Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Multiple posters here aq USMB have requested on multiple threads for three days for a link to a statement or video of Sen. Warren claiming Cherokee heritage.
I posted the link 3 days ago.

No matter how many times someone posts a link discrediting what snowflakes / libs say they always ask for it again ... and again ... and again .. always insisting if 'you' don't post it AGAIN then it never really happened'.

Now the spin is she never said she is Native American?

Then why the fuck did she release a DNA test that she is 1/1024th Native American?
Multiple posters here aq USMB have requested on multiple threads for three days for a link to a statement or video of Sen. Warren claiming Cherokee heritage.
I posted the link 3 days ago.

No matter how many times someone posts a link discrediting what snowflakes / libs say they always ask for it again ... and again ... and again .. always insisting if 'you' don't post it AGAIN then it never really happened'.

No, you did not. You posted a hearsay link. Post a real foundation link right here right now.
Multiple posters here aq USMB have requested on multiple threads for three days for a link to a statement or video of Sen. Warren claiming Cherokee heritage.
I posted the link 3 days ago.

No matter how many times someone posts a link discrediting what snowflakes / libs say they always ask for it again ... and again ... and again .. always insisting if 'you' don't post it AGAIN then it never really happened'.

No, you did not. You posted a hearsay link. Post a real foundation link right here right now.

Sugar you’re going down swinging.
You are such a know-it-all on most topics, why are you so f-ing ignorant of the topic?

Do your own research, dumbass!
I did. That’s why I know you’re crazy since I could find no quotes where she talked about her cheekbones. That’s why you can’t quote her.

It has already been quoted in this thread, dumbass! That's why you are a f-ing liberal. You never learned how to read!
Now you’re simply lying. :rolleyes: No one in this thread quoted her talking about her cheekbones. The closest you can find is her talking about her mother’s cheekbones. Are you always this stupid?
this coming from someone who is willing to say 0.097% is enough to prove they're indian.

if this were trump making the claim with the same results, there's simply no way in hell you'd be defending trump saying he's indian. the ONLY reason you're doing this is because you either simply will toe the party line at any and all cost, or you're simply trolling.

either way - it's a dick move.
What I actually said is her DNA test proves there’s Indian blood in her lineage. And her percentage can be 1.6% or even higher.
then tell me how she has a legal claim to mark "american indian" on her applications.

the % to do that would be MUCH higher.

so - you answered the main question - you're just being a fucking troll.
My comment is based on objective fact. Your comment is a subjective opinion.
As usual, you have proven once again you are a liar.

I have provided multiple links backing up my posts.

I have posted links to Warren's own DNA Test results and discussion.

I have posted links showing experts / those involved, such as the Cherokee Nation, definitively stating Warren is neither Native American nor a member of the Cherokee the nation.

Declaring your comments are based on fact does not make it so, especially when you never post links or anything else to back up your OPINION.
Multiple posters here aq USMB have requested on multiple threads for three days for a link to a statement or video of Sen. Warren claiming Cherokee heritage.
I posted the link 3 days ago.

No matter how many times someone posts a link discrediting what snowflakes / libs say they always ask for it again ... and again ... and again .. always insisting if 'you' don't post it AGAIN then it never really happened'.

No, you did not. You posted a hearsay link. Post a real foundation link right here right now.

Sugar you’re going down swinging.
You are the one lying and unable to post a link. Anyhow, I said yesterday this was a dead topic now.
My comment is based on objective fact. Your comment is a subjective opinion.
As usual, you have proven once again you are a liar.

I have provided multiple links backing up my posts.

I have posted links to Warren's own DNA Test results and discussion.

I have posted links showing experts / those involved, such as the Cherokee Nation, definitively stating Warren is neither Native American nor a member of the Cherokee the nation.

Declaring your comments are based on fact does not make it so, especially when you never post links or anything else to back up your OPINION.
Your links were all invalid hearsay or in some cases, you are misrepresenting what they said. And, is why you won't post them now.
Go ahead and post one, now.
Now the spin is she never said she is Native American?

Then why the fuck did she release a DNA test that she is 1/1024th Native American?
No weasel, she never said she was Cherokee.

Jesus Christ. Is that what you are going with?

Warren “never claimed to be a member of the Cherokee Nation” and only claimed native ancestors.

Liberal hypocrites never disappoint.
Now the spin is she never said she is Native American?

Then why the fuck did she release a DNA test that she is 1/1024th Native American?
No weasel, she never said she was Cherokee.

Jesus Christ. Is that what you are going with?

Warren “never claimed to be a member of the Cherokee Nation” and only claimed native ancestors.

Liberal hypocrites never disappoint.
You guys have been telling the lie since the beginning and are still telling the lie. So, now you object if someone points out your side is lying?
Now the spin is she never said she is Native American?

Then why the fuck did she release a DNA test that she is 1/1024th Native American?
No, all that we’re saying is her tests prove there is Indian blood in her.
Look, The Woman Lied about Her Grandparents. Lied about Recipes. Lied about her Heritage.

End of story. She is a Liar like All Marxists are Liars.
Now the spin is she never said she is Native American?

Then why the fuck did she release a DNA test that she is 1/1024th Native American?
No weasel, she never said she was Cherokee.

Jesus Christ. Is that what you are going with?

Warren “never claimed to be a member of the Cherokee Nation” and only claimed native ancestors.

Liberal hypocrites never disappoint.
You guys have been telling the lie since the beginning and are still telling the lie. So, now you object if someone points out your side is lying?

She claimed She is Indian, she is not. Trump said he would give $1millon to her favorite charity if she proved she was Indian. She is not.

What argument do think you are making?
Multiple posters here aq USMB have requested on multiple threads for three days for a link to a statement or video of Sen. Warren claiming Cherokee heritage.
I posted the link 3 days ago.

No matter how many times someone posts a link discrediting what snowflakes / libs say they always ask for it again ... and again ... and again .. always insisting if 'you' don't post it AGAIN then it never really happened'.

No, you did not. You posted a hearsay link. Post a real foundation link right here right now.

Sugar you’re going down swinging.
You are the one lying and unable to post a link. Anyhow, I said yesterday this was a dead topic now.
dead cause you lost and want to move on.

Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia

] Scott Brown, her Republican opponent in the Senate race, accused Warren of fabricating Native American heritage to gain advantage in the job market.[36][37][38] Warren said that her family's ancestry forced her parents to elope: "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. What kid would? But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee and part Delaware, so my parents had to elope."[39]
No weasel, she never said she was Cherokee.

"The day after a CNN public opinion poll ranked Elizabeth Warren fourth among possible Democratic 2020 hopefuls, the Massachusetts senator released the results of a DNA test along with a campaign-style ad defending her family’s story of Cherokee heritage."

Elizabeth Warren's 'part' Cherokee claim is a joke, and a racist insult to Natives like me

"Warren’s central offense dates back to the mid 1980s, when she first formally notified law school administrators that her family tree includes Native Americans. Warren said she grew up with family stories about both grandparents on her mother’s side having some Cherokee or Delaware blood."

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties

"Warren — a Massachusetts Democrat who claimed Cherokee and Delaware tribal heritage based on family lore — isn't the first person to make questionable claims of Native ancestry."

'Pretendians': Elizabeth Warren not alone in making questionable claim to Native American heritage

STFU already!
President Liar in Chief disparaged and name called a US Senator and challenged her to take a DNA test. Sen. Warren rook the challenge passed. Liar in Chief refused to pay up. End of story.
"Warren’s central offense dates back to the mid 1980s, when she first formally notified law school administrators that her family tree includes Native Americans. Warren said she grew up with family stories about both grandparents on her mother’s side having some Cherokee or Delaware blood."

I bet warren grew up with family stories about Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, too .I wonder if she thinks they are as real as her 'Cherokee heritage'?

President Liar in Chief disparaged and name called a US Senator and challenged her to take a DNA test. Sen. Warren rook the challenge passed. Liar in Chief refused to pay up. End of story.
she didn't pass. there is simply no way in hell 0.097% of mexican / peruvian / colombian dna validates her claim. i know damn good and well that if trump were trying to pass himself off as indian and these were his results you'd be ORANGE MAN BAD all over the damn place and shitting twinkies at liberal parades in protest.

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