Elon Musk: "We need a red wave or America is toast".

Couldn't agree more with Elon! :clap2:

Elon Musk: "We need a red wave or America is toast".​

Back in reality, every leftist in the Nazis was murdered during the Night of Long Knives in 1934. After that, the Nazis were 100% right-wing.
Actually, the Nazis were never really left Wing.

National Socialism was more of a marketing ploy, since half the country aligned with Nationalists and half of them aligned with the socialists, calling themselves National Socialists was a gimmick to appeal to everyone. Hitler himself hated the name change.

Agree 100%.

The left has lost the plot.

When rich billionares post stuff like this I find it encouraging for the democrats, they are getting scared and that is a very good thing. They are scared for a good reason, eventually there will be a redistribution of wealth in America that will leave most of rich crying uncle. The democrats are on the right track and we need a strong blue wave this election. We need more radical left wing politicians in power. As long as we can keep the democrats in power this country will get more and more socialist and that is the best thing that could ever happen to the USA.
I Will agree BILLIONAIRES are uniting, Against the average American.
It's disappointing that a person whose entire career has been built on curiosity and innovation would push for a binary, one-sided approach to governance.

Of all people on the freaking planet, why isn't Musk advocating for communication, collaboration and innovation from our two major parties?

I just don't get this stuff. Politics soils every last fucking thing -- and person -- it touches.
I just don't get this stuff. Politics soils every last fucking thing -- and person -- it touches.
I spend as much time as possible visiting historic Texas country cemeteries, cleaning veterans' gravesites and gravestones and putting up grave marker flags. I mostly do it solo. Nobody there wants to turn every conversation into a political discussion. None of the dearly departed ever speak to me and tell me they wish they'd spent more of their time on earth talking about politics.

Elon Musk: "We need a red wave or America is toast".​

Well, Musk has shown himself to be a fascist so.........................

Agree 100%.

The left has lost the plot.


America does, indeed, need a Red (GOP, Conservative) Wave.

But Donald Trump is not the one to make that happen.

He is part of the past and not fondly remembered in so very many quarters.

He is perceived as an existential threat to American representative democracy and will poison down-ballot contests.

Unfortunately, Nikki Haley was the very last chance that the Republican Party had to avert a Train Wreck in 2024.

Trump's cult-followers are so hungry for what he's selling that they're willing to look the other way at his profound flaws.

I guess they need to get their a$$e$ kicked one last time under Trump before it dawns on them that it's time to move on.

What they really need is someone who can push the Trump Agenda without the Trump Baggage.

They will not get that in 2024.

It will be a self-inflicted wound.

But... I suppose they have to go through it in order to reach the same conclusion that so many of their countrymen already have.
I Will agree BILLIONAIRES are uniting, Against the average American.
They have been "united" forever and they are not against "the average American", it is merely that their manner functioning inherently works against us.

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