Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

Most of them didn’t want it in the first place.
So? they want to scam the system & you think that is ok.

Or pay as needed.

I’ve payed tens of thousands of dollars into “the system” over the last 40 years. My total medical bills are less than $1000, most didn’t even get to the deductible level. I think my insurance covered $20.00 total.

Until you get that cancer diagnosis and only pay the deductible rather than the hundreds of thousands for your treatment. The healthy pay for the sick, dope.
How have you been paying for insurance for forty years and still don't understand it's purpose?
I can remember when Obamas regulations hit hospitals across the country. Not only did it cost many people their jobs, it hurt the care patients were getting.

Obamacare was the black tornado that not only ripped millions away from their jobs, it prevented millions of working Americans from being able to provide healthcare for their families.
Since I'm sure you never went beyond junior high......
Read Rousseau's The Social Contract....The founding fathers did.
Looks like I have to type even slower. Please try to explain why the comparison between car insurance and health insurance is valid, given the explanation I gave you. I'll even help you see more clearly the corner you're in by explaining that you're forced to buy car insurance, not because you can get your car replaced, but because you need to be able to replace the other guy's car when you run into it. You don't buy health insurance to pay the other guy's bills when you make him sick. Now, please do try.

Maybe I better type slower than you because most of your statement is dead wrong, better do a little more research.
Into what areas? Am I wrong when I say that you're forced to buy car insurance (liability) so you can replace the other guy's car? Am I wrong when I say that buying health insurance is something you do to cover your medical bills, not for liability to another person for harm you cause him?

Be specific.

If you only paid premiums to cover your own health care your premiums would be a whole hell of alot higher than you can imagine. You pay into a pool.
What? lol

My healthcare ins costs me ~$250/month, that includes full dental. My deductible is $250.

How can anyone think Obamacare is good for anyone?
Get ready for triple the premiums with a five thousand dollar deductible.

Then see how good Obamacare was.
What I find really sad is the US people are stilling being bought by the rich and they're accepting their slave status.

Isn't it time the people took control of government with Proportional Representation?

In answer to your question, I'm undecided. I've thought about it, in terms of why do we need elections? We have juries which at times decide life and death matters. Also consider the draft, how our citizen soldiers came through in the big ones we really needed to win. So why not have random selection of the folks we send to Washington?

Trouble I have with that notion, and why I am undecided, is that I'm afraid under such an approach corporations with their lobbyist will have an even greater influence especially in technical matters.

I'd say that government is like a big corporation. You want the best people to be doing the job. The problem is the "job" is to play partisan politics at the moment, if you stop that you might actually start getting people who are capable of doing the job.

The electoral system is important because it basically decides who will rise to the top. In the US it's people like Trump. In Germany it's someone like Merkel, who is exceedingly competent at her job.

However I'm all for having the presidency split up into various parts with different people running on the agenda for that position, or a Swiss style system of competent politicians being put into an executive post, though it would have to be different from the way the Supreme Court works.
How do you "pay" for tax cuts?

Middle class tax cuts.....................TEMPORARY
Conglomerates' tax cuts................PERMANENT

The former WILL have to pay for the latter unless more debt (than the already proposed $1.5 TRILLION) is incurred.

Get a grown up to explain the above to you.
/——/ As it has been proven countless times over the decades, corporations don’t pay taxes. THey pass them along to the consumer and quite frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is.

So we should expect a sharp drop in prices then?
I can remember when Obamas regulations hit hospitals across the country. Not only did it cost many people their jobs, it hurt the care patients were getting.

Obamacare was the black tornado that not only ripped millions away from their jobs, it prevented millions of working Americans from being able to provide healthcare for their families.
Looks like I have to type even slower. Please try to explain why the comparison between car insurance and health insurance is valid, given the explanation I gave you. I'll even help you see more clearly the corner you're in by explaining that you're forced to buy car insurance, not because you can get your car replaced, but because you need to be able to replace the other guy's car when you run into it. You don't buy health insurance to pay the other guy's bills when you make him sick. Now, please do try.

Maybe I better type slower than you because most of your statement is dead wrong, better do a little more research.
Into what areas? Am I wrong when I say that you're forced to buy car insurance (liability) so you can replace the other guy's car? Am I wrong when I say that buying health insurance is something you do to cover your medical bills, not for liability to another person for harm you cause him?

Be specific.

If you only paid premiums to cover your own health care your premiums would be a whole hell of alot higher than you can imagine. You pay into a pool.
What? lol

My healthcare ins costs me ~$250/month, that includes full dental. My deductible is $250.

How can anyone think Obamacare is good for anyone?
Get ready for triple the premiums with a five thousand dollar deductible.

Then see how good Obamacare was.
That’s exactly what Obamacare did. It’s one of the many reasons why it was a total failure.

When are you retards going to wake up?
How do you "pay" for tax cuts?

Middle class tax cuts.....................TEMPORARY
Conglomerates' tax cuts................PERMANENT

The former WILL have to pay for the latter unless more debt (than the already proposed $1.5 TRILLION) is incurred.

Get a grown up to explain the above to you.
/——/ As it has been proven countless times over the decades, corporations don’t pay taxes. THey pass them along to the consumer and quite frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is.

So we should expect a sharp drop in prices then?
/——/ On some cases yes, in others more R&D for new products and still others will hire more workers, open a new factory and buy new machinery. But we’ll ask one corporation to buy a new Gulfstream just for the heck of it to pizz you off.
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,
No one is ending health insurance. The mandate and the tax penalty were done away with that is all.

So those estimated 13 million will be choosing not to buy health insurance no one is taking it away from them.

The more relevant question is why do you oppose people making their own choices?

No, dope.

Eliminating the mandate shrinks the risk pool. The younger and healthier will drop out. The cost for those left will rise sharply.
Premiums will rise to the point where many will be priced out altogether.
So less stealing from Peter to pay Paul. I don't see the issue here.

Just wait for the bodies to pile up.....

Of course, because we all know prior to 2011 bodies were lining the streets all over the country.

You people lie through your teeth so much that I don't think you can even tell the difference anymore between the truth and your delusions.

Of course, because we all know prior to 2011 bodies were lining the streets all over the country.

No, but premiums were rising annually at a much larger rate than now.
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,
No one is ending health insurance. The mandate and the tax penalty were done away with that is all.

So those estimated 13 million will be choosing not to buy health insurance no one is taking it away from them.

The more relevant question is why do you oppose people making their own choices?

No, dope.

Eliminating the mandate shrinks the risk pool. The younger and healthier will drop out. The cost for those left will rise sharply.
Premiums will rise to the point where many will be priced out altogether.
/——/ we’ve had Obozocare for 7 years and it’s a proven failure but you libtards want to double down on it.
It’s no secret that democrats are lazy. Instead of working to solve a problem/issue, they simply throw $ at it and hope it goes away.

Since I know you can't comprehend this, ask a grown up for help

Obamacare helped those in deep-red states: Study - Washington Times

Trump cuts to ObamaCare outreach to hit red states most | TheHill

Trump's decision to end Obamacare subsides will most affect states he ...
See what I mean about being lazy? lol

I’m not interested in reading the BS that fuels your ignorance.

I didn't read those links either but I can tell you for a fact in heavy Republican areas over 80% of them receive a subsidy to help pay their premiums.
Are you getting subsidies while living in a pro-republican area?

I'm over 65 so no but 90% of clients that are republican and voted for trump are.
What clients are you talking about?
I should also mention that I just started a 4 day weekend without the GF. That’ll give me a little extra time with debbiedowner and others struggling with seeing this country being made great again. :)
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Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.
Thats not ending it dumbfuck... Good gawd
That is giving people a choice instead of forcing them to buy a for-profit product.
Like car insurance?
If I don't own a car, I don't have to buy car insurance so the guy down the street can get a discount. Bad comparison there.

You don't have to go to hospital either. But we know you will.
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,
Take the mandate and shove it up your ass if you like it so much... it is absolutely unconstitutional.
Forcing people to pay for other people shit is a cowardly thing to do you motherfucker LOL
How do you "pay" for tax cuts?

Middle class tax cuts.....................TEMPORARY
Conglomerates' tax cuts................PERMANENT

The former WILL have to pay for the latter unless more debt (than the already proposed $1.5 TRILLION) is incurred.

Get a grown up to explain the above to you.
/——/ As it has been proven countless times over the decades, corporations don’t pay taxes. THey pass them along to the consumer and quite frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is.

So we should expect a sharp drop in prices then?
/——/ On some cases yes, in others more R&D for new products and still others will hire more workers, open a new factory and buy new machinery. But we’ll ask one corporation to buy a new Gulfstream just for the heck of it to pizz you off.

There is no benefit that will be realized by the average consumer.

No one is opening a new factory unless there is demand for those products.
I can remember when Obamas regulations hit hospitals across the country. Not only did it cost many people their jobs, it hurt the care patients were getting.

Obamacare was the black tornado that not only ripped millions away from their jobs, it prevented millions of working Americans from being able to provide healthcare for their families.
Looks like I have to type even slower. Please try to explain why the comparison between car insurance and health insurance is valid, given the explanation I gave you. I'll even help you see more clearly the corner you're in by explaining that you're forced to buy car insurance, not because you can get your car replaced, but because you need to be able to replace the other guy's car when you run into it. You don't buy health insurance to pay the other guy's bills when you make him sick. Now, please do try.

Maybe I better type slower than you because most of your statement is dead wrong, better do a little more research.
Into what areas? Am I wrong when I say that you're forced to buy car insurance (liability) so you can replace the other guy's car? Am I wrong when I say that buying health insurance is something you do to cover your medical bills, not for liability to another person for harm you cause him?

Be specific.

If you only paid premiums to cover your own health care your premiums would be a whole hell of alot higher than you can imagine. You pay into a pool.
That's neither specific nor related to my point. Nor does it show what I wrote to be, as you say, "dead wrong". Thus, I'm afraid I'll have to give your response a failing grade.
Fug you...I like what he said...and you should too if you had any sense.

It's irrelevant whether you like it or not.
Subsidies paid for by taxpayers arent your expense? Idiot.
I'd rather pay $10k for a subsidy that $400k for the care. Dumbass

Where do you figure you are paying the $400k?

Do you own a hospital?

So, Mr Business expret, you think the hospital does not recover that through their pricing & then we get higher premiums? My God.

Are you saying it trickles down?

It's a private system so my cost can't affect you.

Who pays when someone without insurance shows up in the ER?

The patient gets billed.
In my employer provided health insurance plan, we all pay exactly the same amount for coverage. Why do some Obamacare participants pay only a fraction while other Obamacare participants are forced to overpay? I think we all know why. :eusa_hand:
You don't have to go to hospital either. But we know you will.

Well, if this nitwit gets in an accident in the middle of the street, he has tattooed on his forehead, :DO NOT TAKE ME TO A HOSPITAL" ....and in smaller letters on his ass, "I want to be part of the pavement forever"

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