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End of times?

Sorry all the links don't show ^^^ but its not worth the trouble to post more.

and yet your own links show how you are wrong and you fail to notice. That's why conversations will you have no purpose. You attempts to understand the topic are at most half assed while you pretend to have an understanding

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know how superior you are and junk, but I have never ever ever ever ever said I understand all that hocus pocus.

Indeed, that's the strength of faith - blind obedience without understanding. Just keep nodding your head up and down.

Very honestly, that is beyond my understanding.
the age of grace will be done soon, very soon- all the signs are there; nothing else needs to happen before the pretrib rapture. The reason it is so important to get the word out is because once Believer's are raptured; that is it- no second chance to be saved for those that have heard His Word and denied it/Him.

The devil's biggest lie is you can choose Christ tom. TODAY is the day of salvation.

the dispensation of grace ended a while ago. We live in the dispensation of the fullness of times when Paul said God would gather all things in one.

and He is. He is gathering the House of Israel throughout the world. He is gathering the knowledge of the world together. He has made communication and travel so easy for us that we are becoming a single global community.

and he has started gathering the scriptures He has revealed to men together.

most importantly He has restored the keys that have been held in previous dispensations to man. As well as the knowledge of those people. And He is doing this all to prepare for the return of Christ.

we live in a day and age the prophets of old dreamt of and we take it for granted

lol, no. Show me in the bible where that is.

pauls statement is eph 1:10

that is still yet future. When the last person is saved, the rapture happens and the age of grace is done, finished. then the seven year tribulation, the AC is released/revealed/ allowed to come forward. The age of grace started at Pentecost and continues till the pretrib rapture.
The sixth dispensation, the one in which we now live, is the Dispensation of Grace. It began with the New Covenant in Christ’s blood (Luke 22:20). This “Age of Grace” or “Church Age” occurs between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel 9:24. It starts with the death of Christ and ends with the Rapture of the church (1 Thessalonians 4). This dispensation is worldwide and includes both Jews and the Gentiles. Man’s responsibility during the Dispensation of Grace is to believe in Jesus, the Son of God (John 3:18). In this dispensation the Holy Spirit indwells believers as the Comforter (John 14:16-26). This dispensation has lasted for over 2,000 years, and no one knows when it will end. We do know that it will end with the Rapture of all born-again believers from the earth to go to heaven with Christ. Following the Rapture will be the judgments of God lasting for seven years.

The seventh dispensation is called the Millennial Kingdom of Christ and will last for 1,000 years as Christ Himself rules on earth. This Kingdom will fulfill the prophecy to the Jewish nation that Christ will return and be their King. The only people allowed to enter the Kingdom are the born-again believers from the Age of Grace and righteous survivors of the seven years of tribulation. No unsaved person is allowed access into this kingdom. Satan is bound during the 1,000 years. This period ends with the final judgment (Revelation 20:11-14). The old world is destroyed by fire, and the New Heaven and New Earth of Revelation 21 and 22 will begin.

Read more: What are the seven dispensations
Every religion talk about the end of times, but this is just the alternative for us - its a two ways crossroad.
What we have to do as humans is to embrace patience and tolerance to each other and aim for the better option instead of rushing to a world war of religions, chaos and destruction...
According to Judaism there is a different calendar (Hebrew Calendar) counting 6,000 years to our world, the current year is 5,775(will turn to be 5,776 in Rosh HaShana) to the creation of our world - the end of times will occur in 224 years- this is the inevitable end we must escape, and yes the choice is in our hands.
You go on to another planet then. I will stay here on this one after everyone is gone and watch mother earth reclaim what was hers before it got all fucked up.
The sixth dispensation, the one in which we now live, is the Dispensation of Grace. It began with the New Covenant in Christ’s blood (Luke 22:20). This “Age of Grace” or “Church Age” occurs between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel 9:24. It starts with the death of Christ and ends with the Rapture of the church (1 Thessalonians 4). This dispensation is worldwide and includes both Jews and the Gentiles. Man’s responsibility during the Dispensation of Grace is to believe in Jesus, the Son of God (John 3:18). In this dispensation the Holy Spirit indwells believers as the Comforter (John 14:16-26). This dispensation has lasted for over 2,000 years, and no one knows when it will end. We do know that it will end with the Rapture of all born-again believers from the earth to go to heaven with Christ. Following the Rapture will be the judgments of God lasting for seven years.

The seventh dispensation is called the Millennial Kingdom of Christ and will last for 1,000 years as Christ Himself rules on earth. This Kingdom will fulfill the prophecy to the Jewish nation that Christ will return and be their King. The only people allowed to enter the Kingdom are the born-again believers from the Age of Grace and righteous survivors of the seven years of tribulation. No unsaved person is allowed access into this kingdom. Satan is bound during the 1,000 years. This period ends with the final judgment (Revelation 20:11-14). The old world is destroyed by fire, and the New Heaven and New Earth of Revelation 21 and 22 will begin.

Read more: What are the seven dispensations

I would appreciate it if you wackadoodles would stop throwing around the word "we" so carelessly.

YOU live in this fantasy world of sky fairies and devils. Me and those of us that have a more firm grip on reality believe YOU people put more "faith" in these dangerous defeatist ideas than you do in what is right there in front of your faces.

I wonder how many people have been duped into falling for this nonsense and ruined or even ended theirs and others lives because of it.
Internal strife, wars, wild weather, ebola and now weird ticks spreading new diseases.

New Tick-Borne Bourbon Virus Is Deadly And Unlike Anything Previously Seen In U.S.

Are we at the end of times, according to the bible in Revelations?

For thousands of years reactionary conservatives have whined about the 'end of the world,' incorrectly perceiving their age as being beset with all manner of catastrophes never before experienced, when in fact nothing could be more untrue.

There are no 'end times,' the notion is superstitious nonsense, the state of America today is significantly better than it was 50 years ago when there was considerably more strife, violence, and discord – and the best America is yet to come.

You said the best America is yet to come--but any with a spirit of Jesus lead heart--knows 100% for sure--rev 13 has been going on for awhile--and the two horned beast- ( the eagle-lion)

LOL Rev Chapter 1 hasn't started yet.

God made His plan within His thoughts, not a book called a Bible.

Then God using --HS got certain mortals to write his words in the bible.

God used antichrists and false prophets to gather writings from antichrists, prophets and saints before producing their Bible. Only God knows what came from antichrists ( religious fools ) and what came from the original writings of the prophets and saints. God uses us saints to read the prophecies for Him so that He can teach us the deeper meanings of them.
kjw, we are just getting started. We are seeing the formation of the one world government, the beginning of pestilence, the world condemnation of Israel, bizarre weather patterns, and so on exactly as God predicted. It is the globalization our politicians are moving us toward now. But, the choosing of a world leader has not happened yet. We are just now allying with and reinforcing Israel's enemies. No one has forced Israel into giving away their land yet. The Temple has yet to be rebuilt.
We are just now in the process of bringing prophesy to fruition. When the world leader who forges a phony peace with Israel, allows them to return to sacrificing in their newly rebuilt Temple, and then sits on God's throne in that temple and proclaims himself God, is when the shit hits the fan. We are rapidly advancing to that end.

WE don't do anything. Our Creator is the one who created everything, not man. It's obvious you don't understand any of the prophecies about the future.
"Is Israel surrounded by it's enemies?"
Hardly the workings of a deity

Huggy, not the work of a deity, a prediction from a deity.
Obama is responsible for Egypt turning on Israel. We are supporting Syria, and Iran and Israel's enemies and are setting the stage for what is to come, not God. The deity wants peace on earth. Israel's enemies want Israel. The UN the EU, Israel, beheadings, us turning our back on Israel, all man's behavior, and all predicted for the end times.

The deity told us what to expect in advance, and the outcome regarding our behavior. He told us who would be invading Israel in the end times. He also told us how they would be defeated. And this time it will be because of Divine intervention. He has had enough. So when you see these things come to pass, know that when you watch the nightly news, you are hearing prophesy unfold. There is only one way this is all going to end. Christ will return to prevent the nuclear extinction of life on earth.

God doesn't have to intervene and stop us from destroying each other. He's the one who planned, created and formed all the illusions that give us a make-believe world to live in. He planned all the good and evil things in this world and the destruction of it.
He planned all the good and evil things in this world and the destruction of it.
the "message" negates any meaning to (your) life ... and by the destruction of it, an inclusion for everyone else. -

what about self control, sucess with a happy ending ?

kjw, we are just getting started. We are seeing the formation of the one world government, the beginning of pestilence, the world condemnation of Israel, bizarre weather patterns, and so on exactly as God predicted. It is the globalization our politicians are moving us toward now. But, the choosing of a world leader has not happened yet. We are just now allying with and reinforcing Israel's enemies. No one has forced Israel into giving away their land yet. The Temple has yet to be rebuilt.
We are just now in the process of bringing prophesy to fruition. When the world leader who forges a phony peace with Israel, allows them to return to sacrificing in their newly rebuilt Temple, and then sits on God's throne in that temple and proclaims himself God, is when the shit hits the fan. We are rapidly advancing to that end.

Another end timer, wanting the end to come , the Bible is not to be taken literally. There is no prophesy, and while I hope Israel can survive the world does not depend on them except for the "Samson Effect" in other words if Israel is going down they will take the world with them (a few PM's and higher up have actually said that and I believe it) .

We have this earth and we had better start taking care of it, and some Christians are very passive in this respect as they are thinking Bible prophesy is happening, EVEN jews do not believe that. Man wake up , this is it, We need to quit warring , and quick using and wasting the water and land and get more energy efficient and quit being so wasteful, the dumps are filling up, so the next generations can carry on. A new Jerusalem is when everyone will be able to go there and no one will get shot and its not going to fall from the sky. Sorry for being blunt, but earth is ours and we need to take care of it.
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Funny that everything you said is prophesied. The Bible is to be taken literally, otherwise it would be nothing more than human understanding through every individual's imaginings. When you read, "I am the way....." take it literally. It means what it says.

The Bible does indeed include prophesy. Over 1/4 of the book is prophesy and the future was predicted over 10,000 times.
Christ death on the cross was prophesied a thousand years before the Assyrians and Persians started using the method to execute people.

What I want is peace on earth. Until Christ returns to defend Israel against the invading armies, nukes will be going off like cherry bombs. Our Muslim president almost insists on letting Iran become a Nuclear powerhouse. He has removed leaders that had a truce with Israel. He has retuned the terrorists to their homes to plot and plan against us and Israel again.

Some things the Bible says will happen during the end times:

Israel will become a Nation in a day.
They'll speak Hebrew again.
They'll be surrounded by enemies sworn to annihilate them for good.
Europe will unite.
A world governing power.
All eyes will be on Israel.
All nations will turn against Israel.
^When you see these things come to pass, Christ's hand is on the door. Here's more of what to expect:

Israel will be invaded by Russia and their Arab allies for spoils. The countries are named so we don't have to guess ahead of time who they are.
Beheadings will be on the rise.
Israel will have a choice, Samson them all, or a forced peace treaty giving away Israel land. They'll sign.
For 7 years radio active material will be flagged in Israel, not to be touched but reported, so protected personnel can dispatch it.
Nukes will make our water undrinkable, food inedible. Radiation penetrating the wood used for fires, and food.
Meteor strikes, nuke winter, sun blocked out. earth tilted on it axis. If you really care about this earth, reign in the politicians. Composting isn't going to cut it. Very few humans live through this next war. All life would perish if left up to us, and God is going to leave it up to us until the last minute.

When we remove Him, we remove His restraint. It goes with Him.
We are about to enter into a world war. We are vying for position right now.
The Bible tells us more about this time, the time after Israel becomes a Nation, than any other time in the history of mankind. We need to start listening. We are living prophesy and ignoring the warnings.
Funny that everything you said is prophesied. The Bible is to be taken literally, otherwise it would be nothing more than human understanding through every individual's imaginings. When you read, "I am the way....." take it literally. It means what it says.

The Bible does indeed include prophesy. Over 1/4 of the book is prophesy and the future was predicted over 10,000 times.
Christ death on the cross was prophesied a thousand years before the Assyrians and Persians started using the method to execute people.

What I want is peace on earth. Until Christ returns to defend Israel against the invading armies, nukes will be going off like cherry bombs. Our Muslim president almost insists on letting Iran become a Nuclear powerhouse. He has removed leaders that had a truce with Israel. He has retuned the terrorists to their homes to plot and plan against us and Israel again.

Some things the Bible says will happen during the end times:

Israel will become a Nation in a day.
They'll speak Hebrew again.
They'll be surrounded by enemies sworn to annihilate them for good.
Europe will unite.
A world governing power.
All eyes will be on Israel.
All nations will turn against Israel.
^When you see these things come to pass, Christ's hand is on the door. Here's more of what to expect:

Israel will be invaded by Russia and their Arab allies for spoils. The countries are named so we don't have to guess ahead of time who they are.
Beheadings will be on the rise.
Israel will have a choice, Samson them all, or a forced peace treaty giving away Israel land. They'll sign.
For 7 years radio active material will be flagged in Israel, not to be touched but reported, so protected personnel can dispatch it.
Nukes will make our water undrinkable, food inedible. Radiation penetrating the wood used for fires, and food.
Meteor strikes, nuke winter, sun blocked out. earth tilted on it axis. If you really care about this earth, reign in the politicians. Composting isn't going to cut it. Very few humans live through this next war. All life would perish if left up to us, and God is going to leave it up to us until the last minute.

When we remove Him, we remove His restraint. It goes with Him.
We are about to enter into a world war. We are vying for position right now.
The Bible tells us more about this time, the time after Israel becomes a Nation, than any other time in the history of mankind. We need to start listening. We are living prophesy and ignoring the warnings.

I am aware of what the Bible says and it was wrote by men, some were in my opinion on meds, senile or on mushrooms , and I say de nuke every country , starting with Israel.
Funny that everything you said is prophesied. The Bible is to be taken literally, otherwise it would be nothing more than human understanding through every individual's imaginings. When you read, "I am the way....." take it literally. It means what it says.

The Bible does indeed include prophesy. Over 1/4 of the book is prophesy and the future was predicted over 10,000 times.
Christ death on the cross was prophesied a thousand years before the Assyrians and Persians started using the method to execute people.

What I want is peace on earth. Until Christ returns to defend Israel against the invading armies, nukes will be going off like cherry bombs. Our Muslim president almost insists on letting Iran become a Nuclear powerhouse. He has removed leaders that had a truce with Israel. He has retuned the terrorists to their homes to plot and plan against us and Israel again.

Some things the Bible says will happen during the end times:

Israel will become a Nation in a day.
They'll speak Hebrew again.
They'll be surrounded by enemies sworn to annihilate them for good.
Europe will unite.
A world governing power.
All eyes will be on Israel.
All nations will turn against Israel.
^When you see these things come to pass, Christ's hand is on the door. Here's more of what to expect:

Israel will be invaded by Russia and their Arab allies for spoils. The countries are named so we don't have to guess ahead of time who they are.
Beheadings will be on the rise.
Israel will have a choice, Samson them all, or a forced peace treaty giving away Israel land. They'll sign.
For 7 years radio active material will be flagged in Israel, not to be touched but reported, so protected personnel can dispatch it.
Nukes will make our water undrinkable, food inedible. Radiation penetrating the wood used for fires, and food.
Meteor strikes, nuke winter, sun blocked out. earth tilted on it axis. If you really care about this earth, reign in the politicians. Composting isn't going to cut it. Very few humans live through this next war. All life would perish if left up to us, and God is going to leave it up to us until the last minute.

When we remove Him, we remove His restraint. It goes with Him.
We are about to enter into a world war. We are vying for position right now.
The Bible tells us more about this time, the time after Israel becomes a Nation, than any other time in the history of mankind. We need to start listening. We are living prophesy and ignoring the warnings.

I am aware of what the Bible says and it was wrote by men, some were in my opinion on meds, senile or on mushrooms , and I say de nuke every country , starting with Israel.

the Bible was written by God via the Holy Spirit. The Bible is 100% truth.
the Bible was written by God via the Holy Spirit. The Bible is 100% truth.
the only script written by the Almighty were on stone tablets that are destroyed ... and so only a myth exists as the abrahamic bibles.


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