Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue

the US MILITARY was NOT up and ready to respond during the battle as the headline reads, they were spinning up as the Col said, at 1:30 am Benghazi time September 12th....the fighting was over.....

You are actually WRONG. I know you THINK you are right and are declaring to be right BASED ON THE INFORMATION THAT HAS BEEN RELEASED TO YOU, TOLD TO YOU.

You are no different than the majority of Americans who declare 'what the truth is' based solely on what you know, what has been told / released to you. The TRUTH is that the majority of Americans have no clue what is REALLY going on or what the truth is. So much information is 'classified', is withheld from you. Only after a period of time do things start to 'leak' out, and months after an 'even' what was INITIALLY 'known' and thought to be the truth is exposed as almost nothing like what really happened.

When an attack on a US compound /Embassy begins HOW LONG IS IT GOING TO LAST?
- NO ONE KNOWS! NO ONE! So how could the administration know that 'we would never have gotten there IN TIME'?!

The attack on Benghazi took approximately 12 hours.
The response team was how far away? There is a dispute on this - some say it would have taken 20 hours (it would not have, but some say it would have) at the most. NO ONE, though, knows at the time it starts how long it will take...but the decision was made not to send anyway.

The attack lasted approx. 12 hours.... WHAT IF IT HAD LASTED LONGER? What if Stevens would have been able to barricade himself in and survive for 20, 21, 22 hours? Help would STILL not have made it there because they were told not to go.

Ask a military member who LIVES by the motto 'Never leave a man behind', not uses it as political propaganda, if you just abandon a US Ambassador? The guys I was with were PI$$ED! They wanted to go, even if to secure the bodies...and provide some payback!

What you THINK you know is NOT all the truth. As we have seen with past scandals, as we have seen with the constant slow drip of truth regarding Hillary's e-mails, you NEVER know everything because they do not LET you know everything.

...but in this case, as this latest news breaks, it's good to see more and more is slowly starting to come out!

Never leave a man or woman behind....unless they're American and it's the Obama Administration we're talking about. If it's an American Christian, well the Obama Administration go totally AWOL.
uhhhh, who did we leave behind and not get out?

About a thousand American citizens, left stranded in Yemen when the POS Saudi Arabian's started illegally bombing the poorest nation in the Middle East.
They didn't send help and then they lied about the video.

That's what made America great

The CIA led rescue team arrive around 10:10 Benghazi time. 30 minutes after the attack began.

You mean Sean Smith, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty?

No. Doherty was part of the quick reaction force that left Tripoli. Smith was inside the Building that was attacked. I do believe Woods was part of the Rescue Team.
All we know for certain is Hillary lied about sending troops to Benghazi, the rest is speculation
. "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

When have conservatives ever chosen principles over winning?

. "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

When have conservatives ever chosen principles over winning?

My jaw dropped when I read that line. Has PC never heard of Donald Trump? What an idiot. Dunce cap....ditch the SuperGirl avatar. Even a cartoon character is more in touch than she is

Just released TODAY

Defense Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash to State Department leadership immediately offering “forces that could move to Benghazi” during the terrorist attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. In an email sent to top Department of State officials, at 7:19 p.m. ET, only hours after the attack had begun, Bash says, “we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak.”

I think I'll wait for Jeremy Bash's response to this story. As far as I know he is still a member of her foreign policy advisory team. If he thinks she was negligent and responsible for the death of Stevens and others I wouldn't think he'd be such a big supporter.
the executive branch has become too powerful. it's to centralised with no practical oversight, too easy to hide things, delete, wipe clean, and mislead the public. the lines between truth and power have once again become blurred.

they could have scrambled an F16 or two.
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Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department “Forces that Could Move to Benghazi” Immediately – Specifics Blacked Out in New Document

****In an email sent to top Department of State officials, at 7:19 p.m. ET, only hours after the attack had begun, Bash says, “we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak.” The Obama administration redacted the details of the military forces available, oddly citing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemption that allows the withholding of “deliberative process” information.****

First there were no e-mails. then she says she handed all emails over.
Then she hands over the server where we find thousands more emails.
Now this little nugget finds its way to the light.

From: Bash, Jeremy CIV SD [REDACTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 7:19 PM
To: Sullivan, Jacob J; Sherman, Wendy R; Nides, Thomas R
Cc: Miller, James HON OSD POLICY; Wienefeld, James A ADM JSC VCJCS; Kelly, John LtGen SD; martin, dempsey [REDACTED]
Subject: Libya

State colleagues:

I just tried you on the phone but you were all in with S [apparent reference to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton].

After consulting with General Dempsey, General Ham and the Joint Staff, we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak. They include a [REDACTED].

Assuming Principals agree to deploy these elements, we will ask State to procure the approval from host nation. Please advise how you wish to convey that approval to us [REDACTED].

hortysir, the action was over, the dead were dead, the survivors were bivouacked.

You know this.
7:19 pm was way early in the attack.
All that was needed was one or two military aircraft to buzz the area and the scumbags would have scattered like roaches when you open your refrigerator and the mortar attack could have been averted.
Her hesitation to act cost lives

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