found, people who identified as African-American had genes that were only 73.2 percent African. European genes accounted for 24 percent of their DNA, while .8 percent came from Native Americans.

Latinos, on the other hand, had genes that were on average 65.1 percent European, 18 percent Native American, and 6.2 percent African. The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.
looks like you can find "native american" in all of us to a very small degree. blacks can be .8%, latinos .18% and warren was a whopping .097%, less than blacks or latinos in generic studies.

so it really proves nothing at all except about what people thought they'd find and now people are going NEENER NEENER TOLD YOU SHE HAD INDIAN HERITAGE w/o even looking to see what the #'s hold and how to interpret them. she has in fact 1/2 the average amount in the standard european.

in short, this does not prove she has indian heritage but is a mutt like the rest of us.
Tell me something Iceberg....


Made anything at all out of Elizabeth Warren believing she had a Native American Grandmother as her family had told her?

WHY have republicans taken what she has said about her own heritage and made a mountain out of a molehill about it?

Why have you harassed her for years on it now?

Why does Trump make fun of her?

Why do you all deride and make fun of her for it?





What is the INFANTILE argument about?

Why did you go after her in the first place?

Why would she check a box marked "minority" ?
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

Funny, the actual Cherokee Nation doesn't seem to agree:

Cherokee Nation Calls Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test 'Inappropriate and Wrong'

Meantime, genetic studies show that when you go back 8 generations, you only share about 0.001% of your DNA with another. That means she is 1/1000th of 1% or only 1 part in 100,000 full blooded Indian. At those levels, if her DNA test is even indeed accurate, any of us could probably make a similar claim.
The Cherokee Nation most likely has less dna showing native American Ancestry than she does.... this is why the Cherokee Indians do not use DNA tests to prove heritage. The Cherokees were the first friendly Indians to Europeans and began mixing and having children with the Europeans almost immediately....

Your last line is bulloney

I/1000 means exactly what it says...1 in 1000, NOT 1 in 100,000

1/1000 was the high number that you all keep regurgitating, but the results actually gave it the Range from 1/64 to 1/1024...1/64th means her great times 4 grandmother was Native American, which fits the family lore her mother had told her.


What is this ruckus all about....?

Certainly you are not concerned with her heritage and family lore passed down....

And certainly you truly are not concerned with any kind of lie, Since your orange god lies about everything at least 10 times a day and 20 on Sunday, since he took office....

So what's the beef with Republicans going after Elizabeth Warren for years on this?

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