Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

Yes, they do, if they add to the debt.
The only things that adds to the debt are spending and borrowing
Spend and finance is all the right wing knows how to do.

Yes, cutting taxes without a balanced budget merely adds to the debt. We don't have budget surpluses.

No spending more than you receive in revenue causes deficits, borrowing to cover those deficits causes debt

These are basic definitions you best learn them
Dear, cutting taxes means cutting revenue.

So what?

Tax cuts do not cost anything.

If you knew how to balance your own checkbook instead of having Mommy do it you would know that what you spend causes your checks to bounce not what you earn. But then again you would also have to get a job.
The impact of tax cuts on government revenue depends on whose tax you're cutting.
If cutting taxes worked, we would have no debt.
You have no debt if you balanced spending and revenue so figure what has to change

We had a balanced budget after 8 years of a Democrat President.

What the fuck happened? In came your buddy Bush who cut taxes several times & led us down the path to huge deficits & the worse recession in 80 fucking yeas.,

You assholes have some serve talking like you want a balanced budget. I have news, borrowing a trillion dollars so the Trump's of the world can get a tax cuts worth millions of dollars is just assinine.

Who cuts taxes when the economy has been growing for years?

We had a balanced budget after 8 years of a Democrat President.

Internet bubbles are cool!!!

Who cuts taxes when the economy has been growing for years?

Democrats never cut taxes.

How do you pay off the national debt or reduce the deficit if you cut taxes, build a wall, and fight wars against Arabs and North Korea?
Less unemployment checks with more people paying in. It’s simple
No, it isn't. Why do you believe we have Any debt.
Spend and finance is all the right wing knows how to do.

Yes, cutting taxes without a balanced budget merely adds to the debt. We don't have budget surpluses.

No spending more than you receive in revenue causes deficits, borrowing to cover those deficits causes debt

These are basic definitions you best learn them
Dear, cutting taxes means cutting revenue.

So what?

Tax cuts do not cost anything.

If you knew how to balance your own checkbook instead of having Mommy do it you would know that what you spend causes your checks to bounce not what you earn. But then again you would also have to get a job.
They cost if they are financed through deficit spending as more debt for the People.

How socialist of the right wing.

No they don't.

Spending and only spending is what incurs costs

Like I said move out of Mama's house, get a job and learn how to handle your own money and it will become obvious to you that spending causes deficits
Reducing income does not help any spending budget.

Why does the right wing believe it will work now?
Yes, they do, if they add to the debt.
The only things that adds to the debt are spending and borrowing
But if you cut back on tax revenue with tax cuts , paying bills already due becomes problematic .The deficit increases because you have more money going out than you were feceiving before huge tax cuts.
That still doesn't change the fact that tax cuts do not cost anything.

Spending in excess of revenue causes deficits. Borrowing to cover deficits causes debt

These are the most fundamental definitions and are really not that hard to understand.
Yes, they do. That revenue is being replaced with debt.

It is simple income redistribution.
You're dumber than a bag of rocks

It is spending and only spending that causes deficits. it is borrowing and only borrowing that causes debt
Deficit spending incurs debt.

Only the disingenuous right wing, never gets it.
It is simple income redistribution. The right wing only complain when the poor may benefit.
Why should the poor benefit? They don’t pay into it
The poor simply circulating capital engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

All the right wing has, is hate on the poor.
The poor spend ever cent they get as fast as they get it and borrow more because they need it to live on. The wealthy on the other hand spend a relatively small percent of their income. For example, Warren Buffet makes about 37 million dollars a day. His personal expenses are about $400 a day. What does he do with the rest of his money? He gives it away, and invests it, about half in the US and half overseas.

Putting money in the hands of the poor has a much greater effect on consumer spending than giving it to the rich. It's true that tax breaks for the wealth may end up building new factories and stores thus creating jobs. However it is also true that much of that money today is used to retire debt, buy back stock, invest overseas, and collect interest in high yield money markets and treasury bills.
Too funny, 400 a day vs 400 a month and the poor spend more. Can’t make this shit up
No, the point is the poor spend all their income while the very rich spend very little relative to what they earn. Buffett resides in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska, that he bought in 1958 for $31,500 and drives a 7 year old car. He is well known for his simple tastes, including McDonald's hamburgers and cherry Coke, and his disdain for technology, including computers and luxury cars. Bill Gates while not as frugal as Buffett, spends only a small fraction of his 34 million dollars a day earnings.
well Duh, how fking stupid is that? Who spends more and actually pay taxes and whose money covers the poor household? Why don't you fight like us to get the poor to work and earn money rather than take it free.
The only things that adds to the debt are spending and borrowing
Spend and finance is all the right wing knows how to do.

Yes, cutting taxes without a balanced budget merely adds to the debt. We don't have budget surpluses.

No spending more than you receive in revenue causes deficits, borrowing to cover those deficits causes debt

These are basic definitions you best learn them
Dear, cutting taxes means cutting revenue.

So what?

Tax cuts do not cost anything.

If you knew how to balance your own checkbook instead of having Mommy do it you would know that what you spend causes your checks to bounce not what you earn. But then again you would also have to get a job.
The impact of tax cuts on government revenue depends on whose tax you're cutting.
how you figure? stop spending.

BTW, the poor don't pay taxes, so they have a 100% freebie going on. how do you cut that? you fks are truly stupid.
Why should the poor benefit? They don’t pay into it
The poor simply circulating capital engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

All the right wing has, is hate on the poor.
The poor spend ever cent they get as fast as they get it and borrow more because they need it to live on. The wealthy on the other hand spend a relatively small percent of their income. For example, Warren Buffet makes about 37 million dollars a day. His personal expenses are about $400 a day. What does he do with the rest of his money? He gives it away, and invests it, about half in the US and half overseas.

Putting money in the hands of the poor has a much greater effect on consumer spending than giving it to the rich. It's true that tax breaks for the wealth may end up building new factories and stores thus creating jobs. However it is also true that much of that money today is used to retire debt, buy back stock, invest overseas, and collect interest in high yield money markets and treasury bills.
Too funny, 400 a day vs 400 a month and the poor spend more. Can’t make this shit up
No, the point is the poor spend all their income while the very rich spend very little relative to what they earn. Buffett resides in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska, that he bought in 1958 for $31,500 and drives a 7 year old car. He is well known for his simple tastes, including McDonald's hamburgers and cherry Coke, and his disdain for technology, including computers and luxury cars. Bill Gates while not as frugal as Buffett, spends only a small fraction of his 34 million dollars a day earnings.
well Duh, how fking stupid is that? Who spends more and actually pay taxes and whose money covers the poor household? Why don't you fight like us to get the poor to work and earn money rather than take it free.
What you seem to be forgetting is poor families do work. The majority of those on food stamps, TANF, housing assistance, and child care are employed. The problem is they simply do not make enough money to exceed the poverty level.
The only things that adds to the debt are spending and borrowing
But if you cut back on tax revenue with tax cuts , paying bills already due becomes problematic .The deficit increases because you have more money going out than you were feceiving before huge tax cuts.
That still doesn't change the fact that tax cuts do not cost anything.

Spending in excess of revenue causes deficits. Borrowing to cover deficits causes debt

These are the most fundamental definitions and are really not that hard to understand.
Yes, they do. That revenue is being replaced with debt.

It is simple income redistribution.
You're dumber than a bag of rocks

It is spending and only spending that causes deficits. it is borrowing and only borrowing that causes debt
Deficit spending incurs debt.

Only the disingenuous right wing, never gets it.
only the left keep spending when they don't have money to spend.
The poor simply circulating capital engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

All the right wing has, is hate on the poor.
The poor spend ever cent they get as fast as they get it and borrow more because they need it to live on. The wealthy on the other hand spend a relatively small percent of their income. For example, Warren Buffet makes about 37 million dollars a day. His personal expenses are about $400 a day. What does he do with the rest of his money? He gives it away, and invests it, about half in the US and half overseas.

Putting money in the hands of the poor has a much greater effect on consumer spending than giving it to the rich. It's true that tax breaks for the wealth may end up building new factories and stores thus creating jobs. However it is also true that much of that money today is used to retire debt, buy back stock, invest overseas, and collect interest in high yield money markets and treasury bills.
Too funny, 400 a day vs 400 a month and the poor spend more. Can’t make this shit up
No, the point is the poor spend all their income while the very rich spend very little relative to what they earn. Buffett resides in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska, that he bought in 1958 for $31,500 and drives a 7 year old car. He is well known for his simple tastes, including McDonald's hamburgers and cherry Coke, and his disdain for technology, including computers and luxury cars. Bill Gates while not as frugal as Buffett, spends only a small fraction of his 34 million dollars a day earnings.
well Duh, how fking stupid is that? Who spends more and actually pay taxes and whose money covers the poor household? Why don't you fight like us to get the poor to work and earn money rather than take it free.
What you seem to be forgetting is poor families do work. The majority of those on food stamps, TANF, housing assistance, and child care are employed. The problem is they simply do not make enough money to exceed the poverty level.
what is food stamps? oh, it's a freebie. Do they pay into the tax system revenue. NO!! how do you cut nothing? zero is zero.
Where in the Constitution does it say that the Government has the right to force it citizens to pay for other people's Health Care.
The poor spend ever cent they get as fast as they get it and borrow more because they need it to live on. The wealthy on the other hand spend a relatively small percent of their income. For example, Warren Buffet makes about 37 million dollars a day. His personal expenses are about $400 a day. What does he do with the rest of his money? He gives it away, and invests it, about half in the US and half overseas.

Putting money in the hands of the poor has a much greater effect on consumer spending than giving it to the rich. It's true that tax breaks for the wealth may end up building new factories and stores thus creating jobs. However it is also true that much of that money today is used to retire debt, buy back stock, invest overseas, and collect interest in high yield money markets and treasury bills.
Too funny, 400 a day vs 400 a month and the poor spend more. Can’t make this shit up
No, the point is the poor spend all their income while the very rich spend very little relative to what they earn. Buffett resides in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska, that he bought in 1958 for $31,500 and drives a 7 year old car. He is well known for his simple tastes, including McDonald's hamburgers and cherry Coke, and his disdain for technology, including computers and luxury cars. Bill Gates while not as frugal as Buffett, spends only a small fraction of his 34 million dollars a day earnings.
well Duh, how fking stupid is that? Who spends more and actually pay taxes and whose money covers the poor household? Why don't you fight like us to get the poor to work and earn money rather than take it free.
What you seem to be forgetting is poor families do work. The majority of those on food stamps, TANF, housing assistance, and child care are employed. The problem is they simply do not make enough money to exceed the poverty level.
what is food stamps? oh, it's a freebie. Do they pay into the tax system revenue. NO!! how do you cut nothing? zero is zero.
Too funny, 400 a day vs 400 a month and the poor spend more. Can’t make this shit up
No, the point is the poor spend all their income while the very rich spend very little relative to what they earn. Buffett resides in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska, that he bought in 1958 for $31,500 and drives a 7 year old car. He is well known for his simple tastes, including McDonald's hamburgers and cherry Coke, and his disdain for technology, including computers and luxury cars. Bill Gates while not as frugal as Buffett, spends only a small fraction of his 34 million dollars a day earnings.
well Duh, how fking stupid is that? Who spends more and actually pay taxes and whose money covers the poor household? Why don't you fight like us to get the poor to work and earn money rather than take it free.
What you seem to be forgetting is poor families do work. The majority of those on food stamps, TANF, housing assistance, and child care are employed. The problem is they simply do not make enough money to exceed the poverty level.
what is food stamps? oh, it's a freebie. Do they pay into the tax system revenue. NO!! how do you cut nothing? zero is zero.
Yes you are
Why should the poor benefit? They don’t pay into it
The poor simply circulating capital engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

All the right wing has, is hate on the poor.
The poor spend ever cent they get as fast as they get it and borrow more because they need it to live on. The wealthy on the other hand spend a relatively small percent of their income. For example, Warren Buffet makes about 37 million dollars a day. His personal expenses are about $400 a day. What does he do with the rest of his money? He gives it away, and invests it, about half in the US and half overseas.

Putting money in the hands of the poor has a much greater effect on consumer spending than giving it to the rich. It's true that tax breaks for the wealth may end up building new factories and stores thus creating jobs. However it is also true that much of that money today is used to retire debt, buy back stock, invest overseas, and collect interest in high yield money markets and treasury bills.
Too funny, 400 a day vs 400 a month and the poor spend more. Can’t make this shit up
No, the point is the poor spend all their income while the very rich spend very little relative to what they earn. Buffett resides in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska, that he bought in 1958 for $31,500 and drives a 7 year old car. He is well known for his simple tastes, including McDonald's hamburgers and cherry Coke, and his disdain for technology, including computers and luxury cars. Bill Gates while not as frugal as Buffett, spends only a small fraction of his 34 million dollars a day earnings.
well Duh, how fking stupid is that? Who spends more and actually pay taxes and whose money covers the poor household? Why don't you fight like us to get the poor to work and earn money rather than take it free.
Like health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage?
But if you cut back on tax revenue with tax cuts , paying bills already due becomes problematic .The deficit increases because you have more money going out than you were feceiving before huge tax cuts.
That still doesn't change the fact that tax cuts do not cost anything.

Spending in excess of revenue causes deficits. Borrowing to cover deficits causes debt

These are the most fundamental definitions and are really not that hard to understand.
Yes, they do. That revenue is being replaced with debt.

It is simple income redistribution.
You're dumber than a bag of rocks

It is spending and only spending that causes deficits. it is borrowing and only borrowing that causes debt
Deficit spending incurs debt.

Only the disingenuous right wing, never gets it.
only the left keep spending when they don't have money to spend.
All political talk and no political action. End the drug war, right wingers.
The poor simply circulating capital engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

All the right wing has, is hate on the poor.
The poor spend ever cent they get as fast as they get it and borrow more because they need it to live on. The wealthy on the other hand spend a relatively small percent of their income. For example, Warren Buffet makes about 37 million dollars a day. His personal expenses are about $400 a day. What does he do with the rest of his money? He gives it away, and invests it, about half in the US and half overseas.

Putting money in the hands of the poor has a much greater effect on consumer spending than giving it to the rich. It's true that tax breaks for the wealth may end up building new factories and stores thus creating jobs. However it is also true that much of that money today is used to retire debt, buy back stock, invest overseas, and collect interest in high yield money markets and treasury bills.
Too funny, 400 a day vs 400 a month and the poor spend more. Can’t make this shit up
No, the point is the poor spend all their income while the very rich spend very little relative to what they earn. Buffett resides in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska, that he bought in 1958 for $31,500 and drives a 7 year old car. He is well known for his simple tastes, including McDonald's hamburgers and cherry Coke, and his disdain for technology, including computers and luxury cars. Bill Gates while not as frugal as Buffett, spends only a small fraction of his 34 million dollars a day earnings.
well Duh, how fking stupid is that? Who spends more and actually pay taxes and whose money covers the poor household? Why don't you fight like us to get the poor to work and earn money rather than take it free.
Like health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage?
lik school choice get educated get off welfare, buy your own healthcare. Why are reluctant to that end? you afraid to let them work? LOL, how fking white of you.
That still doesn't change the fact that tax cuts do not cost anything.

Spending in excess of revenue causes deficits. Borrowing to cover deficits causes debt

These are the most fundamental definitions and are really not that hard to understand.
Yes, they do. That revenue is being replaced with debt.

It is simple income redistribution.
You're dumber than a bag of rocks

It is spending and only spending that causes deficits. it is borrowing and only borrowing that causes debt
Deficit spending incurs debt.

Only the disingenuous right wing, never gets it.
only the left keep spending when they don't have money to spend.
All political and no political action. End the drug war, right wingers.
only the left keep spending when they don't have money to spend
The poor spend ever cent they get as fast as they get it and borrow more because they need it to live on. The wealthy on the other hand spend a relatively small percent of their income. For example, Warren Buffet makes about 37 million dollars a day. His personal expenses are about $400 a day. What does he do with the rest of his money? He gives it away, and invests it, about half in the US and half overseas.

Putting money in the hands of the poor has a much greater effect on consumer spending than giving it to the rich. It's true that tax breaks for the wealth may end up building new factories and stores thus creating jobs. However it is also true that much of that money today is used to retire debt, buy back stock, invest overseas, and collect interest in high yield money markets and treasury bills.
Too funny, 400 a day vs 400 a month and the poor spend more. Can’t make this shit up
No, the point is the poor spend all their income while the very rich spend very little relative to what they earn. Buffett resides in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska, that he bought in 1958 for $31,500 and drives a 7 year old car. He is well known for his simple tastes, including McDonald's hamburgers and cherry Coke, and his disdain for technology, including computers and luxury cars. Bill Gates while not as frugal as Buffett, spends only a small fraction of his 34 million dollars a day earnings.
well Duh, how fking stupid is that? Who spends more and actually pay taxes and whose money covers the poor household? Why don't you fight like us to get the poor to work and earn money rather than take it free.
What you seem to be forgetting is poor families do work. The majority of those on food stamps, TANF, housing assistance, and child care are employed. The problem is they simply do not make enough money to exceed the poverty level.
what is food stamps? oh, it's a freebie. Do they pay into the tax system revenue. NO!! how do you cut nothing? zero is zero.
Come up with a better solution, right wingers. Don't just whine about it.
Too funny, 400 a day vs 400 a month and the poor spend more. Can’t make this shit up
No, the point is the poor spend all their income while the very rich spend very little relative to what they earn. Buffett resides in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska, that he bought in 1958 for $31,500 and drives a 7 year old car. He is well known for his simple tastes, including McDonald's hamburgers and cherry Coke, and his disdain for technology, including computers and luxury cars. Bill Gates while not as frugal as Buffett, spends only a small fraction of his 34 million dollars a day earnings.
well Duh, how fking stupid is that? Who spends more and actually pay taxes and whose money covers the poor household? Why don't you fight like us to get the poor to work and earn money rather than take it free.
What you seem to be forgetting is poor families do work. The majority of those on food stamps, TANF, housing assistance, and child care are employed. The problem is they simply do not make enough money to exceed the poverty level.
what is food stamps? oh, it's a freebie. Do they pay into the tax system revenue. NO!! how do you cut nothing? zero is zero.
Come up with a better solution, right wingers. Don't just whine about it.
we did in the 90's. Let's pass the tax bill and get that success back. I'm good.
The poor spend ever cent they get as fast as they get it and borrow more because they need it to live on. The wealthy on the other hand spend a relatively small percent of their income. For example, Warren Buffet makes about 37 million dollars a day. His personal expenses are about $400 a day. What does he do with the rest of his money? He gives it away, and invests it, about half in the US and half overseas.

Putting money in the hands of the poor has a much greater effect on consumer spending than giving it to the rich. It's true that tax breaks for the wealth may end up building new factories and stores thus creating jobs. However it is also true that much of that money today is used to retire debt, buy back stock, invest overseas, and collect interest in high yield money markets and treasury bills.
Too funny, 400 a day vs 400 a month and the poor spend more. Can’t make this shit up
No, the point is the poor spend all their income while the very rich spend very little relative to what they earn. Buffett resides in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska, that he bought in 1958 for $31,500 and drives a 7 year old car. He is well known for his simple tastes, including McDonald's hamburgers and cherry Coke, and his disdain for technology, including computers and luxury cars. Bill Gates while not as frugal as Buffett, spends only a small fraction of his 34 million dollars a day earnings.
well Duh, how fking stupid is that? Who spends more and actually pay taxes and whose money covers the poor household? Why don't you fight like us to get the poor to work and earn money rather than take it free.
Like health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage?
lik school choice get educated get off welfare, buy your own healthcare. Why are reluctant to that end? you afraid to let them work? LOL, how fking white of you.
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is incentive to work.

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