Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

You are such a know-it-all on most topics, why are you so f-ing ignorant of the topic?

Do your own research, dumbass!
I did. That’s why I know you’re crazy since I could find no quotes where she talked about her cheekbones. That’s why you can’t quote her.
She lied. She told on herself.

Why are you defending her?

She is 1/1024th victim, like any typical white chick.

She is a white woman who lied.

Lilly fucking white.

She's not white! Her DNA test proved she is neon white!

Indeed there was a reason why the geneticist included the lower limit in his offering. Those familiar with that type of research especially done with an agenda such as this one was realize that 99% of the time the lower limit is the actual number. Offering a range from 6 to 10 Generations is simply a deferral to the accepted accuracy range of the test itself.

I would be tempted to use the example of Sammy Davis jr. Who converted to Judaism at some point in his life. He referred to himself as a Jew.... But even that example doesn't work because warren has never associated with, practiced or in any way absorbed The General tenetry of the American Indian culture.

She's so white it hurts.


Sammy Davis Jr. never claimed to be an ETHNIC Jew, though. He was a religious Jew. I don't think Native American is a religious group one can convert to.
I did. That’s why I know you’re crazy since I could find no quotes where she talked about her cheekbones. That’s why you can’t quote her.

It has already been quoted in this thread, dumbass! That's why you are a f-ing liberal. You never learned how to read!
Now you’re simply lying. :rolleyes: No one in this thread quoted her talking about her cheekbones. The closest you can find is her talking about her mother’s cheekbones. Are you always this stupid?
this coming from someone who is willing to say 0.097% is enough to prove they're indian.

if this were trump making the claim with the same results, there's simply no way in hell you'd be defending trump saying he's indian. the ONLY reason you're doing this is because you either simply will toe the party line at any and all cost, or you're simply trolling.

either way - it's a dick move.
What I actually said is her DNA test proves there’s Indian blood in her lineage. And her percentage can be 1.6% or even higher.

Which would still amount to the trace elements EVERYONE carries, simply because we're all humans.

She's not Native American by any standard any sane person would recognize. Period.

She also DID NOT claim, "Oh, I have some very miniscule Native American heritage way, way, WAY back." Period.

There is no way you're going to make this into proof that she didn't lie. Period.

Worse than lying it's actually a delusion that she has coached her psyche into believing.
Why else would she commit total political suicide.....like Swann diving off a cliff into
an empty ravine??

Now the spin is she never said she is Native American?

Then why the fuck did she release a DNA test that she is 1/1024th Native American?
No weasel, she never said she was Cherokee.

Well, except for when she signed her recipe in "PowWow Chow" as "Elizabeth Warren - Cherokee."

Oh, and except for her story about how her parents had to elope because of her father's family's racism against her mother for being "Part-Cherokee and part-Delaware". And do NOT try to tell me, "Well, that's her mother, not her".
Now the spin is she never said she is Native American?

Then why the fuck did she release a DNA test that she is 1/1024th Native American?
No weasel, she never said she was Cherokee.

Well, except for when she signed her recipe in "PowWow Chow" as "Elizabeth Warren - Cherokee."

Oh, and except for her story about how her parents had to elope because of her father's family's racism against her mother for being "Part-Cherokee and part-Delaware". And do NOT try to tell me, "Well, that's her mother, not her".

They're right out on the very end of the plank and the sharks are gathering.

My cousins (his dad married my aunt’s daughter) ethnicity has always been considered Cuban. His dad’s parents were born in Cuba and their first language is Spanish.

Now, “23 and me” tells him he has NO CUBAN ANCESTRY. He is half French.

PC died this week, so ironic that it coincided with my cousins epiphany.

Identity politics is bullshit.
“The genetics researcher who reviewed Senator Elizabeth Warren’s, D-Mass, DNA in an attempt to counter President Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ jibes compared her samples with those from people in Colombia, Mexico, and Peru rather than Native Americans in the U.S.,” the Washington Examiner reported.

“[The researcher] however, didn’t compare Ms. Warren’s DNA against
Native Americans who live in the continental U.S., citing cultural reluctance to submit to DNA tests. Instead, he used recent samples from other countries whose populations presumably share a lineage during human settlement of the Americas about 15,000-25,000 years ago,” the newspaper noted."

So the guy doing the DNA testing did not even test her against actual Native Americans from here in the United States...and yet she is insisting that the DNA test that came back with a minuscule percentage associating with LATINOS WHO SETTLED IN THE US IS PROOF THAT SHE IS NATIVE AMERICAN!

Bwuhahahahaha! :lmao:

Tammy Bruce: Elizabeth Warren and her little DNA story

Like I said, She has a Mongolian in her. 1/1024th.
I know a brother and a sister who did the DNA test and they were fraternal twins.

The results came back with different backgrounds so this DNA testing is NOT ACCURATE.
President Liar in Chief disparaged and name called a US Senator and challenged her to take a DNA test. Sen. Warren rook the challenge passed. Liar in Chief refused to pay up. End of story.

Senator Warren took the test and LOST, and then she and her brain-dead minions like you tried to move the goalpost and pretend that all she claimed and was looking for were the same trace amounts of DNA that most people have.

PRESIDENT Trump isn't paying up, because one doesn't win a bet by trying to change the terms after the fact.
No weasel, she never said she was Cherokee.

"The day after a CNN public opinion poll ranked Elizabeth Warren fourth among possible Democratic 2020 hopefuls, the Massachusetts senator released the results of a DNA test along with a campaign-style ad defending her family’s story of Cherokee heritage."

Elizabeth Warren's 'part' Cherokee claim is a joke, and a racist insult to Natives like me

"Warren’s central offense dates back to the mid 1980s, when she first formally notified law school administrators that her family tree includes Native Americans. Warren said she grew up with family stories about both grandparents on her mother’s side having some Cherokee or Delaware blood."

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties

"Warren — a Massachusetts Democrat who claimed Cherokee and Delaware tribal heritage based on family lore — isn't the first person to make questionable claims of Native ancestry."

'Pretendians': Elizabeth Warren not alone in making questionable claim to Native American heritage

STFU already!
Lame. All of your links are hearsay. Closest you come is where she says she grew up with stories from her family. Nowhere does she make an affirmative claim to being a Cherokee.

Yeah, keep word-parsing. That's DEFINITELY going to convince people that everything's okay. If you can just explain it away with enough "depends on what the meaning of 'is' is", it'll eventually become true.
Actually, it is my understanding the DNA test did NOT match her to any particular Indian tribe or as American Indian specifically. That they found the 0.001% DNA group to be a good fit to Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian DNAs of the middle Americas, and that would seem to agree well with that chart I believe YOU posted days ago in this thread or in one of the others on Warren

So you are saying that the DNA test shows that there is as much, if not more, of a chance of Warren being MEXICAN as Native American?

Bwuhahahaha........ That would be funny as hell! :p

As James Woods said, she'll have to trade that headdress for a sombrero.
President Liar in Chief disparaged and name called a US Senator and challenged her to take a DNA test. Sen. Warren rook the challenge passed. Liar in Chief refused to pay up. End of story.

Senator Warren took the test and LOST, and then she and her brain-dead minions like you tried to move the goalpost and pretend that all she claimed and was looking for were the same trace amounts of DNA that most people have.

PRESIDENT Trump isn't paying up, because one doesn't win a bet by trying to change the terms after the fact.

The easy litmus test is that if Trump claimed he was Native American and his DNA came back as 1/1024th.

Would liberals be defending his heritage as Native American?

They would be calling him a liar and they know it.
Bottom line, Trump's wager was for her to prove she's an Indian.

99.9% white is Not An Indian.

And actual Native Americans believe that Warren owes them an apology.

I believe she owes them an apology.

Woman makes white chicks look bad, which is kinda mind-boggling.
Bottom line, Trump's wager was for her to prove she's an Indian.

99.9% white is Not An Indian.

And actual Native Americans believe that Warren owes them an apology.

I believe she owes them an apology.

Woman makes white chicks look bad, which is kinda mind-boggling.

She owes EVERYONE an apology.
Rich White Woman lies about being Native American.

Liberals rush to her defense.

Holy shit you guys are funny.

My cousin just found out his dad is French, not Cuban.

Swear to God, true life story.

His fathers parents were born in Cuba, but they are actually French.

So, liberals, is my cousin Hispanic or French....and furthermore, why the fuck does it matter?

Matt Walsh made a great point about this. If your family's been in this country for generations, JUST BE AMERICAN. It's a perfectly valid cultural heritage, GO with it.
Now the spin is she never said she is Native American?

Then why the fuck did she release a DNA test that she is 1/1024th Native American?
No weasel, she never said she was Cherokee.

Well, except for when she signed her recipe in "PowWow Chow" as "Elizabeth Warren - Cherokee."

Oh, and except for her story about how her parents had to elope because of her father's family's racism against her mother for being "Part-Cherokee and part-Delaware". And do NOT try to tell me, "Well, that's her mother, not her".

They're right out on the very end of the plank and the sharks are gathering.


Ever see "Pirates of the Caribbean"? I'm like the Quartermaster in the scene where the chick is walking the plank, and he growls, "Too slow!" and stomps on the end of the plank to shake her off.
Matt Walsh made a great point about this. If your family's been in this country for generations, JUST BE AMERICAN. It's a perfectly valid cultural heritage, GO with it.
Interesting, though....Liberals are claiming a heritage they tried to wipe out, while they are trying to wipe out ours now with all of this open borders / pro-illegal immigration crap.
Bottom line, Trump's wager was for her to prove she's an Indian.

99.9% white is Not An Indian.

And actual Native Americans believe that Warren owes them an apology.

I believe she owes them an apology.

Woman makes white chicks look bad, which is kinda mind-boggling.

She owes EVERYONE an apology.

I don't need one. This is the most fun I've had since the cat got caught in the clothes dryer.
Bottom line, Trump's wager was for her to prove she's an Indian.

99.9% white is Not An Indian.

And actual Native Americans believe that Warren owes them an apology.

I believe she owes them an apology.

Woman makes white chicks look bad, which is kinda mind-boggling.

She owes EVERYONE an apology.

I don't need one. This is the most fun I've had since the cat got caught in the clothes dryer.

It is a hoot, and rivals the NPC meme for good clean fun!
Liberals, tell me. Is my cousin Cuban or French?

He is 23 and grew up his entire life thinking he was Cuban.

Now the DNA results show he is French.

According to liberals, what is he?

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