Employer healthcare plans should be abolished. Privatize it all the way.

the only way to open all states to all companies is for all states to have the exact same standards and requirements. the only way to do that is for the Fed Govt to force them to comply. Only a statist would argue for such things

No.....you simply allow the insurance companies to offer whatever plans they feel will make them money...the competition for customer dollars will do the rest....including lowering cost, increasing quality...just like your cell phone and flat screen television...

Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state.

Also, a few states did this already, they opened up to any and all insurance companies and nothing changed. There is still the small issue of getting doctors and providers and hospitals into their "network"

The first sentence is the problem:

"Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state."

If you are against each state regulating their insurance markets then you must be for government regulating it? Does this sound familiar?

I can tell you that it doesn't require the amount of regulation it currently has.

That being said, we don't have trouble managing regulations for other businesses that market across state lines, so I fail to see a reason why the same could not hold true for health insurance.

Lobby these people:

National Association of Insurance Commissioners
I want a discount, cash/no paperwork option from my doctor. I'm willing to sigh a waiver promising not to sue him for malpractice if my cough turns out to be lung cancer.

"No paperwork" in what sense, exactly? Which paperwork are you objecting to?

Insurance reimbursement forms.

Yeah, uh, that's not your doctor's thing to control and decide. That's up to your insurance company.

I want to pay the doctor a reasonable fee for an office visit with cash, no insurance.

What about that by pass? Cancer treatments? A couple weeks in the hospital?

That is what insurance is for. The likelihood that is going to happen to you is what should determine your premiums. Some people are 20 times the risk of others and should pay 20 times as much.
the only way to open all states to all companies is for all states to have the exact same standards and requirements. the only way to do that is for the Fed Govt to force them to comply. Only a statist would argue for such things

No.....you simply allow the insurance companies to offer whatever plans they feel will make them money...the competition for customer dollars will do the rest....including lowering cost, increasing quality...just like your cell phone and flat screen television...

Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state.

Also, a few states did this already, they opened up to any and all insurance companies and nothing changed. There is still the small issue of getting doctors and providers and hospitals into their "network"

The first sentence is the problem:

"Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state."

If you are against each state regulating their insurance markets then you must be for government regulating it? Does this sound familiar?

No. I am in favor of the government stopping employers from enforcing brutal socialism on the healthy and productive. Free market 100%.

Unless your employer is, in fact, a government entity, it is not socialism. Wasn't before, isn't now, won't be in the future. Socialism does NOT mean "doing something I don't like". So every time you try to call it "socialism" when your non-government employer gives you a benefit package that isn't what you want, you might as well just label your post "I'm a reactionary moron with a crappy vocabulary! Don't listen to me!"
Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state.

Also, a few states did this already, they opened up to any and all insurance companies and nothing changed. There is still the small issue of getting doctors and providers and hospitals into their "network"

The first sentence is the problem:

"Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state."

If you are against each state regulating their insurance markets then you must be for government regulating it? Does this sound familiar?

No. I am in favor of the government stopping employers from enforcing brutal socialism on the healthy and productive. Free market 100%.

once again, nobody forces you to use the employer provided healthcare. It is your choice

Once again, it reflects on my wages because the employer spends a huge amount of money on it. There is no way some of the people shouldn't be getting charged over 10,000 a month for health insurance. Yet, they go on a company plan and drive up everyone else's costs. That is socialized medicine. Let the healthy 18 year old pay 100 dollars a month and let the extremely unhealthy person with an expensive medical condition pay thousands a month and stop socializing it.

Yes, it reflects on your wages, because the health insurance is part of your compensation for working. We all get that you'd much prefer to just be handed the money instead of getting bennies. It's still not "socialism", nor is that even remotely the definiton of "socialized medicine". So once again, in your semi-literate redneck rush to label anything that you don't like as "socialism", you have just said, "Please ignore me because I have nothing to say and don't know the words to say it." Congrats.
Employers who want the best workers know insurance is huge. Getting rid of employer insurance is dumber than dumb. Beyond dumb.
Why is it wrong to charge an unhealthy person 12 or even 20 times as much for healthcare as a healthy person if he is 12 or 20 times the risk? It is based on risk and potential expenses.
Because insurance doesn't work on a case to case bases. It works on averages. Your 20 year old will be 55 year old eventually and would want and need insurance at that time.

why would he?

oh yea liberals are always fucking sick in the body and sick in the head
Is that all you have? This OP is trying to make insurance something that would not be affordable for most elderly. In exchange for making it cheap for the young. I think they made a movie about this kind of thinking. Check it out it's called Soylent Green, a classic.

I had two posts and obama care is not even insurance

You're right obamacare is not insurance it is law. Only insurance companies sell the insurance you are referring to.
No.....you simply allow the insurance companies to offer whatever plans they feel will make them money...the competition for customer dollars will do the rest....including lowering cost, increasing quality...just like your cell phone and flat screen television...

Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state.

Also, a few states did this already, they opened up to any and all insurance companies and nothing changed. There is still the small issue of getting doctors and providers and hospitals into their "network"

The first sentence is the problem:

"Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state."

If you are against each state regulating their insurance markets then you must be for government regulating it? Does this sound familiar?

No. I am in favor of the government stopping employers from enforcing brutal socialism on the healthy and productive. Free market 100%.

Unless your employer is, in fact, a government entity, it is not socialism. Wasn't before, isn't now, won't be in the future. Socialism does NOT mean "doing something I don't like". So every time you try to call it "socialism" when your non-government employer gives you a benefit package that isn't what you want, you might as well just label your post "I'm a reactionary moron with a crappy vocabulary! Don't listen to me!"

Bullshit, they are socializing the cost of health care and evening it out to an extent. Tell me why I pay the same as some guy who is 30 years older than me. He should be paying 20 times what I pay. You are a bleeding heart liberal snowflake that doesn't want to see people being charged 10,000 a month for health insurance or being allowed to die.

When my parents were in the late stages of their life, I took a consistent stance. I was opposed to using taxpayer money to keep them alive. I fought with my family, who kept them alive so long that all of their life savings was wiped out and we inherited nothing. Not only that, taxpayer money was used to keep them alive at the end for a couple years.
"No paperwork" in what sense, exactly? Which paperwork are you objecting to?

Insurance reimbursement forms.

Yeah, uh, that's not your doctor's thing to control and decide. That's up to your insurance company.

I want to pay the doctor a reasonable fee for an office visit with cash, no insurance.

What about that by pass? Cancer treatments? A couple weeks in the hospital?

That is what insurance is for. The likelihood that is going to happen to you is what should determine your premiums. Some people are 20 times the risk of others and should pay 20 times as much.

Talk to an actuary.
The first sentence is the problem:

"Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state."

If you are against each state regulating their insurance markets then you must be for government regulating it? Does this sound familiar?

No. I am in favor of the government stopping employers from enforcing brutal socialism on the healthy and productive. Free market 100%.

once again, nobody forces you to use the employer provided healthcare. It is your choice

Once again, it reflects on my wages because the employer spends a huge amount of money on it. There is no way some of the people shouldn't be getting charged over 10,000 a month for health insurance. Yet, they go on a company plan and drive up everyone else's costs. That is socialized medicine. Let the healthy 18 year old pay 100 dollars a month and let the extremely unhealthy person with an expensive medical condition pay thousands a month and stop socializing it.

Yes, it reflects on your wages, because the health insurance is part of your compensation for working. We all get that you'd much prefer to just be handed the money instead of getting bennies. It's still not "socialism", nor is that even remotely the definiton of "socialized medicine". So once again, in your semi-literate redneck rush to label anything that you don't like as "socialism", you have just said, "Please ignore me because I have nothing to say and don't know the words to say it." Congrats.

You never explained how some people would not benefit from it working my way because you don't want to admit that some would be hurt if it was done my way. I would benefit. Period. End of story.
Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state.

Also, a few states did this already, they opened up to any and all insurance companies and nothing changed. There is still the small issue of getting doctors and providers and hospitals into their "network"

The first sentence is the problem:

"Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state."

If you are against each state regulating their insurance markets then you must be for government regulating it? Does this sound familiar?

No. I am in favor of the government stopping employers from enforcing brutal socialism on the healthy and productive. Free market 100%.

once again, nobody forces you to use the employer provided healthcare. It is your choice

Once again, it reflects on my wages because the employer spends a huge amount of money on it. There is no way some of the people shouldn't be getting charged over 10,000 a month for health insurance. Yet, they go on a company plan and drive up everyone else's costs. That is socialized medicine. Let the healthy 18 year old pay 100 dollars a month and let the extremely unhealthy person with an expensive medical condition pay thousands a month and stop socializing it.

Once again, it reflects on my wages because the employer spends a huge amount of money on it.

Start your own company, stop trying to force your beliefs on your employer.

What are you, some kind of Commie?
Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state.

Also, a few states did this already, they opened up to any and all insurance companies and nothing changed. There is still the small issue of getting doctors and providers and hospitals into their "network"

The first sentence is the problem:

"Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state."

If you are against each state regulating their insurance markets then you must be for government regulating it? Does this sound familiar?

No. I am in favor of the government stopping employers from enforcing brutal socialism on the healthy and productive. Free market 100%.

Unless your employer is, in fact, a government entity, it is not socialism. Wasn't before, isn't now, won't be in the future. Socialism does NOT mean "doing something I don't like". So every time you try to call it "socialism" when your non-government employer gives you a benefit package that isn't what you want, you might as well just label your post "I'm a reactionary moron with a crappy vocabulary! Don't listen to me!"

Bullshit, they are socializing the cost of health care and evening it out to an extent. Tell me why I pay the same as some guy who is 30 years older than me. He should be paying 20 times what I pay. You are a bleeding heart liberal snowflake that doesn't want to see people being charged 10,000 a month for health insurance or being allowed to die.

When my parents were in the late stages of their life, I took a consistent stance. I was opposed to using taxpayer money to keep them alive. I fought with my family, who kept them alive so long that all of their life savings was wiped out and we inherited nothing. Not only that, taxpayer money was used to keep them alive at the end for a couple years.

Tell me why I pay the same as some guy who is 30 years older than me. He should be paying 20 times what I pay.

If you're so healthy that you can buy an individual policy cheaper than one provided by your employer, do it already. All your whining is bad for your health.
The first sentence is the problem:

"Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state."

If you are against each state regulating their insurance markets then you must be for government regulating it? Does this sound familiar?

No. I am in favor of the government stopping employers from enforcing brutal socialism on the healthy and productive. Free market 100%.

Unless your employer is, in fact, a government entity, it is not socialism. Wasn't before, isn't now, won't be in the future. Socialism does NOT mean "doing something I don't like". So every time you try to call it "socialism" when your non-government employer gives you a benefit package that isn't what you want, you might as well just label your post "I'm a reactionary moron with a crappy vocabulary! Don't listen to me!"

Bullshit, they are socializing the cost of health care and evening it out to an extent. Tell me why I pay the same as some guy who is 30 years older than me. He should be paying 20 times what I pay. You are a bleeding heart liberal snowflake that doesn't want to see people being charged 10,000 a month for health insurance or being allowed to die.

When my parents were in the late stages of their life, I took a consistent stance. I was opposed to using taxpayer money to keep them alive. I fought with my family, who kept them alive so long that all of their life savings was wiped out and we inherited nothing. Not only that, taxpayer money was used to keep them alive at the end for a couple years.

Tell me why I pay the same as some guy who is 30 years older than me. He should be paying 20 times what I pay.

If you're so healthy that you can buy an individual policy cheaper than one provided by your employer, do it already. All your whining is bad for your health.

Stop being obtuse and admit you like socialism. My plan would breed a stronger, healthier society with free market capitalism based health insurance.
Let's say one person is 40 years old and has a perfect driving record and pays 100 a month in car insurance. Another person is 23 years old, has been convicted of 6 DWIs and had 12 accidents in the last 5 years. He might pay 1200 a month even if he is the same age and drives the same model of car. I believe this is fair.

Let's say one person is 20 years old, single and in perfect health. He might pay 500 dollars a month with a non-regulated private insurer. Another person is 55 years old, morbidly obese, is married with 15 kids, and has a very expensive pre-existing condition. He goes to a non-regulated private insurer and they say they want 6,000 a month to insure him. How is this unfair?

Let's put them on the same plan and charge them both 3,250 a month. Heck, even 3,150 a month. How is this fair?

You do know that the law says that you can only charge 3 times the amount you charge the youngster right?

Pretty sure what he's complaining about is that as things stand now, if they work for the same employer, they probably have the same health plan and the same premium because the kid doesn't have a choice. It's the employer who decides what the plan will be, not the person being insured.

I can think of a few things I would like about a system where we purchase our healthcare and our health insurance the way we shop for and purchase other things. I would like insurance companies and health providers to have to compete for the business of the actual patients. I think we would be seeing an explosion of innovative new options, pricing, payment plans, etc. in no time.

People do not and have never haggled over medical expenses. The medical industrial complex just charges whatever the traffic will bear.

Of course, because no one is paying for their own health care. We've created a system where the whole game is getting someone else to pay the bills. What could go wrong?
Actually, everyone is paying for their own healthcare, even if it seems like their employer is paying for the most of it, right?

Nope. They're paying into a pool which pays for everyone's health care. The problem with this is that inverts their incentives. There's simply no reason why anyone would haggle over prices, as it will have no direct impact on the consumer.[/QUOTE]
If you are against each state regulating their insurance markets then you must be for government regulating it? Does this sound familiar?

No. I am in favor of the government stopping employers from enforcing brutal socialism on the healthy and productive. Free market 100%.

Unless your employer is, in fact, a government entity, it is not socialism. Wasn't before, isn't now, won't be in the future. Socialism does NOT mean "doing something I don't like". So every time you try to call it "socialism" when your non-government employer gives you a benefit package that isn't what you want, you might as well just label your post "I'm a reactionary moron with a crappy vocabulary! Don't listen to me!"

Bullshit, they are socializing the cost of health care and evening it out to an extent. Tell me why I pay the same as some guy who is 30 years older than me. He should be paying 20 times what I pay. You are a bleeding heart liberal snowflake that doesn't want to see people being charged 10,000 a month for health insurance or being allowed to die.

When my parents were in the late stages of their life, I took a consistent stance. I was opposed to using taxpayer money to keep them alive. I fought with my family, who kept them alive so long that all of their life savings was wiped out and we inherited nothing. Not only that, taxpayer money was used to keep them alive at the end for a couple years.

Tell me why I pay the same as some guy who is 30 years older than me. He should be paying 20 times what I pay.

If you're so healthy that you can buy an individual policy cheaper than one provided by your employer, do it already. All your whining is bad for your health.

Stop being obtuse and admit you like socialism. My plan would breed a stronger, healthier society with free market capitalism based health insurance.

Stop being lazy and find a cheaper individual policy.

My plan would breed a stronger, healthier society

All your whining is going to keep you from reproducing.
No. I am in favor of the government stopping employers from enforcing brutal socialism on the healthy and productive. Free market 100%.

Unless your employer is, in fact, a government entity, it is not socialism. Wasn't before, isn't now, won't be in the future. Socialism does NOT mean "doing something I don't like". So every time you try to call it "socialism" when your non-government employer gives you a benefit package that isn't what you want, you might as well just label your post "I'm a reactionary moron with a crappy vocabulary! Don't listen to me!"

Bullshit, they are socializing the cost of health care and evening it out to an extent. Tell me why I pay the same as some guy who is 30 years older than me. He should be paying 20 times what I pay. You are a bleeding heart liberal snowflake that doesn't want to see people being charged 10,000 a month for health insurance or being allowed to die.

When my parents were in the late stages of their life, I took a consistent stance. I was opposed to using taxpayer money to keep them alive. I fought with my family, who kept them alive so long that all of their life savings was wiped out and we inherited nothing. Not only that, taxpayer money was used to keep them alive at the end for a couple years.

Tell me why I pay the same as some guy who is 30 years older than me. He should be paying 20 times what I pay.

If you're so healthy that you can buy an individual policy cheaper than one provided by your employer, do it already. All your whining is bad for your health.

Stop being obtuse and admit you like socialism. My plan would breed a stronger, healthier society with free market capitalism based health insurance.

Stop being lazy and find a cheaper individual policy.

My plan would breed a stronger, healthier society

All your whining is going to keep you from reproducing.

People like you stand in the way of progress. How is solving America's healthcare crisis and breeding a healthier, stronger nation not a worthy goal?
If you are against each state regulating their insurance markets then you must be for government regulating it? Does this sound familiar?

No. I am in favor of the government stopping employers from enforcing brutal socialism on the healthy and productive. Free market 100%.

Unless your employer is, in fact, a government entity, it is not socialism. Wasn't before, isn't now, won't be in the future. Socialism does NOT mean "doing something I don't like". So every time you try to call it "socialism" when your non-government employer gives you a benefit package that isn't what you want, you might as well just label your post "I'm a reactionary moron with a crappy vocabulary! Don't listen to me!"

Bullshit, they are socializing the cost of health care and evening it out to an extent. Tell me why I pay the same as some guy who is 30 years older than me. He should be paying 20 times what I pay. You are a bleeding heart liberal snowflake that doesn't want to see people being charged 10,000 a month for health insurance or being allowed to die.

When my parents were in the late stages of their life, I took a consistent stance. I was opposed to using taxpayer money to keep them alive. I fought with my family, who kept them alive so long that all of their life savings was wiped out and we inherited nothing. Not only that, taxpayer money was used to keep them alive at the end for a couple years.

Tell me why I pay the same as some guy who is 30 years older than me. He should be paying 20 times what I pay.

If you're so healthy that you can buy an individual policy cheaper than one provided by your employer, do it already. All your whining is bad for your health.

Stop being obtuse and admit you like socialism. My plan would breed a stronger, healthier society with free market capitalism based health insurance.

We could do it much faster by executing people who have severe health problems.
Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state.

Also, a few states did this already, they opened up to any and all insurance companies and nothing changed. There is still the small issue of getting doctors and providers and hospitals into their "network"

The first sentence is the problem:

"Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state."

If you are against each state regulating their insurance markets then you must be for government regulating it? Does this sound familiar?

No. I am in favor of the government stopping employers from enforcing brutal socialism on the healthy and productive. Free market 100%.

Unless your employer is, in fact, a government entity, it is not socialism. Wasn't before, isn't now, won't be in the future. Socialism does NOT mean "doing something I don't like". So every time you try to call it "socialism" when your non-government employer gives you a benefit package that isn't what you want, you might as well just label your post "I'm a reactionary moron with a crappy vocabulary! Don't listen to me!"

Bullshit, they are socializing the cost of health care and evening it out to an extent. Tell me why I pay the same as some guy who is 30 years older than me. He should be paying 20 times what I pay. You are a bleeding heart liberal snowflake that doesn't want to see people being charged 10,000 a month for health insurance or being allowed to die.

When my parents were in the late stages of their life, I took a consistent stance. I was opposed to using taxpayer money to keep them alive. I fought with my family, who kept them alive so long that all of their life savings was wiped out and we inherited nothing. Not only that, taxpayer money was used to keep them alive at the end for a couple years.

Your understanding of insurance is purely ignorant. Ask any employer. Go to Commie Care. The older you are, the more any insurance company charges. You ARE NOT paying the same as somebody 30 years older than you.
"No paperwork" in what sense, exactly? Which paperwork are you objecting to?

Insurance reimbursement forms.

Yeah, uh, that's not your doctor's thing to control and decide. That's up to your insurance company.

I want to pay the doctor a reasonable fee for an office visit with cash, no insurance.

What about that by pass? Cancer treatments? A couple weeks in the hospital?

That is what insurance is for. The likelihood that is going to happen to you is what should determine your premiums. Some people are 20 times the risk of others and should pay 20 times as much.

Who could afford 20 times as much?
Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state.

Also, a few states did this already, they opened up to any and all insurance companies and nothing changed. There is still the small issue of getting doctors and providers and hospitals into their "network"

The first sentence is the problem:

"Every state has requirements that must be met to operate in that state."

If you are against each state regulating their insurance markets then you must be for government regulating it? Does this sound familiar?

No. I am in favor of the government stopping employers from enforcing brutal socialism on the healthy and productive. Free market 100%.

once again, nobody forces you to use the employer provided healthcare. It is your choice

Once again, it reflects on my wages because the employer spends a huge amount of money on it. There is no way some of the people shouldn't be getting charged over 10,000 a month for health insurance. Yet, they go on a company plan and drive up everyone else's costs. That is socialized medicine. Let the healthy 18 year old pay 100 dollars a month and let the extremely unhealthy person with an expensive medical condition pay thousands a month and stop socializing it.

There is a way out of your dilemma, and that is don't participate in your employers healthcare plan.
Let's say one person is 40 years old and has a perfect driving record and pays 100 a month in car insurance. Another person is 23 years old, has been convicted of 6 DWIs and had 12 accidents in the last 5 years. He might pay 1200 a month even if he is the same age and drives the same model of car. I believe this is fair.

Let's say one person is 20 years old, single and in perfect health. He might pay 500 dollars a month with a non-regulated private insurer. Another person is 55 years old, morbidly obese, is married with 15 kids, and has a very expensive pre-existing condition. He goes to a non-regulated private insurer and they say they want 6,000 a month to insure him. How is this unfair?

Let's put them on the same plan and charge them both 3,250 a month. Heck, even 3,150 a month. How is this fair?

You are against big government. Yet you are for a law that is trying to abolish freedom of choice.

How un-democratic of you.

I don't like company medical plans. But I feel it should be up to the individual companies to determine if they want to offer them or not. Not have the government 'abolish' them.

What a ridiculous idea from someone who claims to hate big government.

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