Elizabeth Warren's latest tall tale. I was fired for being pregnant.

I need to reminded how to spot a lair! This psychopath makes Joe Biden a reasonable person who just has age problems. If this thing could get away from anything. She would probably pull the black card

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Video appears to contradict Warren's suggestion that school fired her over pregnancy

Unbelievable how this woman can take a benign situation and turn it on its head with bold faced lies and fabrications.

If she's the nominee Trump is going to eat her alive. The Left knows it, which is why we have all the "IMPEACHMENT" furor right now. It's really their only hope

You need to understand something, Trump is not very bright. In a debate with Warren if he has to detail policy, Warren will chew him up. Now if the presidency was about playing the dozens, Trump might have an advantage. Trump has violated the constitution. That's why impeachment is being mentioned. And as of right now it seems that the majority of Americans want Trump Impeached. Trumps only hope is if he can obstruct and continue lying in the hope there are more suckers out there that believe him.Those like you thought Trump was vindicated after the Mueller report. You ignored and excused his obstruction. Now he has busted himself doing the very thing he told you over and over that wasn't happening.

The lord works in mysterious ways.

Name a Prez that didnt violate the constitution.
I'll wait

Video appears to contradict Warren's suggestion that school fired her over pregnancy

Unbelievable how this woman can take a benign situation and turn it on its head with bold faced lies and fabrications.

If she's the nominee Trump is going to eat her alive. The Left knows it, which is why we have all the "IMPEACHMENT" furor right now. It's really their only hope

You need to understand something, Trump is not very bright. In a debate with Warren if he has to detail policy, Warren will chew him up. Now if the presidency was about playing the dozens, Trump might have an advantage. Trump has violated the constitution. That's why impeachment is being mentioned. And as of right now it seems that the majority of Americans want Trump Impeached. Trumps only hope is if he can obstruct and continue lying in the hope there are more suckers out there that believe him.Those like you thought Trump was vindicated after the Mueller report. You ignored and excused his obstruction. Now he has busted himself doing the very thing he told you over and over that wasn't happening.

The lord works in mysterious ways.

Name a Prez that didnt violate the constitution.
I'll wait


Nope. Just saying every president goes against the constitution.
That being a reason to hate this one is disingenuous
As bad as you all predicted it would be by Christmas 2016? Then again in 2017? Then again in 2018?

Sorry you don't understand economics...

2% GDP Growth.. by Trump's standard, that's pathetic.

Contingency lawyers for employees rights are a dime a dozen. You can believe whatever you need to believe, you are wrong however you are wrong about a lot of things.

Real world... as much as your wingnut pals like to try to take away the little people's right to litigate, most people don't sue.

More than half of American workers can’t sue their employer

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As bad as you all predicted it would be by Christmas 2016? Then again in 2017? Then again in 2018?

Sorry you don't understand economics...

2% GDP Growth.. by Trump's standard, that's pathetic.

Contingency lawyers for employees rights are a dime a dozen. You can believe whatever you need to believe, you are wrong however you are wrong about a lot of things.

Real world... as much as your wingnut pals like to try to take away the little people's right to litigate, most people don't sue.

More than half of American workers can’t sue their employer


man op-Ed piece? Lol!
Again you offer nothing but the opinion of a loser who keeps getting fired because you’re lazy. Now fuck off loser.
As bad as you all predicted it would be by Christmas 2016? Then again in 2017? Then again in 2018?

Sorry you don't understand economics...

2% GDP Growth.. by Trump's standard, that's pathetic.

Contingency lawyers for employees rights are a dime a dozen. You can believe whatever you need to believe, you are wrong however you are wrong about a lot of things.

Real world... as much as your wingnut pals like to try to take away the little people's right to litigate, most people don't sue.

More than half of American workers can’t sue their employer

Work is booming for me. Maybe if you weren't a loser cubical worker you could see the upside that the nightly news refuses to report on....
man op-Ed piece? Lol!
Again you offer nothing but the opinion of a loser who keeps getting fired because you’re lazy. Now fuck off loser.

Wouldn't know. I've never been fired. I've been downsized because the companies I've worked for went out of business or lost most of their business, because the managers were fucking incompetent.. but that's a different story.

Now, that said, we've established that most workers don't sue, because it just isn't worth it. But no doubt, you enjoy your abusive relationship with the one percent.

Work is booming for me. Maybe if you weren't a loser cubical worker you could see the upside that the nightly news refuses to report on....

Wouldn't know, I own my own business now. Of course, my business actually benefits when people lose their jobs or want to quit their jobs.

But the reality- manufacturing is all screwed up because Trump has fucked up supply chain. GDP growth is shrinking and most business leaders you talk to expect a recession next year...

And then shitheads like you will have to come up with a new excuse why Trumps behavior is acceptable.
man op-Ed piece? Lol!
Again you offer nothing but the opinion of a loser who keeps getting fired because you’re lazy. Now fuck off loser.

Wouldn't know. I've never been fired. I've been downsized because the companies I've worked for went out of business or lost most of their business, because the managers were fucking incompetent.. but that's a different story.

Now, that said, we've established that most workers don't sue, because it just isn't worth it. But no doubt, you enjoy your abusive relationship with the one percent.


always tell when a person is losing an argument they want you to go away. You told us years ago that you were let go because you were ill and then worked for a competitor. Just more lies from joe.
Video appears to contradict Warren's suggestion that school fired her over pregnancy

Unbelievable how this woman can take a benign situation and turn it on its head with bold faced lies and fabrications.

Why do you say this is now a lie? She didn't return to work the following fall. In the earlier interview she says she taught for a year and then "stayed home for a couple of years". She didn't say why. Most people don't say they were fired from a job they love. Especially in a public interivew.

American women are fired all of the time because they're pregnant. It's not illegal and it should be. Pregnant women need their jobs and their health care.

Typical Dragonlady lies!

Warren failed to have the qualifications to continue teaching. Her being pregnant had nothing to do with it. There is tape of her saying the truth many years ago. The pregnancy story is a baldfaced lie!

Maybe you should learn some US law. It is illegal to fire someone for being pregnant, dumbass!
Liberals don't care if their leaders are dishonest, since they themselves are dishonest.

YA BUT!!!! YA BUT!!!!!!! YA BUT!!!!!!!!!!!
Fucking DUMMY!
Video appears to contradict Warren's suggestion that school fired her over pregnancy

Unbelievable how this woman can take a benign situation and turn it on its head with bold faced lies and fabrications.
The funny thing is so many of the left fall for her lies.
Of course it does not take much intelligence to be a part of the left.

What part of what the real truth is, doesn't matter to the left. Regardless of what I said or did before the truth is what I'm telling you right now, Because it makes me a victim, and as long as nobody finds out the truth I can benefit from the lie. Warren is an IDIOT and a liar She's.... Trump Fodder! :Boom2:
always tell when a person is losing an argument they want you to go away. You told us years ago that you were let go because you were ill and then worked for a competitor. Just more lies from joe.

no, I was let go because I ran up too many medical bills.... but their official reason was they were "downsizing". Oddly, they downsized the people who had major medical issues first. Then they downsized just about everyone else.


you are just embarrassing yourself with your weird little stalking.

Now, for those of you who are decent human beings... there's this.

Pregnancy Discrimination Charges (EEOC Only)

Contrary to StalkerGeorgio's claims (Man, it's been a while since I've had to call him that) most cases the EEOC takes they don't really work that hard on.

In fact, 60% of the cases they bring they dismiss. Only 23% have "Merit Resolutions"

That's now.

Not back in the 1970's, when you could legally fire a chick for getting knocked up and she had no legal recourse like Senator Warren.

Final point. Right now, Mrs. Warren is the only presidential candidate who has actually ever been pregnant. We have more who qualify for Social Security than have actually understood what it is like to have a live human being inside of you.
always tell when a person is losing an argument they want you to go away. You told us years ago that you were let go because you were ill and then worked for a competitor. Just more lies from joe.

no, I was let go because I ran up too many medical bills.... but their official reason was they were "downsizing". Oddly, they downsized the people who had major medical issues first. Then they downsized just about everyone else.


you are just embarrassing yourself with your weird little stalking.

Now, for those of you who are decent human beings... there's this.

Pregnancy Discrimination Charges (EEOC Only)

Contrary to StalkerGeorgio's claims (Man, it's been a while since I've had to call him that) most cases the EEOC takes they don't really work that hard on.

In fact, 60% of the cases they bring they dismiss. Only 23% have "Merit Resolutions"

That's now.

Not back in the 1970's, when you could legally fire a chick for getting knocked up and she had no legal recourse like Senator Warren.

Final point. Right now, Mrs. Warren is the only presidential candidate who has actually ever been pregnant. We have more who qualify for Social Security than have actually understood what it is like to have a live human being inside of you.

She is the only presidential candidate that has been pregnant that you know of.

Again, you were let go from your job, so you were fired. We all get it and how you try to spin.

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