Elon Musk's Twitter: A 500% increase in the use of the N-word.

And how would I go about proving the political leanings of the pseudo-anonymous accounts?
You probably can't at yours, or my level. But one can see how new the accounts are coupled with the pseudo-anonymous monickers, and use deductive reasoning, coupled with the Lefts typical MO to get a pretty good idea of what's happening. Or you can choose to believe the country is just filled to the brim with hard core racists who were just patiently waiting for this day to come to exact their vengeance on the world by tweeting sophomoric slurs on Twitter. Believe what you want. The choice is yours...
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Democrats used to be conservatives. Now it’s republicans who are conservatives.
/——-/ democrats were never conservative. Your lame attempt to rewrite history is laughable. But, it’s sad if you really believe that.
Yup. As I suspected. A bunch of petulant Lefties, trying to ruin the brand now that it's no longer their own little safe space...

Seems like a distinct possibility at this point.

This seems it was/is an organized effort, not an organic occurrence whereby the fringe just started popping off.
So, since people are free to speak you are going to join back up....interesting. There I fixed it for you.

No, I only joined to get Trump's tweets since that was how he choose to communicate with the American people. Have not been on it since they banned him, and would have left it the day he left office any how.

Nice try though, and as is your SOP, you failed miserably.
Use the N word while you can! He's already announced a moderation committee and GM has pulled it's advertising. Others will follow.

People do not want no rules, no matter how much some on here pretend they do. I have been on one forum with supposedly zero rules and it was a shit show that had about 8 regulars, nobody else stayed.

It is no longer in operation.
So you and your 7 friends went down with the ship.

I left long before it died. Then again the owner did not keep his word and banned me for calling him a fucking moron.

So, there is that
No, I only joined to get Trump's tweets since that was how he choose to communicate with the American people. Have not been on it since they banned him, and would have left it the day he left office any how.

Nice try though, and as is your SOP, you failed miserably.
Failure is when you attack free speech and then ineptly try to walk it back--par for the course for you eh, Gigi?

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