Elon Musk's Twitter: A 500% increase in the use of the N-word.

Candy Cornhole - you're stupid as a fence post - it's why you're a Nazi after all.

But look at your skin, retard. You're white. You want to kill all whites - that includes YOU fucktard.

Or is your Nazi Reich so precious to you that you'll dance and sing on your way to the showers, just as long as you can kill Der Juden, the whites that your party so bitterly hates?

My God, you're stupid. What a ridiculous thing to say.
1. I have never been to Twitter and have no intention of visiting it now.

2. If Mr. M. is going to allow more freedom of expression, that's great!

3. I hope that Mr. Trump is allowed to return. (Not that I would read his tweets. Not interested in what he has to say. We already know what he thinks about everything.)

4. BUT Twitter should simply ban that "word." There is simply no excuse to use that word.

5. I think that even in the days of segregation in the South, there were many cultured Caucasian people who -- although they supported segregation -- never used that word and were always respectful and courteous in their dealings with African Americans.
One can vote if one has committed a felony in some states. I have never seen the DNC try to stop blacks from voting.

This was in the paper and on the news when I was a kid.

"The murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner, also known as the Freedom Summer murders, the Mississippi civil rights workers' murders, or the Mississippi Burning murders,"

DemoKKKrats stopping Blacks from being registered.

1. I have never been to Twitter and have no intention of visiting it now.

2. If Mr. M. is going to allow more freedom of expression, that's great!

3. I hope that Mr. Trump is allowed to return. (Not that I would read his tweets. Not interested in what he has to say. We already know what he thinks about everything.)

4. BUT Twitter should simply ban that "word." There is simply no excuse to use that word.

5. I think that even in the days of segregation in the South, there were many cultured Caucasian people who -- although they supported segregation -- never used that word and were always respectful and courteous in their dealings with African Americans.

Most Southerners would cut you dead if you used the n word. It's unacceptable and low class.
My God, you're stupid. What a ridiculous thing to say.

Never again!

candycorn and her type rampaged through Europe in the 1930's and 40's.

The thing about the Nazi scum is they aren't subtle about this.


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