Engineered Inequality


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
How, in a nation as wealthy as America, can the economy simply stop working for people at large, while super-serving those at the very top? Through exhaustive research and analysis, the political scientists Hacker and Pierson — whom Bill regards as the “Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson” of economics — detail important truths behind a 30-year economic assault against the middle class.

Who’s the culprit? “American politics did it– far more than we would have believed when we started this research,” Hacker explains. “What government has done and not done, and the politics that produced it, is really at the heart of the rise of an economy that has showered huge riches on the very, very, very well off.”

Jacob Hacker & Paul Pierson on Engineered Inequality | Moyers & Company |
Dear Sallow person. Take a moment and summarize the facts. What you have posted, and the link are nothing but descriptions of conclusions, with no factual or logical support.

The troubles of the non-educated, unskilled "working class" in this country are more a product of the global economy than any overt action taken by any politician or group of politicians. Manufactured products made by unskilled people making $25/hr are not competitive in the global marketplace because they are sold alongside the same products made elsewhere by people making a fraction of that rate. And anyone who supposes we can just close our economic borders and ignore the global marketplace is an ignorant fool.

Same for anyone who supposes that because SOMEONE ELSE is making a lot of money, it is because they exploited YOU.

The Rich is not a class of people or a fixed group of people. They are people who have been successful, as we all may be. And because they intermarry, their children are likely to be even more successful. Deal with it.
Dear Sallow person. Take a moment and summarize the facts. What you have posted, and the link are nothing but descriptions of conclusions, with no factual or logical support.

The troubles of the non-educated, unskilled "working class" in this country are more a product of the global economy than any overt action taken by any politician or group of politicians. Manufactured products made by unskilled people making $25/hr are not competitive in the global marketplace because they are sold alongside the same products made elsewhere by people making a fraction of that rate. And anyone who supposes we can just close our economic borders and ignore the global marketplace is an ignorant fool.

Same for anyone who supposes that because SOMEONE ELSE is making a lot of money, it is because they exploited YOU.

The Rich is not a class of people or a fixed group of people. They are people who have been successful, as we all may be. And because they intermarry, their children are likely to be even more successful. Deal with it.

So you support America becoming a third world country because that's what your sacred market dictates. Got it.
How, in a nation as wealthy as America, can the economy simply stop working for people at large, while super-serving those at the very top? Through exhaustive research and analysis, the political scientists Hacker and Pierson — whom Bill regards as the “Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson” of economics — detail important truths behind a 30-year economic assault against the middle class.

Who’s the culprit? “American politics did it– far more than we would have believed when we started this research,” Hacker explains. “What government has done and not done, and the politics that produced it, is really at the heart of the rise of an economy that has showered huge riches on the very, very, very well off.”

Jacob Hacker & Paul Pierson on Engineered Inequality | Moyers & Company |
Are the wealthiest most advantaged under our form of Government with its emphasis on natural rights and private property and Capitalism where those with the most gold may make as many rules as the can afford, and try to have them enacted as laws in our republic. thank Goodness for our form of Government and that form of socialism.
How, in a nation as wealthy as America, can the economy simply stop working for people at large, while super-serving those at the very top? Through exhaustive research and analysis, the political scientists Hacker and Pierson — whom Bill regards as the “Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson” of economics — detail important truths behind a 30-year economic assault against the middle class.

Who’s the culprit? “American politics did it– far more than we would have believed when we started this research,” Hacker explains. “What government has done and not done, and the politics that produced it, is really at the heart of the rise of an economy that has showered huge riches on the very, very, very well off.”

Jacob Hacker & Paul Pierson on Engineered Inequality | Moyers & Company |

JFK once said about the economy....a rising tide lifts all boats

Since we sold out to supply side economics....a rising tide only lifts the yachts
A few points here. First off, societies with top heavy economies seldom last. Either violent revolution or political reforms flatten out the disparity. Secondly, we have something called "laws" in this country, which by the way are frequently broken by the uber wealthy. With the exception of Bernie Maddoff, most of the culprits skated from the last economic meltdown, which was abated on the taxpayer dime. There is a populist wave going on in this country and it's going to be the harbinger of some pretty big change.
We no longer recognize the value of labor over investment

Our investors are viewed as job creators and the driving force behind the economy. Workers are viewed as suckers in our economy
Now when you claim they used the govt does that include the education apparatus.????? If not why
If voters stopped voting for lying ass Dem and Rep establishment candidates who are owned by donors and lobbyists then they wouldn't get screwed over by their government.
Backgrounds on the authors:
Watched some of the interview, and they made some fair and interesting points. But they clearly have political agendas, as does Moyers, so I'd really like to see this specific and critical issue tackled in depth by an author from each end of the political spectrum, not just one. Coming at it from one side isn't all that helpful, and certainly isn't "comprehensive", as Moyers suggests.

Not very objective.
How, in a nation as wealthy as America, can the economy simply stop working for people at large, while super-serving those at the very top? Through exhaustive research and analysis, the political scientists Hacker and Pierson — whom Bill regards as the “Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson” of economics — detail important truths behind a 30-year economic assault against the middle class.

Who’s the culprit? “American politics did it– far more than we would have believed when we started this research,” Hacker explains. “What government has done and not done, and the politics that produced it, is really at the heart of the rise of an economy that has showered huge riches on the very, very, very well off.”

Jacob Hacker & Paul Pierson on Engineered Inequality | Moyers & Company |

JFK once said about the economy....a rising tide lifts all boats

Since we sold out to supply side economics....a rising tide only lifts the yachts
yet, the right Only complains when socialism may be of some benefit to the least wealthy.
You people, its your vaunted government that's corrupt not the rich you got your hatred focused on the wrong group.
Focused on exactly the right group.

It's the uber wealthy co-opting the government that has led to vast economic disparity despite having one of the most vital and robust economies in the world.
Higher paying jobs are the currency politicians trade with. Politicians trade your jobs for campaign contributions and political favors from other countries. Sucks to be you, stop electing the assholes.
How, in a nation as wealthy as America, can the economy simply stop working for people at large, while super-serving those at the very top? Through exhaustive research and analysis, the political scientists Hacker and Pierson — whom Bill regards as the “Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson” of economics — detail important truths behind a 30-year economic assault against the middle class.

Who’s the culprit? “American politics did it– far more than we would have believed when we started this research,” Hacker explains. “What government has done and not done, and the politics that produced it, is really at the heart of the rise of an economy that has showered huge riches on the very, very, very well off.”

Jacob Hacker & Paul Pierson on Engineered Inequality | Moyers & Company |

JFK once said about the economy....a rising tide lifts all boats

Since we sold out to supply side economics....a rising tide only lifts the yachts
yet, the right Only complains when socialism may be of some benefit to the least wealthy.

To them, socialism is anything the government does to help working Americans

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