Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Now the spin is she never said she is Native American?

Then why the fuck did she release a DNA test that she is 1/1024th Native American?
No weasel, she never said she was Cherokee.

Jesus Christ. Is that what you are going with?

Warren “never claimed to be a member of the Cherokee Nation” and only claimed native ancestors.

Liberal hypocrites never disappoint.

Warren promoted herself as a Cherokee for years.

No weasel, she never said she was Cherokee.

"The day after a CNN public opinion poll ranked Elizabeth Warren fourth among possible Democratic 2020 hopefuls, the Massachusetts senator released the results of a DNA test along with a campaign-style ad defending her family’s story of Cherokee heritage."

Elizabeth Warren's 'part' Cherokee claim is a joke, and a racist insult to Natives like me

"Warren’s central offense dates back to the mid 1980s, when she first formally notified law school administrators that her family tree includes Native Americans. Warren said she grew up with family stories about both grandparents on her mother’s side having some Cherokee or Delaware blood."

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties

"Warren — a Massachusetts Democrat who claimed Cherokee and Delaware tribal heritage based on family lore — isn't the first person to make questionable claims of Native ancestry."

'Pretendians': Elizabeth Warren not alone in making questionable claim to Native American heritage

STFU already!
Lame. All of your links are hearsay. Closest you come is where she says she grew up with stories from her family. Nowhere does she make an affirmative claim to being a Cherokee.
President Liar in Chief disparaged and name called a US Senator and challenged her to take a DNA test. Sen. Warren rook the challenge passed. Liar in Chief refused to pay up. End of story.
President Trump called out a liar who got into Harvard by calling herself a Native American. The DNA test reported she had a slight trace of possible Native American DNA. She is NOT, in fact Native American. She is NOT, in fact, Cherokee as she claimed.

The articles and reports say her claim to being Native America for years was based on FAMILY STORIES, not on any evidence of such. Her belief was that her aunt's HIGH CHEEK BONES was evidence of her Cherokee native American Heritage...proving Democrats don't know what the hell 'evidence' is.
No weasel, she never said she was Cherokee.

"The day after a CNN public opinion poll ranked Elizabeth Warren fourth among possible Democratic 2020 hopefuls, the Massachusetts senator released the results of a DNA test along with a campaign-style ad defending her family’s story of Cherokee heritage."

Elizabeth Warren's 'part' Cherokee claim is a joke, and a racist insult to Natives like me

"Warren’s central offense dates back to the mid 1980s, when she first formally notified law school administrators that her family tree includes Native Americans. Warren said she grew up with family stories about both grandparents on her mother’s side having some Cherokee or Delaware blood."

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties

"Warren — a Massachusetts Democrat who claimed Cherokee and Delaware tribal heritage based on family lore — isn't the first person to make questionable claims of Native ancestry."

'Pretendians': Elizabeth Warren not alone in making questionable claim to Native American heritage

STFU already!
Lame. All of your links are hearsay. Closest you come is where she says she grew up with stories from her family. Nowhere does she make an affirmative claim to being a Cherokee.
then she should edit her own wiki where she says her mom was cherokee.

what an amazing fucktard.
"Warren’s central offense dates back to the mid 1980s, when she first formally notified law school administrators that her family tree includes Native Americans. Warren said she grew up with family stories about both grandparents on her mother’s side having some Cherokee or Delaware blood."

I bet warren grew up with family stories about Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, too .I wonder if she thinks they are as real as her 'Cherokee heritage'?


Trump finally destroyed PC culture.

It died this week.

1993-2018 Rest in Pieces.
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Trump will lie a evade paying his promised $1 Million Dollar donation to charity and making an apology to Sen. Warren because of the bottom line of his being a dishonest lying scammer and deadbeat punk.
pay for what?
Lame. All of your links are hearsay. Closest you come is where she says she grew up with stories from her family. Nowhere does she make an affirmative claim to being a Cherokee.

Again, STFU already!

You spew your BS OPINION. You LIE and claim no one has offered any evidence to support the FACT that Warren claimed to be Cherokee while never posting any links, facts or evidence to support your lies / BS. When people produce the evidence you demand ... AGAIN ... you pull the liberal covers up over your head, close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears, and stat singing, 'Lalalalalalala'.

You have been proven to be a LIAR and a TROLL...and I have no more time for either. Respond, post, whatever - you'll just be talking to yourself as far as I am concerned.
Now the spin is she never said she is Native American?

Then why the fuck did she release a DNA test that she is 1/1024th Native American?
No, all that we’re saying is her tests prove there is Indian blood in her.

Actually, it is my understanding the DNA test did NOT match her to any particular Indian tribe or as American Indian specifically. That they found the 0.001% DNA group to be a good fit to Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian DNAs of the middle Americas, and that would seem to agree well with that chart I believe YOU posted days ago in this thread or in one of the others on Warren.
LOL, yah, She is "Allegedly" 1\1024th Native American but her mom was part Cherokee and part Delaware.

There are not even enough DNA markers in her DNA to tell the difference between whether she has Hispanic heritage, East Asian, or Native American.

But she told anyone who would listen that her mom was part Cherokee and part Delaware, and her Grandparents had to Elope because no one approved of their Indian Heritage.

She is a Fake Victim, victimizing The Cherokee and Delaware Nations.

She is a Fraud and a Pathological Liar, like all Marxists are.
Now the spin is she never said she is Native American?

Then why the fuck did she release a DNA test that she is 1/1024th Native American?
No, all that we’re saying is her tests prove there is Indian blood in her.

Actually, it is my understanding the DNA test did NOT match her to any particular Indian tribe or as American Indian specifically. That they found the 0.001% DNA group to be a good fit to Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian DNAs of the middle Americas, and that would seem to agree well with that chart I believe YOU posted days ago in this thread or in one of the others on Warren.

So, because so few Native Americans submit for DNA tests, they don’t have a good database and it’s possible Liz has zero NA blood.

She is just vile.

Bye bye Liz, you won’t be the first female POTUS.

That will be Nikki Haley.
Lame. All of your links are hearsay. Closest you come is where she says she grew up with stories from her family. Nowhere does she make an affirmative claim to being a Cherokee.

Again, STFU already!

You spew your BS OPINION. You LIE and claim no one has offered any evidence to support the FACT that Warren claimed to be Cherokee while never posting any links, facts or evidence to support your lies / BS. When people produce the evidence you demand ... AGAIN ... you pull the liberal covers up over your head, close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears, and stat singing, 'Lalalalalalala'.

You have been proven to be a LIAR and a TROLL...and I have no more time for either. Respond, post, whatever - you'll just be talking to yourself as far as I am concerned.
Does your rant indicate you were unable to find a link of Warren claiming to be a Cherokee?
LOL, yah, She is "Allegedly" 1\1024th Native American but her mom was part Cherokee and part Delaware.

There are not even enough DNA markers in her DNA to tell the difference between whether she has Hispanic heritage, East Asian, or Native American.

But she told anyone who would listen that her mom was part Cherokee and part Delaware, and her Grandparents had to Elope because no one approved of their Indian Heritage.

She is a Fake Victim, victimizing The Cherokee and Delaware Nations.

You would think that true progressives would be disgusted by her, not applauding her on a technicality.

What is victim status for?

Liz Warren is a liar. She lied about being a victim.
Actually, it is my understanding the DNA test did NOT match her to any particular Indian tribe or as American Indian specifically. That they found the 0.001% DNA group to be a good fit to Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian DNAs of the middle Americas, and that would seem to agree well with that chart I believe YOU posted days ago in this thread or in one of the others on Warren

So you are saying that the DNA test shows that there is as much, if not more, of a chance of Warren being MEXICAN as Native American?

Bwuhahahaha........ That would be funny as hell! :p
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No weasel, she never said she was Cherokee.

"The day after a CNN public opinion poll ranked Elizabeth Warren fourth among possible Democratic 2020 hopefuls, the Massachusetts senator released the results of a DNA test along with a campaign-style ad defending her family’s story of Cherokee heritage."

Elizabeth Warren's 'part' Cherokee claim is a joke, and a racist insult to Natives like me

"Warren’s central offense dates back to the mid 1980s, when she first formally notified law school administrators that her family tree includes Native Americans. Warren said she grew up with family stories about both grandparents on her mother’s side having some Cherokee or Delaware blood."

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties

"Warren — a Massachusetts Democrat who claimed Cherokee and Delaware tribal heritage based on family lore — isn't the first person to make questionable claims of Native ancestry."

'Pretendians': Elizabeth Warren not alone in making questionable claim to Native American heritage

STFU already!
Lame. All of your links are hearsay. Closest you come is where she says she grew up with stories from her family. Nowhere does she make an affirmative claim to being a Cherokee.
then she should edit her own wiki where she says her mom was cherokee.

what an amazing fucktard.
Fucking Hilarious Libtard Antics.
Does your rant indicate you were unable to find a link of Warren claiming to be a Cherokee?
No, you lying troll, because I posted 3 links showing she DID. The very 1st one points out she - Warren - put out an ad boasting of her Native American / Cherokee ancestry, not to mention other times she claimed it, talked about how she grew up with family stories of her CHEROKEE heritage / ancestry.

As I said before, STFU ALREADY! You have been proven to be a liar who doesn't know what he is talking about and refuses to accept the facts, much like your refusal to accept the 2016 election results.
LOL, yah, She is "Allegedly" 1\1024th Native American but her mom was part Cherokee and part Delaware.

There are not even enough DNA markers in her DNA to tell the difference between whether she has Hispanic heritage, East Asian, or Native American.

But she told anyone who would listen that her mom was part Cherokee and part Delaware, and her Grandparents had to Elope because no one approved of their Indian Heritage.

She is a Fake Victim, victimizing The Cherokee and Delaware Nations.

You would think that true progressives would be disgusted by her, not applauding her on a technicality.

What is victim status for?

Liz Warren is a liar. She lied about being a victim.
Cultural Appropriation Outrage By The LEFT in 3 2 1.....

Failure to Launch!

Lame. All of your links are hearsay. Closest you come is where she says she grew up with stories from her family. Nowhere does she make an affirmative claim to being a Cherokee.

Again, STFU already!

You spew your BS OPINION. You LIE and claim no one has offered any evidence to support the FACT that Warren claimed to be Cherokee while never posting any links, facts or evidence to support your lies / BS. When people produce the evidence you demand ... AGAIN ... you pull the liberal covers up over your head, close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears, and stat singing, 'Lalalalalalala'.

You have been proven to be a LIAR and a TROLL...and I have no more time for either. Respond, post, whatever - you'll just be talking to yourself as far as I am concerned.
Does your rant indicate you were unable to find a link of Warren claiming to be a Cherokee?

Allowing a lie to not go substantiated is a fucking lie.

If Trump was known as a Native American at Wharton, you would be a pearl clutching MFer if he was deemed to be 1/1024th Indian.

She is a liar. She got preferential treatment. She just killed PC. Congrats.
Does your rant indicate you were unable to find a link of Warren claiming to be a Cherokee?
No, you lying troll, because I posted 3 links showing she DID. The very 1st one points out she - Warren - put out an ad boasting of her Native American / Cherokee ancestry, not to mention other times she claimed it, talked about how she grew up with family stories of her CHEROKEE heritage / ancestry.

As I said before, STFU ALREADY! You have been proven to be a liar who doesn't know what he is talking about and refuses to accept the facts, much like your refusal to accept the 2016 election results.
You left out Delaware. Her mom was Delaware too she said. Delaware and Cherokee. Man that is a lot of Indian DNA in one woman. Should have set off alarms but it didn't.

Kinda like saying I only like two kinds of music.

Country and Western...

And then finding out the person only listens to Techno.

Can you feel the beat Pocahontas? Those aren't Indian Drums.

Now the spin is she never said she is Native American?

Then why the fuck did she release a DNA test that she is 1/1024th Native American?
No, all that we’re saying is her tests prove there is Indian blood in her.

Actually, it is my understanding the DNA test did NOT match her to any particular Indian tribe or as American Indian specifically. That they found the 0.001% DNA group to be a good fit to Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian DNAs of the middle Americas, and that would seem to agree well with that chart I believe YOU posted days ago in this thread or in one of the others on Warren.

So, because so few Native Americans submit for DNA tests, they don’t have a good database and it’s possible Liz has zero NA blood.

Well, at 0.001%, Warren is only technically at a non-zero level. At that level, it is hubris for her to call herself American Indian. What would be interesting would be to find a study which shows the percentage of US population that has her level or more. I bet it is pretty significant.

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