Embracing Anarchism Is Like Making Love To A Cactus, Prickly At Best


Nov 13, 2012
By: Skook

An OWS activist and his pregnant girl friend were arrested on bomb paraphernalia charges. The arrests have brought forth images of Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, the friends and former neighbors of the Obamas. Both couples are from privileged backgrounds and have excellent educations. Of course, there is a difference, Ayers is an admitted communist with the proverbial lower case “c”. The more recent wanna be terrorists, Morgan Gliedman, a Park Avenue child of wealth and privilege, who now has the distinction of giving birth to her daughter while incarcerated; and her boyfriend Aaron Greene, a graduate of Harvard who did his graduate work at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government are aligned with the Occupy Wall Street group, an anarchist type group embraced by leading Democrats.

The arrests occurred in a Greenwich apartment after police were sent to arrest Gliedmen for credit card theft. In the apartment, police found a modified twelve gauge shotgun, several high capacity rifle magazines, bomb making paraphernalia, a flare launcher (a commercial copy of the M79 grenade launcher) and notebooks on constructing booby traps and bombs, along with seven grams of an explosive HMDT. Greene has had five previous altercations with the police on diverse charges like assault and weapons violations.

Nancy Pelosi, leaves the public in a fog with one of her typical nonsensical quotes in support of OWS:

“I support the message to the establishment, whether it’s Wall Street or the political establishment and the rest, that change has to happen. We cannot continue in a way this is not relevant to their lives.”

President Obama sided with the OWS protestors after they interrupted a speech, with a more coherent, but still puzzling message:

“So a lot of the folks who have been down in New York and all across the country, in the Occupy movement, there is a profound sense of frustration . . . about the fact that the essence of the American Dream — which is if you work hard, if you stick to it, that you can make it — feels like that’s slipping away, and it’s not the way things are supposed to be. Not here. Not in America… (America is) a big, compassionate country where everybody who works hard should have a chance to get ahead — not just the person who owns the factory, but the men and women who work on the factory floor.”

Now that our president has openly encouraged the anarchists, his pandering to acquire support or co opt the movement may turn out to be disastrous, if more of these educated and pampered anarchists, who lack the cunning of real revolutionaries, continue to appear on arrest sheets or actually manage to detonate one of their bombs, between shopping sprees on Park Avenue.

It is important to know what these anarchists stand for and to be familiar with their beliefs. It is this philosophy that attracts the pampered children of Park Avenue who look upon the OWS protests as an alternative to a holiday in the south of France and the crack head who is hoping to get another load of dope. I recommend that you read the entire paper, it will be enlightening to know the forces that are still trying to bring down this country and how our leaders use these radicals to consolidate their base.

Selected paragraphs from Emma Goldman’s Paper, “Anarchism: What It Really Stands For” 1910

Note: Now that our president has unofficially embraced Anarchism, Emma is becoming a cult hero.


Read more:
Embracing Anarchism Is Like Making Love To A Cactus, Prickly At Best | Flopping Aces
By: Skook

An OWS activist and his pregnant girl friend were arrested on bomb paraphernalia charges. The arrests have brought forth images of Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, the friends and former neighbors of the Obamas. Both couples are from privileged backgrounds and have excellent educations. Of course, there is a difference, Ayers is an admitted communist with the proverbial lower case “c”. The more recent wanna be terrorists, Morgan Gliedman, a Park Avenue child of wealth and privilege, who now has the distinction of giving birth to her daughter while incarcerated; and her boyfriend Aaron Greene, a graduate of Harvard who did his graduate work at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government are aligned with the Occupy Wall Street group, an anarchist type group embraced by leading Democrats.

The arrests occurred in a Greenwich apartment after police were sent to arrest Gliedmen for credit card theft. In the apartment, police found a modified twelve gauge shotgun, several high capacity rifle magazines, bomb making paraphernalia, a flare launcher (a commercial copy of the M79 grenade launcher) and notebooks on constructing booby traps and bombs, along with seven grams of an explosive HMDT. Greene has had five previous altercations with the police on diverse charges like assault and weapons violations.

Nancy Pelosi, leaves the public in a fog with one of her typical nonsensical quotes in support of OWS:

“I support the message to the establishment, whether it’s Wall Street or the political establishment and the rest, that change has to happen. We cannot continue in a way this is not relevant to their lives.”

President Obama sided with the OWS protestors after they interrupted a speech, with a more coherent, but still puzzling message:

“So a lot of the folks who have been down in New York and all across the country, in the Occupy movement, there is a profound sense of frustration . . . about the fact that the essence of the American Dream — which is if you work hard, if you stick to it, that you can make it — feels like that’s slipping away, and it’s not the way things are supposed to be. Not here. Not in America… (America is) a big, compassionate country where everybody who works hard should have a chance to get ahead — not just the person who owns the factory, but the men and women who work on the factory floor.”

Now that our president has openly encouraged the anarchists, his pandering to acquire support or co opt the movement may turn out to be disastrous, if more of these educated and pampered anarchists, who lack the cunning of real revolutionaries, continue to appear on arrest sheets or actually manage to detonate one of their bombs, between shopping sprees on Park Avenue.

It is important to know what these anarchists stand for and to be familiar with their beliefs. It is this philosophy that attracts the pampered children of Park Avenue who look upon the OWS protests as an alternative to a holiday in the south of France and the crack head who is hoping to get another load of dope. I recommend that you read the entire paper, it will be enlightening to know the forces that are still trying to bring down this country and how our leaders use these radicals to consolidate their base.

Selected paragraphs from Emma Goldman’s Paper, “Anarchism: What It Really Stands For” 1910

Note: Now that our president has unofficially embraced Anarchism, Emma is becoming a cult hero.


Read more:
Embracing Anarchism Is Like Making Love To A Cactus, Prickly At Best | Flopping Aces

The idea behind Anarco-Communism or Anarco-Socialism is to create anarchy in order to inspire the masses, overwhelm the government, and seize power. I don't see OWS succeeding.
Ill take your word on the making love to a cactus issue. It's not something I've ever desired to do nor even thought of. It doesn't seem very appealing.

But then neither doesn anarchism which is a ridiculous idealogy.

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