Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

I can remember when Obamas regulations hit hospitals across the country. Not only did it cost many people their jobs, it hurt the care patients were getting.

Obamacare was the black tornado that not only ripped millions away from their jobs, it prevented millions of working Americans from being able to provide healthcare for their families.
Looks like I have to type even slower. Please try to explain why the comparison between car insurance and health insurance is valid, given the explanation I gave you. I'll even help you see more clearly the corner you're in by explaining that you're forced to buy car insurance, not because you can get your car replaced, but because you need to be able to replace the other guy's car when you run into it. You don't buy health insurance to pay the other guy's bills when you make him sick. Now, please do try.

Maybe I better type slower than you because most of your statement is dead wrong, better do a little more research.
Into what areas? Am I wrong when I say that you're forced to buy car insurance (liability) so you can replace the other guy's car? Am I wrong when I say that buying health insurance is something you do to cover your medical bills, not for liability to another person for harm you cause him?

Be specific.

If you only paid premiums to cover your own health care your premiums would be a whole hell of alot higher than you can imagine. You pay into a pool.
That's neither specific nor related to my point. Nor does it show what I wrote to be, as you say, "dead wrong". Thus, I'm afraid I'll have to give your response a failing grade.

Well maybe I can't read, but I thought you specifically said that people pay their premiums to only cover themselves. I guess you can intrepret anyway you want it but health insurance is a risk pool. Assuming you are healthy paying premiums for 20 years and using it here and there for a few doctor visits do you think they have your money set aside drawing interest just for you? Nope they have been using your money for others.

I see what you're saying, but I was addressing the differences between car insurance and health insurance, specifically the way they are compared to justify forcing people to buy the latter. They don't really relate.
No one is opening a new factory unless there is demand for those products.

...and unless that "factory: is making stuff just for the rich...and since the middle class is getting PEANUTS......demand will NOT rise for common goods and services......Its really THAT simple, but the con jobbers in congress have managed to bullshit their party morons to believe otherwise.
If you only paid premiums to cover your own health care your premiums would be a whole hell of alot higher than you can imagine. You pay into a pool.
That's neither specific nor related to my point. Nor does it show what I wrote to be, as you say, "dead wrong". Thus, I'm afraid I'll have to give your response a failing grade.
Fug you...I like what he said...and you should too if you had any sense.

It's irrelevant whether you like it or not.

It is when you fire up that other brain cell and realize i'm speaking in solidarity with millions.
If you only paid premiums to cover your own health care your premiums would be a whole hell of alot higher than you can imagine. You pay into a pool.
That's neither specific nor related to my point. Nor does it show what I wrote to be, as you say, "dead wrong". Thus, I'm afraid I'll have to give your response a failing grade.
Fug you...I like what he said...and you should too if you had any sense.

It's irrelevant whether you like it or not.

It is when you fire up that other brain cell and realize i'm speaking in solidarity with millions.
Forcing people to pay for other peoples shit is unconstitutional, shove your fucking mandate up your ass if you like it so much
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.
Thats not ending it dumbfuck... Good gawd
That is giving people a choice instead of forcing them to buy a for-profit product.
Like car insurance?
If I don't own a car, I don't have to buy car insurance so the guy down the street can get a discount. Bad comparison there.

You don't have to go to hospital either. But we know you will.

Been there, done that. I also own and insure a car. I also own a house and buy food and clothes. These are good things, but simply being good things doesn't justify them being required under the force of law.
No one is opening a new factory unless there is demand for those products.

...and unless that "factory: is making stuff just for the rich...and since the middle class is getting PEANUTS......demand will NOT rise for common goods and services......Its really THAT simple, but the con jobbers in congress have managed to bullshit their party morons to believe otherwise.
WTF is wrong with you? Obamacare started failing long before Trump was elected. lol
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,
No one is ending health insurance. The mandate and the tax penalty were done away with that is all.

So those estimated 13 million will be choosing not to buy health insurance no one is taking it away from them.

The more relevant question is why do you oppose people making their own choices?

No, dope.

Eliminating the mandate shrinks the risk pool. The younger and healthier will drop out. The cost for those left will rise sharply.
Premiums will rise to the point where many will be priced out altogether.
/——/ we’ve had Obozocare for 7 years and it’s a proven failure but you libtards want to double down on it.

No you haven't, the law may have been signed in 2010 but it was not implemented then.
In my employer provided health insurance plan, we all pay exactly the same amount for coverage. Why do some Obamacare participants pay only a fraction while other Obamacare participants are forced to overpay? I think we all know why. :eusa_hand:

In the individual market no one has ever paid the same amount unless they were the same age and sex and no health problems and in the same county in the same state same and tobacco usage. Oh same sex. A female always paid higher than a male her same age.
If you only paid premiums to cover your own health care your premiums would be a whole hell of alot higher than you can imagine. You pay into a pool.
That's neither specific nor related to my point. Nor does it show what I wrote to be, as you say, "dead wrong". Thus, I'm afraid I'll have to give your response a failing grade.
Fug you...I like what he said...and you should too if you had any sense.

It's irrelevant whether you like it or not.

It is when you fire up that other brain cell and realize i'm speaking in solidarity with millions.
Forcing people to pay for other peoples shit is unconstitutional, shove your fucking mandate up your ass if you like it so much
You're probably too dumb to realize you just agreed with me. Forcing people to pay for some freeloader who gets cancer, gets in a serious accident or gets his ass whipped in a bar is unconstitutional Thats why Obama mandated that every one buy insurance to relieve the cost of emergency room visits for injured or potentially injured freeloaders from the backs of tax payers. The alternative is to stop government funded compensation to hospitals who treat people who don't have insurance. Let's see how generous the hospitals will be then.... get out the body bags...
I can remember when Obamas regulations hit hospitals across the country. Not only did it cost many people their jobs, it hurt the care patients were getting.

Obamacare was the black tornado that not only ripped millions away from their jobs, it prevented millions of working Americans from being able to provide healthcare for their families.
Maybe I better type slower than you because most of your statement is dead wrong, better do a little more research.
Into what areas? Am I wrong when I say that you're forced to buy car insurance (liability) so you can replace the other guy's car? Am I wrong when I say that buying health insurance is something you do to cover your medical bills, not for liability to another person for harm you cause him?

Be specific.

If you only paid premiums to cover your own health care your premiums would be a whole hell of alot higher than you can imagine. You pay into a pool.
That's neither specific nor related to my point. Nor does it show what I wrote to be, as you say, "dead wrong". Thus, I'm afraid I'll have to give your response a failing grade.

Well maybe I can't read, but I thought you specifically said that people pay their premiums to only cover themselves. I guess you can intrepret anyway you want it but health insurance is a risk pool. Assuming you are healthy paying premiums for 20 years and using it here and there for a few doctor visits do you think they have your money set aside drawing interest just for you? Nope they have been using your money for others.

I see what you're saying, but I was addressing the differences between car insurance and health insurance, specifically the way they are compared to justify forcing people to buy the latter. They don't really relate.
You analogy is wrong. Here is a better comparison: An uninsured motorist runs into a tree. His car is destroyed and he is severely injured but also has no health insurance. Now here comes the analogy.... The tax payer is forced to fix his car and to pay for his hospital bills....NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND,,,?IDIOT!
So less stealing from Peter to pay Paul. I don't see the issue here.

Just wait for the bodies to pile up.....

Of course, because we all know prior to 2011 bodies were lining the streets all over the country.

You people lie through your teeth so much that I don't think you can even tell the difference anymore between the truth and your delusions.

Of course, because we all know prior to 2011 bodies were lining the streets all over the country.

No, but premiums were rising annually at a much larger rate than now.

In many places they are rising at a larger rate, but they are not supposed to be rising at all anymore. The average family was supposed to see a $2500 annual savings
I can remember when Obamas regulations hit hospitals across the country. Not only did it cost many people their jobs, it hurt the care patients were getting.

Obamacare was the black tornado that not only ripped millions away from their jobs, it prevented millions of working Americans from being able to provide healthcare for their families.
Into what areas? Am I wrong when I say that you're forced to buy car insurance (liability) so you can replace the other guy's car? Am I wrong when I say that buying health insurance is something you do to cover your medical bills, not for liability to another person for harm you cause him?

Be specific.

If you only paid premiums to cover your own health care your premiums would be a whole hell of alot higher than you can imagine. You pay into a pool.
That's neither specific nor related to my point. Nor does it show what I wrote to be, as you say, "dead wrong". Thus, I'm afraid I'll have to give your response a failing grade.

Well maybe I can't read, but I thought you specifically said that people pay their premiums to only cover themselves. I guess you can intrepret anyway you want it but health insurance is a risk pool. Assuming you are healthy paying premiums for 20 years and using it here and there for a few doctor visits do you think they have your money set aside drawing interest just for you? Nope they have been using your money for others.

I see what you're saying, but I was addressing the differences between car insurance and health insurance, specifically the way they are compared to justify forcing people to buy the latter. They don't really relate.
You analogy is wrong. Here is a better comparison: An uninsured motorist runs into a tree. His car is destroyed and he is severely injured but also has no health insurance. Now here comes the analogy.... The tax payer is forced to fix his car and to pay for his hospital bills....NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND,,,?IDIOT!

I'd better clarify that last statement before the rigor mortis brigade jumps in. In reality, car insurance is a mandate for those who drive on public streets. Some people drive without it and sometime they get involved in serious accidents or are stopped during routine traffic stops and end up paying hefty fines because of it. Pedestrians do not have to buy auto insurance if they never drive. But everyone has the potential of having some medical catastrophe sooner or later.
Multiply that number by hundreds of thousands daily and the cost to the taxpayer is significant. The question is whether or not the cost of subsidies for the poor outweighs the cost of all those uninsured EM visits.
That's neither specific nor related to my point. Nor does it show what I wrote to be, as you say, "dead wrong". Thus, I'm afraid I'll have to give your response a failing grade.
Fug you...I like what he said...and you should too if you had any sense.

It's irrelevant whether you like it or not.

It is when you fire up that other brain cell and realize i'm speaking in solidarity with millions.
Forcing people to pay for other peoples shit is unconstitutional, shove your fucking mandate up your ass if you like it so much
You're probably too dumb to realize you just agreed with me. Forcing people to pay for some freeloader who gets cancer, gets in a serious accident or gets his ass whipped in a bar is unconstitutional Thats why Obama mandated that every one buy insurance to relieve the cost of emergency room visits for injured or potentially injured freeloaders from the backs of tax payers. The alternative is to stop government funded compensation to hospitals who treat people who don't have insurance. Let's see how generous the hospitals will be then.... get out the body bags...
Na, Insurance is not healthcare, and no one should be forced to pay for other people shit
Fug you...I like what he said...and you should too if you had any sense.

It's irrelevant whether you like it or not.

It is when you fire up that other brain cell and realize i'm speaking in solidarity with millions.
Forcing people to pay for other peoples shit is unconstitutional, shove your fucking mandate up your ass if you like it so much
You're probably too dumb to realize you just agreed with me. Forcing people to pay for some freeloader who gets cancer, gets in a serious accident or gets his ass whipped in a bar is unconstitutional Thats why Obama mandated that every one buy insurance to relieve the cost of emergency room visits for injured or potentially injured freeloaders from the backs of tax payers. The alternative is to stop government funded compensation to hospitals who treat people who don't have insurance. Let's see how generous the hospitals will be then.... get out the body bags...
Na, Insurance is not healthcare, and no one should be forced to pay for other people shit
Who said Insurance is healthcare? Are you stupid or something? And I was right when I said you'd be too dumb to understand that every time an uninsured person goes to he emergency room you're paying for their "shit." If you won't acknowledge that, I see no need to engage you further.
The wealthy that dared outsource our fucking industry to effin China that we just had a election on. WTF is trump doing to stop this? Oh'eysss, he's sucking rich mans dick and patting them on the back. Hows that for content asshole!

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