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End of times?

God never sleeps when it comes to Israel, and will absolutely see to it that His will be done. Israel has been under divine providence since the beginning. All of it the workings of a deity, their deity, and to prove that, He told the Jews before hand what was in their future. Everything you see happening in Israel, has been predicted in advance. They became a nation in a day, just as it was prophesied. God said He would gather them to their home land again, and He did. On the exact day He said He would.
After Israel was established, Jew and Muslim worked and lived side by side in Israel, peacefully, until the surrounding countries told the Muslims in Israel to get out of harm's way because they were going to invade. Israel asked them to stay, in fact pleaded with them to stay on their farms and in their homes, but they did not. Israel won the war. If you look at the size of Israel and the size of the neighboring countries, not one Muslim country could find room for the "refugees" they had created.
So the displaced Muslims squatted where they are now, and have been used as pawns ever since to whittle Israel down to an 8 mile wide, indefensible pin stripe of land.
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Civilizations have been murdering other civilizations in the name of their gods and enslaving those caught in the way for a very long time before Jesus and the Jews were even a blip on the radar.

EVERY religion believes some deity favors them that follow their god's rules.

The only difference is those that have survived by killing some other society and it's god/s conveniently are around to lay claim of being chosen.

The Romans were fantastically successful with multiple gods for a very long time...so were the Egyptians and nobody ever seems to mention the Chinese who were around long before the Jews and Jesus and their god.
I believe that anyone that spews this crazy ass talk about an end of times is a terrorist trying to prove the nonsense they attribute to their make believe god is going to occur. Some of these people clearly are putting all people at risk working to justify these rediculous prophesies.

Before you get your panties in a twist..some of the Muslims are attempting to do the very exact thing justifying their G'hads(sp?) and Faquahs(sp?) as ordained by their religion. AND we have as Americans have no problem designating their actions as terrorist.

I have no doubt that there are some Christians that have no problem killing anyone that interferes with these end of times stories.
While there may be an unbalanced individual that might kill in the name of Jesus, I don't see a lot of them beheading people and killing children in class rooms. There is a difference between knowing what constitutes end times and fighting someone to the death to make them come true. That is just nuts. Christians know prophecy when they see it, but they aren't capable of initiating the prophesies. We just keep track of prophesy when it occurs. We can't interfere, slow down, or speed up the future, nor are we inclined to.

Look out for the Christian terrorist, who is going to kneel and pray on your behalf...........
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Internal strife, wars, wild weather, ebola and now weird ticks spreading new diseases.

New Tick-Borne Bourbon Virus Is Deadly And Unlike Anything Previously Seen In U.S.

Are we at the end of times, according to the bible in Revelations?

For thousands of years reactionary conservatives have whined about the 'end of the world,' incorrectly perceiving their age as being beset with all manner of catastrophes never before experienced, when in fact nothing could be more untrue.

There are no 'end times,' the notion is superstitious nonsense, the state of America today is significantly better than it was 50 years ago when there was considerably more strife, violence, and discord – and the best America is yet to come.

You said the best America is yet to come--but any with a spirit of Jesus lead heart--knows 100% for sure--rev 13 has been going on for awhile--and the two horned beast- ( the eagle-lion)

LOL Rev Chapter 1 hasn't started yet.
Our Creator can make His people believe in any illusions He forms for them to observe.

Why would our creator bother to create illusions to deceive people?

He bothered His prophets and saints long enough to let us know the visible objects we observe in this world are only illusions. He only used this first age to let us know who we really are, "information".
Our Creator can make His people believe in any illusions He forms for them to observe.

Why would our creator bother to create illusions to deceive people?

Excellent question, but I can one up you - Why would anybody believe anything from a poster that has the balls, ego, and pride to call himself, "the word?"

Psalm 41
5: My enemies say of me in malice: "When will he die, and his name perish?"
6: And when one comes to see me, he utters empty words, while his heart gathers mischief; when he goes out, he tells it abroad.
7: All who hate me whisper together about me; they imagine the worst for me.
Internal strife, wars, wild weather, ebola and now weird ticks spreading new diseases.

New Tick-Borne Bourbon Virus Is Deadly And Unlike Anything Previously Seen In U.S.

Are we at the end of times, according to the bible in Revelations?

For thousands of years reactionary conservatives have whined about the 'end of the world,' incorrectly perceiving their age as being beset with all manner of catastrophes never before experienced, when in fact nothing could be more untrue.

There are no 'end times,' the notion is superstitious nonsense, the state of America today is significantly better than it was 50 years ago when there was considerably more strife, violence, and discord – and the best America is yet to come.

You said the best America is yet to come--but any with a spirit of Jesus lead heart--knows 100% for sure--rev 13 has been going on for awhile--and the two horned beast- ( the eagle-lion)

LOL Rev Chapter 1 hasn't started yet.

God made His plan within His thoughts, not a book called a Bible.
Our Creator can make His people believe in any illusions He forms for them to observe.

Why would our creator bother to create illusions to deceive people?

Excellent question, but I can one up you - Why would anybody believe anything from a poster that has the balls, ego, and pride to call himself, "the word?"

Psalm 41
5: My enemies say of me in malice: "When will he die, and his name perish?"
6: And when one comes to see me, he utters empty words, while his heart gathers mischief; when he goes out, he tells it abroad.
7: All who hate me whisper together about me; they imagine the worst for me.

How many people are in your cult? How many do you drug and sleep with? How many wives do you have?
This "Word" dude has serious mental issues or is just playing out some stupid joke character on the internets. It must be a kid. I know who my parents were and they are both dead. This one's parents must still be drawing breath or it wouldn't be making lame statements about "his children".

It's statements are not any crazier than much of the wordage in the Bibles.

Word to "Word". You really need to take up a more entertaining shtick. The path you are on will lead to "ignore" from many that find this pretense boring and annoying without the benefit of a good belly laugh.

Psalm 41
5: My enemies say of me in malice: "When will he die, and his name perish?"
6: And when one comes to see me, he utters empty words, while his heart gathers mischief; when he goes out, he tells it abroad.
7: All who hate me whisper together about me; they imagine the worst for me.

My ignorant children will die without knowing Me.

not sure you have to worry about children. I don't think this kind of rhetoric is going to get the ladies interested.
All you will lose in this world is your body and memories.

I have had many messages from dead relatives who clearly retain their memories.

The occult teaches that we have a soul body which contains the memories of all past incarnations.
Our Creator can make His people believe in any illusions He forms for them to observe.

Why would our creator bother to create illusions to deceive people?

Excellent question, but I can one up you - Why would anybody believe anything from a poster that has the balls, ego, and pride to call himself, "the word?"

Psalm 41
5: My enemies say of me in malice: "When will he die, and his name perish?"
6: And when one comes to see me, he utters empty words, while his heart gathers mischief; when he goes out, he tells it abroad.
7: All who hate me whisper together about me; they imagine the worst for me.

How many people are in your cult? How many do you drug and sleep with? How many wives do you have?

All my people and beasts are within Me. They don't understand that fact at this time but they will all know Me in the next age.
This "Word" dude has serious mental issues or is just playing out some stupid joke character on the internets. It must be a kid. I know who my parents were and they are both dead. This one's parents must still be drawing breath or it wouldn't be making lame statements about "his children".

It's statements are not any crazier than much of the wordage in the Bibles.

Word to "Word". You really need to take up a more entertaining shtick. The path you are on will lead to "ignore" from many that find this pretense boring and annoying without the benefit of a good belly laugh.

Psalm 41
5: My enemies say of me in malice: "When will he die, and his name perish?"
6: And when one comes to see me, he utters empty words, while his heart gathers mischief; when he goes out, he tells it abroad.
7: All who hate me whisper together about me; they imagine the worst for me.

My ignorant children will die without knowing Me.

not sure you have to worry about children. I don't think this kind of rhetoric is going to get the ladies interested.

Am I here to Impress the ladies or to share the future with my chosen one's?
Faith is one of the easiest senses to take advantage of.

What I find astonishing is that nowadays with so much interaction amongst the religions that those of faith haven't noticed that those of EVERY religion believe they know the truth. They have faith they are not being decieved.

Hells Bells! I know people that have faith in what they witnessed in those Las Vegas magic shows is real.

I can sort of understand that when people were far less educated it was easy to take a rumor or someone's word that something extraordinary was done or seen or heard.

But now that we have a more realistic idea of what human beings are capable of even the story of going up on a mountain peak and getting stone tablets directly from god is rediculous beyond the pale.

I get it..the Jews needed a good kick in the pants because they were in the very real danger of extinction. So Moses had an epiphany.. "what if I sneak some tablets with me and go up on that yonder tall hill and bring em back with a straight face... " Ya...Ya...Ya... People were vulnerable and the story sounded good. They were at their wits end.

I believe that Jesus took a page outta Moses playbook realising that the Jews had become scoundrels and had just turned the "god story" into a way to get rich. What he learned was that the ends justifies he means. I mean who was he hurting? The people of the day DID need a better path towards becoming better human beings.

He didn't have to go very far to find people that had been abused. He didn't have to look very hard for the sick, the poor that had no options. What did they have to lose?

Face it..back then life was a stinking flaming sack of dog poop.

So NOW with everything we have learned and the super soft lives we live ..even our homeless have it WAY better than the average Joe of Jesus's day. Nobody gets lanced whenever a soldier feels like it.. etc..

So NOW we are spozed to believe that living sucks so bad that we are near the end?

Just HOW stupid are you folks? I can almost buy why ya'll believe in heaven and all that hogwash.. It is because you are weak ass pussies that cannot face your last beath with any personal dignity. You whiners WANT to believe that daddy god and Jesus are going to give you some fantastic extension ...not for a few years BUT for friggin eternity...That's right ..ETERNITY... just for mumbling a few words???? Perfect!!!

WOW! Just WOW!

It's a good thing I don't care what you think of me... I still can't get over what little you think of yourselves.

what do you know of dignity?

try reading the scriptures sometime. You might be surprises what you learn
Faith is one of the easiest senses to take advantage of.

What I find astonishing is that nowadays with so much interaction amongst the religions that those of faith haven't noticed that those of EVERY religion believe they know the truth. They have faith they are not being decieved.

Hells Bells! I know people that have faith in what they witnessed in those Las Vegas magic shows is real.

I can sort of understand that when people were far less educated it was easy to take a rumor or someone's word that something extraordinary was done or seen or heard.

But now that we have a more realistic idea of what human beings are capable of even the story of going up on a mountain peak and getting stone tablets directly from god is rediculous beyond the pale.

I get it..the Jews needed a good kick in the pants because they were in the very real danger of extinction. So Moses had an epiphany.. "what if I sneak some tablets with me and go up on that yonder tall hill and bring em back with a straight face... " Ya...Ya...Ya... People were vulnerable and the story sounded good. They were at their wits end.

I believe that Jesus took a page outta Moses playbook realising that the Jews had become scoundrels and had just turned the "god story" into a way to get rich. What he learned was that the ends justifies he means. I mean who was he hurting? The people of the day DID need a better path towards becoming better human beings.

He didn't have to go very far to find people that had been abused. He didn't have to look very hard for the sick, the poor that had no options. What did they have to lose?

Face it..back then life was a stinking flaming sack of dog poop.

So NOW with everything we have learned and the super soft lives we live ..even our homeless have it WAY better than the average Joe of Jesus's day. Nobody gets lanced whenever a soldier feels like it.. etc..

So NOW we are spozed to believe that living sucks so bad that we are near the end?

Just HOW stupid are you folks? I can almost buy why ya'll believe in heaven and all that hogwash.. It is because you are weak ass pussies that cannot face your last beath with any personal dignity. You whiners WANT to believe that daddy god and Jesus are going to give you some fantastic extension ...not for a few years BUT for friggin eternity...That's right ..ETERNITY... just for mumbling a few words???? Perfect!!!

WOW! Just WOW!

It's a good thing I don't care what you think of me... I still can't get over what little you think of yourselves.

what do you know of dignity?

try reading the scriptures sometime. You might be surprises what you learn

I used to read fiction. Then I had an interesting life.

Now I focus on learning technical information that I can incorporate into my skillset.

I don't have enough time left to waste re-reading religious fiction.

I've been learning how to make stuff out of steel recently..purchased a couple of welders..made alliances with machine shops and metal suppliers.

The idea of constructing my own sawmill and buying some land with trees and a stream on it fascinates me. A well thought out comfortable mountain cabin and on site machine shop and big garage to assemble big stuff..hydro power generation..room for an airstrip.. Big toys I built for myself.. Mobile welding and repair for extra cash ..throw in some manufacturing.. with a rock bottom overhead. I am currently in the proccess of converting my VW bus into a mobile welding and repair vehicle. Already own a couple of top quality 7,000 watt generators. There is still good land up here in the NW for 5-8 thousand an acre within 20 minutes to civilization.

These are my interests now. Your bible would just be a serious waste of my time. I can already do a lot of things your Jesus couldn't even dream of.
Our Creator can make His people believe in any illusions He forms for them to observe.

Why would our creator bother to create illusions to deceive people?

Excellent question, but I can one up you - Why would anybody believe anything from a poster that has the balls, ego, and pride to call himself, "the word?"

He doesn't just call himself the word. He thinks He is God

Gossip leads to more gossip. Isn't gossip a sin according to Christians?
Our Creator can make His people believe in any illusions He forms for them to observe.

Why would our creator bother to create illusions to deceive people?

Excellent question, but I can one up you - Why would anybody believe anything from a poster that has the balls, ego, and pride to call himself, "the word?"

He doesn't just call himself the word. He thinks He is God

Gossip leads to more gossip. Isn't gossip a sin according to Christians?

What does your heart tell you?

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