End illegal immigration


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

It’s way past time to end illegal immigration for good and that mean closing the border and deporting those already here illegally until we figure out a way to do it. Deporting those that do get through by going over, under, around and over staying their visitor’s visas. Do this by going after business that hire illegal cheap labor. Lady Liberty has served here purpose. We are no longer into nation building but into nation survival. 11 million illegal aliens are not all picking lettuce. They are taking jobs from jobless American families in the inner cities Parents, grand parents and student.
Get off the pot obama our black brothers and sisters need jobs. Unemployment among young black men is over 50% which leads to a high rate of incarcerations. These are the people that elected you and you vist the barrios in San Antonio, Texas and promise illegal aliens jobs and amnesty and never your black brothers and sisters of Chicago. You have sold them out for Hispanic votes for the democrats. Remember what goes around comes around and amnesty will come back to bite you left wingers in the butt. you want to bring jobs back to unemployed Americans? Deport 8 million working illegal aliens and that will put 8 million Americans to work. Repeal automatic birth right citizenship and the dream act retroactive and release millions more jobs. Americans vote responsible and vote all those criminals in Washington DC that are aiding and abetting illegal aliens, they do not deserve to be called undocumented immigrants or undocumented immigrants. Undocumented is when you sneak into a movie. Comp. Immig. Reform will create a cast class much like India to compete with our own poor, elderly and disabled. This in not what your founding fathers had in mind when the 14th amendment was passed.
What would Jesus do? What his parents did. Send illegal aliens back to their home land to register. And then get in line behind those already waiting. We have millions of Mexicans living here and voting in Mexico. What kind of guano is that?
Beware you Americans who think you are untouchable by the presence of illegal aliens in this country. None of us are untouchable.
Poverty will always be with us but don’t add to it my Comp. Immig. Reform. If we give legal status to aliens farm workers they will leave the lettuce fields for the inner cities and take jobs from unskilled Americas. Yes, we have Americans that clean houses wash dishes and toilets and flip burgers, deliver news papers and cut lawns.
If Comp, Immig. Reform passes we need to take a look at all the rights we have taken away from convicted felons fox news just complained about criminals
Pena Nieto usin' El Chapo as leverage to coerce immigration reform...
Mexican President 'Indignant' at US Deportations
February 27, 2014 — Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said he is “indignant” at the United States' deportation of Mexican migrants and described U.S. lawmakers as demonstrating a “lack of conscience” in failing to pass immigration reform.
In a television interview aired late on Wednesday Pena Nieto said he and U.S. President Barack Obama discussed the issue during their meeting at a North American leaders' summit held last week in Mexico. His emboldened comments to Mexico's Univision channel followed days after his administration announced it had captured Mexico's most wanted man, drug lord Joaquin “Shorty” Guzman.

Pena Nieto has said any extradition of Guzman to the United States is likely to take time, underscoring the fact the drug lord still has outstanding time to serve in Mexico after a daring 2001 jail break, reportedly in a laundry cart. “Yes it makes me indignant, and it makes Mexicans indignant,” Pena Nieto said in the interview, when asked whether deportations angered him. “There's a lack of conscience, something which shouldn't only alert and worry Mexicans, it should also worry the American government and they should take up the issue,” said Pena Nieto.

Pena Nieto added that he sees a willingness on the part of the Obama administration to change immigration laws, and that reform which provides a path to citizenship should “have the backing and aid of the various political forces” in the United States. A bill that would have provided ways for the approximately 11 million immigrants living in the United States illegally to obtain citizenship recently stalled in the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives. Many opponents of comprehensive immigration reform in the United States argue that Obama's position would reward lawbreakers and deportations are warranted since the immigrants entered the country illegally.

Under Obama, deportations have hit record highs. Mexican government officials last week criticized the U.S. Border Patrol for the use of deadly force in a confrontation in which a Mexican migrant was killed. A U.S. Border Patrol agent shot the man near San Diego after being pelted with rocks while trying to apprehend a group of suspected illegal border crossers.

Mexican President 'Indignant' at US Deportations
We could solve the immigration problem overnight were it not for the corruption in DC.

The business lobby doesn't want to solve it, the minority lobby doesn't want to solve it, the liberal lobby doesn't want to solve it, and the internationalist bankers don't want to solve it.

If congress passed a fine on every business of 10 grand for every illegal that was hired and found to be working (regardless of fake ID and forged papers and held employer accountable,) and 15 grand fine on every community found to have a business that was supporting the hiring of illegals, the tip line would be ringing off the hook.

You could fund INS from the proceeds of the violators, and deportations would be self-induced, as no illegal immigrant would wish to stay someplace they can't find a job.
Illegal aliens are like gays, they co-opt the system and demand reforms that favor them. Shameless self promotion to benefit themselves. I don’t want to hurt illegal aliens or gays, they have rights everyone else has. They want...special rights, they want to transcend the normal. I am not accepting EITHER.
Secure the borders and threaten anyone who employs illegals with jail time. There is no other way to stop illegals from entering and no other more efficient way of getting them to leave.
Secure the borders and threaten anyone who employs illegals with jail time. There is no other way to stop illegals from entering and no other more efficient way of getting them to leave.

R. Regan gave the first amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens and practically caused this snowball of illegal aliens now. This bazillion illegal aliens we have to suffer with NOW is a legacy because of Regan and good intentions. You know what they say, the road to hell is lined with....You know.
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We could solve the immigration problem overnight were it not for the corruption in DC.

The business lobby doesn't want to solve it, the minority lobby doesn't want to solve it, the liberal lobby doesn't want to solve it, and the internationalist bankers don't want to solve it.

If congress passed a fine on every business of 10 grand for every illegal that was hired and found to be working (regardless of fake ID and forged papers and held employer accountable,) and 15 grand fine on every community found to have a business that was supporting the hiring of illegals, the tip line would be ringing off the hook.

You could fund INS from the proceeds of the violators, and deportations would be self-induced, as no illegal immigrant would wish to stay someplace they can't find a job.


Arresting the employers of illegals, taking them away in handcuffs, cameras rolling and all shown on the tv news, would also be a good idea.

Then Americans could be employed in the jobs vacated by illegals.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y34U07CxVm0]Legal Workers Line Up for Restaurant Jobs After Sheriff Joe Raids - YouTube[/ame]

Jobs Americans Won't Do? "Crap", said one woman with a Masters degree willing to take the $8/hour jobs at Phoenix' Pei Wei Chinese joints after Sheriff Joe Arpaio liberated them with raids arresting dozens for identity theft crimes.
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Regan was given a lot more credit than he deserved. I recently lost my job of over 23 years because of Obama and the so called "Affordable health care" thing. Forced socialism and all that. I have epilepsy and asthma let alone depression. I don’t ask for special treatment or anything else. Gay, and Hispanics, get over it.
Secure the borders and threaten anyone who employs illegals with jail time. There is no other way to stop illegals from entering and no other more efficient way of getting them to leave.

R. Regan gave the first amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens and practically caused this snowball of illegal aliens now. This bazillion illegal aliens we have to suffer with NOW is a legacy because of Regan and good intentions. You know what they say, the road to hell is lined with....You know.

And you should be grateful to Obama for stopping it.
Secure the borders and threaten anyone who employs illegals with jail time. There is no other way to stop illegals from entering and no other more efficient way of getting them to leave.

Except that THAT is not where they come from now.

The problem is that people cannot see beyond our southern border and their hatred for Mexicans.

Illegals come here legally and stay. The problem is not unskilled workers coming to work for places like Smithfield. Its employers, Smithfield, who advertise in third world countries and then transport workers here.

Train US workers to do the highly skilled jobs that are now hired from India and Asia and Europe.

You fools are so set on hating Obama and hating Mexicans, you cannot and will not see what's really happening. As long as the rw's fight the hiring of US workers, this will continue.
Secure the borders and threaten anyone who employs illegals with jail time. There is no other way to stop illegals from entering and no other more efficient way of getting them to leave.

Except that THAT is not where they come from now.

The problem is that people cannot see beyond our southern border and their hatred for Mexicans.

Illegals come here legally and stay. The problem is not unskilled workers coming to work for places like Smithfield. Its employers, Smithfield, who advertise in third world countries and then transport workers here.

Train US workers to do the highly skilled jobs that are now hired from India and Asia and Europe.

You fools are so set on hating Obama and hating Mexicans, you cannot and will not see what's really happening. As long as the rw's fight the hiring of US workers, this will continue.

Solution is simple. Threaten any employer who hires illegals with lengthy jail time. If the illegals cannot work, they have no source of income, thus they have no choice but to leave.
Wealthy white kids pretend to love illegals, but, on the other hand, they live as far away from these poor people as they can, up there with cougars that eat their doggies, mudslides an wildfires. Yeah ...Side note; I was eye witness and a juror, I know the system accepts "anecdotal" evidence. Illegal aliens hurt people, they shouldn't be here BUT....Wealthy white kids LOVE to hire them and then...ad infinitem. Yadda yadda. And so it goes,..
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Now crazy lady will go on and on about "wealthy white kids" for several months...

... :cuckoo:
Secure the borders and threaten anyone who employs illegals with jail time. There is no other way to stop illegals from entering and no other more efficient way of getting them to leave.

R. Regan gave the first amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens and practically caused this snowball of illegal aliens now. This bazillion illegal aliens we have to suffer with NOW is a legacy because of Regan and good intentions. You know what they say, the road to hell is lined with....You know.

There was NO good intentions there. Reagan made a deal for funding. He accepted Tide foundation cash and shook hands with the internationalists. They then put Herbert Walker on the ticket. When the Bush dynasty (the banking cabal representatives) were put on the ticket, it was all down hill. That wasn't "good" intentions, they knew what they were doing. The corporatists WANTED cheap, sub-minimum wage labor for their migrant farm work. They WANTED to break the laws and make huge profits. Same thing they want to do today.

If we got rid of the minimum wage laws, we would have no problem solving this illegal immigration problem with appropriate fines and prison terms on those who hire undocumented workers. What would the be the benefit of hiring them? None, absolutely none.
Reagan hated Bush. He needed him and the establishment's money to get elected. And the establishment drove home the point that IT was in charge. Google "HINCKLEY AND BUSH FAMILIES WERE CLOSE FRIENDS"
"Wealthy White kids"?


Not many of them left it America today, seems to me.
Secure the borders and threaten anyone who employs illegals with jail time. There is no other way to stop illegals from entering and no other more efficient way of getting them to leave.

Except that THAT is not where they come from now.

The problem is that people cannot see beyond our southern border and their hatred for Mexicans.

Illegals come here legally and stay. The problem is not unskilled workers coming to work for places like Smithfield. Its employers, Smithfield, who advertise in third world countries and then transport workers here.

Train US workers to do the highly skilled jobs that are now hired from India and Asia and Europe.

You fools are so set on hating Obama and hating Mexicans, you cannot and will not see what's really happening. As long as the rw's fight the hiring of US workers, this will continue.

Just because companies are hiring low wage workers from various countries to do skilled work on govt issued work visas, doesn't mean that unskilled workers (mostly from Mexico) aren't also still coming here illegally, and aren't still here from years past.

The USA is filled with millions of illegal aliens, who came here illegally, millions who came here legally, and then overstayed their visas, and legal immigrants who came on visas and are still here legally. ALL of these should go, and as Obama and the Democrats, and anyone, talk about helping Americans get jobs, and fighting unemployment, they are the biggest liars and hypocrites in America, when what they are doing is perpetuating unemployment, and making it worse.

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