Elon Musk Shares Fake Voltaire Quote Actually From Neo-Nazi

What an absolute puzzle this guy is.

It has been so great to have a few remaining dreamers and visionaries running around, shaking things up. He has certainly been one of them. But then this one decides to get political, when he should know that politics soils and perverts everything it touches.

I support his right to say whatever the hell he wants, but now his name, and everything it is associated with going forward, is soiled. Goddamn shame.
If only he thought the EXACT SAME THINGS as every other Progressive luminary at USMB!

If only
But at the same time nothing bring attention to a person like getting political. These people are addicited to attention and Trump has shown the way to be essentially worshiped by the rightwing of this country. Musk wanted part of that.
I guess so, but from the perspective of a business owner, going out of your way to piss THAT MANY PEOPLE off?

ESPECIALLY the side of the political spectrum that is (in general) more amenable to tech and climate change-oriented products?

That's pretty freakin' counterintuitive.
Anyone who wants to put a chip in Americans' heads is not to be trusted.

Anyone who is rich off the Co2 fraud is not to be trusted.
He did great.

The Tesla Model Y is the best selling vehicle in the world. Not only that but he makes about $9K profit off each vehicle while most other vehicle makers are lucky to make between $1K and $2K.

Now the stupid filthy ass government is even using tax payer's money to build charging stations for his Environmental Wacko Mobiles. The idiotic government is even going in debt to build the stupid things.

There are big bucks in this environmental scam and you can't blame Musk for cashing in on stupidity, can you?
So you ignore the part where I say I support him.

You've turned completely myopic. That's on you.
You support him until he thinks something other than Progressive approved thoughts

Wasn’t it Voltaire who said something about defending your right to say things the DNC does not approve?

And so we go on inventing Voltaire. Another dictum that has recently gained wide currency on the web is this: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”​
Now regularly attributed to Voltaire, this saying seems to originate with something written in 1993 by Kevin Alfred Strom ...​

"In the latest disaster to hit the American radical right, Kevin Alfred Strom, the founder of National Vanguard and a major neo-Nazi leader for nearly 20 years, has been arrested and charged with child pornography and witness tampering."
Orbit Wobble and Shade Issues = fudge the data HIGHER and HIGHER

Atmospheric warming NEVER EXISTED in the ACTUAL DATA, MORON....

You're just barking at the moon now. No point in trying to have an actual discussion about this, then.

What you mean "We", kemo sabe?

No big surprise that your "progressive image" is more important to you than the actual environment.



Quote me where I said that EVs are the solution to climate change or ecological destruction.

I'll wait.

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