End of Conservative Talk Radio? Network Will Drop Limbaugh & Hannity

Whoa geeze, I didn't mention the Red Eye Radio guys did I? Another hot team of conservative and very witty dudes.
Rationality is NOT allowed in troll posts, just sayin’ :D

Anyway, that is a possibility though I don’t think talk is going to vanish entirely and will still consist of millions of listeners far into the future. Rush is expensive though also because of the baggage he carries – it makes him a VERY popular target. On that vein, I addressed that idea in my last – IF he goes he is just going to be replaced by another radio head that is just as flamboyant. In all honesty, I am surprised that Rush has not faded a LONG time ago. In the radio world, he has lasted an epically long time with a massive amount of success. How, I don’t know considering there is a LOT better out there but it is true all the same. Another vein on that topic should also be the drain from traditional radio to XM. Truth be told, I listen to talk radio all the time (though never to rush and rarely to Hannity) and I simply cannot do it on any show that includes commercials because you can’t expand a thought past hate and vitriol if you only have 2 minutes to do it in. Because of that I end up listening to POTUS which has a decided hard left tilt, rather funny considering I am pretty far from left. I don’t see how anyone can listen to 2 minutes of commercials and then only get 2 minutes of droning monologue for the effort is beyond me.

(a) quite true. And as mentioned before, he's expensive. What Cumulus is doing is a simple cost analysis. An expensive investment isn't a problem--- IF you're getting return.

(b) it's not clear if they'll replace talk with talk (and they have their own talkers so the cost plummets in that move) or if they're assessing talk radio in general. The fact is the demographic of old angry white geezers is dying off, and any business analysis, especially one dependent on a public audience, has to take that seriously into account.

Odds are they are probably going to run with Levin, Savage and there is a new hot kid on the conservative talk show block who would come in way cheaper than anyone before I have mentioned.

America now with Andy Dean. This kid is sizzling hot. Listening to him nightly now he has got me addicted.

He rocks.

I have taken to listening to him as well. He's informative, and funny as well.
Rationality is NOT allowed in troll posts, just sayin’ :D

Anyway, that is a possibility though I don’t think talk is going to vanish entirely and will still consist of millions of listeners far into the future. Rush is expensive though also because of the baggage he carries – it makes him a VERY popular target. On that vein, I addressed that idea in my last – IF he goes he is just going to be replaced by another radio head that is just as flamboyant. In all honesty, I am surprised that Rush has not faded a LONG time ago. In the radio world, he has lasted an epically long time with a massive amount of success. How, I don’t know considering there is a LOT better out there but it is true all the same. Another vein on that topic should also be the drain from traditional radio to XM. Truth be told, I listen to talk radio all the time (though never to rush and rarely to Hannity) and I simply cannot do it on any show that includes commercials because you can’t expand a thought past hate and vitriol if you only have 2 minutes to do it in. Because of that I end up listening to POTUS which has a decided hard left tilt, rather funny considering I am pretty far from left. I don’t see how anyone can listen to 2 minutes of commercials and then only get 2 minutes of droning monologue for the effort is beyond me.

(a) quite true. And as mentioned before, he's expensive. What Cumulus is doing is a simple cost analysis. An expensive investment isn't a problem--- IF you're getting return.

(b) it's not clear if they'll replace talk with talk (and they have their own talkers so the cost plummets in that move) or if they're assessing talk radio in general. The fact is the demographic of old angry white geezers is dying off, and any business analysis, especially one dependent on a public audience, has to take that seriously into account.

Odds are they are probably going to run with Levin, Savage and there is a new hot kid on the conservative talk show block who would come in way cheaper than anyone before I have mentioned.

America now with Andy Dean. This kid is sizzling hot. Listening to him nightly now he has got me addicted.

He rocks.

And they own Huckabee, which they developed a year ago. He's a lot cheaper, and has by now a foothold.
Allow me to explain it to ya dummy.. Being there is no such thing as Liberal Talk Radio, one must go to the next form of communication for the losing enterprise of Liberalism.. Don't thank me.. I'm use to making liberals look dumb.

Of course there is. While the Conservatives that own the radio stations might not air them on their 600+ stations, these shows do exist and often top the talk show ratings in their markets.


We have a liberal radio talk show guy here in Orlando, who says quite rightly, that he's "the #1 radio talk show of it's kind".

He's right. As long as "it's kind" is liberal radio talk shows of which he is the only one within 100 miles.:cuckoo:

That's the same as my earlier point. If you're Limblob and Hannity running numbers one and two in your national field, but your field itself is dying, that's a concern to the business.

Limblob's numbers have been in steady decline for a few years. That's why he came up with FlukeFest -- sagging audience. Not sure about Hannity but he's been getting dumped here and there so I'd wager the same is true for him. Plus he's apparently faltering on his Fox Noise show.
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AM Radio is a disappearing medium. It is being replaced with television, twitter and apps. Who wants to listen to commercials when I can buy the commercial free podcast for $4.95 a month? Why listen to static trying to get my favorite Progressive Talker from only 15 miles as the crow flies when I can get it crystal clear from my "TuneIn" app?
The Far left Kook brigade are chewing their rotten crotches because in both television and radio, they get their clocks cleaned.. They only way they can win elections is by rigging an election- see amnesty, no voter ID required campaigns. They don't have the numbers or the truth on their side.
I haven't seen any reason to believe that the people who would watch this garbage are suddenly getting smart enough to turn the dial. I could be wrong but I believe rw stooopid is here to stay and that means job security for slime like limbaugh, beck, etc.

luddly we're talking radio. We don't watch radio.
AM Radio is a disappearing medium. It is being replaced with television, twitter and apps. Who wants to listen to commercials when I can buy the commercial free podcast for $4.95 a month? Why listen to static trying to get my favorite Progressive Talker from only 15 miles as the crow flies when I can get it crystal clear from my "TuneIn" app?

Did you purchase your ticket to Russia yet? You and Bodey who are going to protest and stop Russia from hosting the Olympics? :lol::cuckoo:
Gotta love it.

Fugelsang: Limbaugh has lost 'more sponsors than Lindsay Lohan at Betty Ford' | The Raw Story

“Hello, are you a small business owner looking to reach a wider audience of xenophobic, woman-hating, aging, bitter white guys with impacted colons, but don’t think you have the resources to do so?” he asked. “Have you dreamed of a professional association with an obese, hate-driven bigot who reaches a wide audience of obese, hate-driven bigots who automatically nod at everything he says, even if that nod makes the dangling string of drool drip on the clicker?”

Then advertise on Limbaugh’s show now, he said.
Allow me to explain it to ya dummy.. Being there is no such thing as Liberal Talk Radio, one must go to the next form of communication for the losing enterprise of Liberalism.. Don't thank me.. I'm use to making liberals look dumb.

Of course there is. While the Conservatives that own the radio stations might not air them on their 600+ stations, these shows do exist and often top the talk show ratings in their markets.


We have a liberal radio talk show guy here in Orlando, who says quite rightly, that he's "the #1 radio talk show of it's kind".

He's right. As long as "it's kind" is liberal radio talk shows of which he is the only one within 100 miles.:cuckoo:

Florida, good example. Miami had a Progressive Talk station. It was consistently among the top rated for the Miami area. They flipped it to Sports. (Because a gazillion wasn't enough). Now it's at the bottom of the bottom.


Explain the logic of this. In San Francisco, Clear Channel took the number one rated show (a Progressive Show)in the 6 AM to 9 AM time slot, short months before the 2012 Election, and replaced it with Glenn Beck. Did I mention this was in San Francisco?
AM Radio is a disappearing medium. It is being replaced with television, twitter and apps. Who wants to listen to commercials when I can buy the commercial free podcast for $4.95 a month? Why listen to static trying to get my favorite Progressive Talker from only 15 miles as the crow flies when I can get it crystal clear from my "TuneIn" app?

Did you purchase your ticket to Russia yet? You and Bodey who are going to protest and stop Russia from hosting the Olympics? :lol::cuckoo:

Did you find that link to the "Fairness Act" yet? Still waiting...

Or are you pulling it out of your ass? If so, best to leave it there... :puke3:
AM Radio is a disappearing medium. It is being replaced with television, twitter and apps. Who wants to listen to commercials when I can buy the commercial free podcast for $4.95 a month? Why listen to static trying to get my favorite Progressive Talker from only 15 miles as the crow flies when I can get it crystal clear from my "TuneIn" app?

Did you purchase your ticket to Russia yet? You and Bodey who are going to protest and stop Russia from hosting the Olympics? :lol::cuckoo:

Why are you deflecting and trying to change to an unrelated topic? Am I making too much sense for you?
Of course there is. While the Conservatives that own the radio stations might not air them on their 600+ stations, these shows do exist and often top the talk show ratings in their markets.


We have a liberal radio talk show guy here in Orlando, who says quite rightly, that he's "the #1 radio talk show of it's kind".

He's right. As long as "it's kind" is liberal radio talk shows of which he is the only one within 100 miles.:cuckoo:

That's the same as my earlier point. If you're Limblob and Hannity running numbers one and two in your national field, but your field itself is dying, that's a concern to the business.

Limblob's numbers have been in steady decline for a few years. That's why he came up with FlukeFest -- sagging audience. Not sure about Hannity but he's been getting dumped here and there so I'd wager the same is true for him. Plus he's apparently faltering on his Fox Noise show.

His time slot is being replaced with Megyn Kelly, as soon as she returns from her maternity leave after having her third child with her second hubby.

Sean is not unhappy about this, as other things are in the wings for him. He calls them "rosy."

He also said that the speculation on his career — and on his genuine thoughts of the Fox News decision — was tickling his funny bone.

“It’s pretty funny,” he said, Politico reported. “I love people speculating. Because everybody thinks they know everything and they don’t.

Read more: Sean Hannity on his primetime loss to Megyn Kelly: 'In the end I'm very happy' - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter
. ...Conservative Media will always have a market so long as the rest of the media remains committed to its bias.

That Conservative talk radio "market" has shrunk so much that advertisers are not providing operating cash ... angels like Murdoch and Koch are footing the bill - and they are getting flakey on what bottomless pits they pump money into.


We have a liberal radio talk show guy here in Orlando, who says quite rightly, that he's "the #1 radio talk show of it's kind".

He's right. As long as "it's kind" is liberal radio talk shows of which he is the only one within 100 miles.:cuckoo:

That's the same as my earlier point. If you're Limblob and Hannity running numbers one and two in your national field, but your field itself is dying, that's a concern to the business.

Limblob's numbers have been in steady decline for a few years. That's why he came up with FlukeFest -- sagging audience. Not sure about Hannity but he's been getting dumped here and there so I'd wager the same is true for him. Plus he's apparently faltering on his Fox Noise show.

His time slot is being replaced with Megyn Kelly, as soon as she returns from her maternity leave after having her third child with her second hubby.

Sean is not unhappy about this, as other things are in the wings for him. He calls them "rosy."

He also said that the speculation on his career — and on his genuine thoughts of the Fox News decision — was tickling his funny bone.

“It’s pretty funny,” he said, Politico reported. “I love people speculating. Because everybody thinks they know everything and they don’t.

Read more: Sean Hannity on his primetime loss to Megyn Kelly: 'In the end I'm very happy' - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

Yeah, that's what everybody says in broadcasting. The equivalent of the cabinet official who's no longer in favor resigning to "spend more time with my family".
It's no surprise to me that talk radio is dying. With our education system putting out more and more ignorant kids who only care about music and what the Kardashians are doing, and the left wing media dumbing down everything for everyone, who wants to actually think? No one apparently.

Left wing radio never could make it and right wing talk radio is seeing fewer listeners. Not a big surprise as America gets dumber and dumber.
These radio talk show hosts have made enough easy money off of wingnutty wannabes. It's time for them to go quietly into this good night...

This happens as trailer park after trailer park closes down ....

AM Radio is a disappearing medium. It is being replaced with television, twitter and apps. Who wants to listen to commercials when I can buy the commercial free podcast for $4.95 a month? Why listen to static trying to get my favorite Progressive Talker from only 15 miles as the crow flies when I can get it crystal clear from my "TuneIn" app?

Did you purchase your ticket to Russia yet? You and Bodey who are going to protest and stop Russia from hosting the Olympics? :lol::cuckoo:

Did you find that link to the "Fairness Act" yet? Still waiting...

Or are you pulling it out of your ass? If so, best to leave it there... :puke3:

Michelle Malkin | Fairness Doctrine Watch: A ?progressive? attack on talk radio «

There ya go stupid. You aren't very informed but that's typical of most progressive Zombies.. you march lockstep from Odumbo's talking points which equals the main sleaze media.

U.S. Senator for Oklahoma Senator James M. Inhofe

Fairness Act

Sen. Stabenow wants hearings on radio 'accountability'; talks fairness doctrine - - POLITICO.com
(a) quite true. And as mentioned before, he's expensive. What Cumulus is doing is a simple cost analysis. An expensive investment isn't a problem--- IF you're getting return.

(b) it's not clear if they'll replace talk with talk (and they have their own talkers so the cost plummets in that move) or if they're assessing talk radio in general. The fact is the demographic of old angry white geezers is dying off, and any business analysis, especially one dependent on a public audience, has to take that seriously into account.

Odds are they are probably going to run with Levin, Savage and there is a new hot kid on the conservative talk show block who would come in way cheaper than anyone before I have mentioned.

America now with Andy Dean. This kid is sizzling hot. Listening to him nightly now he has got me addicted.

He rocks.

I have taken to listening to him as well. He's informative, and funny as well.

He really has on some just amazing guests that aren't in my normal realm of radio conservatives. And he's a smart ass. A really great smart ass who can poke fun at himself. I really like him.
Odds are they are probably going to run with Levin, Savage and there is a new hot kid on the conservative talk show block who would come in way cheaper than anyone before I have mentioned.

America now with Andy Dean. This kid is sizzling hot. Listening to him nightly now he has got me addicted.

He rocks.

I have taken to listening to him as well. He's informative, and funny as well.

He really has on some just amazing guests that aren't in my normal realm of radio conservatives. And he's a smart ass. A really great smart ass who can poke fun at himself. I really like him.

I've not heard him but that trait ^^ goes a long way. If Limbag could pull that off he'd be a lot less polarizing.

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