Elon Musk's Twitter: A 500% increase in the use of the N-word.

Never again!

candycorn and her type rampaged through Europe in the 1930's and 40's.

The thing about the Nazi scum is they aren't subtle about this.

If you think hurling that word around makes you sound any less Aryan, you’re wrong Adolph
They want to control free speech outside of their own inner circle because that is the only way their peculiar version of socialism can rise to power and stay in control. No different from the KGB or Red Chinese, they control the masses by shaping the flow of information to the masses, and you'll hardly find a serious "democrat" out there now who is not part of the indoctrination and their main nodes of inner communication between themselves as well as recruitment in the leagues is handled via the major ivy league universities which are all under the dominion of the chinese now.

It's all 100% authoritarianism and 0% actual liberalism.
Democrats used to be conservatives.

No they didn't. Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt -

You're just trying to blame your crimes on your victims.

Now it’s republicans who are conservatives.

Nah, you're just a fucking liar trying to rewrite history for your filthy Reich.

democrats in 1840 we not much different than democrats today. Big government scumbags who used the power of the government to steal the farms of those with less than 100 acres - so much for property rights. Scumbags who denied basic liberty - just like you Nazi scum democrats today. You fascist pigs used to power of the federal government to force states to be accomplices in your crime against humanity with the Fugitive Slave Act - so much for state's rights.

democrats, democrats never change
So, since people are free to be open racist you are going to join back up....interesting.
Most of the "racist" crap, is coming from New, pseudo-anonymous accounts. And is likely in large part to be the work of pissed of Leftoids trying to poison the well, out of spite for Musk shattering their little echo chamber. It's to be expected...
Most of the "racist" crap, is coming from New, pseudo-anonymous accounts. And is likely in large part to be the work of pissed of Leftoids trying to poison the well, out of spite for Musk shattering their little echo chamber. It's to be expected...

But of course it is....it is always the other side doing these things, you side is pure as new driven snow.
But of course it is....it is always the other side doing these things, you side is pure as new driven snow.
Look into it. That is what's happening in the majority of cases. And it is the answer that makes the most sense. But you're free to believe what you wish...
Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Nah, you're just a Nazi liar trying to blame your victims for your crimes, as I already showed.

You democrat vermin are no different than the democrat vermin of 1840. Anti-liberty, anti-states rights, anti-property rights.
Most of the "racist" crap, is coming from New, pseudo-anonymous accounts. And is likely in large part to be the work of pissed of Leftoids trying to poison the well, out of spite for Musk shattering their little echo chamber. It's to be expected...

Yep, that was painfully obvious.
Nah, you're just a Nazi liar trying to blame your victims for your crimes, as I already showed.

You democrat vermin are no different than the democrat vermin of 1840. Anti-liberty, anti-states rights, anti-property rights.
If you think tossing that phrase around is going to make you sound any less Aryan, you've got it all wrong Adolph.

Democrats used to be conservatives. This is a widely known fact.
If you think tossing that phrase around is going to make you sound any less Aryan, you've got it all wrong Adolph.

Democrats used to be conservatives. This is a widely known fact.
You think chanting that stupidity will make you any less of a Nazi.

democrats in the Antebellum South were identical to democrats today. Run by Oligarchs who pushed big government to protect their plantations. Zero difference in scum like Calhoun and vermin like Zuckerberg, Cook, Bezos, Soros, et al.

democrats, democrats never change.

Nazi liars like you can LIE about history - but your big lie changes nothing.

And you remain a filthy Nazi pig - and you know it.
You think chanting that stupidity will make you any less of a Nazi.

democrats in the Antebellum South were identical to democrats today. Run by Oligarchs who pushed big government to protect their plantations. Zero difference in scum like Calhoun and vermin like Zuckerberg, Cook, Bezos, Soros, et al.

democrats, democrats never change.

Nazi liars like you can LIE about history - but your big lie changes nothing.

And you remain a filthy Nazi pig - and you know it.
If you think tossing that phrase around will make you sound any less Aryan, you're wrong Adolph.

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