End of Conservative Talk Radio? Network Will Drop Limbaugh & Hannity

LOL. You cite them as the ‘the No. 1 and No. 2 talk show hosts’ and then claim that their ratings suck. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

By the way, what they peddle sells. Its that simple so taking them off the radio is rather meaningless. They will simply be replaced by the same bullshit as long as it sells. There is zero indication that is going to change anytime soon.

It does seem that way but IIRC the fuller story is that Cumulus is analyzing listenership trends to be waning away from talk radio, and even though they have their own "products" in that vein, they're hinting that sports is the next way to go. You can be number 1-2 within a dying format. So it may not be so much a rejection of Limblob personally as a reading of what's hot and what's not.

Plus, Limbag costs too much. That's been their complaint for over a year now.
Libruls are desperate to shut down Talk Radio. They tried to use the GUBMINT with the "Fairness" Act and once that failed, they've sat around snapping their carrots in dreams of Rush going down in flames somehow. Talk Radio has been the instrument that informed Americans of the truth and got out the Conservative message after decades of LIBERAL MEDIA tyranny. Liberals don't like the arena of differing opinions and ideas.. Rush isn't going anywhere, nor is Hannity.. It wouldn't matter if Talk Radio shut down- we have the interwebz now.. (Rush and Sean will be picked up by a solidly smart Corp who wants to make money.. they have millions of followers. .. Morning Joe = 200,000.. LMFAO)
this troll is just a frikken joke...REPOSTING the same shit over and over just worded differently...

They should be ignored
Libruls are desperate to shut down Talk Radio. They tried to use the GUBMINT with the "Fairness" Act and once that failed, they've sat around snapping their carrots in dreams of Rush going down in flames somehow. Talk Radio has been the instrument that informed Americans of the truth and got out the Conservative message after decades of LIBERAL MEDIA tyranny. Liberals don't like the arena of differing opinions and ideas.. Rush isn't going anywhere, nor is Hannity.. It wouldn't matter if Talk Radio shut down- we have the interwebz now.. (Rush and Sean will be picked up by a solidly smart Corp who wants to make money.. they have millions of followers. .. Morning Joe = 200,000.. LMFAO)

..... Link(s)?

Uh, by the way 200,000 is about a hundred times the number reading our words here. Just sayin'.
The far left, fanatical, totalitarian media have been making the same claim twice a year for the past 20 years.
The Obamacult fanatics still swallow it and dance around celebrating, forgetting the last few score times the totalitarian papers made the same claim.

Cumulus is not "totalitarian media" except in the sense that it's the second-biggest owner of radio stations. It's a commercial business, and what it's talking about is its bottom line.
Cumulus Media, the second-largest broadcast company in the nation, is poised to drop Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity from its stations before the close of 2013, an industry source said.

The move would take the No. 1 and No. 2 talk show hosts off 40 channels in some of the nation’s biggest markets, Politico reported.

Read more: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity may lose 40-channel Cumulus deal - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

The conservatives have been experiencing a slow bleed with the old talk show hosts since they had the brains to fire Glenn Beck, they've been wavering with Palin and now it's down to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. The last of the old guard.

Time for some fresh blood and new ideas.
Cumulus Media, the second-largest broadcast company in the nation, is poised to drop Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity from its stations before the close of 2013, an industry source said.

The move would take the No. 1 and No. 2 talk show hosts off 40 channels in some of the nation’s biggest markets, Politico reported.

Read more: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity may lose 40-channel Cumulus deal - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

80% of media are Democrats........50% of American voters are conservative. A market exists. Conservative Media will always have a market so long as the rest of the media remains committed to its bias.

.... “The Rush Limbaugh Show” is dying in the ratings. One trade publication called it ‘the end of right-wing, conservative talk radio.’”

He continued, “And the reason, of course, is that Rush Limbaugh has scared away more sponsors than Lindsay Lohan did at Betty Ford.

Forty-eight of the top 50 advertisers exclude the Limbaugh show now from their radio ad buys.”

Fugelsang: Limbaugh has lost ?more sponsors than Lindsay Lohan at Betty Ford? | The Raw Story

This is dying in the ratings?

The Top Talk Radio Audiences - TALKERS.COM

Yes indeed, advertisers buy ratings, and only ratings .... when 48 of the top 50 ad spenders ban Limbaugh, it's only for one reason - ratings ....


dimocraps lie. It's what they do

Report: 48 Of 50 Top Advertisers ?Exclude Rush And Hannity? From Radio Commercial Buys (UPDATED) | Mediaite

We put in a call to Clear Channel’s Premiere Radio Network which distributes both shows. Their spokesperson hit back at Radio Ink’s source, asserting that the 48 out of 50 figure is wildly inaccurate:

“That statement is completely inaccurate. A number of the top spenders in the medium use talk radio to promote their brands and sell product, and many of them use The Rush Limbaugh Show and The Sean Hannity Show as the driving force of their marketing efforts.”


Yeah, our resident Jedi Masters could move this to the 'Media' Board.

But what fun would that be? I come here to make fun of dimocraps.

It's like watching the Three Stooges except that they were likable.

dimocraps are just stoopid without the likable part.

Like watching communism self-destruct or.... I dunno. Just stupid-funny-pathetic as they cheer on the very people who would keep them in the Inner Cities and on the gubmint dole.

You wanna help, but they keep pushing you away so all you can do is -- Laugh
Cumulus Media, the second-largest broadcast company in the nation, is poised to drop Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity from its stations before the close of 2013, an industry source said.

The move would take the No. 1 and No. 2 talk show hosts off 40 channels in some of the nation’s biggest markets, Politico reported.

Read more: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity may lose 40-channel Cumulus deal - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

The conservatives have been experiencing a slow bleed with the old talk show hosts since they had the brains to fire Glenn Beck, they've been wavering with Palin and now it's down to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. The last of the old guard.

Time for some fresh blood and new ideas.

new blood? like all the old screeching liberals on PmsNbc?

gawd you people worry over the dumbest things
LOL. You cite them as the ‘the No. 1 and No. 2 talk show hosts’ and then claim that their ratings suck. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

By the way, what they peddle sells. Its that simple so taking them off the radio is rather meaningless. They will simply be replaced by the same bullshit as long as it sells. There is zero indication that is going to change anytime soon.

It does seem that way but IIRC the fuller story is that Cumulus is analyzing listenership trends to be waning away from talk radio, and even though they have their own "products" in that vein, they're hinting that sports is the next way to go. You can be number 1-2 within a dying format. So it may not be so much a rejection of Limblob personally as a reading of what's hot and what's not.

Plus, Limbag costs too much. That's been their complaint for over a year now.

These radio talk show hosts have made enough easy money off of wingnutty wannabes. It's time for them to go quietly into this good night...
LOL. You cite them as the ‘the No. 1 and No. 2 talk show hosts’ and then claim that their ratings suck. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

By the way, what they peddle sells. Its that simple so taking them off the radio is rather meaningless. They will simply be replaced by the same bullshit as long as it sells. There is zero indication that is going to change anytime soon.

It does seem that way but IIRC the fuller story is that Cumulus is analyzing listenership trends to be waning away from talk radio, and even though they have their own "products" in that vein, they're hinting that sports is the next way to go. You can be number 1-2 within a dying format. So it may not be so much a rejection of Limblob personally as a reading of what's hot and what's not.

Plus, Limbag costs too much. That's been their complaint for over a year now.

Rationality is NOT allowed in troll posts, just sayin’ :D

Anyway, that is a possibility though I don’t think talk is going to vanish entirely and will still consist of millions of listeners far into the future. Rush is expensive though also because of the baggage he carries – it makes him a VERY popular target. On that vein, I addressed that idea in my last – IF he goes he is just going to be replaced by another radio head that is just as flamboyant. In all honesty, I am surprised that Rush has not faded a LONG time ago. In the radio world, he has lasted an epically long time with a massive amount of success. How, I don’t know considering there is a LOT better out there but it is true all the same. Another vein on that topic should also be the drain from traditional radio to XM. Truth be told, I listen to talk radio all the time (though never to rush and rarely to Hannity) and I simply cannot do it on any show that includes commercials because you can’t expand a thought past hate and vitriol if you only have 2 minutes to do it in. Because of that I end up listening to POTUS which has a decided hard left tilt, rather funny considering I am pretty far from left. I don’t see how anyone can listen to 2 minutes of commercials and then only get 2 minutes of droning monologue for the effort is beyond me.
Cumulus Media, the second-largest broadcast company in the nation, is poised to drop Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity from its stations before the close of 2013, an industry source said.

The move would take the No. 1 and No. 2 talk show hosts off 40 channels in some of the nation’s biggest markets, Politico reported.

Read more: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity may lose 40-channel Cumulus deal - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

Really? Another thread on this? You already got hammered for your stupidity the last time you posted this exact same thing.


Yes indeed, advertisers buy ratings, and only ratings .... when 48 of the top 50 ad spenders ban Limbaugh, it's only for one reason - ratings ....


dimocraps lie. It's what they do

Report: 48 Of 50 Top Advertisers ?Exclude Rush And Hannity? From Radio Commercial Buys (UPDATED) | Mediaite

We put in a call to Clear Channel’s Premiere Radio Network which distributes both shows. Their spokesperson hit back at Radio Ink’s source, asserting that the 48 out of 50 figure is wildly inaccurate:

“That statement is completely inaccurate. A number of the top spenders in the medium use talk radio to promote their brands and sell product, and many of them use The Rush Limbaugh Show and The Sean Hannity Show as the driving force of their marketing efforts.”


Yeah, our resident Jedi Masters could move this to the 'Media' Board.

But what fun would that be? I come here to make fun of dimocraps.

It's like watching the Three Stooges except that they were likable.

dimocraps are just stoopid without the likable part.

Don't read your own links, do you? Your quote from the article is from ClearChannel -- the other side of the argument. What the fuck do you think they're going to say? And you didn't notice the vague language? "A number of..." -- "many of"...?

Sheesh you're easily amused. You're like the baseball field groundskeeper who goes out to rake third base and thinks he hit a triple.
LOL. You cite them as the ‘the No. 1 and No. 2 talk show hosts’ and then claim that their ratings suck. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

By the way, what they peddle sells. Its that simple so taking them off the radio is rather meaningless. They will simply be replaced by the same bullshit as long as it sells. There is zero indication that is going to change anytime soon.

It does seem that way but IIRC the fuller story is that Cumulus is analyzing listenership trends to be waning away from talk radio, and even though they have their own "products" in that vein, they're hinting that sports is the next way to go. You can be number 1-2 within a dying format. So it may not be so much a rejection of Limblob personally as a reading of what's hot and what's not.

Plus, Limbag costs too much. That's been their complaint for over a year now.

These radio talk show hosts have made enough easy money off of wingnutty wannabes. It's time for them to go quietly into this good night...

Rush is still number one darlin. No one can touch him. Hannity comes in at number two.


They aren't going anywhere.

Now if you really want to study numbers go to this thread in media. It will blow your mind when you look at Rush's and Hannity's stats.

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